PZC Minutes 0617144 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission `- Meeting Minutes AvonTuesday, June 172014 COLORADO Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are Open to the Public Avon Municipal Building— One Lake Street I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:07 PM. II. Roll Call Commissioner Baum was absent. 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were not additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Hardy disclosed a conflict with Item V. V. Nottingham Park Pavilion (Stage) Concept Schematic Presentation — Brian Judge, Vail Architecture Group, Inc. (VAg) presenting Discussion: Brian Garner, Town Planner, made opening remarks. Virginia Egger, Town Manager, discussed the background of the project and Council direction. Brian Judge, VAg, presented the design plan on behalf of the Town. Action: None. Recommendation from Commissioner Bonidy to study structural hierarchy of the roof over the stage. VI. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #SRU14001: Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. 371 Metcalf Road #ZNA (Wagner Electric). The applicant is proposing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) within the industrial warehouse complex. Discussion: Brian Garner, Town Planner, presented the application. Chris Juergens, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, representing the owner, Robert Wagner, presented the application to the Commission. The public hearing was opened and closed with no public comments. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve Resolution 14-02 as presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve seconded and the motion passed unanimously with 6-o vote. VII. PUBLIC HEARING; Case #CTA14001: Code Text Amendment to remove the Light Reflective Value (LRV) standard from the Avon Development Code and revise the language pertaining to color approval. Discussion: Brian Garner, Town Planner, presented the code changes to the Commission. Action: Struve moved to approve Resolution 14-01, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonidy. All were in favor and passed with 6-o vote. June 17, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 VIII. Consent Agenda a) Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2014. b) Meeting Minutes from June 3, 2014. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the consent agenda. There was a second by Commissioner Hardy. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote, with Commissioner Minervini abstaining. IX. Other Business a) Topics for Council joint meeting Discussion: Action: The PZC discussed potential dates for the upcoming meeting and settled on August 12, 2014. They added topics, including affordable housing, design standards (prescriptive vs. objective), and landscaping regulations. b) Recent Staff Approvals: • L68, B1 WR -2413 Saddleridge Loop: Cantilevered 10'X 2' bump -out on side of home with 18" eave. X. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm. APPROVED on this ist day of JULY, 2014 SIGNE S June 17, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2