Incentive Policy Final- Adopted 12-09-08_webCOAI&lUNITS R ev I TA.Ll ZATION PUIBLIC- PRIVATiE PA GUIDELINE -5 Town of ahV11FI,CrilL.lr440 1. INTWOUC. ITON Town L -4 Avon (Town) beli m 1l'tat certain of investment in the Town I4` d to positive eclmomic growth, stabilization and achirw - ml nt of Compteliel —ft4 e and Atom I'lans Soats as Nblit: bemf b. Elc:nvevk' r, the Town alsoo arinowle gr,-, tha10ifterent areas of Aeon -offer varying 3L--grees Of opportimi4• kr public-privateb parhwrsihips to achieve these twat -tits through li lilk' r+ i+� � 1st *ri1. Th riAorer the Town has designod thx--,L- G u ileknes tx pmvide greater l�r rsf~i,I+a�g►�x�rtu�eritit�s to afwrit0riL'LJS II -ftlj Wit% in aR 'AS of Avon where marIzet activity €either has,, L -r has the Twitenti.l l LL'. I.tir IA'hil>„3 Cyi�YY1tYY(I ity IXICd —,MILI I'L ".Ik: 1iml J or, r1 ,,v I�ll11FII1+ol L.lt -% L'1,,1,1111CIlt AM eff t Vel }° [fad -• tlls' S'rh I rL -1'I l fyLtilll f�)t L.11.111 A Iaa', i]'lk 0%LaI'lil']1t• (L.WL' dJ:M L1--`aii,ln of Catalyst Im-emink-m a :% vo-..) To Lhis orld, and in accordance wilh the prcwhmom aIli.1. L•La Witiuns: rat thew Guidelines, es, LJ- Tim #' n Nvil on it case- In -c-Ise basin, c��nsi�r ��talc�rir>I!; i�� wa:� l3�rl }Li,�:�pri4�ki 1'; l�� rltu rsl�ip� ��ff�rlrti�,1��1��1 �t� a r�. inct-ntives kPF new Lk- velopmi -r t aTki rt dL vL- IopniL -rkI that a&amr- llw, .Loml>=utuM t+ 's 3' !*it,rt in ML- Cl?Irdinire with ad- opt(Li Tti+n -° n I'Lir¢IUg L+t.xmmC"ts ("Timn Flann ng uinente). IL f"ruKi )SL Tlio Town cif Avon de'Si.r 10 PrGIRILILL", 1't111'I11rA and s4rnmlate prikale dvk'r,IL,p3nL,nt and imestment that rtbalj�,v , public beffleII Is. for tit, Avon 1Y J�AililC[SitiX' W 7hii "l5 s4751' 4N5`i'7141'L I in Illy' A3 of i 'Vtua eij-1 ai CO& u I- LI.L'r `;kL 1117n L±L�J 'fith 1111 11LLIL', l+tZl.hY4' iiol I i mi ted W, AchR vL -im,ni kif ,oatLs set forth in Comprehensive at1k1 Ara•,% Fla IIS, V; 01-DaMic stabilizaU011, e hare+ -emcnt ;1.[1,11 / oir diversii1 a Lion, PFk. %L`n-.jti4117 L'i Propef tV '4 attic %, pro%; ision of public - Ant- ertila and /or (.1CM ties il.'1031t; l itkLi 311 adopd Tma Planning l vmentw, amt pFQn -L0t 0II Of �,01f -*uffi eIL V 1t'p3 SUStairlab lity On a trimmiih -wkit4 basi& TliL - ,.LL- Patrtrtc rsh P C;tu4iL,[InLIs oudim ediLt resuur-ues that might W nude avaih NO Icy 1110 10rious prcrjea: lsr as Wee as defims t1w pTtx- }S!} that will be. uwd Ik°) ev luaus p?rojmt re qua --fir, Gui lk-lirw purpow statemenis luL {to 1_ 1"rgm -idt- guidanct- to the a3m!PInpment and ini'estmant oomrnun7ty t-L5 unyivMLIMI IV hen i111 entK' (-s roily bL- appropriate; 2, E tjhlish an orderly pI< blk f rLx- s for cotr4dera tion amt approval of inrent v F ■ fear [stir - +1rvregO.P N. imwWffn —mAkremy.cam PW I of 24 L L.AN0 CONSU LTIN 0 G IZO UP L ,. Prov ad t, k lwrt-i rinit istante fcir�sible Pr€ x1S, t haeverilablti 1 113 1111 187 Kr1814W, 4_ I':ron7t %t thr- efficient a of iiicpntivt€ s L3 maximize the public bwraef Ls try the Avon - MOM11titutit ; .5_ M i kn, -avail al,le ,a 5sistancie for the ininj rnwni Vxm, ,j bl(, loo fth of 't r 11 . r�- to rtia lize the _ �is��axrra . t t u:�� �� inc-�rih�•t� 4w. � �ti a>n�l nt�.x��i proFK:sed pulbli,r -k nL41N c,r rust appFupritate as uaatter Lif pubke poll ; .11.0 atc°e -Punteahilita h, Oh. gpwrll PraNk irk t1wu of public h"-ianl _ f "r mt-Ptr- PL-&I MVI. It-Lstheollectiveaf thew, Guidkzliru--s that th To en's --stratpgic irrarastrr t of its xvwumob iinprove Avows eratim, portfolto of vummunity assl-. as d foci ate tlr a evelopaw -m and r ne4opaieni of pr +%,i -.% that pwvi�ea public benefit that uld not % realized with the, Tmvn s is vi-,tniont_ Purther, it is the Town'--s rt, iit to ,, Mlage dle i npFlementation W tale CukIL- linkrs so that partmnhip nefits and ixit- endvesare fairly distri btit- across &ax— bg-aphl,c and market wtms miod app r-i ately a'pi-sliest taa l -an the conm murd ty visiran. To that t -rad, theGtu"delirres may be upJated from timL- to-him spa as tO rOrrrain tonsistuni wlith ad.opt,txi Town Planning Dxivaients. l' oW. Pubhc- RrivaW pkartneTS iipSanI SUbject to aM7utn�tal h th(F Town Council. Tl�' "aGa.ucioLms are AOL inteodticl. Lul,I shill that - 'rw.°ate, ,aa1'ti`at7'ititleMerlt Or righ L of any a ilkant to ap$ al of an incvrktivQ- 1,11. fMITION-S CapiLAUzed terms u scud in tht Guitlelinc -s, but not duff " elw%vh(srt•, slull lim-c the followft me arut s; Applicanh An irKfiv irlual ttr entity proposing lt, ALI% 11 r7k a r� -hv -i -n-t 1e- g1incnt ur redevelops ent project for which they afe requt- ;.Laity. 11.1aK irmtion by t11.0 Tow n. Raasint Rveruitmenl/ Rr- tention. A prcrf,;riutr, iFOLI WAtly ddmiristered Lea- an e 4)rK: mic a evelopa°tieni entityr w hich amines with the recniftmeal oTretention of 1%usinew, into ar within a sigtated area_ Progam eh- menrs'might include fimaracinl amifi timpL , rt guliij v y assistance", and / ter mark- etinS. Capilal Improvi-ment Plan (Cl P).- [Xillamearrnarlced for lmpraven-Lentand wnxlensiunof infrastrere-hire in murd(Vatities. . I�ra�t�+' n u,: ,�llanararr fear ae��itiewtial. �it�., in the foma of increl unites building height, floor area rahco, and / or maxini.urn -Apare 6mtase in eeai s eicrralion of p ibl c l `rmf t. Note TILis total is m tiux -s uskxi with Ilse ■ Red Lrif 4 _ irnreo+P�L wz%vJrran,kmAkrfmg.csm AW 2 &If z4 LEL'AN 0 CONSU LTII N 0 G IZO U P L Tr a nsfer of Dv-viAopftwnt Rights R) tool which alkws a pity Ow fkIr to t?r tij»I L -r dens ty ri W. from ate parcel to a lter within a specific graphic ar13aa Developmeni Fee Waiverm A progmm irnt -oa ded to rt duce developutent costs by waiving or,lefemng vanous fear, and i-h.1 lt-s associated with a development prLajcx t, i.c. tup (m r, btAlc.l ng permit ievs, pAx.4�,sing; i , etc. nerFaI Ohligallan Brand -: PAm-m3s s cu rod Ix, the f vm-raI Laxinr, auIhimih- of thi- Tory. In Cu1.uniclu, the i -mince of V:ncmI obliZ;atiorl boil si ivgt ire apprmal by the.gemral eleeboralte of th a Tow n. Impt+avemenl l stty+ t. 6k-)than n orgrrli zing and i rmmine. Ie hnique for arty. revilaliratiom Impnwerr aentdi %lricLspravidea stable rxaarn of inconw. for activit ies and - cunsickired s fxm-ial to an area air inaddition to gemeral t1l�aitl it l 'r� i �' Lrnpro4Remont distr.icisam a vehicle for pnwiding additiotrul 2ksn-ic fcpr a fLA, aid should n t l,, considered a substitute for services falrrde,d thrL7r.Lr,,1'1 tri1Cl]tiorml tax os.cmucts, n fra-A ructu rr. Cr l Participation: The s11a riu fr of Lnfr gsLruct4uro cc-K. Ls (either m4- site ur cuff- site) her dmolo[vrs Ott / ar pwperty r? t 4-0ith all.;11tity (Puhjlk:' privalo, or !q i- ate) which will Ipraefit frpm its availalmli y. I.And Assembly Land as mile* by public, priv atk or mon - profit mUties in an effnTt to IwKi ticrn it for elopuwnt larger prnJocts. A.. vrrl4�Ii - can ha s thrlaugh purcim es of pn4mrti , vatahons amt / cir the ra,roaa t i i1�, of sue, alk'''VS, etc. Land Eh-mall-on/Write-Down: 111. contribution of land tO a PR'$ -Vt Ilya pruperly Lv wmr either its it dc+mlioin kvitlarnll i nA' Xpcutc roltLrm or id rrtiluted price. Land Swv:rp: Th-c uff4--r t)f Mara cxchjnt*a§ of tarkvrl -ow I rd fart lance of similar w.' aloe In an alterim- ive to "Wn in omler W devdop spedftc inO sites in a. spe ified mangler. Loan Fool (UraJing pools): SlA or.,I Ie iitlt, cVg&WZaLEQas ccntribUting firta rx ing bO a pru)jVrt Or prclje.CUa th L1L, sharing risk- An amount of calaital pledged P5' sci- 'rill vntltics for 1-0114117% W bU2ii ICSS&' b twd -on soMe a,geed Upon g.tm Is or either criteria. Pledet -s cao 1 k. i n the form of kmns, letters of commitment aivd %I-Lk piurchasps_ Fools can he t -i t Ii m arganizecl formally or m a +ra"— r -rase bj!A5. ■ RM f'ird -, 4rarw'oorf PW 302,L LELAN 0 CONSU LTI N 0 IS IZO U P F aTking MsIrid. l_k wtr;,U110d tirkm wherL4it rltir 4; 1d �i` , viopmeim 1 nl.13VI ti'L' IIW1IL 1-,� LIeS � kjjL +a7� a 11141 11 V'IQ tmiliti Yo ld tba t prov id for starrL:i�e rd m unkipal levels -L)f service are rnribolled by a wiect entity, F'i?