TC Res. No. 1997-20RESOLUTION NO. 97-20 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE REVISED WATER LINE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DATED JANUARY, 1997 BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that policy of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority re: revised water line standard specifications, as set forth in the attached draft dated January, 1997, is hereby adopted. ADOPTED the 25th day of February, 1997. Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk PK EAGLE RP-MR AW WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT W fares Roan -veg. caoram 81W7 (970) 4M74e0 - fox (9701476-4M MEM®RANb UM To: The Board of Directors of Arrowhead Metropolitan District Beaver Creek Metropolitan District Berry Creek Metropolitan District Eagle-Va0 Metropolitan District 'Edwards Metropolitan District Lake creek meadows Water District Squaw Creek Metropolitan District Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority l1~ From: Mark Van Nost and, Engineering Manager Subject" Revised Standard Specifications for main Line Construction Date: Jatmary 9, 1997 AQPQ ;1WyJ-S= aLsnaara sPecd1cmnons for Water Main Line Construction are being fnah d. Copies of the Specifications will be available to all interested Directors and staff members by the end of 3a uary. To make the new Smdards available at the Spring 1997 Contractors Meeting we will be requesting that the Board adopt them during the February Board Meeting, The revised Standard Specifications mcorpor3re substantial additions and improvements that have been brought about by operations field experience and inspections, changing regul=*ns and Producm and the continuation of ensuring that the District obtain and maintain a quality water system. The shaded text areas indicate additions to the specifications. Pump Station and Water Tank inspection checkoff lists have been added. A water main convr1m ee agreement focal has been included. Standard details have been modified to reflect current insmilation requirements and additional derails have been added to better Mustrate constrnction requirements. As built specifications are detailed so that the District receives this data in a font 1hat can readily be impormed and used in the District's AutoCAD computer nmpping system. If you would Iike a copy of the revised Specifications. please contact the District at 476-7480 and ask Kathy Garrison to send you one. Should you have any questions about tiny of the proposed revisions. please contact me (ext. 4-6). AN BOARD ACTION REQUEST FORM TO: The Board of Directors of Arrowhead Metropolitan District The Board ofDirectors of Beaver Creek Metropolitan District The Board of Directors of Bellyache Metropolitan District The Board of Directors of Berry Creek Metropolitan District The Board orDirectors of Cordillera Metropolitans District The Board of Directors of EagleNail Metropolitan District The Board of Directors of Edwards Metropolitan District The Board of Directors of Lake Creek Meadows Water District The Board of Directors of Squaw Creek Metropolitan District The Board of Directors of Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority The Town Council of Town of Avon FROM: Mark Van Nostrand, Engineering Manager for Eagle River Water & Sanitation District DATE: February 5, 1997 SUBJECT: Adoption of District Water Line Standard Specifications Summary of Subject: The District staff has been working to improve the Standard Specifications related to water line construction and acceptance for the past year. The previous Standards have needed to be revised to deal with submittal requirements, new construction techniques and materials, testing procedures, and acceptance procedures. It is the District's intent to distribute the revised Standards to the engineering and construction firms that do work in the Vail area at the annual spring Contractors meeting to be held in April. Discussion/Background: The Standards are a crucial part of the process to obtain a quality constructed water system before being turned over to the District for operation. Alternatives: Continue to use the existing District Water Line Standard Specifications Legal Issues: Standards should reflect current construction techniques and materials used by the industry. Standards need to reviewed and revised periodically in order to best protect the interests of the Districts- Budget Implication: District Standards have been reviewed and revised by District Staff including recent revisions to the Standard Details using in-house AutoC.AD. The cost of printing is included in the ERW&SD Customer Service budget for 1997. Recommendation: Adopt the revised Standard Specifications for Water Lines dated January, 1997. Suggested ResoMon: Be it resolved that the revised Water Line Standard Specifications dated January, 1997 be adopted. Attached Support Docmnentaiion: A copy of the Water Line Standard Specifications will be made available at the Board/Council meeting. Copies of the Water Line Standard Specifications can also be obtained from the District by calling Fred Haslee at 476-7480. MEMORANDUM February 12,1997 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Van Nostrand RE: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS - WATER Attached is a "draft" copy of the above referenced document. The shbaded a indicate additions and or changes that have been proposed for adoption. In addition to those specific areas the following "standard details" have been as r modified for clarification for the contractors: W-2 "Water Service Stub Out" Detail: A `Service Stub-Out Bedding" detail has been added. =f~` A-3M locating marker disc has been added. The proposed 3/8" material is to lessen the impact of the 3/4" material on the service line. = - W-3 "Concrete Thrust Blocks" Detail: A, "Vertical Thrust Block - Section" detail has been added. 6" and 10" Pipe size have been added to the "Minimum Bearing Surface Table. W-14 "Main Line Meter Vault" Detail: = The original detail was incomplete. The detail has been completed W-15 "Concrete and Steel Pipe Encasement" Detail: A"Steel Encased Water Line" detail has been added. x$ ° - Z V-16 -"Easement Width Detail": This is a new detail that has been added to meet OSHA and District' Safety requirements. W-17 "Vertical Thrust Block" Detail: - This is a new detail that has been added to clarify the specific _ requirements for this application as per request of the contractors. W-18 "Water Pipe Insulation Detail": This is a new detail that has been added to clarify the specific requirements for this application as per request of the contractors. W-19,20 & 21 "As-Built Specifications" Details: These are new details that has been added to clarify the specific District requirements for the As-Built submittal of both the AutoCAD and Mylar submittal. h\ 15wsd\memos\specsmem.h2o - : _ STANDARD SPECM CATIONS~~~- 71 Al", WATER LD r` JANUARY 1997 , TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General Requirements 1.01 Authority 1.02 Effective Date of Specifications 1.03 Revisions, Amendments or Additions 1.04 Definitions CHAPTER 2 Main Extensions 2.01 Responsibility for Main Extensions 2.02 Application Procedure . 2.03 Plan Requirements for System Extensiow - _ : 2.04 Construction Procedure 2.05 Inspection 2.06 Performance Agreement and Bill of Sale 2.07 Special Conditions 2.08 As-Built Drawings 2.09 Main Line Testing CHAPTER 3 Distribution System Design and Layout 3.01 Sizing Distribution Mains 3.02 Fire Protection 3.03 Distribution Regulation Installations 3.04 Pumping Facilities 3.05 Storage Facilities 3.06 Layout of the Distribution System CHAPTER 4 Service Line Stab out Design and Layout 4.1 - 4.19 All New and Replacement Service Lines CHAPTER 5 Material Specifications 5.01 Materials and Testing 5.02 Pipe and Fittings 5.03 Valves 5.04 Fire Hydrants 5.05 Service Lines 5.06 Meters 5.07 Bedding 5.08 Trench Backfill 5.09 Concrete Material 5.10 Concrete Mix 5.11 Polyethylene Encasement 5.12 Thrust Blocks and Anchors age 1-2 1 1 - 1 1-2 3-7 3 3 3 =-4..., . _ . r 4-5 5-6 6 6 6 7 8-10 8 8 8 9 9 9-10 11-12 11-12 13 - 20 13 13-14 14 - 15 16 16 - 17 17 -18 18 19 19 _19 19-20 20 ti.\104wv\4.eng\mW\b2OV=.9m-lf3i/97 Water Specifications Table of Contents-i I i Page CHAPTER 6 Earthwork 21 - 26 6.01 Earthwork Defined - 21 6.02 Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions 21 6.03 Maintenance of Traffic and Closing of Streets 21 6.04 Caution in Excavation 21 6.05 Excavation to Line and Grade 21 6.06 Trenching Operations - 22 6.07 Excavation in Poor Soil 22 6.08 Protection of Existing Structures-and Utilities 23 6.09 Surplus Excavation Material 23 6.10 Blasting 23 6.11 Dewaiering - - : - A-- 6.12 Select Pipe Bedding 23 - 24 6.13 Backfill and Compaction - 24 - 25" 6.14 Cleanup 25 6.15 Surface Restoration and Maintenance 25 6.16 Subgrade and Road Preparation 26 CHAPTER 7 Pipe Installation 27 - 37 7.01 Safety 27 7.02 Handling of Materials 27 7.03 Inspection and Preparation of Pipe and Fittings 27 7.04 Cutting and Fitting of Pipe 27 7.05 Pipe Joint Lubrication 27 7.06 Pipe Alignment and Grade 27 - 28 7.07 Temporary Bulkheads 28 - 7.08 Frost 28 7.09 Lowering of Material into the Trench 28 7.10 Laying of Pipe 28 - 31 7.11 Installation of Valves 31 7.12 Valve Box Installation 31 7.13 Installation of Fittings 31 - 32 7.14 Fire Hydrants 32 - 33 7.15 Dead Ends 33 - 7.16 Thrust Blocks and Anchors 33 - 34 7.17 Vaults 34 7.18 Harness Rod 34 7.19 Connection to the District System 34-35 7.20 Corrosion Protection Systems 35- 36 7.21 Disinfection 36 - 37 7.22 Hydrostatic Testing 37 - 38 7.23 Acceptance and Release for Taps 38 CHAPTER 8 Specifications