TC Res. No. 2005-47 ADOPTING THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ALL-HAZARDS PRE-TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 05-47 SERIES OF 2005 ' . RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ALL-HAZARDS PRE- DISASTER MITIGATION PLAN FOR PITKIN AND EAGLE COUNTIES. WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 ("Disaster Mitigation Act") emphasizing the need for pre-disaster mitigation of potential hazards; WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act made available hazard mitigation grants to state and local governments; WHEREAS, the amount of hazard mitigation grants available to state and local governments is contingent upon the adoption of an approved pre-disaster mitigation plan; WHEREAS, Eagle,County has applied for and will receive funds-.from hazard mitigation grants to support development of pre-disaster mitigation; WHEREAS, Eagle County and Pitkin County, along with the Towns of Aspen, Snowmass Village, Basalt, Avon, Eagle, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Vail, have developed a multi- jurisdictional pre-disaster mitigation plan designed to leverage their common characteristics and planning resources to better prepare for potential hazards; WHEREAS, Town of Avon desires to comply with the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act and to augment its emergency planning efforts by formally adopting the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for Pitkin and Eagle Counties dated June 1, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL: THAT, the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for Pitkin and Eagle Counties dated June 1, 2005, as may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by the Avon Town 'Council and shall be applicable throughout Town of Avon. THAT, a copy of the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for Pitkin and Eagle Counties shall be kept on record at the Avon Town Clerk's Office and available for -inspeetion-upon reasonable otiee and~° est THAT, the Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Avon. ATTEST: ---T.OWN O VO , COLO O By: 4own nny Ro nald C. Wolfe k Mayor MOVED, REA AND ADOPTED by the Avon Town Council, at its regular meeting held the -day of~~~005. r 4 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Jeff Layman, Chief of Police Date: October 19, 2005 Re: Resolution adopting the multi jurisdictional all-hazards pre-disaster mitigation plan for Pitkin and Eagle Counties Summary: This resolution adopts the Pitkin-Eagle County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. It also continues to strengthen the bond between all of us who provide emergency services in Eagle County. The Table of Contents of the plan is attached to this memo for your convenience. Council members who wish to view it in it's entirety can contact me for a copy or go to www.eaalecounty.us/emeraencv/index.cfin and click on Eagle County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan under "What's New". Background: This resolution acknowledges the need for pre-disaster mitigation hazards that are identified in Eagle and Pitkin Counties. Hazard mitigation is defined as any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from a hazard event. The primary purpose of mitigation planning is to systematically identify policies, actions, and tools that can be used to implement those actions. The passage of this resolution is required by the federal government in order to receive hazard mitigation grants that were made available by the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Discussion: Eagle County has applied for and will receive funds from hazard mitigation grants to support development of pre-disaster mitigation. Eagle County and Pitkin County, along with the Towns of Aspen, Snowmass Village, Basalt, Avon, Eagle, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Vail, have developed a multi jurisdictional pre-disaster mitigation plan designed to leverage their common characteristics and planning resources to better prepare for potential hazards. Town of Avon representatives have worked with Eagle County Emergency Manager Barry Smith to identify existing hazards within the Town. Town employees will be briefed on the contents of the plan and will be active in its implementation. The plan may be amended from time to time, as necessary, to keep up with changes occurring within the Town. Financial Implications: The financial implications of adopting this resolution will be minimal, mostly relating to the time and effort of Town personnel becoming more familiar with the plan and what it has to offer. It may also require that some time be spent in grant writing and meetings with Eagle County personnel. Recommendation: We recommend adopting the resolution. Town Manager Comme x TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 05-47 SERIES OF 2005 . RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ALL-HAZARDS