+ Ai stdatn Enhancements and Linka Vari {xks, pobli €, P- MI'ate and non - profit ini tiativens to impxwf- the pedestri 3l k -ny ironnumt in ki di-sigmateL area, i.e., F'wrwawtttt and tedipor ry strtvtm•ar f*r elemcmis,, sicl nvalk widmiff reduct cd s jxx -ls, etr•_ 11w rime l ti ng +. twironnient is *siep)(wl it) they needs of p*JP- L- triams, &s ivell Ra-. through- and d r s"nat rn -",-"' c hy. im-cT xwrating selKt idraskructure intprtivviiwnLs, igneleinmts, ;trlti trahr'j( rluanalr rrt e ha -nisw& M -etkxI LL Lea a ch be-ving this ilm itule, separa thif, traffic Lltr+r ir"11 the t1s . of parallel sir ttsst lintiiting acmes points, linking parking IoL , coaxadinat ng traffic signal-s; adding - alternative transpurtrtion Lamm, widening 5i,Elac -4vall:�-; pr 'idijig 'r+ sw.aIks, street 1iShts -id furnituttie; -v-e1 Ung " deadon13 us-t, without InLildin kronts} and, inrorl rating trait r-L-Lq . Fredevelerpm en t Funding Grants.: F ray fir p��jr� t �ti��crt lt��rrexl �ri�i` to ccxtstru tion4 .Lk-., soft cpsis irx-luding cror 1lfin ?,a desipR engineering, plarenin& n-orketin& ek . Public Su hDr4ina Lion: Town g ua.ra me a to a lending i.nsi i illi icon il,At, i it flee eve lit of default, debt service will be paid. Remetnpment: -e riecorlstrwtban or irnprkwenwntofan area within an existing built -erne• irorrnient. Revenue Bon d& HLx-tds semt%,. b�,, and Ivy which may b1 isst,ted and from, the antkipaW mveritte which rewlt5 from flif i'mp e"Iflit 11'alt wa's funded. +' rr u1' i, E'1 ttig: n irte r thr pr ,ra m by iv It 14 h i kmtain anticipa Wd futum rov— ontrt,,.,, tir,. w .i til-velopment era Ix- shag► -i, Wild OF refunded tcp the -dev (uIoi? -r lc, ass-ist irk paying for infr str••L& lun, SArvain] i ned [ ev-kFlrrpmemi Apprrru r I: Ini liaiiv L--i by gin- ernment entities ka favi!littl to a Li3nelly ;:a jvftwal prtwes. s for � re)L.itt- -t'1k },nW nt. projects Meeting c'el tai n a r1filriw1_ Also, refe~rWJ to as a "green• to w ' perm.itti tine, l,�rot;ra m, Criti.r-ai elt•r -iaents of the'h=pe- of programs~ include: l'l stTesniIined permitting and cnLi lla�rm -nt pre cn� ; 2) greater pF&Uct. fdi(y -, And, 3) i,rirrtr-.-is i ri 1%,c" and exacti431t6. F.,XA le components iniitht ifICIAtde. � rta ipn ie'11a�t1 s 1w+1� ili ik . +.'C; 2) a c onsolida to d perm Rking pxxxe s} 3j waived. or "' mced teLL , 41 a si iiLgIL* l -su htit• h aring; arvJ, S) a strc•alt1 ited UnVirurMerititl res-i'V%V PrCXV-55, 5#r et I+e :lmprOti Orr7aII t tL irA■t that enitarK L- I.x�irUrian ar iii its Strcch.0 pr errhanct- iiwnts may irrclrui m s"'al patininl , trea-.-�, plankeFs, kiosks,, ■ RedCice 4raftr x, Rwadeianak- mAuremy.ram r 4 a4 z4 folantaim, ll k't' I k% hos' bi ck Mcks, VeAk -t lar AM peclesuian hShti.n g' and Qdwr p0rol.ic nmce am, ,ni I-L- deemed desirable y the Town, Tax Exurnpt Bond Frnarldn Method of .c ng long,- tarot debt a ued L!P' this enxnwim wherebov I- otidlkild• rs need not include, inters t 1mynknts on talya ble inrne_ Tax Inc" en.1 FiFuncing (HF): A f narmcingcoatr t tivh rcby imTcjsi's in pmprrty and sales tax m —mattes thatazise from new demo pn-ont -m',,T and abrm e a Jesik na teed M' 011LIP bad' are pWged 6L) i•irlalu ci the dL bt wrv, ives of a bung iml.10, stir MaV 110 USod W Anance vec�tlopmcnt activiti,rte. Tn+wwn Pb n n ing Ekk-u mi-ntc All ,document a& -opbe d through the , ub-1 is htm ring prrxx bi- t11.t• T'c n CVU1F l a t,.'r n n- iow .by the Plarrdn& Conlann sign, irlclucling tout not WNdteri tO thk• 1%"L-,l Town C:et'Iw Ira estnierat flan, die T-L-Own "entiar i4 r*4t Area. Ur - Imn Ri'rif. w.7I 11i n, fl-te Avon Bmst Town District Plan, and the Tcim -k of Avuai Clumprt 1lt'IL* j% -C Plain. Transferal Develolarrwnt Rights (T7JR): Atwili�y to tran4l41r 14rL71-N'rtV entitl nis from o3w prrllx"— to another whM One of t1W [XI Fk L' IL, is h.x-atf -A in a dt- Aputed developmera dre , Urban Rmnewal: Tool used for the purposeof eli -drL .tin slum OF bliflhiecl areas widtirk a;a urii6pahty, &%d positiovuuig ptoM&Ls [oT tkwelopawnt Or redm, -el+- 3pment. Acti un -er uflvn re al can irk-Imle tali irwrrememt finia m-iFi& d$ - kolition Ld url t-oris uctiiGn of i n(rastructure and public spacer,, gale of pToperty, and, relocatimi of bmsLvss and r ii at V. I N c`t•:"V FS 11w. rwu- entives offered mvler thew Guideftyws are not W tc mle-d to R pl are Other TmIect finalmc n , from private Pr public sources RathQF, they are intended to I suppleta rital Altd flcxabli rCSkXLrCCS that WULF W01th %- PPUjmts by lyriciging funJing W1134 11 Ct' y be cm, ilvci by the diffimlt and skmvik�times costky natur -- Of Sr1411 P1Lrl}L)L t -f L11 Lit- Velopmenks.. The prirna'n, in€m ive programs ak ailalAc inciclk:it--. P inar w-ial Incenkivem � urban t�t�Il %ti�ti'.71 ��.flk': �11t r'i'i71k'rit l�lt'1al #�Ln�a� f Infrastrut- ttLrt` (A)A l'rlrtit il.- artisan A Opumcft al-K[ m aintcllLl Elk t` Ckists • F€L-'1 givers • Tax Fxr. mpt I rKI Finarwing ■ fleas €arm Yrrak�oarf. Rivarldirmi1[ Akrtarly.com Per 5 of 24 LEL AN0 CONSU LTIN 0 G IZO UP Low Intev.%st Loam Federal and State Grants N- ork- FiriancialIricentiv , F IAnd Transactions Pedestri. ut Enhar -emerl.ts aml lird iges ■ Pre development Lhic Dingence F J rial Districts • Park Ing Districls Loan Fool Hacilim ion F Busir Rt-k alien / i tpntkm A- zislanc e ■ Ek-velopnimt App loval Fac-ili.ta tim I'rojec 1, Yani4ipation Detaalttid dt7sc-riptions cif Ihc-vL,c- totals which will IWAY lx* most fr-MIcacntIV requem d aivA f,n, -,, i-IM. aro I, wN -nk- -d Mow with ik, IV lanes defined hi dw- Aprwndix st-a Ljoii. of dii-4, C 9tu.id-L' ira . Urban Rt-newal (TIF) 11" r17L of ifecrill iml Tax Ins rriiwciL Finaricine (TI Y) is LIX31- atelhrtiri ;'Pd Landt -r C- c10Lor�d�p�;r.itcy St itlLtt• by which Imal l;iyvL�rnm nh-, can puI- Plic-ly f`inaniv, the rcrhilrIRdtion or d- U11tc +Iilikni of e%iNW11 %truc LuA%S, cmWiripul CV install nMV StrOAS, u til i tit-., oj-,t, 1 &Ivc –o and of l m i mnpr43vemenls tha t wr , a public pure s-e- F.) p, r lift ws are xmdc tivithin a deAned area c-allod an m an Fenewa l area. The tax irlc a }meat is , rivtxl from Live- dil`femiwe in appra vJue between the year in ;vh�rh the aN-A and Ala was tomially established bar Courwil (Disc` vtmr) and coach year is in naristen,1„. foF a period mt to ex ved 25 ve ate, Tk, incivii'a nt its genera'kM le` r-.