TC Res. No. 2000-23RESOLUTION NO. 00-23 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2000 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2000 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2000, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2000. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2000 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following fund is as follows for 2000: Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget Capital Projects Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,350,910 Revenues and Other Sources 1,844,093 Expenditures and Other Uses 2,779,419 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,415,584 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ 3,351,242 1,844,093 3,009,419 $ 2,185,916 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 23'd day of May 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yoder a r 2 Capital Projects Fund #41 Amended Budget #2 Fund"''_Summary Original or Current Actual Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual 1999 Budget Amendment Increase 1998 (Unaudited) 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes Intergovernmental Investment Earnings Other Revenue Total Operating Revenues Other Sources: Transfer In from Other Funds Bond Proceeds Capital Lease Proceeds TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities Land and Land Improvements Roads and Streets Recreation Strategic Planning Communications Other Debt Service: Capital Lease Payments $ 1,950,670 $ 2,253,373 $ 1,050,000 1,050,000 $ - 607,869 200,000 670,000 670,000 - 125,804 137801 113,093 113,093 - 73,969 35,183 11,000 11,000 2,758,312 2,626,357 1,844,093 1,844,093 - 2,059,507 250,836 - - - 7,085,000 - - - - 114,000 225,954 - - 12,016,819 3,103,147 1,844,093 1,844,093 - 4,965,193 4,652,394 255,218 255,218 - 128,966 2,091 227,909 227,909 - 1,565,150 851,523 1,841,665 2,071,665 230,000 - - 185,000 185,006 - 44,537 38,085 25,000 25,000 - - 139,939 100,000 100,000 - 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 - 397,321 80,605 123,416 123,416 - Total 7,102,667 5,766,887 2,764,208 2,994,208 230,000 Other Uses Bond Issuance Costs 317,621 - - - Operating Transfer-Out to Debt Service Fund 563,570 - - - - Operating Transfer-Out to Wildridge S.I.D. 17,171 16,191 15,211 15,211 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,001,029 5,783,078 2,779,419 3,009,419 230,000 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 4,015,790 (2,679,931) (935,326) (1,165,326) (230,000) FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Year 2,015,383 6,031,173 3,350,910 3,351,242 332 FUND BALANCE, End of Year $ 6,031,173 $ 3,351,242 $ 2,416,584 $ 2,185,916 $ (229,668) Page 1 Capital Projects Fund #41 Amended Budget #2 CIP Projogts;Went Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities: 11001 Municipal Building Improvements 12001 Fire Station Expansion/Remodel 13001 Swift Gulch Facility 13002 Pump House and Picnic Shelter 13003 Park Equipment Storage Land and Land Improvements: Parks: 21001 Pocket Parks 21002 Garton Property Roads and Streets: Streetscape: 31001 Streetscape Planning 31002 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. 31003 Wildridge Entry Sign 31004 Nottingham Rd. Imp., 1-70 to Buck Creek 31005 Nottingham Rd. Imp., Buck Creek to end Street Improvements: 32001 Paving/Road Improvements 32002 W. Beaver Creek Blvd Railroad Crossing 32003 Chapel Square Reimbursement 32004 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements Multi-Modal/Altemative Mobility: 34001 Sidewalks 34002 East Avon Access and Circulation 34003 Roundabout Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvemen 34004 Eagle River Bikepath 34005 Eagle River Bikepath - Beaver Creek Blvd to Cc 35001 Roundabouts: 36001 Public Art Work Recreation: 51001 Nottingham Park Basketball Court Strategic Planning: 71001 Development Analysis and Review 79001 Planning and Consulting Communications: 81001 800Mhz Radio System Other. 91001 Fireplace Conversions Total Capital Improvement Projects $ 363,669 $ - $ - $ - $ - - 17,444 187,000 187,000 - 4,240,472 4,332,319 68,218 68,218 - 361,052 - - - - - 302,631 - - 128,966 - - - - - 2,091 227,909 227,909 - 41,178 - - - - - 38,979 655,000 885,000 230,000 - - 104,000 104,000 - - - 195,000 195,000 - - - 200,000 200,000 - 181,308 140,002 90,000 - 90,000 51,344 - - - - - 150,000 50,000 50,000 - - - 90,000 90,000 - - 19,428 - - - - 120,947 110,000 110,000 - - 134,914 - - - - 10 292,665 292,665 - - - 55,006 55,000 - 1,155,320 - - - - 136,000 247,243 - - - - - 185,000 185,000 - 20,768 34,701 - - - 23,769 3,384 25,000 25,000 - - 139,939 100,000 100,000 - 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 - $ 6,705,346 $ 5,686,282 $ 2,640,792 $ 2,870,792 $ 230,000 Page 2 Menlo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer May 13, 2000 West Beaver Creek Blvd. - Streetscape Improvements Revised Project Cost Estimate and Budget Summary: The following Project Cost Estimate and recommended Budget is-based ' on the latest available information including construction bids, material testing proposal and contract administration services proposal. Construction Bids were received May 12, 2000 and the low bid submitted is included in the following cost estimate; along with estimated costs from proposals received for material testing and contract administration services. Details regarding construction bids and proposals for the other services will be submitted separately with recommendations for action pending approval of a revised project budget. The current project budget is $655,000. 'A revised project budget of $885,000 is recommended with a cost breakdown as follows: Construction $ 627,915 Engineering (Design) 9596 Easement - Survey/Title/Appraisals 23,550 Easement - Acquisition 82,733 Contract Administration 27,840 Construction Testing 30,000 Public Relations & Administration 2,500 Contingencies 80,866 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 885,000 It should be noted that the actual cost of some of the above items may vary from this estimate, but we believe the recommended contingency will be adequate to cover any potential cost increases. C:\DOCUME-I\Swright.TOA\LOCALS-I\Temp\Memo Cost Est RevlDoc 1 We recommend approval of a West Beaver Creek Boulevard Street Improvements Project Budget increase from $655,000 to $885,000 with the additional funds to be derived from the Capital Projects Fund Balance. Town Manager Comments: C:\DOCUME-1\Swright.TOA\LOCALS-1\Temp\Memo Cost Est Rev2.Doc Town of Avon Memo Ta. Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thm: Bill Efting, Town Manager Frorm Scott Wright, Finance Director QW-~~ Date: May 17, 2000 Re: Resolution 00-23, Budget Amendment SuenrnarSl: A budget amendment is proposed for the 2000 budget for the following item: Capital Projects Fund An increase to the W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Improvement Project in the amount of $230,000. Please see the attached memorandum from Norm Wood regarding the W. Beaver. Creek Blvd: Streetscape Improvement Project revised project estimates. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution discussed above as presented. Town Nhumer Comments: Attachme A - Resolution 00-23 B - Memo from Norm Wood Page 1