TC Res. No. 2012-15 Larry Brooks ServiceTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 12 -15 SERIES OF 2012 A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF LARRY BROOKS'S YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Larry Brooks served the citizens of Avon from 1984 to 2012 in several roles during his tenure, beginning as Director of Public Works and Transportation, Assistant Town Manager, Town Manager and finally as a Town Advisor on numerous special projects; and WHEREAS, Larry Brooks has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve the citizens of Avon, through countless hours promoting the town of Avon, attending meetings with neighboring communities and policy committees, town functions, and special events and making every effort to promote the vibrancy and prosperity of the community over a period of twenty -eight (28) years; and WHEREAS, Larry's service has been exemplary in his unwavering commitment, thoughtfulness, thoroughness, vision, energy, commitment and value; and WHEREAS, Larry has assumed leadership responsibility for negotiations with developers of both large resorts hotels and large big -box retailers; and WHEREAS, Larry managed numerous capital improvement projects for Avon such as the Avon Recreation Center, the Swift Gulch Public Works, Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Facility, and the Avon Road roundabout improvements; and WHEREAS, Larry managed the completion of several Master Plans including the Avon Comprehensive Plan, The East Town Center Plan, The West Town Center plans and community enhancement projects such as Lake Street, the Transit Center, The Avon Heat Recovery project, the creation of the Urban Renewal Authority and pursuing the Eagle Valley Land Exchange for the benefit of the Avon community; and WHEREAS, Larry collaborated with neighboring communities and governmental agencies including Beaver Creek Resort Company, Vail Resorts, Town of Vail, Eagle County (including ECO), 1 -70 Coalition, and Rocky Mountain Rail Authority to provide input on topics of regional concern, including but not limited to transportation, recreation, housing, land use development; and WHEREAS, Larry has provided outstanding leadership to Avon staff, mentoring and guiding departments to providing excellent municipal services for the Avon community; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, AS FOLLOWS: The sincere thanks of the Town Council, the residents and the Staff of the Town of Avon are extended to Larry Brooks for his significant role in helping Avon achieve its full potential as a community where a diversity of people live, work and play. ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER 2012. TOWN COUNCIL, AVON, CO DO Rich Carroll, Mayor ATTEST: