TC Res. No. 2008-08 Amend the 2006 town of avon comprehensive plan to establish attainable housing policies and setting forth details in regard theretoTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO.. 08-08 SERIES. OF 2008 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2006 TOWN OF AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ESTABLISH ATTAINABLE HOUSING POLICIES AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, the 2006 Town 'of Avon Comprehensive Plan ("the Plan") Housing Topic Area (F) contains three goals: "Achieve a diverse range of quality housing options to serve diverse segments of the population; Provide a workforce housing program that incorporates both rental and ownership opportunities for residents that are attractive, safe and integrated with the community; Participate in countywide housing policies and procedures WHEREAS, Appendix E of the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan ("the Plan") sets forth procedures and criteria for amending the Plan as follows: Amendment Criteria: The following criteria shall be used by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council when Considering a Comprehensive Plan amendment proposal. The proposed amendment shall: 1. Include a justification for the proposed change; 2. Be in conformance with the Plan's overall vision and its supporting goals and policies; 3. Be compatible with existing and planned surrounding land uses; and 4. Not result in excessive detrimental impacts to Avon's existing or planned infrastructure systems. WHEREAS, compliance with the Amendment Criteria detailed above has been fully demonstrated via the cover Staff Memorandum attached hereto; WHEREAS, the Town of Avon commissioned and completed a, Housing Needs Assessment in December 2006 that identifies different segments of the population, based on income, in need of housing attainable at that level of income; WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council directed staff to amend Topic Area F, Housing (Exhibit B), of the Plan to implement attainable housing guidelines via this resolution that will provide guidance to developers seeking a change in zoning per Title 17, Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2008, the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission forwarded a unanimous recommendation of approval of Resolution 08-03, a Resolution to amend the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive' Plan to establish attainable housing guidelines, and setting forth details in regard thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL, COLORADO: that the. Specific Amendments to the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, as detailed in Exhibit B, meet the criteria for such an amendment as outlined in Appendix E of the Plan. ADOPTED THIS 2~~% DAY OF MARCH, 2008 OF AVQti SEAS, T ST.: 6QRAaQ c lv7 3 To Clerk TO OUNCI F AVON OL RADO Mayor Goals and Policies capitalize on an overall community image rather than a single venue or event. Policy E.3.13: Encourage collaborative approaches between the various community stakeholders, such as but not limited to the Eagle County, Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau, Beaver Creek Resort Company, Vail Resorts, Eagle County School District, Town of Avon Parks and Recreation Department, and Eagle County Library District to enhance Avon's overall guest potential. Policy E.3.14: Achieve greater use of existing natural assets and facilities in the community with an expanded schedule of events to strengthen the Town's year- round guest potential and, to provide an amenity for local residents. F. Housing (additions in bold, deletions in Wke##Feugh) IG_ oal F1 Achieve a diverse range of quality housing options to-, serve diverse segments of the !`--population. Policy F.1.1: Establish policies and programs, as further detailed under Goal F.2., which weald will address housing needs identified in a periodic housing needs assessment. The Area Median_ Income (AMI) ranges, as periodically updated by Eagle County, shall be used to establish the affordability of a housing unit when evaluating the mitigation rate required of any development associated with a rezoning application or Planned Unit Development (PUD), or any combination thereof. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 52 Goals and Policies! Policy F.1.2: Encourage private development to that inelude provides a diversity of housing types, sizes, architectural styles, and prices ranges appropriate for local working families. `Go_ al F.2: Provide a an attainable housing program that incorporates both rental and ownership opportunities, affordable for local working families, #er-Fesidents that are attractive. safe. and integrated Wth amongst the community. Policy F.2.1: Require that development, annexations, and major redevelopment includes or otherwise provides for wAlFf r-ee attainable housing. Policy F.2.2: Calculate the impact generated by varying types of land use and development, specifically, commercial and residential linkage calculations. The most recent data available, as periodically updated by Eagle County and the State will be used in this regard. Alternative methods of providing attainable housing, including but not limited to: payment-in-lieu; land dedications; and public- private partnerships, may also be considered. Policy F.2.3: Ensure that attainable housing mitigation is applied at the most appropriate rate and is derived with full consideration of all other public benefits, as contemplated by the public benefits criteria referenced in Section 17.28.085 (AMC), provided by any proposal found to be subject to the rezoning and AID criteria. (Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Wage 53 Goals and Policies Policy F.2.4: Require that weree attainable housing is integrated within large developments and the Town as a whole, rather than separated from the rest of the community, including such units proposed with other developments, and done so in a positive manner. Policy F.2.5: Require wefk€eree attainable housing to be within close proximity to existing services and development, serviced by transit (including bike and pedestrian paths), and close to schools/child care. Policy F.2.6: Establish a definitive, Require minimum, "live-able" dwelling unit size and quality standards for r-equir-ed M)OWeree all attainable housing provided as part of any