TC Res. No. 2004-14 DENYING SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL FOR THETOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO'. 04-14 Series of 2004 A RESOLUTION DENYING SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST V4 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6TH PRIMCIPAL MERIDIAN (FOREST SERVICE ANNEXATION - PARCEL B), TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, The Vail Corporation has applied for Subdivision Sketch Plan approval for the Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest'/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6 h Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Application was submitted in conjunction with an application for the re- zoning of said Parcel from Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage (OLD) to Residential Medium Density (RMD); and WHEREAS, said application for re-zoning was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing and said review of the proposed re-zoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Town Council denial of the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing and review of the proposed re-zoning, the Town Council has confirmed the recommendation for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission and has denied the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, said Application for Subdivision Sketch Plan approval is based upon a subdivision conforming to the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan is not in conformance with current OLD Zone District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the Proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan for the Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6t' Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado is not suitable for proceeding to Preliminary Plan and Sketch Plan approval is hereby denied for the following reasons: A) Sketch Plan does not conform to current OLD Zone District B) Land is not suitable for subdivision per the proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan C) Reports and Studies submitted with the Subdivision Sketch Plan Application indicate areas of significant hazards ADOPTED THIS a7'~ DAY OF April, 2004. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO tel OF q 'r•• •'3 ~a : ert D. Reynol s, M or ~®LORA' ATTEST: Pa M Kenny, Clerk Resolution No. 04-14 West Avon Sub Sketch Denial Page 2 of 2 • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: April 21, 2004 Re: The Vail Corporation - Subdivision Sketch Plan Application Resolution No. 04-14 - Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest %4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6"' Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado • Summary: The Vail Corporation has submitted application for Subdivision Sketch Plan approval in conjunction with an application for re-zoning of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest'/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the Oh Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed re-zoning would convert the Parcel from Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage (OLD) to Residential Medium Density (RMD). The Subdivision Sketch Plan Application shows a schematic layout of building areas and a possible extension of Nottingham Road to the Parcel and assumes that water and sewer service will be provided by the Avon Metropolitan District and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The purpose of the review is to determine suitability of the sketch plan and establish guidelines and conditions for proceeding to preliminary plan, or provide reasons for not proceeding to preliminary plan. Per Section 16.16.030 of the Avon Municipal Code, the factors to be considered in the review of a subdivision sketch plan are: A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations; B. Suitability of the land for subdivision; C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas or activities of local interest. • BEngineenngUmd Ttade\Sketch Res Memo.Doc We have identified the following issues as being related to these factors in the course of our review of the West Avon Re-Zoning and Sketch Plan Applications as submitted March 8, 2004. 1.- Subdivision Plat - The Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Applications must include the entire land trade area or as a minimum, the applicable section aliquot lines that define the area being subdivided to create the proposed platted area The area outside the proposed platted area should be zoned OLD per current zoning designation. 2. Access -The application documentation includes the following information related to access: a. There currently is no legal access to West Avon. The identified potential point of access will be from Nottingham Road. This access location will require access across two privately owned parcels.' One parcel is zoned IC and will require relocation of the existing parking, circulation and storage areas and the second parcel is zoned OLD.' The second parcel will require a zone change.to allow the construction associated with the proposed access. - b. The proposed zoning and development will require a subdivision variance from road standards to allow a cul-de-sac with a length greater than 1000 feet and serving more than' 20 residential units. The proposed cul-de-sac would extend approximately 4000 feet beyond the Metcalf Road intersection and would serve approximately 300 residential units per the proposed zoning. • 3. Water & Sewer - The application documentation assumes that the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District and the Avon Metropolitan District will provide water and sewer service to the site. The documentation makes no reference to the acquisition or dedication of water rights required, to serve the development allowed by the proposed zoning. It must be substantiated through the subdivision process, that sufficient water rights are available to serve the development allowed by the proposed zoning. 