TC Res. No. 2008-15 Adopting the east town center district plan and setting forth details in regard theretot ~ TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 08-15 SERIES OF 2008.- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE EAST TOWN CENTER DISTRICT PLAN, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive.Plan recognizes the `East Town Center District' as a key revitalization prospect for.. the community, with significant redevelopment opportunities; and WHEREAS, the 2006 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Matrix lists Policy C.4.1: Develop a detailed District Master Plan for the. East TownCenter District identifying parcel configurations and new automobile and pedestrian circulation alignments to increase the district's visibility; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan designates the East Town Center District as a " High Priority for the Town, and the Plan includes several Goals, Policies, and Planning Principles relative to the implementation of a detailed District Plan; and WHEREAS, in July of 2006 the Town held a five day Community Charrette, where numerous stakeholder groups, property owners, and citizens were given a chance to help develop a vision for the East Town Center District; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission is appointed bythe Town Council to make and recommend plans for the physical development of the Town, subject to the. approval of the governing body; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the East Town Center District Plan and on July 31, 2007, made a unanimous recommendation for approval to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed the attached East Town Center District Plan ("Exhibit A") as prepared by Design Workshop, andxevised by Town Staff; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Avon Town Council hereby approves and adopts the East Town Center District Plan, dated May 1, 2008 (Exhibit A): r • F: ICouncillResolutioiis120081Res 08-15 East Town Center District Plan Adoption.doc •