-,i 1 I'ropt,rhi t axt-s "tilting from nOW c'011% [VI [LLIonaIkj i1w1imses ill Inarki.,Lx,11tat', LIt30Jo smbfie iMP.T 'L-II Ants dknJ F0dO elnprncMt POOTis. Prajeei Use T1>;eTown will conmilt with property owners wvithin a des-igimIAA arm tci Emsur+e that 'T`IF i%iiwarded ta) rnc` ProSCL5. C�Ic�ttb: If niit otlierwise in ex.6terxv Lhis wwmAd 6-� ticcornpliskd LhticHugh urealiton of an urtma reraewal area and plan where dw project is kx-at -ems.. TlV-wTown ypiev da relmie to the Ow p. perty tax �ncmnwnt or pWge Cie increment as f7a} nifbrtii L', I'll r i n, I IBS I avid interest on bonds immed tO file they improvemenLk They Tcnvn may also c�l t to r� }1:�i�i t.�x ir'rE� livilt to Ine -L�l ■rdting LIT other dent nds within the TIF arkm llw,perctnt of TIF r 'enxw made avagable fu prtjccs will %4 neptiated on a cas -by -case basis and cotlWBred relative to th e Far.tors describecl in the l ui,i lin guiding prinrilil DeOwlitifn; TIF can only lx- -d on exix that pmvm&—a V,ki[olA -. x�ivfit. FJ.is.hle project cursts, in Irdv— capital rmbi, Finaiw i.n ?,t-tL .5ls, real prt-gx -rig° assembly c.x ts, PFU(CISsic rO L st'n' iLC LUSLE, for pu bhu imprcn-ements, imputed adnihidstrative (osts, rel .a ii 4 w-1 %. 4 }r},a nizational u Sts, iilhti ,Lst befom and during raistru- Lion, and Litt -i with operating the urban reninval aura anci prtlect indlittri.s. Infr r I rucku ru Cost N riiciN. ion Tlit Town may elml to Furtic-ipalc -, either through a fm-mil prograjrn OF kIll J Ca£4L- b), -OiSe Iti1 1 , ill 01-0 COSLOf -LX Its1rUCtr0rn aniLl / Cam' iS.tia'1Intvil'i Ito 4` 41i infrastructure that will lx-rwfil multiple prx* Lsard. prc( rhes- Prcl�e i Use ■ T w, Town will work -with the din opep and f or pooperty mmy to id- entif;, all on-Ate to and e}ff =silk' capital inip1cmemplits.necosFary eL, servke and / Ur suppOrl the ] :.InIOCt, ■ Where d-Aars have al",; v twee (,A rnlarL- (i_ 1, in tlac- Ta%vii Capital ImpYrov. ement Plan) or quantified; and public- exFwndi tunes are eminent, dw Town v ekkct to c`c�niribute thcts doors L& the ProjcVL ■ Where dollars have rh,t lio.,n oan -nark 3, but improvement: are cr kk-rc to b it4•.l rt I ror i ti ow pr d a i Arm, the Town null still eleCt tO C011 tr1111e 14' Llt-ll.1r'N Lo th-e rmlj}M- Tile Town wi I I iL.iJer the quah ty c-f maw ials a nd their consisten with prey, Ali iw, 1 71 i r ips, staitidards and regulations. In inslawicas iv hero- Ow RTWn e.l,. sm—,- to raise- stArcharcln of design and / or ■ ReW LDraP _ irareom:�. Rwad iami—m €uremy.com AW 7 C4 z4 d�*tip h +att. it may ekx:t to rticip ite in &-- cosk of d iverin,g 11tc' t ir�t���rrk�r As id+ft6fiL l LhrLxzgh puikk of the TiAvn CuunA OpCrating & lair rk "lCFMnt COSIS Sm, di_ -don -urder Po. d"- rian and Roadway Enh.ancx -m enis and Un,ka Revenue ShaAng Airlxwe of Ike IFieen Ifve F,e$'enLje Shamir is a teal InF Whhh +c+a t in ealfiCitlo led fUtUi%e f eVermes fi rm a develiDprneral mar be shared, mbated or refundod to a sist in paying for intfrastruchm, custsa btE :� stdrt_UP at nLAck-atkynr or a istir a deveIopffk-tt ,t +F-ards stabdization asvxM-Fi. l+y as Ivissibka. T is Tmvin tvi l l , ki i�LJ;. r :app&mtis fox.mvemid s6a ring. thm mt%�L die eU, &jbiJilj' rt-tit I I r,-jijt-nts Set.fOrth in tlr +Guid& -s mid that -are compliant with relevant restrit tip stated in the Awon 1-fiame RUk, C'hmter. In ;addition, the Town requires drat the saumv of the rt-v L-2w • to k, sltxarod match with tht, use of the shared rev enue. As idmtified thrmgh the }kven HLmxk, Perk, charter. Fee Walvers Air- Tian f*UXPUW Of th' L uuVnth ,e iS 10 t*ax (Ara iM tmient L*±r Waiving air, delaying d elopnx -m kvs td Lh.e developer expems - itivc c.-,:.sh flew. 'ice Town may waive or delay Pr0)fc't- relate tl d -vIuRmtmt .foes un a uv-s_ by -case psis (cor mentorious pro) ts, ■ Rwadpranak- mAuremy.com AW 8 aIf :V Li,fmriatkip 1 Devvlclivr% Nvill nk-m l to mgotiate with Lk, Town a spook threshold (to be, (101 01atiIMNI) OM th4w can demonstrate in order to be eligible for waivem, or deldvs- Lard Tramartions i §dFj� KF Sf fFRffjjfGr Thih i+uxrK)w -of this utcvntiv-c- is to assim ckvolopets with larrrl acquisition and assemblage for meritoriom proWW* in to rk ett%i >irwevlm.ent areas. Pmjes i Use See motion 18.3 of tht- Avon. Home Rule Chartvr for li'mitaticirkson thL use this W01. rM W10F1,5 As idtmtiiit�d throti, h [x '51ich s 4 the Town Counc,l- lit is the Tcrvn's inkmt (and post prac:tke.) to oncourageped "man. coraw-utims, accom, to mm4k{ mac -s cd irm- Mix)rtation and lirtka among activity areas both w di,in L TmvKs eco oric core and surrounding neighboncocls. To this end, IheTewfn may parti €pate in :F'rgmts that advaiwe this ol*xtiv e in the forin oaf a "ng capiul for trfrastrLict • arm niainlem -ki iwi of public im rr(wements, Iii tli-O conlex1 of the ccatailvst areas, public: imprewt-numts am t t7it irli-g i tcieywompass strc -Cbic:. pe aml r dwa -• irrPnn t °nit -ii t,. Llim. t•ixutu-dgc peck-slrinn mangy trarisit access, as weU as public space amenities. rjrd'�Vc i Use The Town irh�y use CIP, bLnvl arwci /car gemral funds for rexkvcFluprntnt W ithin Lhe Catalyst areas bo I lera.ge grants and privaW funding s{ es {rant programs are Q(ten administered by the l'oderal I-Lighwayr Ardn-Linistr ltion, the Fedeml Tramit Admir i - tmtion, and lh- Colorado Derxiftment of Mansporialion. The Tow re's goal is to ors+.- fitmis to I eraby- private doflars, yividirng iimcstment fair shvetsa"`pe imp rm-enwnts in the near-term. ■ Red fifff a _ irareom:�. Rwaddami—m €uremy.com Per 9 of 24 I: Druiiritkire 'Me Town will identify and - evalruate projects as gra tit &rWoT other funds l -onw available. F"r lt-cN. w ill he wI ted acxeording to th -P criteria ct-t:ablished by thL- nt program arKI am additi.orkd criloriq this] further thQ gLvIs of these Guidelines and otheradopted plaman(i jx+ (ies, Ilk-se criteria may irrrlu€le, but art not limited to, the fbiloring isierK r of prod improvements with tlt -e I- mrix)w of the rrant FTc?m Eq*tabk distribution of fr"S amolig the (-aW-%-St areas (twex time) Ratio of private im-estment W public imestillimil Omtafiopls In order fof &- T-Low n Lo e + M funds, m m ust be in Bert of a catalyst Tm -)ject Ihat ad wwes the vision for that area. P develop+rrwnt Due Diligence Purpose o, inceniftie Iluti p poo.- of this iiwenth'e is to pr ride prq 'rLV owoor� tiio,l klti-,� P1%)J'I6'r'� x ith niarkv.k firianc ial, dmigrR erring ng a wl other Fvl.k Lod i niorMAtiLM i 11 an effort to both otducatey therm abut - upprirhmities, as tiweil as -.ik t• llit-al devel,opment doll:am Prij ct U The Town will es.ti+16h an vloc•trckniv "libran' of !;Itudies and reports soli -cited by, af4i altiatred WidM, th-k� Tow,a hi the omtext of de- velopme ttit and iiwfa4 anent prr O, in wgeted areas. As 11-w studies Lind r-opo is arc- made avail-able., they gill be submitted to the IIhmry fin use by the private motor. The Town ni k a el," Lo dedirate staff or retain the ices of rt rcrnsultanlsand other pTofc*ssionals at no cost to the &,vek)per in an effort to save them -developrtwnt &Alars, whiff gwta i— tmthiing project feasibility, T.il witafkIIIs As identified lhrLxigh policks -of the Tcwn Cotm 1. ■ ReWfifffN _irnnegprf. e+z-adPran,kmAkrfmg.com PW 10 42ll LELAN 0 CONSU LTI N 0 G IZO U P Sptvial Districts ared Irntiroarr'nit-nl DiMn ►-hi ial distri, tL, an- sp- i -i I - purp its of I 1<', %�� r.L�me i �L r tai to I?rcn' ME- a -imv k t• or L-vr% i4 kr d tcl:WS ctrl` k'Xk ]US41 -L''IV l -Irt,l7VrtAt' Id M: -S. Impirr-wemmt distictS auow a, rjjLlaliL �E llyt9' ttl IL -V% .631J col L Lq--o, 'A agw&smentson pr{ipefty that is withirk the Tkmv11 r"Or tht- Tkyw tf7" ,:'.xtratprritortai juriJ it, tion (F.11) b Ix- usMNJ ill the diskicL Tlx -jss4 ritMICan C 'd to fi1311d things �g'u�� - hiding �JKL4I1�L AI'NL 111M'rjsjfU turf;,, -recreation, rity. pafks, recreation, parktingmd other Pfv ec f I_I m L.KJA - .4L.