1981 Covenants Regarding Parking Avon CtrBook 333 UC:U uL IA•JV F11 UCL.C:11uC:1 11, 1701 Fee:$9.00pd Page 284 r-�ecorder Johnnette Phillips 11-, 9 229640 Ea', j County COVENANTS REGARDING PARKING *4$C elk rao F�2 Avon Center at Beaver Creek, a Colorado limited O partnership (hereafter "Avon Center "), is the owner of Lots A, B, and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Book 309, at Page 600, a resubdivision of Lots 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amended No. 4, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (hereafter "Lots A, B, and C "). Avon Center declares the following covenants regard- ing parking on Lots A and B, which covenants shall run with Lots A and B. RECITALS: 1. Avon Center is currently completing Phase I of a four - phased commercial and residential condominium project known as Avon Center at Beaver Creek Condominiums. Phase I is contained solely on Lot A. 2. Avon Center has received conditional approval from the Town of Avon for a plan to provide up to eighty (80) narking spaces in Phase II of its project on Lot B that are presently required by Phase I on Lot A. 3. As a condition to approval of the plan referred to in number 2 above, the Town of Avon has required that Avon Center provide adequate temporary parking off of Lot A to meet the parking ratio requirement and that Avon Center supply sufficient parking in Phase II on Lot B to result in adequate Parking in Phases I and II on Lots A and B. 4. As one alternative to satisfy such parking ratio requirement, Avon Center plans to use Lot B for parking for Phase I pending completion of Phase II. 5. Village Center, S.A., a Panama corporation, has a security interest in Lot B under a deed of trust given by Avon Center. 6. As a condition of waiving any objection to the plan referred to in number 2 above, the Town of Avon and Village Center, S.A. require assurances satisfactory to each that such use of Lot B for parking for Lot A will not result in any harm or damage to the interests of either the Town of Avon or Village Center, S.A. NOW, THEREFORE, Avon Center covenants as follows: A. No person, other than the owner of Lot A, which is presently Avon Center, shall be required to provide parking for the benefit of Lot A. B. Should Avon Center's ownership of Lot B be term- inated through foreclosure prior to completion of Phase II, Avon Center acknowledges that neither Village Center, S.A., nor any successor in interest, by deed or by public trustee's or sheriff's deed, shall have any responsibility or duty to provide parking for the benefit of Lot A. or Phase I. C. Except as otherwise provided herein, the owners of Lot B shall construct Phase II in a manner to provide sufficient parking space so that all of the parking requirements for Phases I and II will be satisfied on Lots A and B. D. If at any time and for any reason, including a breach of a covenant contained in paragraph C above, Avon Center or its successors are not able to provide adequate parking to satisfy the parking ratio requirements of the Town of Avon, Avon Center or its successors will reduce the amount of commercial space on Lot A it is using until such requirement is met. Such reduction may be accomplished �hPCD reo threr of use of commercial space on Lot A'Ar by conversion of commer- cial space in use on Lot A to parking, at the discretion of Avon Center or its successors. E. Any commercial tenant of Avon Center or any other person who may be injured by or have a claim arising out of any reduction of commercial space resulting from the applica- tion of paragraph D above shall have a claim only against Avon Center and shall not have any claim against the Town of Avon or Village Center, S.A. All leases of commercial space in Phases I and II entered into after this date shall be subor- dinate to this covenant. F. Avon Center, the owner of Lot A, or their respective successors agree to indemnify and hold the Town of Avon and Village Center,' S.A. harmless from any loss, claim or damage resulting from claims of third persons arising out of these covenants, including the cost of reasonable attornev's fees incurred in defending any such claims. 4h Dated this day of December, 1981. ATTEST: eA i p, as' Dalba, Secretary AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK, a Colorado Limited Partnership, By Centennial Ventures, Inc., General Partner By I r Donald Buick, Friesident -2- -£- ;l1iN�ttJ,lh'JJ1tJ, oTTgn .zP N,.�.�� . �8 : sa.zzdxa uOTSSTUnuoo AW •TPas T- 2TDTjjO PUP puPq AM SSHNZIM * UHANda d0 XNV9 gVNOIIVN ZSHId aHS 90 quap- S@ad OOTA SP ' --'-av-r801 '-�j 1,sN<3c;�_ Aq 'T86T ' 8 uO aw a.zojaq pabpaTmouxop seen quouinj sui buzobaaoj aus ( aaANda d0 ASNIlOO aNV AZIO *SS( ( OCIVUOgO0 do alvis �.ua saa a T� Ag =JO +_..� Ua 'IVNOIZKN ZSHId HHs 'T86T 'UH9WdOda 90 APP 'l SIHZ OS GHaUD`d i W A I Mm"Hol : ssa.zppv OTT )Ld AJP N P : sa.zidxo uo-rssTWWOO I yW •TPas TPTDTJJO PUP PUPq Atu SSdNSIM ' ONI ' SaUnZNdn gVINNaINNaD 90 ' AaPgG zoaS SP ' VgaVe SXZOYDIN PUP ' quaptsa.zd SP ' yDIng a'TKNOa Aq ' T 8 6T ' ',3 •'` ` ''w "e. uo aui aaojaq pabpaTMouxoP spry quouinagSUT buTOBOaOj aus ( UaANaG do AZNnOO aNK AZIO •ss( ( oavuo`Io0 do alvis