4. Geologic Hazards - Various geologic constraints including subsidence potential, hydrocompactive soils, areas of debris flow, areas of very active debris fans and areas with potentially corrosive and expansive soils are noted as present on the West Avon parcel. These constraints must be fully identified and measures implemented-through the subdivision process to mitigate associated potential hazards to development allowed by proposed zoning. 5. Traffic - A traffic impact analysis prepared by TDA Colorado was submitted with the application documentation. The traffic impact analysis. indicates that Nottingham Road intersections will perform at a satisfactory level of service with some relatively minor modifications at the Metcalf Road intersection in conjunction with improvements included in the town's current capital improvement program. The analysis indicates that Tract Y, Mountain Star should participate in the cost of the Metcalf Road intersection improvements. These improvements will be addressed in the subdivision process and it is not anticipated that LAEnginewmg\L=d Tmde\Sketch Res Maw.Doc • Tract Y will be required to participate in the cost so long as the proposed development is within allowed uses in the current zoning. 6. Impact on Public Facilities: a. Public Parks and Recreation - The Sketch Plan does not identify a commitment of land or financial resources to the impacts of development associated with proposed zoning on existing town resources. b. Transportation - The submittal does not address impacts of the subdivision and potential development associated with the proposed zoning on the town's municipal transportation system. c. Bikepaths - The submittal does not address the potential extension of the existing Nottingham Road Bikepath to serve the proposed subdivision. All of the above issues should be considered in the review of the proposed zoning application and must be addressed in the completion of the subdivision process. If Resolution No. 04-13 denying the proposed re-zoning, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission is approved, approval of attached Resolution No. 04-14, Series of 2004, A Resolution Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest'/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the Oh • Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado is recommended. If Resolution No. 04-13 is not approved, we recommend tabling of Resolution No. 0414 pending further action on the proposed corresponding re-zoning application. Recommendation: Alternate No. I - Resolution 0413 Denying the proposed re-zoning application is approved. Approve Resolution No. 04-14, Series of 2004, A Resolution Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6t' Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Alternate No. 2 - Resolution 04-13 Denying the proposed re-zoning application is not approved. Table Resolution No. 0414, Series of 2004, A Resolution Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, • BEngineeringUmd Trade\Sketch Res Memo.Doc 3 Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the Oh Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - is Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Proposed Motion: Alternate No.1- Resolution 04-13 Denying the proposed re-zoning application is approved. I move to approve Resolution No. 04-14, Series of 2004, A Resolution Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6d' Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Alternate No. 2 - Resolution 0413 Denying the proposed re-zoning application is not approved. I move to table Resolution No. 04-14, Series of 2004, A Resolution Denying Subdivision Sketch Plan Approval for Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6th Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. • Town Manager Comments: is MEngineeringUmd Tnde\Sketch Res Memo.Doc • TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 04-14 Series of 2004 A RESOLUTION DENYING SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST % OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6' PRINICIPAL MERIDIAN (FOREST SERVICE ANNEXATION - PARCEL B), TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, The Vail Corporation has applied for Subdivision Sketch Plan approval for the Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6th Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel • B), Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Application was submitted in conjunction with an application for the re-zoning of said Parcel from Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage (OLD) to Residential Medium Density (RMD); and WHEREAS, said application for re-zoning was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing and said review of the proposed re-zoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Town Council denial of the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing and review of the proposed re-zoning, the Town Council has confirmed the recommendation for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission and has denied the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, said Application for Subdivision Sketch Plan approval is based upon a subdivision conforming to the proposed zone change from OLD to RMD; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan is not in conformance with current OLD Zone District. 1AEngineeringUmd Trade\.Sketch Res 04-14-Doc n s NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the Proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan for the Subdivision of a Parcel of Land located in the Southwest '/4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6u' Principal Meridian (Forest Service Annexation - Parcel B), Town of Avon,,Eagle County, Colorado is not suitable for proceeding to Preliminary Plan and Sketch Plan °approval is hereby denied for the following, reasons: A) Sketch Plan does not conform.to current OLD Zone District B) Land is not suitable for subdivision per, the proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan C) Reports and Studies submitted with the Subdivision Sketch Plan Application indicate areas of significant'hanrds ADOPTED THIS DAY OF April, .2004. - TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Albert D. Reynolds, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk 1:\EngineeiingUand Tmde\.Sketch Res 04-14.Doc • • .7