�1,Iil.11 it''t7L wit �'ial I)istric [s-of tllw Tcnvn M unjdp� l G'le- f..��tf�rati+��� As impmvinent c:is"-ts are emeted, pnmari y to raiise mmwy for the prm' isicia of certain srhm, ices or imprkwome —atsr cli ibl -eL projects W hick require the n enut-of a special dLsMct nuAst wrve a Public pur - DevvIcipm `ni AI'1'imwai FaE lLlation (' Awamtiin r4,g) AaFP" of limmilve Ti Tewn's organizatinrkal -itwtury is (xpr,. "-Iv Lit -,ipit -Ni to allkxw for inLL'rLi��l lrtrn �n l r tic n for duveki- Em-Lxwnt prt jvc ts. Its miSSilOn 15 ILO I llL� L Fsj ,Ij'Al p o ''W assisunce to PrIolity tvojek L.�- Owl a ix- chgihle as -Lit't i 110d U ader thew, CO, l intm. 7hrC ugh staff prO jL'L L I'LIN i litat n, the Town %vill attempt to resolvi? questicats that arise thrklll �ji Ll iltiLiioi FOi"t 01 (orllact who will then work with mbar dervartmmts as q, iin.order tG (aciliMp a streanllijwd prmm for project in pre- 4rvel,.gpctiti nl. Project Ust, Tow rtstaff repremitathres oxft Ihi ueam wiU hosl,q I�r�• �1�� �tl rnt�r�t conference to address rstucti , platlin?,A niniiig mid itnmWin?, issues. ■ Red [3ftN `_:,4rnner .FPL R'zwJrran&—mAurfmg.rane 11 42t LELAN0 CONSU LTIN 0 G IZO UP L A projM— 1 iftumager f r +. m LI4, ` Town Wi-H k assigWd to s e %,,Lw as Lk, PTi TY KXMjJa l for akil.Ifl- 11111 ?, iIllefnal p ibmss and i5,ghm pda W tO the Pi'j,C1. K,,%, staff ijL- s11 €,ntintile Lo (a ilia t ins- -u dia A arise a -M lly �L AV JS J i ix atv-. ft -ir g•rtlox-i:i bvtiv -ven di-Plri-ment s arid: with Tin {, "A11'P. 11. J 1-,11-911'.',Virh 10011411 1IRF- Mmi.iLiims aim m)lidting LiAking 11.51 Ill I, f.brttu tlf j1i This to projech, kvh!6 ww1 the catalyst pn*cl cTLtt rite as o4Adined in l;lt-w uid$Lines. V. CATALYST IN's °ESnIENT r REDS TOwnC oum:il his identified ger��ra��l5ii- arc - &Li of Atom within ti�'hii-h tO Llrf;iyt it% incenthvl& Tht Town acknolw legs that €li fforerd "hic arms E -ce varying degree's t I m1.tmses in durd1eling Private sector WM f" dw&M(L11t nsisimt tvith the cumn mnity s g is and objective-., VAile ?(AS 0-%1L-4d-e. t1ic arms. milllrt } `eworthk, itht *Tt -nvn has spy- vilit-al 1 %: tary;vttxi ire: incort•iv t &, Prk VIAO �Frq.,.iL,•r assisla a 10 cakkly!sj PAP- LL LS ir4 ,4rl'r'b Of AV01% W11Crc• iftfr'k - °t 1i1tiE Yr1 haL, 6fli-or haggixi Kihind cxmuntiniti�- Fivvds and hro ls, or when, Vk 0311,111414 i t'r1di'.km—s .mc fraj ile of Slisc- CIPLi'Me to amrL 1.1 form's. Tln,,*� (at1id'dilul'Ll dL4i3X -L aLkli-st itmtstment areas a4 fkilknvs: ""A calidy t invesi'rraclni areir is an 'eaakni red' plaix that bras a cmeeirf r slim qftts, housirrg unife, cvmm,,rdai uses, puNic sImaes, pa b!'k trjrgparfa1kue, rradlor pedeAir&n a dirnty mind a se of place- w acs amfierpiently 4 fern at sigrrG+daml atlevily no&m Predanirml Land u.,-ff are rnarrrrimiarl, Pion-cly mwFe r and lwr.,& GMllitrr these rtelatdm4y a mgw—t gW ao e rarr~at-,, cd -.rerrt land ttses are fimpiid ~ark by girlr° LFr irifirdn lw wTnr sindriva - 77m at ix It(rrn s a ire -ti)li ! brated us A opwnhe ividi aariamlral ;We(*s. spoil Mier 51mclwrm aril ire l++a effirrl to adria lei rer d4ensilies raea.,&sary it, . 7p ,r1 maniple rr ea. Of lra"SPOVIW All anad`pe&-glraiarr aretiVill (Omm M{� ul), private t-rlmshilent 7hm art -as are ea bilgsfs ft,r public and priu ale bitystrr ent mid &vnmlc adivity, e imly bAldbig tiff the glreVhs of the m mitinding area rind comes ng to rrm.rmun lrrrp&IOwntration and rmlageneyrt b f calarystarm is gemeridly ike r x►rrsdhG#"zlad of a rev binaation erreilises iiadralding Nd5;1�W TCCW adistrrem rreeghkvl" and suer inters rmps and in deviadiwi tvoperly 1 a-arars,'° ■ Peal d'•r•lrf -;lrnreg' .Pra , PW 12 of 24 IM fiat fullems :oar a deseripticwr of I1w v ision Isar cLiq 1i of Li I,' T� 1L %- n i �.' 14t I t iod - dt6�1'Pr�st i nv e� t n im t arms a-� eX+re`4wP Ii11iYP xYll3t70rtlP7ti'm Tc 37 �til.11117lPitis D X-timc'nt. Prok -L-1--i ouNide these aFiMl, sluiuld addrd -,�, a significant publik [3�t•ni•fit, aas ti %IL1Il ots shOOV L -Vkl -Fvze raf it uttrketOPpOAU1iih- ar>KI /sir ck-Okil iiLont l rojmN, L with potential in the near-or tong term. We,- -t Town Center I nvesitm, nt Plan '11w. Wk,-.t Two c-onwr Itwo—amenrt flan was adopted in August:11UT 11w &U, te'l vision fear West TLmvn Center in the plan is taken fwFn the Tcawn of Avon ComprALLrisive Mint Spocificanlly, "The West T.Lvwrk Center D6Lrict will scn-c as the liewt of the oow munity, `- Ik- A-ial, t °4a I tcLralr ink loctual, p(AitkaIr -11W recTeati€xnal gatherine,5 occur in this JLstricL In addition, Lhedi5tri,c: t acts m. LILL- aml�c r K d is, l rL -tinit r idtrL -and C�r�uriI `4VC n e a-nt rt destination Swas 1h ro-ug l divenw ft tail and +entLrLaiinnl& -iit c. ►portuni6L%s,, The Wed Town Center I istri,-t will tae an intenre]y dmeloped rn-ixe+d -use, p eSLria n- oirienW area that serves as tliv printan- focus fou residential and lodes deve]cqinient within the. overall Town Center!" Trawn Center %'P--A Area Uzbaan Renewa l Plan. TheTohvn Center e-st. Area Urhfn Renewal Plan was adtg-It-L-43 in AtLrtLst 2M C. the vision expressed in LtIL- Pl;in statL's that r eita.lir -tion vl' the TLnvn Center aY t,st Amm Is the <rim ion of I) lgli q -Ltality omnmemial afkt fflixed- Low dew -losnw --rats which inlet rata a ra ngeof non -re denlaal u. ses with r dential use's Cvert udlly int rat ) wliere appropriate, as well as Vmp"- lnipf '-enwnts, su rk-d by stra Letc: rublic invcstrmnt ill i l of rw4 ruL Lrrkl (including unlit. l and parking with do a rKi adja ;ant tp 11w A r c-L) LKYrrrda ries- De%,eloprnnnt within the TLw n Center Feat Ama is :Lt i%T110 i tkl-SeWeasthe catalyst for d aW in this commercial row of 62-T in, The cOMbirMi tion. of Uses. vwill fitrther pro to d,, %-L110j' -J aa1YiL :Y]ld "M- oI tEie entire T rt(en# er District as an urban "3-h'il. hbVrlicocl,-I" with retail, business, lo.l&S, Feskkintio, eivic, etdtural ,iml public olt"iY eats while physicAlly -conipe ting exisiit% uses and irr„ rNn! inf Ci ri'LalatiOn aimong, multiple ( MS -if tra p tatir n, Avon East Town Cim ter Vistrict Plan The Avon FAst TOW n C kM[Pr District Plan was adapted. in May , Thcg stated %' isicwl. of dw plan 16r Lk, Avon East Twvii Gisler Disui+ct is "tea mAko tho most of wdm. - lopnnent 011 - rtuniti(-, Ivy c misideriL the weds and desire's of the community, c* t.7l-%lishing a iuhcksive mix {af iiwluding retail, office and r -osid� lialf 11ltirnrYtr1; ic.,r plaMic• eiithe-rirtig, spit e-�-; itmi LTw Ling strorng pecks trian arx�. str: �t tine tig,t A%lditiow ly, 'dye F�I�t Ts�wn+i�'enter l�islrL+ct� will lie a jewel of the cornnlunity a vom&nivnI