development or redevelopment agreements to achieve a diverse range of housing types. Such standards shall be proposed at the time a rezoning application is brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a formal recommendation to Council. Policy F.2.7: Adhere to the principle of "no net loss" to of wofliferee attainable housing. Policy F.2.8: Deed restrictions, including, but not limited to: Residency and employment qualifcations, price appreciation caps, capital improvement, ownership & rental restrictions shall be determined and implemented at the time a redevelopment application is reviewed, on a project-by-project basis, based on factors such as location, topography, and land Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 54 Goals and Policies use type(s). Goal F.3' Partici.pate in countywide housing policies and procedures. Policy F.3.1: Participate in countywide down- payment assistance program. Policy F.3.2: Collaborate on joint housing studies and strategies to avoid jurisdictional shopping. G. Transportation (Goal GA: Create an integrated transit system that f i minimizes dependence on automobile travel 11 within the Town by making it easier and more inviting to use transit, walk,- ride bicycles, and utilize other non=motorized vehicles. - Policy G.1.1: Connect pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular circulation systems with regional transit (including the accompanying necessities such as bicycle racks). Policy G.1.2: Devise a public transit service plan that would replace the current one-way loop system with a two-way system that utilizes new road links. Compare annual service hours and productivity (passengers per vehicle-hour) estimates of the two alternative service plans. Policy G.1.3: Require that commercial, public, and other uses that generate significant traffic are served by transit and linked by pedestrian and bicycle paths to minimize their dependence on automobile travel. Policy GA A Ensure that commercial areas, in particular the Town Center Districts, are designed to Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Wage 55 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Matt Gennett, AICP, Planning Manager Date: ' March 25, 2008 Meeting T-1. _ _7© AV 0 N C O L O R A D O Re: Resolution No. 08-08, a Resolution to Amend the'2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan to Establish Attainable Housing Policies Summary: Based upon input from Council,,.the Planning and Zoning Commission, and members of the public, rather than amending Title 17, Zoning, Avon Municipal Code to adopt "attainable housing" regulations, Staff is bringing forth this proposal to amend the Housing (F) topic area of the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan which, adds detail to the goals and policies . therein related to the provision of attainable housing unit amounts and types. The additional detail includes references to calculations for Residential and Commercial Linkage tied to new development applications for rezoning; acceptable methods of attainable housing mitigation; and provides Council 'the discretion to implement mitigation rates on a project-by-project. basis. The purpose behind this approach is to ensure that attainable housing mitigation is applied at the highest rate possible and is derived with full consideration of all other public benefits provided by' any proposal found to be subject to the criteria for a rezoning or PUD application. As set forth in Section 17.20.110(h) Design Criteria 1, "Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives", Avon Municipal Code, any Planned Unit Development (PUD) must demonstrate conformity with. the applicable policies and goals of the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. Exhibit A to this staff memorandum is Resolution No. 08-08,' and. attached to the Resolution as Exhibit B is an amended version of pages 52-55 of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, Topic Area F. Housing, with additions shown in bold and deletions shown in stFike4hFeu0. On March 18, 2008, after proper posting for a public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved Resolution No. 08-03, a resolution to amend the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and which is substantively identical to the resolution being considered today by Council (Resolution No. 08-08, Exhibit A). Amendment Procedures: { On page E1, Appendix E, 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit C), two types of comprehensive plan amendments are described, the second of which, titled "Specific Amendment", is applicable in this. case. Also on page E1, sets forth Amendment Procedures and contains four (4) Amendment Chteiia, as follows and with a response to each one. in parentheses: 1. Include a just cation for the proposed,. change (The Town of Avon has determined that _ additional detail is needed in Topic Area F, Housing, and the modified language provides a method to. achieve the stated goals within Topic Area F); 2. Be in conformance. with the Plan's overall vision and its supporting goals and policies (The proposed changes conform to the Plan's overall vision and goals., by providing a strategy for achieving the goals and policies of the subject. Topic Area); 3. Be compatible with existing and planned surrounding land uses (This criterion does not apply as this proposed change is not specific to an individual property; and 4. Not result in excessive detrimental impacts to Avon's existing or planned infrastructure systems (No detrimental impacts, excessive or otherwise, to Avon's existing or planned infrastructure systems have been identified in association with the proposed changes). Staff has determined the proposed "Specific Amendment' to the 2006 Town. of Avon Comprehensive Plan, Topic Area F. Housing, as outlined above, adheres 'to all of the aforementioned criteria: Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Avon Town Council approve Resolution No. 08-08 as written and' attached hereto, with the finding that the proposed amendments to the 2006 Town Manager Comments: Exhibits: A. Resolution No. 08-08 B. Proposed Amendments to Pages 52-55 of the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan C. Page El, Appendix E, Amendment Procedures, 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Resolution No. 08-08, Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Amendment, 2008