TC Res. No. 2004-10 AMEND THE 2004 TOWN OF AVON BUDGETTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 04-10 SERIES OF 2004 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2004 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2004 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2004, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2004. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2004 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2004; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2004 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2004; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON,COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following funds are amended as follows for 2004: Original or Previously Amended 2004 Budget Town of Avon Finance Authority Beginning Fund Balance $ 783,640 Revenues and Other Sources 756,186 Expenditures and Other Uses 756,186 Current Proposed Amended 2004 Buffet $ 783,640 2,539,329 2,746,057 Ending Fund Balance $ 783,640 $ 576,912 Original or Previously Amended 2004 Budget Sherwood Meadows Enterprise Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,486 Revenues and Other Sources 273,864 Expenditures and Other Uses 272,675 Ending Fund Balance $ 6,675 Current Proposed Amended 2004 Budget $ 5,802 2,008,555 2,012,573 $ 1.784 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 13`h day of April, 2004. ,9- 17, AIJ ATTEST: L090 Pa M Kenny, T wn Clerk TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Albert D. Reynolds, Ma r 2 Finance Authority Debt Service Fund #34 • Amendment #1 Original or Current Account Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Number Descri tion Actual Budget Budget Increase p 2002 2003 2004 2004 (Decrease) REVENUES Investment Earnings: 57101 Investment Earnings $ 13,271 $ 7,871 $ 10,000 $ 5,600 $ (4,400) Other Revenues: 58201 Lease of Property- Sherwood Meadows Fun 192,429 193,371 194,193 -1,981,736 1,787,543 58201 Lease of Property- Fleet Maintenance Fund 4_ 08_106 420,178 413,994 413,994 - Total Other Revenues Other Sources: 59201 Transfers-In from General Fund Total Other Sources TOTAL REVENUES 600,535 613,549 608,187 2,395,730 1,787,543 136,036 140,059 137,999 137,999 _ 136,036 140,059 137,999 137,999 - 749,842 761,479 756,186 2,539,329 1,783,143 EXPENDITURES • Debt Service: 921 Series 2000, Certificates of Participation: 65101 Principal 75,000 75,000 80,000 2,125,000 2,045,000 65102 Interest 120,508 117,020 113,458 56,729 (56,729) 65103 Fiscal Agent Fees 900 2,400 3,400 5,000 1,600 920 Series 1998, Certificates of Participation: 65101 Principal 65102 Interest 250,000 270,000 275,000 275,000 65103 Fiscal Agent Fees 303,562 900 292,938 3 250 281,328 3 000 281,328 3 , , ,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 750,870 760,608 756,186 2,746,057 1,989,871 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (1,028) 871 - (206,728) (206,728) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 784,668 783,640 783,640 783,640 - FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 783,640 $ 784,511 $'783,640 $ 576,912 $ (206,728) Page 1 Sherwood Meadows Enterprise Fund #53 Amendment #1 7~77 -,7 iid REVENUES Charges for- Services Total Operating Revenues Other Sources Sales of Fixed Assets Operating Transfers In Total Other Sources TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES General Government: Employee Housing Total Operating Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year FUND BALANCES, End of Year Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase 2002 2003 2004 2004 (Decrease) $ 121,306 $ 92,357 $ 108,864 $ 15,555 $ (93,309) 121,306 92,357 108,864 15,555 (93,309) - - - 1,863,000 1,863,000 182,500 150,000 165,000 130,000 (35,000) 182,500 150,000 165,000 1,993,000 1,828,000 303,806 242,357 .273,864. 