to the We-•;t Town Center I strict, and a twwurce of pride for the residents and ownm." Specific invesLments that ■ Redf3Pffs 4rnkoplPL ;vzwarNm,kmAkrfmg.com 13ad24 LELAN 0 CONSU LTI N 0 G IZO U P wH1 be ememiragext incltt ; residential units~, pmt- Strian afthar emenis, brandins ekynwvu, vibrant rwm3es of activity, fmrkin ?, entertainmentu& - madwati and public- tranSiXMItaticin irnproverneu divertiitV and ecGrxmiic strst,iirwl�ilit ° in arll -of the -m- cornpunents. Town of Awn Comprehensive Plan A Several pbn for the Town known as the Town of A%:i it 1110 k) was adopW in February 2006. The plan spar=e -fk -al Iv sLites, "In ord-Or fc ?r Avon 141 roatizc its visirvrr and ifs, dated tx nuntu ity ,srsils.mKI obiLv tivrs, the L y ha lerW fkft Avon is to enhance its Town Center I cW' Acl+rlfticttmlly, it satin , " . Town C`entt-r Nstric Ls (Fast anal West arm intended #�� �- Avon'--. pc�ral point ffir:govial,, businc.L�s aml cultural acts° itiies, Miifrall) , the Tumi Cotter I tricis a re a n ti-L-1 lia tdxI ci prtwide mix ed -use d ev° I o I-Onf k ein t of the I i igjies t intemiky within the community suppnrW In• an ti, „, ti-ptio, nal pedestrian-oriented envinxunent including oonttortaltle space.% Q-A. -Li.111a1 vies, 411VA intiniak gathering palm” TIA� Town's &4�i,: Otl to ifi cwt in a pft)jeet Will be bast{ en S -Mwal ilditk )-rhult finmfing!i, nLA the bast of which inc-luck,: • nuniNr and ty[v of public benefit elei- nents(direct ror j ndirv, L! • p otmhal L'f the prt*vt to smcc l evil ewk— Iliac th-L, pm1eict ac't- oinplishes the g(MIS -k)f thO L O,Yi0)1L,7iL%' .i specific in the Tmvn of Avow C ornparehi live Flan, Avon "N-t -,t I- L5NVrt t ent r Distrxt Im cstnwt Min, .Avon East Tcrwn C: iittr Di�,triA Minter Phn arwi all offier Co nc l,app ed cmnaumity plans rela it%l to the growth and develmpmemt of the Town (see Catalyst Prc4pct Inv-estrnPnt Areas). I "Mect applica tions will be r*n-iewed relativ to the fallcvwing Review Criteria: 1, The AMoII :,i t L'ttj Js complete, Z +ITLP Ap+p I it a nt's rAppl ira nt") pwpas4 advow s the ti is is n. k;caals am oNectives of a Town. Planning f uc„r umt (Le., transit -step purtive tie �41 i3ati��tii tr �•rrr ►l ec� housln& -tic.) 3. Thv A pplik-a nt's proposal ptr.Lx° iLk-% a public laenefit drat wmild not 1 pruvicicxt withmit the imvntivkt 4. "Tl-we Appll=t's proposal pAn2IkttL -s cane or nwic p �WC-% of these Ovidelin - ■ Pod DMV Sinzre�O.PN. amaddanii- mAkremy.rane Alp 14if 24 L L.}g N0 CONSU LTIN 0 G IZO UP fix. Th-e rrquesk d nctntiX v- is in prolvortion tcs tk, ptopo% 1 publiv tseiW41t. 6- -nu ftN t4- -,%Wd iM-MiN T a M313ro, , t will nA iwrx-ww Tq n id)) 1XIL L& ei ON' than the prtxj xtPd iafft -asRi d l4-nv its. f. The reilueswd incxmtivt° and 1. FCc P LIANOWS the Town anif Applicant Lci klvef age l,faM funding Irolnoll 'r;S+,i41me& (Opti€itWl +. The pry pusal inc-ludi—iii praAii-al niothod of denlronstrating the cftct tjvvixLss and Success of diL- inceritivLe. 197 Ord -LIT ILO be c-Ons.Or. rtdi for Town irx ��iltia t�4, a projrc-t falling witliin a catalyst ink i-Aini rlt ;a re a mast aci)• to ri ..e ansJ i•xctN -d Stia tcLJ C(InUn rlit }• �;cktls ilnLl tflr' app catiion niust positively ad Ih(, Ax-v-t riteria. A pry l that has the potential to idvance stag community b=et laraW outs Wa preference an% troy tile, lx- m1midem -d- for Tvwn irmAmItives, but will be ex- itt-A to underso a t r, -a ter 1t�F .L-1 of nainy to - ensure Om t it is cronsistent with die 01x 000 Pn nw herein_ 11. APPL.ICATON PROCESS AN D DFOSION In cli d-t}r io have a pAc eet itev uea st c mrsidered for paxt -ciloti -o:n by the Town 01 Aron. x.1pli(mit-s 11111st c'ii M]PI LO 1110'.) t4ldjed farms aW sa bniit the crwrnpk d form% to the dlesigukihki T4,tivn rL1prt- -,Ljn titi3•ti,_ Chwe the (abtwt -) cTiteda are conNicl m= d to be sa isi;ac Lord)- tL;.khl -,m'+A Ttnvey staff wi11 word with the ApIllicanl to further atral vr4� %1X'` 11 "iC dCtadSabMt ffiC Prci t`s financial need and othL r factors .as sera rra nt{-4.1. iita financial ni %xi of tht- project will Le. deterdt ixLd iaity.�d uFkiri Llie Ilia LtLre m-KI ex Leii L A the "Sapp' b hvcmn the, tOMI rrojec-t its and amount of prim It' Irwt-Aniew Lo txwer Lhcrw cost:i, a unxi , a market -avera ff, rake of return 011 Lheh privatt, inl•amitimmi- awd upon this i.nf rmiit°ionr TcRvn staff will there cktermint, this c•x tt•nL r_,f the'. Tc iit'x psatential Fmrticipation (indurii n, qvcific incentives) in the j -,u -M The lend of Town participation will b dependent, in part, on the fiSL 671 iwpact of the pr�rt to the Tcvhvn:ukl expected private iin estanen.t leverage rL--.ti11ing frcam its partkipalion. Aavilhi4r factor will include the exLc1Lrl.of public K-rk. -fit thc°• I- ow1c%4t provici The rrial-, presented ill llue a pp nci ias '� Lh n of C u idelin it I is stra tee the fines n's target ark -Li F fdr catalyst pr'ivjLk` invt Imcmt. 1•iiral dcxlirni'ntilUM —k t )r ilWritr.7riOi s projt-t�Ls will be. packa� i alojy, •with Tcnvn Slal<f fPCOrnrsiend -iti s for fitlal revk7ty ti n -d considerati031 by Town Cc tm7il. °ToSpI:her, the Town repro Lativc and A [-p ic"t will t,hc'n prc-,ent %lac` pr pct concept and request to Town Gouiricil . fnr coniidtaratyOn— In '.eh',Ct nsLar L Ir Trx+rFi ('ci+iiirrcil may +fit -cide to re6ar the prc�e t and applicnti.ol to Phinning arvJ Zoning Cc.,mmissic +n for a r.ec- 0t11it11ellda tiion. Mutt,; Privatt! fiywm ial iiiRsmi,iLion prixide+d in conjunction with the prL*Nl 11111ai1itUl Will be rk-, 14`ve-c 1 in w- �nfiCk1rti, v by the Town Manager, Town Fug -h )i rt rter,r and one rgbr. owfl U Li'f'e from Town (-,oundl. All. niatters MaW U-P this ■ ReW € ftN _ irnnfV+P�L wz% Jrran&—mAurfmg.rane Prue 15 0 24 LELAN 0 CON SU LTIN 0 G IZO U P cor&ideft" p6vaw, firarrW informvaion will be consich rod im vvomtivc somion if deemed nemwafy and appropnaw. cif ill. BENCHMARKINGTILLMARNET Tlv-- abib LL of the Guidebyws LN, :,uk 4 marry nuirkel or. [,ktrttmity with market im- Ohl 111011t Will hifllt;O L lj'%L)JI L L-10 Lillual feed kmck w OIL, TLN%r 11,y reprt-.Nerflativ L--, of the nml esta to a i-ki 11-ii Li ric-is rove stni ant markets and incen ki v t7 rLti i [' ejnt& TINerefore, dic Town ho5 Li ri -c-.% pkN Li Likul ctrl im'-C-6U)I-ent t%1ttftCF'S tO - -5rtiw m 4 t I-, d uri nr, skirt= and tb wui,h p-rc-R- ide infornitation on I 11A' � 4'-rfk , -- o f p r O'p --t -�rqjsct j nforrnafion the pL-riM during Nvh is 4 -a hilization'. ne Mceirt -; Nf I dic 'Town parLi d1v t L-S W ill lk o M� rk-� I .i Lvd., bUt PKA reL[Luirud. Aix -,-sbvL6,cT4ywrL to Chis iffornw- Lair Lv III 4i�-,Mst In -,'1 myi n, { 't cr rt, i i t vN I i i im r kro co i -K! i i j ot%S a F-01, 3p expecka bons amomp d if I Orotilgc-ngraphic and nljrkvt sector.-ii, a-.-. well as PrM iL L thd* basis (L}r r-chawlLwrits to the GiAdLALM-S ijAd the TbwKni -,kcisiU=ft-dftdkhV pammeters for pArLh ijmLloa 10 ikalow ��-Nljccts. 