for Booster Pump Stations 39 - 40 8.01 Equipment ~39 - 40 8.02 Corrosion Protection 40 n:\laue vW-eng\regsUaOspecs.98r1/31/97 Water Specffications Table of Contents-ii 1 • CHAPTER 9 Booster Pmnp Station Telemetry 41 - 42 9.01 Telemetry Control System 41 9.02 Data Interface Modems 41 - 42 CHAPTER 10 Final Acceptance - - 43 - 44 10.01 Requirements 43 - 44 FORMS: Water System Acceptance Procedure , 45 Checklist for Booster Pump Station-Vaults/Wells Initial Startup 46 - 47 Checklist for Water Storage= _ - 48 - 49 Water Main Conveyance Agreement 50 - 51 STANDARD DETAILS: 52-73- W-1 2" Combination Air Valve & Manhole- _ 53 W-2 Water Service Stub Out 54 W-3 _ Concrete Thrust Blocks 55 W-4 Fire Hydrant Assembly 56 W-5 Gate Valve and Box Assembly 57 W-6 Anchor Block/Cutoff Collar 58 W-7 Clay Barrier 59 W-8 Water Pipe Bedding 60 W-9 Tapping Detail 61 W-10 Polyethylene Wrap 62 W-11 Main Line Pressure Reducing Valve Vault (Top View) 63 W-12 Main Line Pressure Reducing Valve Vault (Side View) 64 W-13 Main Line Meter Vault - Manhole Application (Top View) 65 W-14 Main Line Meter Vault - Rectangular Vault Application (Side View) 66 W-15 Concrete and Steel Pipe Encasement 67 W-16 Easement Width Detail 68 W-17 Vertical Thrust Block 69 W-18 Water Pipe Insulation Detail 70 W-19 As-Built Specifications / Standard Layers 71 W-20 As-Built Specifications / Block Tags and Line Types 72 W-21 As-Built Specifications / Sheet Format 73 - . - ; e:\104 v\4-eng\repVoDspms.9m-ir3i/97 Water Specifications Table of Contents-iii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.01 AUTHORITY The Standard Specifications for Water Lines as set forth herein (the "Specifications") are promulgated by the following Water Entities: Arrowhead Metropolitan District, Beaver Creek Metropolitan District, Berry Creek Metropolitan District, Cordillera Metropolitan District, Eagle fiver Water' Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District, Edwards Metropolitan District, Lake Creek Meadows Water District, Squaw Creek Metropolitan District, Upper. Eagle Regional Water Authority. The interpretation and enforcement of said Specifications is hereby delegated=to the Regulations Administrator. - - 1.02 EFFECTIVE DATE OF SPECIFICATIONS The Specifications shall become effective immediately upon formal adoption by the Entities and shall supersede all former standard specifications for water construction within the Entity. 1.03 REVISIONS, AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS The Specifications may be revised and/or amended. Such revisions, amendments and additions shall be binding and in fall force immediately upon formal adoption by the Entities. 1.04 DEFINITIONS As used in the Specifications, unless the context shall otherwise require, the words defined in this paragraph shall have the following meanings: A. APPLICANT FOR SYSTEM EXTENSION: any person, association, corporation, entity, or governmental agency desiring water services for premises under their control, often a Subdivider, a Developer or an Owner. B. CONTRACTOR: a person or persons, association corporation or entity employed by an applicant for the purpose of installing water system extensions or replacements. C. DEFECTIVE: work that is unsatisfactory, faulty'or deficient, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval referred to in the Specifications, or has been damaged prior to the Entity's approval. D. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: mains together with all appurtenances including valves, fire hydrants, taps, meters, service pipes from main to curb stop or property line (whichever is closer to the main), and associated materials, property and equipment distributing water to customers. E. DISTRICT: the following Water Entities: Arrowhead Metropolitan District, Beaver Creek Metropolitan District, Berry Creek Metropolitan District, Cordillera Metropolitan District, Eagle River Water`and•`Sanitatioe'D ct, Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District Edwards Metropolitan District, Lake Creek Meadows Water District, Squaw Creek Metropolitan District, Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. . . I h:\10-,Lv\4-eqg\regsm2osps.9di-1/31/97 Water Specifications F. DISTRICT ENGINEER: the authorized representatives of the District acting within the particular scope entrusted to them. G. DISTRICT INSPECTOR: die authorized represeatives of the District acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. - ~ H. MAIN EXTENSION: extension to the existing water distnibution system located within the District. - I. SERVICE LINE: the water line extending from the premises up to and including the connection to the curb stop. Curb stop shall be at the property line or edge of easement, whicheveuis closer- to the main. J. SHOP DRAWINGS: all drawings, diagrams; illustrations, brochures and other data which are spec' tor, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the work and submitted by contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the work. n \104WW-«►g\rep .9m-tr3i197 Water Specifications 2 CHAPTER 2 MAIN EXTENSIONS 2.01 RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAIN EXTENSIONS All main extensions within the District or total service areas shall be made at the expense of the Owner x ~!vei. 2.02 APPLICATION PROCEDURE All inquiries, applications and submission of plans for main installations shall be initiated through - the District's office at 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 ([970] 476-7480). The engineering design and water plan portions of the extension applications shall include the following considerations;_;..~;__ w__ - ;R, - An overall or master plan showing the area to be developed and any adjoining proposed developments by the Owner/Developer. The plans shall include the proposed facilities for: 1. Points of connection to- existing facilities. 2. Size of mains to be installed. 3. Locations of mains to be installed. 4. Special features such as pressure regulating valves, blowoffs, relief valves, booster pumps, tank sizes and capacities, etc. 5. Acceptable materials. The applicant shall submit final plans prepared and signed by a Colorado Professional Engineer for review by the District. The District shall check all submittals for conformance with the Specifications and other applicable rules and regulations and either approve the submittal or return it to the applicant for correction. The applicant is responsible for total compliance with the Specifications for Installation of Water Lines. Said specifications will take precedence over the District's plan review. The District is not responsible for omissions which occur through its plan review. All final plans shall be submitted for approval by the Owner and or Developer to the Fire Department having jurisdiction prior to submittal to the District. 2.03 PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR SYSTEM EXTENSIONS Detailed plans for system extensions shall be prepared for approval in conjunction with the-. submittal to the District. All plans submitted shall be in strict compliance with the Specifications contained herein and shall meet special conditions that may be reasonably required. The design and installation of all facilities shall insure development of an integrated system. No work shall commence on any facilities until the plans for construction are approved in writing by the District and four copies of the approved plans are returned to the Regulations Administrator's - office. When a main is to be installed outside of the public street right-of-way, within an easement or right-of-way dedicated for main installations, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for h:%IG-wva-mg\rep%20saem.gm-1r31/m Water Specifications 3 r providing restoration and landscaping adequate to prevent erosion caused by surface run-off. Landscaping and restoration construction shall be designed in such a manner that minimum future maintenance will be required. All proposed mains to be installed within a dedicated line easement or right-of-way will require plan and profile drawings to be prepared by the Owner/Developer's engineer and approved by the District. - All final plans shall contain, but are not limited to, the following information: A. Plan View Containing Or Showing: _ 1. Boundary lines including recorded. plat information showing location and dimensions of dedicated roads, rights-of-way and easements. 2. Lots and blocks. 3. All existing'and proposed improvements. - 4. All existing or proposed utilities which may conflict with water installations to include size, type and location. 5. The proposed alignment and size of the lines to include the location of all proposed facilities such as valves, fire hydrants, fittings, etc. B. Additionally, All Plans Shall: 1. Be made from actual field surveys and shall reference land corners or other official survey control points and be of sufficient accuracy so that the facilities can be accurately staked for installation and can be readily located after installation for maintenance, tapping and control. 2. Standard scale shaII be 1 10" on,24":x 36°~~ Larger scales may be used when necessary to adequately show specific details of mains, connections and other installations. 3. Show sufficient adjacent area to give the relation of new facilities to existing facilities. Existing facilities will be identified on the plans with District nomenclature. 4. Profile information depicting lines and grades for proposed main line extensions. Individual line sizes and material types shall be identified. . 