PZC Minutes 070114Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AMeeting Minutes Qvo n Tuesday, July 1, 2014 COLORADO Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are Open to the Public Avon Municipal Building — One Lake Street I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Chairperson Jim Clancy. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Potential Conflicts of Interest a) Disclosure of residency: a. Bonidy — Wildridge b. Baum — Eagle c. Struve — Wildridge d. Minervini — Wildridge e. Hardy — Eagle -Vail f. Prince - Wildridge b) If residing in Wildridge, can you fairly consider Item V? a. Bonidy —No Conflict b. Baum — N/A c. Struve — No Conflict d. Minervini — No Conflict e. Hardy — N/A f. Prince — Conflicted Out and abstained Commissioner Struve nominated Commissioner Minervini as the temporary chairperson. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Bonidy and all were in favor. The motion to nominate Commissioner Minervini passed with a 5-o vote. V. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #PUD14002, Minor PUD Amendment: Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: Harry Greenberg. Summary: The applicant is proposing short term rentals (i.e. rentals less than 3o days) during the Alpine World Ski Championships in 2015. The rentals would take place from January 30, 2015 to February 21, 2015 Commissioner Prince left the room for the entirety of Item V. Staff presented the application, and the applicant was not present. July 1, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes Page i of 2 Public Comment: Terry Smith, 266o Beartrap Road spoke against the application. Ryan Wolfe, 2461 Saddleridge Loop, was impartial and was present to listen to neighboring comments. Dan Smith, 266o Beartrap Road, spoke against the application in response to health and safety concerns. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to recommend denial of the application based on the following findings: 1. There is no viable method of controlling the enforcement of regulations z. No information pointing to the lack of short term rentals in the region was provided with the application. 3. With absentee owners for short term rentals there is no way to address concerns or issues if they come up. 4. The dwelling units in Wildridge were constructed for long-term residential use and may not have the appropriate life safety devices (i.e. carbon monoxide detectors). Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and all Commissioners were in favor. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote; with Commissioner Prince abstaining and not present. VI. Meeting Minutes a) Meeting Minutes from June 17, 2014. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the draft meeting minutes for the June 17, 2014 meeting. Commissioner Minervini seconded and the motion passed with a 5-0 vote with Commissioner Baum abstaining. VI I. August 12, 2014 Joint PZC/TC meeting Agenda Summary: Review and amend draft agenda for upcoming meeting in order to forward to Council for their review and possible additions. Topics so far include: 1) Drift toward prescriptive design standards, z) Landscaping Regulations, 3) Affordable Housing, and 4) Long Range Planning Work. VIII. Other Business a) Beaver Creek Blvd Restriping Project IX. Adjourn The Meeting was adjourned at 6:36pm APPROVED on this 15th day of JULY, 2014 SIGNED: r t Scott Prince, PZC Vice Chairman July 1, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2