'Thp? total vflueof the incentives will onh- boa-vaRabLa at -a level not to exceed LhL, ffirough FegU La FeViIEW of the prcr ect-!i PeFformm nce (open bcm3ks). S ek!cL irdmmajivft will tw kv , pL �,nfbj&aiiat from t1w pwral ■ RM [j Ns S4rareonx, h1w 16024 A� fwcrtc� Tax tempt Bond finamin Mirpm Of hecenti `Ihe purgxe olf this in e-ahve is 10 p+r►Mcie Icing- term financing for. --elect econcsllit` vela mcmi prT jm -1-.;, 1 kwds are i -u-M by the Town aild excuipt from state aiv local taxes Pro, Ci uq Bond N;wonue can be usAod for spe, I i 1 c31 E''L ',q r det- ermined by the 1kirkd dm- univrhta ton, including right- ref -vva% I m rrt��,emenk, f 1 -IL11 liC and parivake Irk- ing,,, str1 eb -c -ai , infrastructure, w, i S'1.'1 l as larkl acq t I I -. I [ion. Thi' Tbwr may I rov 14V supr m L+.-5 rT+Mt-,ct -% Lhat jr1; Y l L he Tow W, i -,11 I d m1L- i4atj -51j rritcria Isar funding. 'The ftclxls Will be, as.1d,1111e i31 LI ,- IOr hl rnf 1) khamr 2) 1tk,Lrl guanintcxnp 3) equity imestlen1b, and f car 1 L1 I ,rd n,atc- dcl.�t for c- Lonstnictit'i , or, 4) peraiantient llinatxing. Horrid rt,,.-4 -nuc• may alto be, ar4°ail. ate to pv4ecu to ated iii an urb-An rant -lwal a rtm, critc rla ke.v funding wid-dn n u.rb'an rerwvva l .;I rL °, I _1 N' clel'i..:jL-.i in the urban rerk—waI plan for Ih.alt area_ Lbn &ifklal L.imitaltkxns will K, larfOy dicialcd kv die ruk-s and r 4ilal c}n� a� fa�1t* w ith ili,:- Ix)nd iisua rx ti., a rk3 the terms anJ conditic n that the To w rk Fnav wik dev L~1c3jwrs to plc•clgv w hm Lssuing the la,l mis. Friyale AL'Eil' ill' Fkldld 11:6vate activity kwpads are de- sigi-K cl to p.rLwide taxablo –and tax-exempt bond flnarx in, prinurily for lrwa1 Private - Ctivity Flom (PAR) MC lx,nd-s that can The issued for sl?cniEic purposes, as dCLCf1niM 11V W x thaw. PA B6 are not it dir ct wtuwti of ftuxiift& but rdther-a tax- fljMix lnr, 3711 "Y lViEll, ll,. Tree purpc4e of local grants is to reinibu,r priva tv- developers for the mnge of expertses whi6 may contribute tca a finaming gap vield ft proiech, finarxiAy irdensib e. To this: eFair the TLnvn will. ISLO bci Serk4tiVC 10 the ■ e+avaddanii- mAuremy.com Piz? 17 0 4 taxable impli, tiiti,,rr; thy. --4• gr.rias may have for the J, ,,I --, -r Lind wwheiv, p+ ible, U lfW rr,) r11& V 31'11 '1 11.1 rl1 -Jj'L% (i-e , soft km-m, 1.11 nom, etc,) which result in it fav ki ralih, hitam i�rl i imparts .himliafrori 'il°ris incentive is ofk%n u i kis aI gap lortiancing too I eol- 1, m ivsk -s m -Me UW of this iTwen1i a Ls for pn jL-L In L-L i.n;; Lt�ctr, ordit dFV inil -x%Lii Fn, Prib, to do v t- 1vpaiumt and Offering s ign iiet;aAt }-'0S i.Li -k ',.' irr1L�LIk 110 the COO tMUntit+' ,vid the skurcurvAn area whew i1w lwrLIP-4 t is locai+:nd. Limrdtations on how t1i i4 ire nlib a i +mod are predicated ran thw %a � -5r the furtd�anii terms All,i , (m-Lch tiorts of the award to [he Tow n and tiro prk,cl, Lower Interest LAmns lea FIA1W {!firrrr FPfiFV TlitpLirlik of dais inkk•116 -C iS 10 prkvride tune to developers at it IONVLT rate of in,kveLA t ow]m red to oonve ntiorwal laMm This .inft -i ntive effectively reduces the timincial gap of a p'n- 5ject, thi%rPITy emnhanccint, ii_s fine al fC;rsiblhk ', ', Proieci Use The Town may facilitate the prsw, , Lsion iii this i)-j-h- ofiwnlOrt to development mts that nrettl thi- Tie V n's k-ritcria for funding . Limns Cdn be LLSM to suptvrrt coni nt- orel.4, rosida ntial or mixed—use development projec-�i,, for K-Ah rt -: habilitation and tiw corns ru tiaii rvla rod L -XrW n - Typ ra -lojm- avaiLkbkl ini-lude p, redevelup. nient; interim fi.nanking kind bridge. The prugram can he expanded to include a set -aside fm fei�'ddk improvenwrits in ur geleL1 L nitations. WrLH k' lAfg;_AY dictatod ky die rtdi and regulations affowihW. with t]tt-- fun&ig li awar�. � a cf Fedeml and date Orant: pairP of If1cf- af1'.rtr Thr.� fi�ii �wrrt� itii A pre, tilu Towinf s parlatrrship Gtdde irk is to +catalvzo iiwi- tan tand rei.rwestanenk in targeted areas. Whereas ■ Rfd [3fffN 4rnfr -rf. R-zwarran,r4mAkrfmg.rane IS og 24 LELAN 0 CONSU LTI N 0 G IZO U P exMience has proven tkt$t'°-L-JtaJ) %t prig e t , Serve for PrMt to private tear irwMment imrkets; that deniand for nxmmigty-betwficial de velap. ment5 taxi -:t* the; ° set a pd>isitiwe Precedent fof future develt>'lxz>x-nt. Given t.ho importam -e- tof saapNrting cat- ,lyst pv*,x. 1s in priority ai s�r the i'L-nwn rrta� at its sok, discretiOnr ekct to compete for federal or state grants to support d n• ing rcial esta to d vvelc4wnmk projects, Pro led Lip., If awartlkxt the Town may provide this q ?e of support io pm)iects in are efftirt to a-I-r ;tea demonstrable funding," gap." U.W. of the funds will be t oniingenit Lin Llhe prtx mt's ability to Lvdvarlce k-v %- vornmtuF i.ty guals i Lh` I x41Ing sustaixmbok, kiey -o4 ,Ihl at I�rin- ipals, as, liveLl as the Sgidb prim i I -o Is L3f Ill.ase 4 u idelines. 4 w n L funding is grenerally vwd for illifcUATUCtUM impnn'en-Lents, (-i ri lr'IllllviitaaI wnlvdi{ iH(in, plLdesirianand SAP 't ` Ip ' 4't114i �1 4`i C'�tit II h t f'b�• '0'l� "I I+ �1} Ih k 4�t titi yik . LlIld �}liY r COSIS as apprnpria te to the funding Sil•UrL L "_ H1nvovt -E, than- may also, used for a ni nge of ta-umarlic - dtrw°Vltapinent iini tiLM%' L'S i Elk lUding. htlsirx* retention, MILWat iOrh ; fkt CXPnS1,OkA irtitial3VCS. Lbn &afitltos Li n- tatkim— , i i i lt+Ow this i nCV1ttiV ' r11 Nk' lx' U %L-d aM Oftk�ry - predicau d on the. �Ir, �- tit t Il 0 k Lli>P.Is anal WrnlL% amt -L agindkiems ctit 1h.- awarJ to the Town and thv IArojk -v L. Town Couji i I kv 111 Jetermirw 1FwKch profit • Le. they will submi t fnr competition. Sulu in al is not a guaranket' of Town furltling ar�d Town, partkitm Lion will N- � -Luitfr gent ttptxn award of grants. Parki FkS Diisldeut Mr)s' of 111ceritim A parkin!, tlistarfrt is a id si naWd sera =a whin lmrkipg € esii &n, dC'V l+. }I1llILIA and mitrwgcment isstws, beyorki those plo-V idkA. for by ,qtO RJURicipal lei PIs t511' ,wrrk-e, are ntrolk-d by a s =1-E-ii entity, the of this incenl: vt1 Is t45 i I l..tiaw p. ropffty and husitix : owners to share i n illy % 41 '-t Of if&WAMAWC died in hlh gift *rl ttt} litUbi G'bob a" &S'Lin ui -di a k fish and,d ar 11+'3'2F11FML)F ho d 4iistriftr,11xi therek,y t ' .'YtLa&V iMP IL 't its at AFL-Ot F-%VS1 L1031 J'r('J fi U Fqr 19 0 24 ■ in older for a pa king d6itrict ttm be- t -sla blis -ho i, 51 % ol dk-- prupwrty owners t7 usl submit a pelition request. ■ Upcwrr CTOati0n.Cf the- diMliCL Prx `Th' -tT;Vl VFS will. be��xl a0 additional fee to fund npr reilh"111 I'IfOr"t N Within ii gafea. ■ The itstrkt can Lhen, p.Lt, ,,ip, l,ltit-- i9sm�smiumt revenue as Payin- nt 4 principal and intemst oil IL. %4tt'j LL) fLoni publiic which twvvfitprcx wLs wAhi rk it_ Ufniiatkipes- As intpmv-e —ni diArk -ts are enack -A prirntiar li y to rain more~ for t1w prmi -iian of certain services or imprtwenn.]EmLs, eligible prgt cts which require the r umm, of a spodal tishiL# must sury a al public purl xmw. Loan PocPhs The p ' of this ii u-ent - c- iS to spread risk across multiple fu xling entftie& Pools can tv aswmt�W ~galls mv,,l ,, 1 t,bli- and semi•pubhc dolls m An oIA- ious resourcP ea rk Ix, C `oLttinti n tr Foi rrve- lrmant Act (C VA) dollar nutn: g"I b %- private Ivildin,E; Thal. 1rL� rugaimd to be investe i direC11%. ill llti4• komm Lmil�', ConunitntCkrLS Can lake &I form of ld n lekter f nrn�italtit4Ltit Ltia It °I: }�urcha 1,0an rKKPIs ni:ar ail o include: proVom partamships. Prp ci U "E IVTOWn tailL t.), Ii LI60 ei6� La '*SOFY,WiIll %-.t60Li- ft-ial ind r ,icmaL lt?a din,- Cnfl titer (},1LE~Lis , P1LI,1 i1, ,)arJ Its idenbA- seL- asitlit-Li. for a Wit Exiol LL, N.