TC Res. No. 2008-34 Appreciation of town attorney john dunnTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 08-34 SERIES OF 2008 A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF TOWN ATTORNEY JOHN DUNN WHEREAS, John Dunn, has. served as an attorney in the State of Colorado for over thirty-five years and as the Town Attorney for the Town of Avon for a period of twenty five years; and WHEREAS, John Dunn has served local government in both mining and mountain communities throughout his career, with longstanding commitments to both Lake County as its Attorney (1971-1993) and the Town of Avon as its Attorney (1980-1998 and 2001-2008), spending many hours attending work sessions, regular and special meetings, and community functions; and WHEREAS, John Dunn's legal expertise in Real Estate Law, Municipal Law, and Land Use Zoning Law has been instrumental in guiding the development of the town since the. early eighties and has resulted in the enactment of many ordinances and other legislation that benefits and improves the quality of life within Avon; and WHEREAS, John Dunn's participation over the years in-professional organizations including the Colorado Bar Association, the Colorado County Attorneys' Association and the Colorado Municipal 'League-is., appreciated as this participation has contributed to providing a state wide perspective when offering legal advice to.the town on matters of local concern; and.. WHEREAS,, John Dunn's commitment to advising the Avon Town Council in matters relating to their official powers and duties has been greatly appreciated and respected over the years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The sincere thanks of the Town Council and the residents of the Town of Avon are extended to John Dunn for his many years of service to the Town of Avon. ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. ATTEST: ~~N OF q~~N TOW U CIL, AVON, .C ORADO Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor C3 IN nny, T