TC Res. No. 2002-54TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 02-54, SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF TOWN MANAGER BILL EFTING WHEREAS, BILL EFTING was named Town Manager of the Town of Avon in 1997; and WHEREAS, BILL EFTING has served the Town of Avon with integrity and leadership; and WHEREAS, BILL EFTING has been an instrumental player in the local and statewide community, by participating on numerous boards and with numerous activities such as Organizing Committee for 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships, Organizing Committee for 2001 World Mountain Bike Championship, Colorado Municipal League, Colorado Association of Ski Towns, Colorado Association of City Managers, Norwest Colorado Council of Governments, Colorado Alliance for Rapid Transit; and, WHEREAS, BILL EFTING- has provided his expertise and leadership in helping the Mayor and Town Council. complete a number of community projects during his tenure, such as a $9 Million Public Works Facility, Five Round-a-bouts, Parks Maintenance Facility and Pumphouse, Annexation and Development of the Village (at Avon), More Affordable Housing, and the Redesign of East Avon; and, WHEREAS, BILL EFTING has professionally managed the Town's staff; and WHEREAS, BILL EFTING has resigned his position as Town Manager on the 26th day of November, 2002; and WHEREAS,. BILL EFTING'S presence and contributions to the Mayor and Town Council, staff and community of Avon will be missed. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, as follows: 1. The sincere thanks of. the Mayor and Town Council and the residents of the Town of Avon are extended to BILL EFTING for his service to the Town of Avon. 2. This Resolution shall be spread at large in the minutes of the meeting and a certified copy shall be delivered to the said BILL EFTING. ADOPTED THIS 26' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2002. nr r ~~N'Q tG*RPA TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Mayor ATTEST: Patt enny Town Clerk