2.04 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE Following final approval of the plan(s) by the District and execution of cost recovery agreements, if applicable, the Applicant may proceed with construction. In addition to all. construction requirements contained in other portions of the Specifications, the Applicant and his Contractor - shall observe the following: n:\10-,cvw-M\regsm20spem.sm-1/31/97 Water Specifications 4 . Shall mandato tructton occur ,__4 r IL A. . ry-Prefixms . , :meetmg Pr3oF any exca Participants nation. shall include; but not be- limited `ate f+oIiowiag ~r; Excavator, Engineer, Degelvpez~~and~a~D.istncc:RepresenY B. Construction shall commence within six (6) months of the approval date shown on said plans. In the event that said construction does not commence, the plans must be resubmitted for review and approval. If construction on the main installation is halted for more than six (6) months, plans must be resubmitted for review and approval. C. The Applicant shall secure and pay for all licenses and permits required for the system extension. 'All. a custcirns ill .be notified, ogritiitg; at least ;forty eight (4$) . hoii~ ii~adc~vant~: a~~ons~mc~iou.an~:tin ain~fi~u;of seFVice D. Adequate provisions for notification of, customers who may suffer outages must be developed. Outagesshnugm ke r_ -minor u+ E. Mains shall be disinfected in accordance with the Specifications set forth and referenced herein. F. Mains shall only be tapped after having-been installed, chlorinated, tested and flushed to the satisfaction of the District. No dry tapping of mains shall be allowed. G. Water taps shall be made on the spring line of pipe. H. All new water taps shall be made by the Contractor and inspected by the District. 2.05 INSPECTION A. New installation, replacement or repair of any existing facilities in the District's distribution system shall be inspected and approved by a District Inspector. The Inspector shall ensure that the provisions of the Specifications are carefully complied with, particularly in regard to the quality of workmanship and materials. Problems which may require field judgement, in lieu of strict interpretation of the Specifications, shall be resolved by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Inspector. All work shall be performed in accordance with accepted workmanship practices and the Specifications set forth and reference herein. Any work not accepted by the Inspector shall be redone until compliance with said Standard Specifications is achieved. All appropriate permits and approved water plans shall be kept on the job site during construction. The Inspector shall not supervise, set out work, give line or grade stakes. A responsible representative for the Contractor, designated by the Contractor, shall be at the project site at all times that construction is in progress. The Inspector shall discuss the work with the Representative or his Supervisors only. Any directions given to the workmen will be given by the Representative. If, at any time during construction, if is found that no Representative for the Contractor is at the project site, such a situation shall be cause for the Inspector to stop work until a Representative is present at the project. n:uo-=v\4-wg\mp 2Asp=.M-1/31/97 Water Specifications 5 B. All material used shall be subject to the inspection and approval, of the Inspector at all times. The Inspector has the right to perform any testing deemed necessary to insure compliance of the material with said Specifications. Failure or neglect on the part of the Inspector to condemn or reject inferior materials, or work, shall not be construed to imply the District's acceptance should their inferiority become evident at any time prior to completion of a TWO (2) YEAR warranty period. Materials rejected by the Inspector shall be immediately removed from the job site. After receipt of approved plans from the District, the Contractor shall give at least forty eight (48) hours notice to the District, telephone no. [970]476-7480,. prior to starting construction. No construction shall commence sooner than forty eight (48) hours after receipt of approved plans. 2.06 PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AND BILL OF SALE The Developer shall furnish to the District a guarantee for the satisfactory repair or replacement where required, or the cost thereof, of all work, material, services and equipment which becomes defective as a result of faulty material, faulty installation, or improper handling of material and equipment installed by the Contractor. Such guarantee shall be for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of acceptance of work performed. Uj~date s'6all . be 6 date of "Final A►cc Pace" b3►;ie The Bill of Sale forms shall be provided to the Developer by the District. The Developer shall complete the form and return it to the District for final approval. A copy of the final approved form will be sent to the Developer. 2.07 SPECIAL CONDITIONS When applying for a main extension, special conditions that involve another agency, such as crossing a railroad or highway, may exist. All conditions of the appropriate agency must be satisfied. All designs, drawings and calculations submitted to another agency shall also be submitted to the District for approval. Should a conflict in the plans and specifications occur between the District and the other agency, the more stringent plans and specifications yielding a higher quality product shall prevail. This shall be determined by a District Representative. An approved traffic control plan shall be submitted to the District. 2.08 AS-BiJILT DRAWINGS The Owner/Developer will be required to submit a complete set of "field;verified" as-built drawings depicting the actual alignment of the main line extension complete with the locations of all valves, fire hydrants, vaults and related appurtenances including service lines and curbstop locations. ctub,sto vales shall be a• m K>. _.y_.... AdditroiialtYa....•, locatedby....minizrmm oi~#uee3}.. swnig s off periiianent la~dmarI~,~" vv8.;:,Ttusornaatinn;s~iall~be :a Fart "4idW drawing, submittal. The as built information shall be submitted on a set of the approved construction drawings as well as a computer disk using the District's computer format (AutoCAD Release 13) and nomenclature. See standard drawings for additional-details. - h:\10-wv\4-mg\rep.9th-1,31/97 water spefiscations 6 2.09 MAIN LINE TESTING Immediately after main line installation, the Contractor will conduct a pressure test of the main line to insure that the line is not*leaking.o a - - iliac 1UOQ". of ~Zine` stiall"~e~~at, .tn~e. If it is discovered that the main line is lealdng, it will be the responsibility of the Owner/Developer to make all necessary repairs and retest the main line. No tap shall be made on to the main line until the main lime has successfully passed all tests. The testing shall be witnessed by the District. A ,-thejend b th f 4` R r• pia theD1ltrac~Q: wall induct BII.additional --r-°~~ Pressure tie~t tb8?J ?l Io.siis e-thaE.t :H12M--line=is n0tle0k3ng..If it:'is tlscoverd°thaf tier _iriexs ;l minh+' all( walaanaun~ It ~vill;be the `N Moons? lli 'of t~le r7 Y47~tf Cl td 1 ry: 1 S1IS' d 31E~BSt thL II]alII llil~' to tale curb stops, lfiev#esting shall i~a►itnsed bye:Di~strictiw ...,.o~Y. v-G:,. J+.L.: 'YY„M ."4 VL.?'.tXT'~x ^:Y. J.atl.\-• l~~~y~~p~y~~~}•~ A»~ -.,r. _ x: >.+n n~: ~v: ~i :l •.a»Ln$ii ..w,. ~~~Yn':`,^z •Lt~~ The~w.!:'~~r'.i~ y'` ~43._.,_ .yri,: _wH.,........ n:\10-wv\4-eng,rLW .9e-ir3i/9, water specifications 7 CHAPTER 3 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN AND LAYOUT 3.01 SIZING DISTRIBUTION MAINS All mains shall be sized large enough to provide for domestic, irrigation, and fire protection flows to the area requesting service. The minimum size of all District mains shall be eight inches (8"). T&e District reserKes the rv gvei=.~aizis tQ,pmvide gro3 ~:.ftir _ 'ec fi~ureaeeds at the_Owner%Dev s and/or " "'s- 3.02 FIRE PROTECTION A. The number and location of fire hydrants in a given area must be approved by the appropriate governmental age=s - Fire hydrant branch lines of tes: size shall be set at right angles to street mains. The hydrant shall be set at the end of the branch line and shall face the branch line. No horizontal or vertical bends or offsets shall be used in installing fire hydrant branch lines unless approved by the District. Under no circumstances shall any size or manner of tap be made on a fire hydrant branch line between the hydrant and hydrant valve. The hydrant valve shall be located a maximum three feet (3') from the center line of the fire hydrant, initess 8ie.h3!dtant vaivee ►oul aie"I+oi abed m die.bariow di IL such _ - - an evei the value shall 'be movedID a location approvWby fire hydrae ` the District. A t shall be installed at the end of all dead end water mains. Aan droved fn+edtant: marlaer shall be;nstalled; on ate fre hyd b3' dte~Devec~per . { J v._ ~u. All Fire Hydrant "flow tests" shall be performed by the requesting party. All costs associated with the "flow test" shall be borne by the requesting party, The District shall witness and over see the "flow test" in conjunction with other appropriate governmental agencies. 3.03 DISTRIBUTION REGULATING INSTALLATIONS Regulating installations are required to control pressure, provide pressure relief and separate pump . and gravity zones throughout the distribution system. When main extension plans are submitted for review, the need for regulating installations must be approved by the District as determined by existing and proposed pressure zones, booster pump areas and the existing distribution system piping. Presently, regulating installations shall be categorized as follows. 