PZC Minutes 042414Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes �-` •� �`� Thursday, April 24, 2014 Avon Town Council Chambers VON Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street C O L O R A D O Site Tour of Proposed On-site Improvements for Agenda Items VII A, B, &C Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate Property Location: East Avon Properties Description: Walk from Town Hall to the project sites to review the proposed property improvements. Present were: Commissioners Losa, Bonidy, Struve, Minervini and Prince. Jeff Meier, Stephanie McClurg, Steve Sandovall were present, as well as Staff members Matt Pielsticker, Willey Gray, Brian Garner, and Virgnia Egger. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:50pm. II. Roll Call Commissioners Hardy and Clancy were absent. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda None. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts to disclose. V. Alternative Equivalent Compliance Wyndham Vacation Resort Stucco Color Property Location: Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 75 Benchmark Road Description: One of the conditions of approval for this Development Plan stated that the PZC would be the reviewing authority for on-site color/material board. At the April 1St PZC meeting the colors and materials were reviewed and an AEC was requested for stucco color. Action: This item was continued at the applicant's request. VII. Minor Development Plans A. Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — Landscaping and Parking Lot Property Location: Lot 20, Lot 65-B, Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 82 E Beaver Creek Blvd / 182 Avon Road Applicant/Owner. Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — 8000 Maryland Ave, STE 1120 St. Louis, MO 63105 Description: The property owner is proposing extensive landscape enhancements including removal of existing vegetation, installation of new vegetation, sidewalk improvements and expansion of an existing parking lot. Stephanie Mclurg of Ceres Plus landscaping presented the improvements. Steve Sandoval, Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate, also represented the application for improvements. Jeff Meier spoke on behalf several building owners of Building B, Chapel Square. Action: PZC approved the application (4-1 vote) with the following conditions: Prior to construction the following items will be addressed: a. Landscaping units for the property will be reviewed and confirmed to meet code requirements with the Christy Sports application. b. License Agreement approved by Council for public parking use. The agreement will address the future possibility of a pedestrian bridge crossing across Avon Road near the parking area and railroad tracks. c. Right of Way permit (including traffic control) must be obtained from Public Works. d. Additional landscaping will be added to the area at northwest corner of retaining wall to buffer the retaining wall — to be approved by Staff. e. 2-3' of the retaining wall to be shifted to save the first tree to the north. B. Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — Murals Property Location: Tract A, Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 220 Chapel Place Applicant/Owner: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — 8000 Maryland Ave, STE 1120 St. Louis, MO 63105 Description: The property owner is proposing four (4) murals painted by a professional artist on the exterior walls of the shopping center with seasons theme. Mason Torry, of Mason Torry Fine Arts, presented the application. Jeff Meier gave public comments. Action: PZC unanimously approved the application with the following conditions: 1. Smooth surface at split face blocks will be prepared prior to painting. 2. Mountain scenes more representative of the local area will be considered. 3. Color renderings will be provided to staff for review prior to installation to confirm no reflective or bright colors. C. Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — Shutters on Buildings A & C Property Location: Tract B2 and Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 230 & 245 Chapel Place ApplicanbOwner. Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate — 8000 Maryland Ave, STE 1120 St. Louis, MO 63105 Description: The proposal is for shutters and window sills to be added to Building A and Building C of the Chapel Square PUD. The shutters are constructed of wood and have diagonal paint schemes. Solid metal exit doors would also be painted to match. Steve Sandoval, Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate, presented the application. Jeff Meier spoke on behalf of Building B, Chapel Square. Action: The application was continued (unanimous vote) to the May 6th meeting. VIII. Consent Agenda • April 1, 2014 Meeting Minutes Action: Approved unanimously. IX. Other Business • PZC discussed flags and flag poles and requested that the Town Attorney provide an interpretation on whether or not flags are regulated. X. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 10:20pm APPROVED on this 6th day of MAY, 2014 SIGN � ylieUancy, ZC Chairman