PRE- DISASTER MITIGATION PLAN FOR PITKIN AND EAGLE COUNTIES. WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 ("Disaster Mitigation Act") emphasizing the need for pre-disaster mitigation.of potential hazards; WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act made available hazard mitigation grants to state and local governments; WHEREAS, the amount of hazard mitigation grants available- to state and local governments is contingent upon the adoption of an approved pre-disaster mitigation plan; WHEREAS, Eagle County has applied for and will receive funds from hazard mitigation grants to support development of pre-disaster mitigation; WHEREAS, Eagle County and Pitkin County, along with the Towns of Aspen, Snowmass Village, Basalt, Avon, Eagle, Gypsum, Minturh, Red Cliff, and Vail, have developed a multi- jurisdictional pre-disaster mitigation plan designed to leverage their common' characteristics and planning' resources to better prepare for potential hazards; WHEREAS, Town of Avon desires to comply with the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act and to augment its emergency planning efforts by formally adopting the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for. Pitkin and Eagle Counties.dated June 1, 2005. NOW; THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL: THAT, the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, for Pitkin and Eagle Counties dated June 1, 2005, as may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by the Avon Town Council'arid shall be applicable throughout Town of Avon. THAT, a copy of the Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for Pitkin and Eagle Counties shall be kept on record at the Avon Town Clerk's Office and available for inspection upon reasonable notice and request. THAT, the Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Avon.- MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Avon Town Council, at its regular meeting held the day of , 2005. AV ATTEST: Patty McKenny Town Clerk TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By: Ronald C. Wolfe Mayor t PRE-DISASTER ALL-HAZARDS MI7IGATI0I1, PLA Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 5 DLSASTER MITIGATION ACT OF 2000 5 PURPOSE, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 6 SCOPE OF THE PLAN 6 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS 6 AUTHORITY 7 PLAN ORGANIZATION 8 PROJECT PLANNING AND METHODOLOGY 9 THE PLANNING TEAM 9 PROJECT INITIATION AND TEAM COORDINATION 14 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1 S THF_ RLsK AssESsmENT 15 REVIEW OF CURRENT PLANS. STUDIES AND REPORTS 16 MITIGATION PLANNING 16 PLAN MAINTENANCE AND ADOPTION 16 COMMUNITY PROFILE 17 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 17 PITIQN COUNTY, COLORADO 18 PRESIDENTIAL AND U.S.D.A - DECLARED DTSASTERs 21 HAZARDS IN PITKIN AND EAGLE COUNTIES 22 PRIORITIZED HAZARDS 22 HAZARDS Rlsx BY JURISDICTION 22 WILDFIRE 23 WINTER STORMS 24 FLOODING (INCLUDING FLASH AND SEASONAL FLOODING) 26 LANDSLm1 3 28 AVALANCHE 31 TRANSPORTED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT) 33 OTT T m HAZARDS 36 DROUGHT 37 HIGH WINDS, INCLUDING TORNADO 38 LIGHTNING / THUNDERSTORMS 40 EARTHQUAKE 41 DISEASE OUTBREAK (SUCH AS WEST NILE VIRUS) 42 URBAN FIRE (ACCmENTAL) 42 "VOLCANIC ERUPTION 43 ASTEROID/ COMEP IMPACT 43 TERRORISM - IN ERNATTONAL AND DOMESTIC 45 AIRPLANE CRASHES 46 JAIL/PRISON ESCAPE 46 CIVIL DTsTURBANCE - 47 FLOOD DUE TO HIGH FLOW EVENT BREACH BY INTENTIONAL OR INADVERTENT HUMAN INVOLVEMENT 48 A Pft F-r-DISASTFK 4-1:P! It MILITARY Ac®ENT 48 ARSON 49 EXTREME ACTS OF VIOLENCE 49 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - FDCED INSTALLATIONS 50 VEH1cLE CRASHES (MUTLI AND SINGLE) 51 HAZARDS RISK BY JURISDICI7oN 54 RISK ASSESSMENT 55 -PUBLIC Rlsx ASSESSMENT INPUT 55 -RISK ASSESSMENT 56 HAZARD RISK BY JuRis icnoN 58 HAZARD IMPACT ON CRITICAL INFRAST ucruRE 59 HAZARD VULNERABILITY BASED ON PROJECTED LAND USE AND DEMOGRAPHICS 66 HAZARD MITIGATION 61 MMGATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 61 ExlsrnNG HAZARD MmGATIoN REPORTS, STUDIES AND PROGRAMS 61 PROPOSED MuiGATIoN ACI7oNs 63 MITIGATION ACTION IMPLEIviENTATION STRATEGY 64 PLAN MAINTENANCE AND ADOPTION 66 PLAN MAINTENANCE 66 PLAN ADOPTION 68 APPENDIX A - MITIGATION ACTIONS FOR PITIQN COUNTY 69 WILDFIRE 69 WINTER STORM 70 HAZMAT TRANSPORTED 70 AVALANCHE 71 RocKsuDE / LANDSLIDE 71 SEASONAL / FLASH FLOODING 72 APPENDIX B - MITIGATION ACTIONS FOR EAGLE COUNTY 74 WILDFIRE 74 WINTER STORM 74 TRANSPORTED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 75 AVALANCHE 75 RocxSIME / LANDSLIDE 75 SEASONAL / FLASH FLOODING 76 APPENDIX C - PUBIC SURVEY RISK ASSESSMENT 77 APPENDIX D - STAPLES SAMPLE TEMPLATE 79 APPENDIX E - RISK ASSESSMENT DATA COLLECTION TEMPLATE 82 APPENDIX F - REFERENCES USED IN PLAN DEVELOPMENT 84 APPENDIX G - HAZARD MAPS, 89 APPENDIX H - EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY WILDFIRE PROTECTION PLAN' 92 r