1. Pressure Regulating Station 2. Pressure Relief Station 3. Check Valve Station All regulating installations will -be reviewed and approved by the District and installed by the " Owner/Developer. At all high points in the main line distribution system, a combination air vacuum and air release valve shall be installed in a minimum four foot (4') diameter manhole. h:%10-wv\4-M\cep%20spas.9dh-1/31197 Water Specifications 8 3.04 PUMPING FACILITIES All proposed booster pumping facilities shall be considered as a special feature and dealt with on an individual case basis. The size, location, and type of booster pumping facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the District Every effort shall be made to provide facilities which are consistent with the District's existing booster pump stations. See~:C~tap~eis$ and 9; fot_.muu 3.05 STORAGE FACILITIES Water storage reservoirs or tanks are required throughout the distribution system to maintain adequate supply during peak demand periods and to provide storage for emergency and fire flow requirements. Storage reservoirs may also be required adjacent to and on the suction side of pumping facilities. The size, location and type of storage reservoirs shall be reviewed and approved by the District All proposed storage tanks shall be considered a special feature and will be dealt with on an individual case basis. 111 stDragn-tank 7X_ pry. _ timitEed and'- - ved b the bistrkt "id, ctioa o#:tliese _ LLBPF Depending,fln tT~e.: ty of constiucdoa:ropose.for the :►a talc the t_ai shvulc of e minimum, lie designed in acdordance with AWWA sl fica tvo®s D100,`.Dlij3, D110-or-DI ~S For tank -construction not covered by the above listed AW WA'stairdards such as post=~iis ones ...concrete, the design old; t: a ~miaimum rgee a ficable jmdusf=y •s arils. and specifications. •Cathoclic protection~sl~ll-beprovided for all ste~veater:taztksVaud 8~e.interior dud-exterior-st~! components in steel or-concrete water"-tanks: 3.06 LAYOUT OF THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM A. Easement Width Requirements for Maier Installations All mains shall b e'h--i alled h dedicated public - - - - street easements. The,standard,easementwide-for aIl main.liaes.shall detei ed:by:tlie depth of the, water°line. The easement widfli. sliaH be tiased on a one and oue~iaif ~h) to one (I) , slope. with.a three : (3'}' feet: a ionnded u V 3o the nesiie >S toot increment. Example.!, if the ater w, 'line is .l0'deep,the~aalc~,i: 3~ anxt ~avon tic 3 wide-- TIC -required easement rounded uP would be-3- .wide: ,F.aseiita must-lie w M . whichI will pio room for future. excavation: and maintenance-'. the main l tmd B. Fire Hydrants All fire hydrants will be installed within dedicated streets, right-of-ways, or easements as herein above defined. Fire hydrants shall be installed only at locations approved the Fire Department, the District or the appropriate governmental agency . or at" m mmoogm;of eveiy l ~lpp: h:Xiac+w-eng\mp .9th-ir3i/97 . Water Specifications - .9 C. Size of Mains - - The minimum size of all District mains shall be eight inches (8"). D. Bonded Joints and Tracer Wire ~P l'ac'er E. Line Valves Line valves are required at a minimum of one 1} everyone thousand feet (1,000'). dditioralmvalves-ai.udei.~sdlate.lie stem at Uanc :aad;ees: All. tliiust~ sue., ley- ~ statituriumbers,: :e is n \iaa.eng\rep.9m-ir3i/97 water Specifications 10 CHAPTER 4 SERVICE LINE STUBOUT DESIGN AND LAYOUT ALL NEW AND REPLACEMENT SERVICE LINES 4.1 saIl-fie - - °1i app Barytes .Ime,taps.. _ made jb~,,tt~ ~o~r~ ~ ~ atlbe~tthe ~uanm:litie= roue 4.2 An expansion loop (3/4" through 2" only) must be left in the service line where it is connected to the corporation stop at the water main to allow for expansion and contraction. See Detail. 4.3 Service lines shall be a minimum of three-quarter inch (3/4') in diameter. No couplings shall be allowed from the mein line to the curb stop-. Zepair~ t4 servlcfr T :!sett $P a ate Cgi stop t%aC-e4!tiie ctn!l sshall be .1 ii wade oa TI -D-y.t _ -d 40i ! ac+ -his _ . Dsbrict~ . - - - 4.5 Service lines between the-corporation and the curb stop (3/4" through 2" only) shall be constructed - of type "K" copper. Water service lines over two inches (2") shall be ductile iron or other District approved material.x Edwars lutetolitau Dust E 4.6 Service lines (3/4" through 2" only) after the curb stop shall have only compression joints or silver- soldered joints. 4.7 Service lines shall be installed with eight feet (81) of cover except at the expansion loop. Depth of bury shall be determined from finished street grade and finished grade of the property being served. 4.8 w Edwards Meted ~9strict t)nly ' R en a plai&service line i installed: ftum the r i stog tb the build'ingthe.District vvftl to.. , require a ten gauge (10) insulated copper wire to be installed- oaith the service lime and taped every. ;three to (3) to_tlie pipe fc~r the p*w of1ocating.th~*TV e;. 37ie W of plastic seiv6-lines -b 4.9 Curb stops will be placed at the property line or at the edge of an easement, whichever is closer to the main. 4.10 All service lines, inicludiag:fue.seice lines; are required to have pressure reducing valves located inside the_building. A.Pre&mm Re&wing.Valve-(Pik ,is"to be iiista ie."on, the msiii. ile ,pf water meter and er #iie_Piiovelliaclr8ovvrevea deice. 4.11 A ten foot (101) horizontal separation shall be maintained between water and sewer service lines. A minimum eighteen inches (18") vertical separation shall be maintained between water lines and sewer lmes.with the waterline.to.be located Move the+sewer, line. 4.12 Taps shall not be made after November 15th of any year, or before April 15th, without specific approval of the District. Taps may be allowed during this period provided the tapping area is heated and at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice has been given to the•District. uo,~ «,g-i~um Water Specifications 11 4.13 Inspection of service stub outs is required. Inspections will be made with the service stub out under pressure. Inspections must be scheduled with District personnel. 4.14 "Turn-ons" shall be made by District personnel only. All water shall be metered. 4.15-- All line stabouts shall be marked as indicated in the Standard Drawings. 4.17 ratio; i five Or10,; n4 MCM be, aadfoi 4:18 449erYalCe".£matCiial>sball>';:ri$rs4 ¢''m'.ecl mclGmatenal : fee: Qf<aag h:\10-v\4-ens\mp .gdl-i/3l/n Water Specifications 12 CHAPTER 5 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.01 MATERUM AND TESTING All materials shall conform to the All materials utilized shall be new and undamaged. Everything necessary to complete all installations shall be in accordance with the Specifications and all installations shall be completed as fully operable functioning parts of the District's System. Acceptance of materials, or the waiving of inspection thereof, shall in no way relieve the Applicant of the responsibility for furnishing materials meeting the requirements of the Specifications. 5.02 PIPE AND FITTINGS All pipe and fittings used in the District's System shall meet the latest AWWA Specifications. A. Pipe 1. Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWA C151, working pressure 350 psi, jiisst~iie ,3SQ, with cement-mortar lining, AW WA C104. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. Pipe joints, push-on type utilizing rubber ring gasket, AWWA C111. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressure 200 psi, with push-on joints ASTM D1869. Six inch (6"), eight inch (8") and twelve inch (12") PVC water lines shall be Class 200 dimension ratio 14 (DR 14). PVC pipe may only be used in corrosive areas and in the Edwards Metropolitan District provided the static water pressure does not exceed 170 psi. Installation of PVC pipe in corrosive areas must have prior written authorization from the District. 3. Steel Pipe: All steel pipe and fittings shall be fabricated in accordance with AW WA C200 Standard for Steel Water Pip" In. and Larger, and AW WA M- 11 Steel Pipe Manual. Wcitkug prre 35Q.psi All material used shall be acceptable under ASTM A283 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality, or ASTM 6 tlard,.,`* cMcat ±cros fot: tictiuFa i; 00 poi .inn'11 N .r.. all Pe nateri : usal; ►a11: die ` lil T Y uuier'1fiC ; Standard, Specification., for,. Pipe, . Step, .:Btacand.I~titp-ate Welder and Seamless. All fittings shall be fabricated from tested pipe and dye checked in accordance with AWWA C208. All steel pipe and fittings shall be prepared, primed, lined, coated, painted or wrapped as hereinafter specified: -4 h:\10-wv\ -ms\rep%zospecs.gm-1/31/97 Water Specifications 13 a. Exterior Surfaces - Tape'~roatimg y is conforming to AWWA 0209 and CZi4. b. Interior Surfaces - rming to AWWA C2f15. Cement.mprtaT iinizg confo B. Fittings Fittings shall be made of ductile iron and in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C 153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AW WA C 111. Bolts and nuts shall be low-alloy steel. All fittings shall be cement mortar lined, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating one (1) mil thick. C Joint revues _ _ Joi~i~fia~nr sizeti'the~sami devices. Jaime 1700 ~fi accepted :squat D. Sod'Sles Solid sieeites -siiat2 . ~ai$de be µ : of: ~ .lion; ~.tnecl~aiic -j- .W.. .lon~` tigiy~ ~ Sleeves ~s1a1[ have 'a minimum, pressareYiating of 350 Pri.,.where -a solid sleeve. u to. jots two is sea 'of . afthe piecesP?P~ cliametera "vve~t$, i~anct~'~ris to be inserted, jetv~eea~the twv pipes .inside:Pf- I d, sleeve: 5.03 VALVES The valves shall be the same size as the