TC Res. No. 2000-34RESOLUTION NO. 34 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF AVON TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COORDINATED ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 7, 2000 WHEREAS, § 1-7-116(5), C.R.S. provides that "If, by one hundred days before the election, a political subdivision has taken formal action to participate in a general election or other election that will be coordinated by the county clerk and recorder, the political subdivision shall notify the county clerk and recorder." WHEREAS, the Town of Avon wishes to take this formal action to participate in the coordinated general election of November 7, 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Town of Avon hereby takes this formal action to participate in the coordinated general election of November 7, 2000. ADOPTED this 25 day of July , 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yoder, r ROVED AS TO FORM: Burt Levin, Town Attorney ~Il U 1V July 26, 2000 Sara K. Fisher Eagle County Clerk and Recorder PO Box 537 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: C.R:S., § 1-7-116(5); formal action of Town of Avon to participate in' coordinated general election. of November 7, 2000 Dear Sara, Enclosed please fmd. Town of Avon Resolution No. 00-34; the Town's formal action . to participate in the November 7, 2000 coordinated general election. Thank you for your attention to this matter. i ncereiy yours, Kris Nash Town Clerk Cc: Bill Efting, Town Man ager - - ---$urt Levini Atte. y Post Office Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-4000 970449-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 77Y MEMORANDUM TO: Hon. Mayor and Council Members FROM: Burt Levin CC: Bill Efting RE; Resolution concerning November 7, 2000 election DATE: 07/17/00 The November 7, 2000 general election will be coordinated by the Eagle County ~ - Clerk (Sara K. Fisher). Ms. Fisher will be presenting us with a draft of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town and the County at least 60 days before the election, as required by § 1-7-116(2), which provides: (2) The political subdivisions for which the county clerk and recorder will conduct the coordinated election shall enter into an agreement with the county clerk and recorder for the county or counties in which the political subdivision is located concerning the conduct of the coordinated election. The agreement shall be signed no later than sixty days prior to the scheduled election. The agreement shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) Allocation of the responsibilities between the county clerk and recorder and the political subdivisions for the preparation and conduct of' the coordinated election; and (b) Provision for a reasonable sharing of the actual cost of the coordinated election among the county and the political subdivisions. For such purpose, political subdivisions are not responsible for sharing any portion of the usual costs of maintaining the office of the county clerk and recorder, including but not limited to overhead costs and personal services costs of permanent employees, except for such costs that are shown to be directly attributable to conducting coordinated elections on behalf of political subdivisions. The attached resolution authorizing the Town to participate in the.coordinated election run by the Ms. Fisher satisfies another section of the Election Code, § 1-7-116(5) C.R.S., which provides: (5) If, by one hundred days before the election, a political subdivision has taken formal action to participate in a general election, or other election that will be coordinated by the county clerk and recorder, the political subdivision shall notify the county clerk and recorder.