LA Minutes 01-24-2012TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING HELD JANUARY 24, 2012 The Avon Town Council acting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the Town of Avon, Colorado convened at 5 PM at the Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado. A roll call was taken and Board members of the Authority present were Rich Carroll as Chairperson, and Board members Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Amy Phillips and Buz Reynolds. Kristi Ferraro, Todd Goulding absent. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT a. Applicant: the Realm of Caring, Inc. Event Name: the Snowball Music Festival President of Organization: Chris Davis Event Managers: Chad Donnelly, Scott Stoughton, Rob Thomas Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park Type: Malt, Vinous & Spirituous Liquors Event Dates & Times: Friday, March 2, 2012: noon until 10 pm Saturday, March 3, 2012: noon until 10 pm Sunday, March 4, 2012: noon until 8 pm Mayor Carroll presented the item and noted the special event liquor permit application would require a public hearing and all the materials were in order. Scott Stoughton spoke the event including the map for the event. Police Chief Ticer noted that personnel would be increased and that additional resources would be staged at the gates. He noted that there would also be agents from State Liquor Enforcement Division as well as representatives from the Eagle River Youth Coalition. Chief Ticer noted that many education components that will be in effect this year. There was also clarification about the background checks that reported some of the violations that occurred at the event were not necessarily tied to the actions of the promoters whose backgrounds were checked with any concerns. Chairman Carroll opened the public hearing, no comments were made, the hearing was closed. Danita Chirichillo, Special Event Supervisor, pointed out that two new tents would be used for music, one in front of town hall and one in the parking area of the Recreation Center. Scott Stoughton also noted that their website is hosting a great deal of information about how to attend the event safely. Chief Ticer also noted that the sale of the liquor should cease 30 minutes prior to the end of the event. Board member Dantas moved to approve the special event permit for the Realm of Caring, Inc. Snowball Music Festival; Board member Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously(Ferraro and Goulding absent). RENEWAL LIQUOR LICENSES a. Applicant: 7- Eleven, Inc. d /b /a 7- Eleven 34209 Address: 008 Nottingham Road Manager: Maria Portarescu Type: 3.2% Beer Retail Off - Premises Beer License Mayor Carroll noted that the application materials were in order. Board member Evans moved to approve the 3.2% Beer Retail Off- Premises Beer License for 7- Eleven, Inc. d /b /a 7- Eleven 34209; Board member Reynolds seconded the motion and is passed unanimously by those present (Ferraro and Goulding absent). CONSENT AGENDA: Chairman Carroll asked for a motion for the consent agenda. Board member Phillips moved to approve the consent agenda; Board member Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. a. Minutes from January 24, 2012 There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM. RESPECT�JLLY SUBMITTED: Patty McKenny, ry APPROVED: Rich Carroll " Dave Dantas Chris Evans Kristi Ferraro Todd Goulding Amy Phillips Albert "Buz" Reynolds / ALB 12.01.24 Page 2 of 2