main. A. Gate Valves Shall be Mueller A-2360 or Waterous AFS-2500, KWec or AVK 5erie~ 25 with an epoxy coated interior and exterior cast iron or ductile iron body, pressure rating 250 psi, bronze-mounted, AWWA C509. Resilient seat (wedge) gllier encapsulated gate, flanged or mechanical joint as required. Valves with ring stem seal, two inch (2") square operating nut, open left. Use Osilien'w8p gate valves on all pipe sizes up to and including twelve inches (12"). Direction of opening: open right in Vail; specifically from the Red Sandstone Drive region within the Lions Ridge area to the East Vail exit of Interstate 70. All other Districts open left. To determine the correct valve applications Con2ractorysitatl contact the District Inspector prior to ordering materials. B. Butterfly Valves Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA *o rti C504,- Class 150B, flanged ar mechanical joint as required. The butterfly valves shall be tight closing with rubber seats fastened to valve body. Open right in souls areas pf the e' er Wahh atiita ioti ~isEnct. Open left all other Districts. Butterfly valves shall bscused on pipe installations larger than twelve inches (12"). h-R10-mw\4-M\resamsosp=.M-1r31/97 Water Specifications 14 C. Valve Boxes All buried valves shall be provided with a six inch (6") cast iron valve box, screw type. The valve box shall be of a design which will not transmit shock or stress to the valve and which shall have enough extension capability to be raised to final street grade. The valve box shall be cast iron, adjustable screw type, with minimum five inch (5") diameter shaft provided with cover, marked "Water". D. Presst" Reducing Valves a I3ue iecl "ca valve (PRY) be• a - W rArrectvalve n..: ;le~uust~lled:.~;l?!~t.rgatitris7.~a11 mbebr;bod...... i:iiniiy* buss `arid~staiulesssteed,'t~_T~t~all~~e„~boppe; E~oxy;~ated'-ia~tieiior it eaa~:s~f~r-PE?t~ble,~vt±atear coatac~: 3 i7reln sleeved stie`~vhere 7 x...._ h . _ w valve i to ruin' closed'~_or'lo" l~eiia ls~-of time anii differem alpessuri across #ii~i eve-is not:3n excess ot,$0 4. Valve openia~:sp-e~t1;C;V.:flirc~cM„R..co~rol: S. Ductile lion;.globe-body; iaimgm 15011irANSi,flan~ges:or.as.ma~ be Y.. by systempress~ires,;lirgnze; trim: . 6, Potry.S6~v clean strainer and mi,of thretr {3J.of~cocks E. Pressare Redacing Naives -Bypass Iaite Shall be"a C1a-Va190-O1:v,* ,sized appropnatei}' _ taWa]la" laoarvfl(" "b y ass around the main ?RM . The valve shall _ haver a aiict~e-iron g1o e, body,: pith scFewecl ends: Fdotry'twith a fl strame and o be egpedpwµh wye: p~pj~p isolatioat: c~aeks 8►pass;R!'s than Z",SF1al1;a1SQ. e.equipped .it prW~W7YiY' F. Air Release / Vacuum Valves Shall be APCO Series 1400 as manufactured by Valve and Primer Corp or an equivalent valve which has been approved by the District. The valve shall have a cast iron body, cover and baffle with a stainless steel float. The seat shall be fastened into the valve cover, without distortion, and shall be easily removed, if necessary. Air release/vacuum valves shall be installed on all main line extensions at all high points in the system. h:Xlaueww.engUogsWOV=.M-1/31M Water Specifications. 15 5.04 FIRE HYDRANTS A. Shall be Mueller "Centurion", Kennedk7,A or Waterous "Pacer" which conform to AWWA Standard 0502. Working pressure 200 psi. Six inch (6") mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5-114" compression-type main valve which closes with pressure, two 2-1/2" hose nozzles, and one 4-1/2" pump nozzle. Nozzle threads ANSI B26. Nozzles must be easily replaceable in the field with standard tools. Operating and cap nuts 1-1/2" No. 17 National Standard hex main valve which opens to the L.E_ T. Direction of opening indicated by arrow cast on top of hydrant. Breakable section which permits clean break at or near ground level, preventing water loss in case of breakage. _ Working.parts must be removable for maintenance or repair without excavation. Operating mechanism non wetting, -oil reservoir lubricated, with O-ring-seals. Barrel drain bronze mounted with at least two outlets, and operate automatically with main valve. Fire hydrants must be installed at the end of all main lines. B. Fire Hydrant Extensions " sectioa)~ shall: lie'vsedor instatled oii fire :ass~nblie"s-installed a~ part •of advv _3nain-.line. ccr~ist<vction ' rovements: Akl fae hMyd shallbe .installed: with a standea~d soven. and ctne hakf foot ("1-112') burr C. All hydrants shall be installed with a guard valve to isolate the hydrant for repair while maintaining service to main. No service line taps will be allowed between guard valve and hydrant. Guard valves shall be installed a maximum three feet (3') from the center line of the fire hydrant. D. Fire hydrants shall be installed on all dead end mains. 5.05 SERVICE LINES A: Copper Tubing Shall be Type "K", ASTM B88. Connections to be compression or silver soldered. B. Corporation Stops Mueller 300 Ball Valve No. B-25008 or B25028, AWWA C800. All brass construction with compression connection. McDonald No. 4701 BT, AWWA C800. Fvrd cciaomp Ford IPlcpmp FB-1000-G FW100D-G h:\10uevw-eng\rep .9di-ir3inn water Specifications 16 C. Curb Stops 1Niuelier 300 ted:Bai.Caz1alvsTo..7A9;1?crd1-B44:►ith servi+ nsula~oi pt accepted;egaal;-b _A, clloodW, to~~ave q MWm connectioW D. Curb Boxes - Mueller H-10316. 2-1/2" shaft with extension, Tyler 101F with extension or equal. Shaft extensions over nine feet (9) shall not be permitted. Required depth of bury for service line is eight feet (8'). ; E. Saddles Mueller H-10500, 3Ci~i03Smith-: 13 3 3 or equal and approved by the District. Double flat strap design with ductile iron body. Conform to AWWA C800. PVC Saddle: JCM 404 service saddle, S 3lair 317 with stainless steel double flat straps or an eqt iva jliereto which has been pr N .l Y___ histrict 5.06 METERS A. All to services are requanred ve a. Sensus water meter, . - . = wrih Electmmc .C cation Registex ORM amd touch; xead . pad, Conformance per AW WA-G700 Skaridag- fir. Cold= Water Mete rs---Dis~iacemeat Type, C701 Standard for Cold Watei Me_tei~-'1~rtiine Type, and 0702 Standard.. for Coid. 'Water U` eters-=-Compound .Type. ':-Meter, to 'be Disp]ac t.Type: (DTI, Mirbine.T yo. tTTT), ar; Compound Type (C7) as listed below" 1. Residential or co erclal service, 1.1f " and.2"' DT' SeII31I3 SR 2. Residential or commercial service, 51897 and 3/4",and .i",.D'I`, Sensus 3It.II 3: lm 'gatz... "ouon1► , " or master Meter service; Tr 5ensiis Series "W" • ^ 4. Ciimmercial service; 2" and"above," CT Se isris Perfuist ..w.... Si Meter.Type *ill;be determined bg_:the iisttict B. Installation must be in freeze-proof, accessible area. C. Installation shall be near the floor level in a horizontal position. Isolation valves shall bey located before the PRV and after the meter (i.e. valve, PRV, meter, valve). D. Customer shall install 3-strand wire from meter location to touch-read pad prior to meter installation. E. Touch-read pad will be located on street side of building, five feet (5) above the ground in an accessible location free from snow. F. The District will install the meter and connect to touch-read pad upon request. Schedule installation with District personnel forty eight (48) hours in advance. b:\lanev44eng\mp\b2ospm.9th-131/97 Water Specifications 17 G. Service will be turned on and billing will commence when the meter is installed. H. Water shall be turned on Q * by District personnel only. - I. Master Meter Vaults: All District master meter vaults will be required to have a six inch (6") Sensus turbine meter with a two inch (2") turbine bypass . flow meter.,-. The~requ0 Brie a_ l'8~e ~ aid bye ane-ti~:Ue ~;by :the C~~_ vner's weer: rfbe C'ona }lam - a` ~ ~ sc~+tc: ,meter ~ #o:.~.~i~Irict~ior„~-tc►.,r ins~i"atioe(. Refer to Standard Drawings for additional details. 5.07 BEDDING A. Granular material - 3/4" or 3/8". screened rock.T The bedding material shall be fine of corrosive properties~ndasl~tYconfosm to tlae.~el3o sled-by. - means of laboratory sieves: 3/4" SCREENED ROCK:- Sieve Size Total Percent Paecing by Weigbt 3/4 inch 100 1/2 inch 90 - 100 3/8 inch 40 - 70 No. 4 0-15 No. 8 0-5 , ri, , - 3/8"rSCRF.E1Vi•;D RUCK Talik,703- ie km Total Percent %'inch i0(I 3/8 inch 8S ;i lOQ N6-4 10 ~3A\ No B No;'16 . r..:....._ . _ B. In spec&,greas, such as where aCCeSS;1S may,be.illowed , ate; :when,ppO ; moist be on-site 1-1/2" minus well graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material crust have prior written District approval. C. Service - Beds: consistf 3t8"'.minasscreened rocl~maf.~oa . organic mat~ ~\104WW-Cms\MW•9di-1/31/97 Water Specifications 18 5.08 TRENCH BACE FE,.L Shall be backfill with same materials excavated from work site unless unsuitable. Rocks over six inches (6") in diameter shall not be used within 12" above the bedding material as bacM materiaL No backfill material with boulders larger than eighteen inches (18") in diameter shall be backfilled in the trench. - - 5.09 CONCRETE MATERIAL A. General: All materials shall be furnished from sources agreed to by the Engineer. B. Cement: ASTM C-150 for Portland Cement, : Type U. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. C. Aggregate: -ASUA-C33. - D.- Water. Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete. 5.10 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix 1. Proportions Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard Coarse aggregate - 43 % Water - 5.5 gallons per sack Maximum size aggregate - 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum - 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5 % - 7 % B. Job-Mixed Concrete Shall be mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10) minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Ready Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches the project shall be rejected. 