- u-wd 1+-4 � rk,.Lihle boirrowers I"IF the Lievelopl5 eat of projects in l reptthd am�js_ ■ Tlvc- Town emy uomidt,r subortUrm ing ill&} 6an pM ttnncl, it Ficve w. %rrraiawfrs Umi.taCons will be IaWly dig Late €I by the rule and r k+lati associAmed with the ftuiding s ami Lt -rms atW conditiom of the speciif ' award, Project PirticlpAcm Aires of hIaeretftie ■ Rwad imak- mAkremy.com PIP 29 4 2# LEL,A Ci 0 CONSU LTI N 0 G IZO U P L lit purr -f -.a- ,,I Ih1% huvrlth'c' i-'� tc -offer public WCtor Sumort tcw Prc +)&L in q11 11 ILL,I %k L W. i4 111 1111-1ImLive to kil roc t i~immiial l lrtickpo.ti-ml, prt jecl u T w,Town wW cvri e.r taking spite (relouaU ga dgmrLment) in it newly developed or rmle - elotx-d romnwrdal pzo)e:t, If dwlir C`IP pLo im 1 ud( -s thc• expiosion of public 1"ties ur spauLni, the Town axm Lzonsidkr &)kig this in oration with the,deve -I roar, ( K' Pede'striaan Enhancement- sand I Ir 11wTknvn rmv provide the sa: -ick of -one of 0i-Nr d art rjjtLrt� or affiliates (01 &1 rnkx-r,, Taurisrn, 1'.c rncmrikir to either the dt-velorber cbr toi mLs in the ckwe opment lo advarout, Me suLcress of the Pi%Ojc 'C't Or 1.11vir 111diridual kaish"& OnRa tuns As id"Ihfikld I lim a,h p+ollck-s of the Town CoLmc ll. Bush ReloncalIon/ Retention Assistance MdFjxk-T of 1)ra- 1IiirI, purpow -of this iru mtive is to assist existing busimsses; with their expansiom retention and rreloe -a tion m As. Costs.wsodated witli rehlo alion are an ameptalble t -xpen-w within on urban r€*ni -tval area_ How-ever, vlx emir riot Imated within an rarbdrn renewal area may [x- rewire{ to buy-out I-Lmses (at as minimum) am] p ibly Cover reloc-al ioll expensm in an effort to advance (re) dev.0%,nzent p jecLs in intilI areas. In addition to pr ding d"rsi for achwl expermies, the 7'owii mm- 1- artier with various monomic- d weld vmdties to assist witli nkirkc -ting and thsrupLions in opera tip P'ropa use The Town may identil� ark /m rotii ii - ,ommim to wrve as aL p int- persun for relcx-aKcm inquiries. ■ Within existing urban renewal areas, the Town will nuke mm that a relocation plan with spprific provisions is in place- 0 LELAN 0 CONSU LTIN 0 G IZO U P - Thtt Town Max preledT6v ly B(i I the patficipation of a ranSt of +'C431 kil �- Vel4 1pR i JXLYhll"C . IL'I .AS$j5t tlwTcn-w n in their red - evelopament gmkl -, ym l olijrk t i v Limiliahmes As identified through policles of the Town (;otmcil and mw other pardnpating emfifies. ■ ReW fiPaN `_- irareopP:�. Rwad iami—m €kremy.com NS-f 22 of 24 LELA D CONSULTINC GROUP ApntL°x 1 Map � r r i � � r � r / / � � � I 2 % � 3� ^ �ZI } ! � f } Li � 5\� ƒ Z j @] � � � � � � � c 0 .� .� � = � � VIM z { � � | � I 2 % � 3� ^ �ZI } ! � f } Li � 5\� ƒ Z j @] � � � � � � � c 0 .� .� � = � � VIM { � � | I 2 % � 3� ^ �ZI } ! � f } Li � 5\� ƒ Z j @] � � � � � � � c 0 .� .� � = � � VIM LELA D CONSULTINC GROUP Fc mus ■ Red €3 _ irnner .FPL ;vzwarran,kmAkrfmg.rane F*gr 21 q`M Town of Avon, Colorado Funding Request Form: Development Concept Proposal Date: Name: Company: Project Name: Ph #: Reference: Applicant shall submit a conceptual design proposal consisting of the following elements: 1. Narrative Description of Development Concept: Provide a narrative description of the development objectives: size, nature and location of the proposed land uses, urban design and architecture. Include specific statements indicating how the Development Concept advances the goals of the Town and any relevant Policy or Vision Documents, specifically its ability to provide a public benefit. 2. Conceptual Design: Applicant shall submit a Conceptual Design and state (illustrate) any aspect of the design that does not conform to applicable Town of Avon, Colorado codes and standards. The Conceptual Design shall consist of drawings (elevations and perspectives optional). Additional descriptions of color, material and size of structures, and landscaping will be appreciated. 3. Project Fact Sheet: The Applicant shall provide a project fact sheet indicating the following data and information (as applicable): a. Gross Building Area: b. Housing (Number of Units and Type): c. Restaurant Space (SF): d. Office Space (SF): e. Retail Space (SF): f. Parking Requirements: g. Building Height: h. Floor Area Ratio: Confidential Town of Avon, Colorado Funding Request Form (cont'd): Development Concept Proposal Date: Name: Company: Project Name: Ph #: Reference: The Applicant shall provide information in the form of a Preliminary Summary Pro Forma to indicate the economic basis for the request. The purpose of this information is to demonstrate the economic feasibility of the proposed development and shall be in such detail necessary to illustrate such feasibility including all major assumptions concerning costs, income and any economic "gap." Project Cost: Land and Parking Cost: Land, xx square feet @ xx: $ Parking Costs, xx spaces @$xx: _ Total Land and Parking Costs: $ Building Costs (including soft costs and contingency): $ Operating Start -Up Costs: $ Financing and Carrying Costs: $ Total Project Cost: $ Project Operating Results, Stabilized Year (rental project): Number of Rentable Square Feet @ xx% Efficiency: Scheduled Gross Rent @ $xx $ Less Vacancy and Credit Loss, xx %: _ Effective Gross Income: $ Confidential Town of Avon, Colorado Funding Request Form (cont'd): Development Concept Proposal Date: Name: Company: Project Name: Ph #: Reference: Less Operating Costs, xx% $ Real Estate Tax Q xx% Facility Cost: _ Net Operating Income: $ Operating Income as a Percentage of Project Cost: xx% Difference in Value and Cost: $ Notes: 1. Building pad sites are available for sale or long -term lease. The asking sale price is $xx per square foot; the asking long -term lease rate is $xx per square foot per year. 2. Parking costs reflect private sector contribution to parking construction. 3. The number of required parking spaces will vary depending upon the mix of land uses proposed. 