2,008,555 1,734,691 269,120 265,715 272,675 2,012,573 1,739,898 269,120 265,715 272,675 2,012,573 1,739,898 0 269,120 265,715 272,675 2,012,573 1,739,898 34,686 (23,358) 1,189 (4,018) (5,207) (5,526) 29,160 5,486 5,802 316 $ 29,160 $ 5,802 $ 6,675 $ 1,784 $ (4,891) U Page 1 Sherwood Meadows Enterprise Fund #53 • Amendment #1 LYrj }~';"t• yrs.'.. s,.zJ^^ .f: :R .~"-tr.~a~~~u,;T'r A.°.-..°r,~. 4".`";~'`-t~~ r _ _ 'ta.~ .~C. ~.sY:.-w_ f'.11~ :~u~nma `.4'-~: u:n~`°.": Ztt..''• ` :,">"3~-'a`~~'~~ R Fi Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase Description 2002 2003 2004 2004 (Decrease) Charges for Services: Employee Housing: Rental Revenues - Employees Employee Housing Maintenance Rental Revenues - Nonemployee Late Fees and Other Charges Total Charges for Services Other Sources: Sales of Fixed Assets Operating Transfer In Total Other Sources TOTAL REVENUES • • $ 78,752 $ 81,272 $ 108,864 $ 15,555 $ (93,309) 9,422 588 33,032 10,497 100 - 121,306 92,357 108,864 15,555 (93,309) 1,863,000 1,863,000 182,500 150,000 165,000 (165,000) . 182,500 150,000 165,000 1,863,000 1,698,000 $ 303,806 $ 242,357 $ 273,864 $ 1,878,555 $1,604,691 Page 2 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Amendment #1 Function: General Government/Housing 9100 Department, N/A Program: Sherwood Meadows #191 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase Number Account Description 2002 2003 2004 2004 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 2,482 $ - $ - $ - $ - 61121 PTS Wages - 278 - - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 1 - 61401 FICA/Medicare 36 4 - - - 61402 Group Health and Life Insurance 331 - - - - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 12 2 61507 Dental Insurance 31 3 - - - 61509 Worker's Compensation 104 8 - - - 61510 Unemployment Insurance 8 61000 Total Personnel 3,005 295 - - - Commodities: 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 20,330 14,920 14,040 10,000 (4,040) 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 2,822 1,787 5,500 304 (5,196) • 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 23,152 16,707 19,540 10,304 (9,236) Other Operating Costs: 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64203 Electric 64207 Cable Television 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 64905 Insurance Premiums 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Debt Service: 65201 Capital Lease Payments 65000 Total Debt Service Capital Outlay: 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures 31,716 33,696 35,628 11,232 (24,396) 13,243 14,705 16,000 7,000 (9,000) 3,631 5,930 6,513 2,000 (4,513) 550 742 500 - (500) 1,394 269 301 301 - 50,534 55,342 58,942 20,533 (38,409) 192,429 193,371 194,193 1,981,736 1,787,543 192,429 193,371 194,193 1,981, 736 1,787,543 $ 269,120 $ 265,715 $ 272,675 $ 2,012,573 $ 1,739,898 Page 3 i • Memo TO. Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thee Lary Brooks, Town Manager Prone Scott Wright, Finance Director Q_>~ Date: April 8, 2004 Re: Sherwood Meadows Purchase Option Resolution No. 04-09, Budget Amendment Resolution No. 0410 Summary: As staff has previously discussed with Council, attached is Resolution No. 04-09 from bond council authorizing the Town of Avon to exercise and pay the purchase option in order to acquire the Sherwood Meadows condominium units. Also attached is Resolution No. 04-10, amending the Town of Avon Finance Authority and Sherwood Meadows Enterprise Fund budgets to reflect the pay-off of the COPs and the sale of ten condominium units. The net effect of these budget' amendments is a reduction in the Town's subsidy to Sherwood Meadows from $165,000 to $130,000, remembering that the Town is retaining one unit. As of today, 9 of the 10 units for sale are under contract for closing on April 30"'. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolutions discussed above as presented. Town Manager Comments: Attachments" A - Resolution 0409 B - Resolution 0410 C - Summary of Proposed Amendments by Fund • Page 1