PZC Packet 1118141 Agenda posted on November 11, 2014 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building -Avon Recreation Center -Avon Public Library -Town of Avon Website www.avon.org – Please call 970-748-4030 for Directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Community Development Department – 2nd Floor Avon Municipal Building – One Lake Street ~Meetings are Open to the Public~ I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #SRU14002 – Special Review Use Property Location: Lot 26-28, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Property Address: 910 Nottingham Road, Unit N-04 – Mountain Center Zoning: Light Industrial & Commercial (IC) Applicant: Todd DeJong, Lone Star Security Owner: Avon Mountain Center, LLC Description: Application for Accessory Dwelling Unit VI. Work Session: A – Bus Shelters - Design Alternatives - Locations/Priorities B – Multi-Modal Plan - CMI Recap - Review of Technical Committee - Schedule Outline VII. Meeting Minutes Approval • Meeting Minutes from October 21, 2o14 VII. Staff Approvals • 810 Nottingham Road: Ruggs Benedict – landscaping revisions VIII. Other Business • Skier Building Updates IX. Adjourn November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #SRU14002 1 Staff Report – Special Review Use November 18, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project Accessory Dwelling Unit in Commercial-Use Condo Project type Special Review Use Case #SRU14002 Legal description Lot 26-28, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Light Industrial & Commercial Address 910 Nottingham Road Unit N-04 Prepared By Brian Garner, Town Planner Summary of Request Todd DeJong (Applicant) is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit to allow the use of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the Mountain Center Commercial Condos, unit N-04. The property is zoned Light Industrial/Commercial (IC) and is located on Lot 26-28, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision addressed as 910 Nottingham Road (The Property). According to the applicant, the proposed ADU is a 2,800 square foot three bed/two bath dwelling unit constructed within the existing business condominium unit that will be the future home of Lone Star Security. The ADU will be located on the second floor of the structure and has direct access to the exterior at the north end of the unit, as required by building occupancy code. The unit is separated from the balance of the building by a 1-hour fire wall construction that includes a rated door assembly (per Building Code) for direct access into the business work area. Existing egress windows in each of the proposed bedrooms are proposed to remain. The applicant states that the ADU will be used exclusively for employees of Lone Star Security during large-scale events such as the 2015 Alpine World Ski Championships. Exhibit A provides an aerial vicinity map depicting the location of the Property and its immediate surroundings. Additionally, a floor plan of the proposed ADU is included as Exhibit B. Zoning The Property is zoned Light Industrial and Commercial (IC) and Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted as a Special Review Use pursuant to Section 7.16.100 Special Review Use. Currently, there are no permitted or known ADU’s located within the Mountain Center Commercial Condos. Section 7.20.80(g) and Table 7.20-13 limits the density of ADU’s permissible on a property to a maximum of four (4) Accessory Dwelling Units. According to the Development Code, the IC zone district “is intended to provide for a variety of businesses, including warehouses, research and development firms, repair shops, wholesale distributors and light manufacturing. This district may include supporting office and commercial uses where appropriate. Uses permitted in this district are intended to serve community and regional needs. This district is intended to be located away from low and medium density residential development. The IC district implements the Light Industrial Commercial and Employment classification of the Avon Future Land Use Plan and should be located along an arterial roadway.” A Special Review Use is regulated in Sec. 7.16.100 of the Avon Development Code. According to the purpose statement for this Section: “This Section provides a discretionary approval process for special review uses that have unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features. The procedure encourages public review and evaluation of a use’s operating characteristics and site development features and is intended to ensure that proposed November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #SRU14002 2 use will not have a significant adverse impact on surrounding uses or on the community at large. Special review uses that may be allowed in each zone district are listed in Table 7.24-1, Allowed Uses.” It is important to note that while an ADU is not specifically listed as an allowed (by-right) or Special Review Use in Table 7.24-1, the Development Code also states: “Development or use of a property for any other use not specifically allowed in Table 7.24-1 and approved under the appropriate process is prohibited, unless determined by the Director that the proposed use is consistent with intent of the zone district.” Staff has critically reviewed the proposed ADU in accordance with: • The intent of the IC zone district (Sec. 7.20.080 & Table 7.20-13) • The Special Review Use performance standards (Sec. 7.24.060) • The Use Regulations (7.24.010 Table of allowed uses description) Table 7.20-13 Dimensional Standards MIN. LOT SIZE MIN. LOT WIDTH MAX. LOT COVERAGE MIN. LANDSCAPE AREA MIN. FRONT SETBACK MIN. SIDE SETBACK MIN. REAR SETBACK MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT MAX. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 21,78 0 SQ FT 100’ 50% 20% 25’ 7.5’ 10’ 48’ 4 ACCESSORY UNITS The determination by Staff is that the proposed ADU within this specific IC-zoned business condominium is compatible with the zoning and will not adversely impact legally existing uses at this location. Lastly, it should be noted that approval of the SRU does effect a zoning change and therefore, the SRU would be approved in perpetuity unless the PZC conditions otherwise. Comprehensive Plan Analysis The Avon Comprehensive Plan utilizes the same language as the intent statement for the IC zone district. Specific Land Use Policies identified in the Comprehensive Plan that support this application include: • Policy C.2.1: Promote a wide range of residential uses including single family, duplex, multifamily, and vertically integrated residential units (housing on the upper floors of mixed- use commercial buildings) throughout the town. • Policy C.5.2: Permit accessory residential uses in association with light industrial commercial development when compatible. • District 11: Metcalf Road District. Planning Principle: Accommodate limited/accessory residential development that supports primary industrial/employment land uses. Building Safety and Code Requirements Willey Gray, Building Official for the Town of Avon has reviewed the proposed building plans for the ADU in accordance with the 2009 International Building Code and the 2009 International Fire Code. According to the applicant, the unit is fully sprinklered and contains hard-wired smoke detectors and carbon-monoxide detectors. Radon detectors are not required. If the SRU is approved by PZC, the plans will be reviewed and approved by the Eagle River Fire Protection District in concert with the building permit issued by the Town of Avon. According to Willey Gray, should the Planning Commission not grant approval of the ADU, the owner may still utilize the finished space as additional office space, but the unit may not be November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #SRU14002 3 occupied for sleeping. Final inspections are required to be approved by the Building Official and Eagle River Fire Protection District prior to occupancy of the unit. Parking and Traffic According to the Mountain Center building plans, the property contains 99 on-site paved parking stalls available to all uses at the Mountain Center. The proposed ADU will not affect parking since the applicant intends to use the bedroom facilities only during special events. According to the applicant, most employees are retained contractually on a short-term basis to service the specific event as needed and are often bussed from the Denver area to Avon. As a result of this arrangement, approval of the ADU would have a negligible impact on traffic and on-site parking. Review Criteria A Special Review Use application must meet the criteria set forth in Sec. 7.16.100 of the Avon Development Code as follows: (1) The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations; Staff Response: The proposed use achieves Goal C.5.2 of the Avon Comprehensive Plan by permitting an ADU in the IC zone district upon determining the use is compatible with adjacent and surrounding uses. The applicant is compliant with all applicable provisions of the Avon Development Code in order to permit an ADU at this property. Lastly, the applicant is required to obtain State approval for electrical inspections and has the requisite approvals. (2) The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located and any applicable use-specific standards in the Development Code; Staff Response: Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted as a special review use in the IC zone district. Uses permitted in the IC zone district are intended to serve community and regional needs; therefore the proposed ADU is consistent with the purpose and intent of the IC zone district. (3) The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design, and operating characteristics; Staff Response: An ADU within this specific light industrial and commercial condominium building is compatible with and will not negatively impact adjacent uses which are non-intensive uses that are commercial in nature. (4) Any significant adverse impacts (including, but not limited to, hours of operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust, and other external impacts) anticipated to result from the use will be mitigated or offset to the maximum extent practicable; Staff Response: An Accessory Dwelling Unit is less intensive than legally existing uses on the property and will have a negligible impact on traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust and other external impacts. Furthermore, the ADU will not be occupied full time. (5) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development; and Staff Response: The ADU is being constructed to all currently applicable building and fire codes within an existing building that is currently serviced with all utilities, police and fire protection. The ADU should have a negligible impact on these utilities and services. November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #SRU14002 4 (6) Adequate assurances of continuing maintenance have been provided. Staff Response: The applicant is proposing to locate his business offices in the unit in addition to the ADU. This significant investment by the owner will help ensure the building is secured and maintained at all times. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve Case #SRU14002 approving a Special Review Use permit for an accessory dwelling unit at 910 Nottingham Road with one condition. Conditions 1. The ADU shall only be made available to employees or contractual employees of Lone Star Security. Recommended Motion I move to approve the Special Review Use permit proposed in Case #SRU14002 , an application to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit in the IC Zone District with one condition. Attachments Exhibit A: Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Proposed ADU Floor Plan M E T C A L F R D U S HWY 6 NOTTINGHAM RD PRATER RD MILLIES LN 0850425 FeetThis map was produced by the Community Development Department. Use of this map should be for general purposes only. Town of Avon does not warrant the accuracy of the data contained herein. Created by Community Development Department I Property Boundaries Lot 26-28 Block 1 BMBC 910 Nottingham Road ON vl ::?4,_L DEMO WALL/DOOR SPOT. DOTTED r I \ DEMO WALUDOOR SHOWN DOTTED DEMO NALL/DOOR 5.. DOTTED F EXI . ST NO/ DEMO FLOOR FLAN 0 L__ REMOVE EXISTING FIXED PANE N.C./TR. AND WILL EXISTING WOOD FRAME WALL TO MATCH SURROUND. WALL FINISHES EACH SIDE N. ELECTRIC RANGE TOP SET INTO EXISTING COLATIFRTOP i.R.0,NODIF;EC,,,NTABINE7,0wAS ,EfEDED,,Rti TV/DEN Mo Hov, O PANTRY WAREHOUSE poRK,, !FITE 1,B 10/22/2014 1426 :.BEET. A1.0 @ (ALL INTERIOR FINISHES, FIXTURES, HARDWARE, ETC. PER 0141ER REPRESENTATIVE) SCALE: Y4" = NEW FLOOR FLAN EXIST. EGRESS ANDO. DUSTIN WATER HEATER AND UTILITY SINK MIRROR NEW LAVATORY SET IN NEN BASE CABINET NITH PLASTIC LAMINATE TOP 4 BACKSPLASH (2 SIDES) NEW AMER CLOSET SET WITH S.2 . CLEARANCES (16...CH SIDE) PER IBC, RAGE AS 1.103211T, TO MAINTAIN PROPER DRAINAGE AND FOR CO.EALED UTILITIES TO BE COORDINATED FOR USEABLE FIXTURE PER IBC. NEW SMOKER STALL WITH PRE-HORNED BASIN TILE FINISHES AND ROD AND CURTAIN KIT/DINING BEDROOM P3 BEDROOM #.2 BEDROO. 4 NEW ROD I SHELF AT OPEN CLOSET NEW ROD 4 18,615 SHELF AT OPEN CLOSET N. ROD t SHELF AT OPEN CLOSET NEW WALL WANG LAVATORY WITH FACTORY SW/FORTS EMBEDDED IN WALL NEW SHC.ER STALL WITH PREFORMED BASIN TILE FINISHES AND ROD AND CURTAIN NEW WATER CLOSET SET WITH CLEARANCES (lb' EACH SIDE) PER RAISE AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN PROPER DRAINAGE AND FOR GONCF,J,T, UTILITIES 70 BE COORDINATED FOR USEABLE FIXTURE PER REMOVE EXIST. DOOR/FRAME/HARDWARE ASSEMBLY/TR. AND INFILL EXIST. WOOD FRAME WALL TO MATCH SURROUND. WALL FINISHES EACH SIDE GCAIFIRT4 POST-TENSION STRAND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY CORE DRILL. - ADIGT PLACEMENT OF FIXTURES ACCORD., 2'-6 QC 91,ElEr; Architects 4‘,14 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN IMIST1116 OH DOOR EXISTING PERSONNEL TO R15.44N DOOR TO REMAIN REPLACE EXISTING D00,,,RA7RA,ME/ HOUR HARDWARE RATED ASSEMBLY WITH SOLID OAK INNEN-HOLD LIVING ROOM ARCHI TECTS 90 IN BENCHMARK ROAD SUITE 207 BOX 5300 AVON, CO 81620 970.949.5200 vmda@vmda.com FAX 949.5205 EXISTING WINDOW TO RENA WAREHOUSE ,NO NOW, 1 October 21, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Avon Municipal Building – One Lake Street I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call All commissioners were present. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda • Color Standards were removed from Other Business • Village at Avon DRB Update was added to Other Business IV. Conflicts of Interest • Commissioner Baum disclosed a conflict with Item VI. Minor Development Plan. V. Site Tour Description: Walk from Town Hall through the Main Street Mall, and past Roundabout #4 to review context of public improvements. Tour may include tour of the “Skier” Building. VI. Minor Development Plan Roundabout #4 Design Elements Property Location: Avon Road Right-of-Way Property Address: N/A – Avon Road and Benchmark Road Applicant / Owner: Town of Avon Description: For review are further additions to the Roundabout #4 design elements. The PZC previously approved 2015 features and the additions include the placement of “Lasso” in the middle of the roundabout and “Town Center” lettering viewable to southbound traffic. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the application with the condition that “Town Center” letters be present on all three sides of the roundabout piece. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. VII. Meeting Minutes Approval • Meeting Minutes from October 7, 2014 Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the draft minutes, as drafted. Commissioner Hardy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously 6-0 with Commissioner Bonidy abstaining due to his absence from the October 7th meeting. 2 October 21, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes VII. Staff Approval • 2649 Beartrap Road - Exterior Deck and Expanded Deck Area. VIII. Other Business • CMI Glenwood Springs • Commissioner Struve: High Altitude Learners meet every Thursday at 5pm • Commissioner Prince: Village DRB received application from TOA for flagpoles and statute IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned with no further business at 6:45pm Approved this ____ Day of ___________________, 2014 SIGNED: ________________________ Jim Clancy, Chairman