4. Operating costs should include a fee to be charged for maintenance of common areas. This Common Area Maintenance (CAM) fee is estimated to range between $xx and $xx per square foot of gross building area. 5. As shown on the enclosed site map, portions of the common areas, e.g. patio area, will be made available for lease by building owners and /or tenants. Confidential Funding Request Form (cont'd): Development Concept Proposal Date: Name: Company: Project Name: Ph #: Reference: Applicant shall provide an estimated timeframe for the following items (where available): 1. Initial purchasing and due diligence period: 2. Additional period for pre - leasing and due diligence, upon request from and showing of need and progress by the Applicant: 3. Completion and submission to Town of final construction plans for development: 4. Completion and submission of construction financing commitment for development: 5. Satisfaction of the conditions contained within construction loan commitment: 6. Commencement of development of project: 7. Completion of construction of project: Confidential Town ofAvon, Colorado Request Evaluation Form Date: Reviewer: Request Agent: Rating = Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent Evaluation Criteria Rating Comments Disciplines of Firm / Team (comprehensive, experience working together, unique/ beneficial relationships) Project Management Office (location - local or out -of- state, staffing capacity, reputation) History, Size, Depth of Firm (length of time in business, orientation of clients or projects - change over time, perceived as having a niche, infill vs. suburban experience) Implied Understanding of Vision (articulated vision and partnership roles) Experience w/ Public- Private Partnerships (number, infill vs. suburban, project types, complexity of financing) Town of Avon, Colorado Request Evaluation Form (cont'd): Request Agent Quality of Proposed Concept (consistency with vision and goals expressed in Town Plans and documents, complimentary integration) Terms of Proposed Partnership Ability to Expand Tax Base Potential Community Benefit Impacts Project Experience (similarity with advancing community goals, infill vs. suburban, public sector role (if any), design quality) Clarity of Roles & Responsibilities (expectations, description, % of effort) Professional References (see form) General Impressions (appearance, communication with Town, expressed desire) Town of Avon, Colorado Reference Check Questionnaire: Date: Name: Company: Ph #: Reference For: 1. When did you work with the [ "Request Agent "]? 2. Can you describe the project they developed / participated in? 3. Was their concept similar to their other projects or was it customized to reflect your vision? 4. Who was the project manager? 5. Did you issue a request for proposals or did you sole- source to this firm or individual? 6. Had you heard of them before (if they responded to a request)? Town of Avon, Colorado Reference Check Questionnaire (cont'd): Date: Name: Company: Ph #: Reference For: 7. In your consideration process, why did you end up selecting ["Applicant/ Team"]; what was it about them that caused you to conclude that they were the "right fit" for you and your community? 8. If a public sector reference, did the financing for your project involve public dollars (incentives)? How creative and /or flexible were they with these resources? 9. If a public sector reference, how well did they understand your need for a quantifiable return on your investment? 10. Knowing what you know now, would you select them again? 11. What firms comprised the team that worked with [ "Applicant "], (if any)? Had they worked together before? (Were they the same group that submitted this request ?) 12. We would like to understand how well you felt that [ "Applicant /Team "] performed for you. Please tell us how you would rate them in each of the following dimensions on a 1 -10 scale (with 1 representing Poor, 5 representing Average and 10 representing Outstanding) Town of Avon, Colorado Reference Check Questionnaire (cont'd): Date: Name: Company: Ph #: Reference For: 13. In retrospect, what would you do differently to have had a more productive / profitable experience with [ "Applicant "]? (How can we learn from your experience ?) 14. Any other comments you wish to make. Town of Avon, Colorado Reference Check Questionnaire (cont'd): Personal Interview Form Date: Name: Company: Ph #: Reference For: Dimension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Quality of leadership (helping you anticipate and address issues; design and implementation of an appropriate project approach) Quality of presentations and communication with a range of audiences Availability -- responsiveness Timeliness in meeting deadlines and /or project milestones Creativity demonstrated in financing How satisfied were you with the overall project and the solutions they provided you? How satisfied were you with their adherence to the project budget? Town of Avon, Colorado Confidential Statement of Financial Capability: Date: Reviewer: Request Agent: (For confidential official use of the Town of Avon, Colorado and /or its agents) 1. a. Name of Offerer: b. Address: 2. The Land which the Offerer proposed to redevelop is described as follows: The financial condition of the Offerer, as of (date), is as reflected in the attached financial statement. NOTE: Attach to this statement a certified financial statement showing the assets and liabilities, including contingent liabilities, fully itemized in accordance with accepted accounting standards and based on a proper audit. If the date of the certified financial statement precedes the date of this submission by more than six (6) months, also attach an interim balance sheet not more than sixty (60) days old. a. Name and address of auditor or public accountant who performed the audit on which said financial statement is based. 4. If funds for the development are to be obtained from sources other than the Offerer's own funds, provide a statement of the Offerer's plan for financing the acquisition and development, indicating a proposed source and amount of equity investment, proposed source of debt financing, and evidence of ability to obtain financing. 5. Sources and amount of cash available to Offerer to meet equity requirement of the proposed undertaking: a. In Banks: Name and Address of Bank Amount b. By loans from affiliated or associated corporations or firms: Name and Address of Bank Amount Confidential Town of Avon, Colorado Confidential Statement of Financial Capability (cont'd ): c. By sale of readily saleable assets: Description Market Value Mortgage or Liens 6. Name and address of bank and financial institution references: 7. Has the Offerer or the parent corporation, or any subsidiary or affiliated corporation, if any, of the Offerer or said parent corporation, or any of the Offerer's officers or principal members, shareholders or investors, or other interested parties (as listed in the response to Item 3 of the "Statement of Qualifications ") been adjudged bankrupt, either voluntary or involuntary, within the past 10 years? Yes No 8. Has the developer or anyone referred to in Number 7 above been indicated for or convicted of any felony within the past 10 years? Yes No If Yes, give for each case (a) date; (b) charge; (c) place; (d) court; and, (e) action taken. Attach any explanation deemed necessary. Confidential Town of Avon, Colorado Confidential Statement of Financial Capability (cont'd ): Certification I (We) *, , certify that this Confidential "Statement of Financial Capability" and the attached evidence of the financial responsibility, including financial statements, are true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief and request that the information be treated confidentially. Date: Name Title Firm Name Firm Firm Address Title Firm Address * If the Offerer is a corporation, this Statement should be signed by the President and Secretary of the corporation; if an individual, by such individual; if a partnership, by one of the partners; if an entity not having a President and Secretary, by one of its chief officers having knowledge of the financial status and qualifications. Confidential