5.11 POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT When required by the District, a polyethylene encasement material shall be manufactured in h:\10-uev\4-=W\regs\h2Ospecs.9tb-1/31/97 Water Specifications 19 accordance with AWWA C105, with the following additional requirements. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be Type 1, Class A, Grade E-1, in accordance with ASTM D-1248. .5.12.-.THRUSTBLOCKS AND ANCHORS Concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall be sized for the internal pipe pressure and soil bearing capacity. Standard sizes and shapes of thrust blocks and anchors are shown on beta= 3 and V 1 No thrust block shall be smaller than that size required for an eight inch (8°) main fitting. Thrust reaction blocking shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than one (1) part cement to two and one-half (2-1h) parts sand and five (5) parts stone, and having a compressive strength of not less than three thousand (3,000) psi after twenty-eight (28) days. Megalug joint-restcaint..devices may ~ -wt►etitnted for.Aithlead_applications provided-.prior approval has been given by the District. All.mist.blc~~rmedn aabr+daiice,w~',?~D - 3andW-17. h.\10-wvw.eug\rtgs.9tn-1/31r97 Water Specifications 20 CHAPTER 6 EARTHWORK 6.01 EARTHWORK DEFINED Earthwork shall include all Contractor clearing, grubbing, grading, excavation, fill, backfill, excess excavation, bedding material, borrow material, and surface restoration as may be required to complete the work. 6.02. BARRICADES, GUARDS AND SAFETY PROVISIONS Adequate barricades, construction signs, safety flasher lights and flag persons as required shall be placed and maintained to protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage during the progress of the constrnctiand u~il.it'c cafp fnr t,~fiir to-~aro tt,o roadw"n-M}suaterialp piles, equipment and pipe that may serve as obstructions to traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper lights when the visibility is poor. All safety and traffic rules and regulations of local authorities shall be observed. All barricading- and detours shall be coordinated with the appropriate entity including any special Districts, Eagle County, Town of Vail, Town of Avon, Town of Minturn, or Colorado Department of Trauspvraton (COOT), and shall be in accordance with said regulations. T 6.03 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC AND CLOSING OF STREETS The Contractor shall carry on the work in a manner that will cause the least interruption in traffic. All barricading, signage and detours shall be coordinated with the appropriate regulating entity including Eagle County, Colorado Department _ of Tra s (COO ial Districts, the rtafxon Town of Vail ~ (TOIL, Town of Avon or the Town of Minturn and shall be in accordance with said regulations. 6.04 CAUTION IN EXCAVATION The Contractor shall proceed with caution in the excavation and preparation of the trench so that the exact location of underground utilities and structures, both known and unknown, may be determined, and he shall be held responsible for the repair of such structures when broken or otherwise damaged because of carelessness on his part. 6.05 EXCAVATION TO LINE AND GRADE All excavations shall be made to the lines and grades as established by the approved drawings and the Specifications. Trenches shall be excavated to the depth required to provide a uniform and continuous bearing and support for the pipe on solid undisturbed ground at every point between bell holes. (Bell holes shall be provided at each pipe joint to permit the joint to be made properly). Any part of the bottom of the trench excavated below the specified grade shall be corrected with approved material and thoroughly compacted. The finished grade of the trench shall be prepared accurately by means of hand tools. z~ h:kio-wv\4-eAg\regs\e2o •9m-1/31/,7 Water Specifications - 21 6.06 TRENCHING OPERATIONS The trench shall be excavated in a manner that will allow the pipe to be installed to the alignment and depth required. The trench shall be excavated only so far in advance of the pipe laying as is necessary to expedite the work. A. Trench Width All existing asphalt or concrete surfacing shall be saw cart vertically in a straight line, and removed from the job site prior to starting the trench excavation. This material shall not be used in any fill or backfill. The trench shall be excavated so that a minimum clearance of six inches (6") shall be maintained on each side of the pipe for proper placement and densification of the bedding or backfill material. aeiaouecl.~o-.pra4de-a clearance of at least six inches (6") below and on each side of all pipe, fire hydrants, valves and fittings. The specified mmimum clearances are the minimum clear distances that will be permitted between any part of the pipe and appurtenances being'installed and any part, projection, or point of such rock, boulder or stone. B. Trench Support The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and -appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. C. Excavated Material Excavated material shall not be placed closer than two feet (2') from the top edge of the trench. Heavy equipment should not be used, or placed near the sides of the trench unless the trench is adequately braced. All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing traffic. Hydrants under pressure, valve lid covers, valve boxes or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and accessible until the work is completed. 6.07 EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that, in the opinion of the Inspector, cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted in writing by the District. h:\10-wv\4-mg\rep .9,h-ir3i/m Water Specifications 22 6.08 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTIIXIM Adequate protection, temporary support and maintenance of all underground and surface structures, utilities and other obstructions encountered in the progress of the work shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense and under his direction. Any structures, utilities or obstructions disturbed or damaged shall be immediately restored or replaced by the Contractor. 6.09 SURPLUS EXCAVATION MATERIAL All surplus excavation shall be removed from the job site and disposed of properly. If the surplus excavation is disposed of on private property, prior written permission shall be obtained from the owner of do propertyand submitted to the District Inspector. All materials must be removed in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the District Inspector. 6.10 BLASTING In general, blasting will-be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. 6.11 DEWATERING All pipe trenches or structure excavation shall be kept free from water during pipe laying and other related work. The method of dewatering shall provide for a completely dry foundation at the final lines and grades of the excavation. Dewatering shall be accomplished by the use of well point, sump pumps, rock or gravel drains placed below subgrade foundations or subsurface pipe drains. All water shall be disposed of in a suitable manner without being a menace to public health or causing public inconvenience. No water shall be drained into other work being completed or under construction. The dewatering operation shall continue until such time as it is safe to allow the water table to rise in the excavations. Pipe trenches shall contain enough backfill to prevent pipe flotation. When pipe is installed in a casing or tunnel longer than thirty (30) pipe diameters, the pipe inside the casing or tunnels shall be secured so flotation does not occur when the pipe is empty... - Water shall not be allowed to rise until any concrete has set and the forms have been removed. Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against unsupported structural walls. 6.12 SELECT PIPE BEDDING When indicated on the plans or drawings or when, in the opinion of the District, select bedding material is required, preparation and installation shall be as follows: h:u04vw-cv\mgs%20spm.9n-1r3Iro7 Water Specifications 23 A. Installation of Bedding and Pipe After completion of the trench excavation and proper preparation of the foundation, six inches (6") of bedding material shall be placed on the trench bottom for support under the pipe. Bell holes shall be dug deep enough to provide a minimum of two inches (2"}-of clearance between the bell and bedding material. All pipe shall be installed in such a manner as to insure full support of the pipe barrel over its entire length. After the pipe is adjusted for line and grade, and the joint is made, the bedding material shall be carefully placed and tamped under the haunches of the pipe and in the previously dug bell holes. Refer to details in the Specifications for additional information. Tamping -is -herein defined as the act-of placing approved bedding material under the haunches of pipe, paying particular attention. to voids, bell hole, and sling holes. The purpose of tamping is to ensure uniform support for the pipe. For ductile iron, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and steel pipe the limits of bedding shall be from six inches (6") below the bottom of the pipe to twelve inches (12") above the top of the pipe. Approved backfill may then be installed to the ground line. B. Bedding Material The bedding material shall be clean and free of corrosive properties and shall conform to the gradation limits specified in Chapter 5 Material Specifications. 