TC Res. No. 1997-63TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 97-63 SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEDULES FOR AVON ROAD PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1101 AND 1102 OF THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has determined that local conditions are such that speed limits varying from the Model Traffic Code are desirable in certain locations; and WHEREAS, The Town of Avon has evaluated local conditions on various streets and roads within the Town and has determined that the speed limit on Avon Road and the corresponding intersections or approaches should be as specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Town Council of the Town of Avon that when official signs are erected giving notice thereof, the speed limit shall be as specified below for Avon Road and the corresponding intersections or approaches thereto: Northern Terminal (Inter-State 70) to Benchmark Road 25 mph Benchmark Road to Southern Terminal (US Highway 6) 30 mph ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF November ,1997. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ja k Fawcett, Mayor ATTEST: RFC9761 DOC. 1 V Yr 11 \/1y111