6.13 BACI FILL AND COMPACTION Backfill shall be consolidated and/or compacted by vibrating, tamping or a combination thereof, to the satisfaction of the appropriate controlling authority; however, the District shall require that in all instances where the trench is within limits of pavement, shoulders of roads, sidewalks or major improvements compaction of predominately cohesive soils shall not be less thadi* i? STl 0608' +4 optimum;moisture content. Fw noir of wive says coinpacc.tahot f4 di relative" density perAS-rM, 1?445 kJ 7 4254 Where trenches are outside pavement and located in areas where trench settlement can be tolerated, the compaction of the cohesive soil shall not be less than 90% A3TM.D698, .t optimum<moisture.cgntertt. It is expected that the trench excavation will provide suitable backfill material. Wet, soft or frozen material, asphalt and concrete chunks, cinders, ashes, refuse, vegetable or organic material, boulders, rocks or other deleterious substances shall not be used for backfill. If the excavated material is not suitable for backfill, as determined by the District, suitable material shall be hauled in and utilized, and the rejected material hauled away and disposed of properly. All trenches shall be backfilled and compacted from the bottom of the trench to the centerline of the pipe, with 3/4" screened rock or other approved material. Bedding material shall be tapped and compacted around and under pipe. Backfilling materials shall be deposited in the trench for its full width on each side of the pipe, fittings and appurtenances simultaneously. From the centerline of the pipe, fittings and appurtenances to a depth of twelve inches (12") above the top of the pipe, the trench shall be backfilled by approved mechanical methods. Special care h:\10-=vW.mg\regsWOspm.9&-1/31/97 Water Specifications - 24 shall be used in placing this portion of backfill so as to avoid disturbing the pipe. From twelve inches (12") above the pipe to finish grade, the trench shall be backfilled by approved mechanical methods. 6.14 CLEANUP - Upon completion of the work, all rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms and other lilre materials shall be removed from the jobsite. All excess excavation shall be disposed of as specified and all areas shall be left in a state of order and cleanliness. Cleanup shall be performed within ten {10) days of the` ~ietion. of a or in' adcaoldaace with an ac;cepta~le arrangement made .between, all parties mvolve& 6.15 SURFACE RESTORATION '`DM r,► w(NL-- _ W A. Surfaced Areas The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits, and remove pavement and road surfaces as part of the trench excavation. The width of pavement removed shall, as a minimum required, meet the standards of the regulating agency. The, Contractor shall use such sawing method as will assure the brealdng of the pavement along straight lines. The cut face of the remaining pavement shall be approximately vertical. The Contractor shall restore all pavement, sidewalks, curbing, gutters or other surface structures removed or disturbed as part of the work to a condition meeting the standards of the regulating agency, and shall furnish all incidental labor and materials. No permanent pavement shall be restored until the condition of backfill is such as to properly support the pavement. B. Unsurfaced Areas All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum required, restored to a condition equal to that prior to construction. All streets, roadways, or rights-of-way shall be restored in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the street, roadway, or right-of-way. C. Damaged Surfaces and Property If any pavement, street, shrubbery, sod, rock, fences, poles or other property and surface structures have been damaged, removed or disturbed by the Contractor, whether deliberately or through failure to carry out the requirements of the regulating agency or the specific directions of the District, or through failure to employ usual and reasonable safeguards, such property and surface structures shall be replaced or repaired, Iba tle original.txi!!ndtion, at the expense of the Contractor. b:\10-uL-vw~og\regs\b2Dspecs.9m-ir3i/97 Water Specifications 25 6.16 SUBGRADE AND ROAD PREPARATION t Prior to installation of water mains in dedicated streets, road construction must have progressed to at least the subgrade stage. Subgrade elevation is defined as an elevation which lies approximately eight inches (8") below the finished street grade. - nA10-urVW-=8 .ah-1/31/97 Water Specifications - 26 CHAPTER 7 PIPE INSTALLATION 7.01 SAFETY Safety of workers shall be provided as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 7.02 HANDLING OF MATERIALS Pipe and fittings shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no circumstances zhall such material be dropped. If, however, any part of the coating or lining is damaged, the replacement or repair of the damaged pipe shall be done to the satisfaction of the District. Any pipe or fittings that are not acceptable to the District-shall be removed from the job site immediately. -shall-be=i.t 9r.w manom with the methods and equipment recommended by the mainifacturer. No.ftirks airyliaoks stII bi~ nsetednto~anX.P...~,g roar tie p:~= 7.03 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION OF PIPE AND FITTINGS Before placing pipe in the trench, each pipe or fitting shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material, kept clean at all times thereafter, and carefully examined for cracks and other defects before installation. Bell ends and spigot ends are to be examined with particular care. All lumps, blisters and excess coatings shall be removed from the bell and spigot end of each pipe and fitting, and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wire brushed and wiped clean, dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe or fitting is installed. Dirt and any other material must be removed from the barrel of the pipe before installation. 7.04 CUTTING AND FITTING OF PIPE Pipe shall be cut, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, whenever necessary, to conform to location of fittings, line, or grade. All cuts shall be straight and true, and in a workmanlike manner so as to leave a smooth end without damaging the pipe or its cement lining. All burrs shall be removed from the ends of cut pipe, and the end lightly rasped or filed. 7.05 PIPE JOINT LUBRICATION Joint lubricant shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. Joint lubricant shall be non-toxic, and water soluble. 7.06 PIPE ALIGNMENT AND GRADE Fittings, valves and hydrants shall be installed at staked locations and elevations; spigots centered in bells; and all valve and hydrant stems plumb. Pertinent street right-of-way and/or property line and lot corner points must be set and in visible evidence before water installations can proceed. For main installations, stakes for alignment and grade shall be set by the Contractor's, Owner's or Developer's engineer. h:\10-utvW-«,s\rcgs\n2o3p=•9,h-1r31/97 Water Specifications 27 When laying pipe on curves, the intent is to lay to the staked alignment. The pipe shall be kept in alignment by placing bends on the curve. PIPE DEFLECTIONS ARE DISCOURAGED. If pipe deflections must be constructed, deflections up to fifty percent (50%) of the manufacturer's recommendations may be permitted. Pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing in the direction of laying, unless directed otherwise by the District. Where pipe is to be installed on a grade of ten percent (10%) or greater, the laying shall start at the bottom and shall proceed upward with the bell ends of the pipe upgrade. 7.07 TEMPORARY PLUGS Whenever the - pipe is left unattended, temporary plugs- shall be installed at all openings. Temporary plugs shall be of such design as to prevent water, debris, children and animals from entering the pipe. All temporary plugs shall be provided by the Contractor. 7.08 FROST No pipe or appurtenant structure shall be installed upon a foundation into which frost has penetrated, or at any time when the Inspector deems there is danger of ice formation. No pipe or appurtenant structure shall be installed unless backfilling can be completed before the formation of ice and frost. 7.09 LOWERING OF MATERIAL INTO THE TRENCH Proper implements, tools and facilities satisfactory to the District shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient performance of the work. All pipe, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to main materials and their protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall main materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. - If damage occurs to any pipe, fitting, valves, hydrants or water main accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the attention of the District. 7.10 LAYING OF PIPE A. General: Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. If the pipee leying crew cannot gmt the pne hAn the trench and in VIM without geWng earth jdn the pi=ng, the Contractar shall place a hmy,tighft woven ny s hag _of sa table size over each end fore lowering the pipe into the trench and said nv c bag kh911 he left in place nntll the co nedion s to be made to the adjacent pil- During laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home with a slow steady pressure without jerky or jolting movements and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved h.\10,vv+a-msvegs .9di-ir3l/m Water Specifications 28 backfill material tamped under it except at the bells. Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space. No wooded blocking shall be left at any point under the pipeline. No pipe shall be laid when trench conditions are unsuitable. B. Ductle Iron Pipe 1. Push-On Joint Immediately before joining two (2) lengths of ductile iron pipe, the inside of the bell, the outside of the spigot end, and rubber gasket shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, excess coating and other foreign matter. The rubber gasket shall be flexed inward and inserted in the gasket recess of the bell socket. Since 4 l'ifferbut4namificfired brands of pipe s z+ui antAypes 44 gaskets, the Contractor shall exercise cantion M ensure that the correct type of gasket is used. A thin film of District approved gasket lubricant shall be applied to either the inside face of the gasket, or the spigot end of the pipe, or both. The spigot end of the pipe shall be placed in the bell end with care to prevent the joint from contacting the ground. Pipe fiunished without a depth mark on the spigot end shall be marked before assembly to assure insertion to full depth of the joint. The pipe shall be kept in straight alignment and the joint shall be completed by pushing the pipe home with a slow, steady pressure without jerky or jolting movements by using a forked tool or jack-type tool or other device approved by the Water District. The District recommends that a backhoe not be used to push- home pipe with push-on joints. However, IF PIPE IS PUSHED HOME WITH A BACKHOE BUCKET, A WOODEN SHML D MUST BE PLACED BETWEEN THE BACKHOE AND THE END OF THE PIPE. The spigot end of field cut pipe lengths shall be filed, or ground to resemble the spigot end of such pipe as manufactured. Upon completion of joining push-on joint pipe, an inspection shall be made to assure that the gasket is correctly aligned in the gasket recess of the bell socket and not twisted or turned. CAP jg wire and. Cadweld~ dr,crmnect .tie c boadm8 strps.us~ing r,.snpplea sign bropze he3cdvbots:andnus; 2. Mechanical Joint Fittings and Pipe Before joining mechanical joint ductile iron fittings to cast iron, ductile iron or PVC pipe, the outside of the spigot, the inside of the bell and the rubber gasket shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, excess coating, and other foreign matter. The joint is to be lubricated with a manufacmiei's,.iiiirime,pipeaskeE. h:\10-=V\4-ensue -9th-ir3l/m Water Specifications 29 The ductile iron gland shall be slipped on the spigot end of the pipe with the lip extension of the gland toward the socket, or bell end. The rubber gasket shall be placed on the spigot end with the thick edge toward the gland. The pipe shall be pushed in until the spigot end fully penetrates the bell. - The gasket shall then be pressed into place within the bell evenly around the entire joint. The ductile iron gland shall be moved along the pipe into position for bolting; the bolts inserted and the nuts screwed finger tight, then tightened with a torque limiting wrench. Torques for the various sizes of bolts shall be as follows: 5/8 inch 45 - 60 3/4 inch 1 inch 85-100 1-1/4 inch 105 - 120 Nuts spaced 180 degrees apart shall be tightened alternately in order to produce equal pressure on all parts of the gland. Y _ _ . Complete jgii bondirig:t ng car **,and Cad"W or cons dt the s~opp~t bonding` straps: using manufiacmrerEd iftibdii nze hex head bolts and nuts: C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 1. Elastomeric Gasket Joint The use of PVC pressure pipe is discouraged. However, the District acknowledges that each individual District has the authority to set its own standards. Immediately before joining two (2) lengths of PVC pipe, the inside of the bell or coupling, the outside of the spigot and the elastomeric gasket shah be thoroughly cleaned to remove all foreign material. Lubrication of the joint and rubber gasket shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's specifications. Care shall be taken that only the correct elastomeric gasket, compatible with the annular groove of the bell, is used. Insertion of the elastomeric gasket into the annular groove of the bell or coupling must be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Pipe that is not furnished with a depth mark shall be marked before assembly to assure that the spigot end is inserted to the fall depth of the joint. The spigot and bell or coupling shall be aligned and pushed untiLthe reference line on the spigot is flush with the end of the bell or coupling. Pushing shall be done in a smooth, steady motion. Upon completion of joining the pipe, an inspection, h.%10-=V -WgVeP .9m-ir3um Water Specifications 30 shall be made to assure that the gasket is correctly aligned in the gasket recess of the bell socket and not twisted or turned. There shall be no deflection allowed at a joint of PVC pipe. When deflection is required, bends shall be used in all cases. Installation of PVC pipe will be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. A ten nQ gau8ee-' " copper wire will be attached to all PVC pipe for the purpose of future location. PVC pipe shall be installed only in areas of known corrosive soils or as approved by the District Installation of PVC pipe in corrosive areas must have prior written authorization from the District. 2. Pipe Storage - Pipe stored outside, and exposed to sunlight for more than thirty (30) days shall op cple mater! be-co~vith alch jig canvas Cl=r. _ mot be used to cover. pipe. Air circulation shall be provided under said covering. 3. Handling of Pipe in Cold Weather - PVC pipe has reduced flexibility and impact resistance as temperatures approach and drop below freezing. Extra care should be used in handling and installing PVC pipe during cold weather. _ 7.11 INSTALLATION OF VALVES Valves shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent any injury or damage. All joints shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation. Valves shall be set and joined to the pipe in the manner previously specified for cleaning, laying and joining push-on and mechanical joint pipe. Valves shall be set in such a manner that the valve stems are plumb. Valves sl}all not be blocked using precast concrete blocks except in:wet tap anti butterfly valve applications: where: pry, concrete h blocks should` be. used. NO WOOD BLOCS ING WILL BE ALLOWED. Valves shall be operated prior to installation to ensure good operating condition. 7.12 VALVE BOX INSTALLATION A valve box shall be provided for every valve. The valve box shall not transmit shock or stress to the valve, and shall be centered and plumb over the operating nut of the valve, with the box cover set to the required elevation. It will be the responsibility of the Developer to insure that valve boxes are plumb and raised to the proper elevation. 7.13 INSTALLATION OF FITTINGS Alf buried fittings in the system shall be mechanical joint applications. Pipe: All janfs shall have a Cadweldi".usnig _a :#4gaig so~tid per:: or.the ;mama Uners Prtivided._bondin st !Cadweldsshatl~ St accordance ►i#t;ll h:CIO-WVW-eng\MgsWoW=.9th-1/31/97 Water Specifications 31 oanmeodetl ap ilicat imlp?~oceduie,:UIn Win;_a 1U gauge<insalated tracer wire shall be installed along all main line; eous.;_ i'VC: Fittings ale ,tv be :ductile . afid.*.w'i#ped m j6jji*i6i encaseae,at: A;10~ gauge -insulated t : tistaIIe gliin all C, ru; ;lin~txtensions 7.14 FIRE HYDRANTS A. Installation The location of all hydrants shall be staked. Final location and grade shall be in accordance with the approved drawings. Offset stakes-not farther than twelve feet (12') from the fire hydrant are acceptable. All hydrants shall stand plumb. Each hydrant-shall-be -connected. to the. ain independent six inch (6") gate valve shall be installed on each fire hydrant branch. It is the intention of the District to limit the length of the six inch (6") branch line servicing the fire hydrant to fifty feet (50'). If the length of the branch line extends beyond fifty feet (50' an eight inch (8") main with an 8" x 6" concentric reducer shall be used from the main until a point fifty feet (50) from the hydrant is reached. At that point, a six inch (6") branch line may be extended to the fire hydrant. No service line connections shall be installed between the fire hydrant and the fire hydrant control valve. No service line connections shall be made on the six inch (6") branch line servicing the fire hydrant. B. Anchorage The shoe of each hydrant shall be well braced against the unexcavated earth at the end of the trench with a concrete thrust block. Care shall be taken not to cover the weep holes with concrete. The bottom of the hydrant bowl and the hydrant valve shall be supported with minimum eighteen by eight by four inch (18" x 8" x 4") precast concrete blocking slabs. The hydrant shall be tied to the hydrant valve and the hydrant valve tied to the tee with anchor pipe or with two (2) three-quarter inch (3/4") all thread galvanized rods. As approved by the District, swivel tees and megalug restraints may be used. C. Drainage Wherever a hydrant is set, drainage shall be provided at the base of the hydrant by placing rock from the bottom of the trench, to at least twelve inches (12") above the barrel flange of the hydrant, and as shown on the typical fire hydrant detail attached hereto. The minimum distance from the bottom of the trench to the bottom of the hydrant elbow shall be six inches (6"). The minimum of rock placed therein shall be 1/3 cubic yards. The rock shall be a well-graded gravel, cobble, or crushed rock, free of dirt. D. Clearances 'The.:miQumim-clsranhes around ail file bydia~ts shall be'::Ten fi'10in tt a sem,feet )N, n,the' des,. foci feet E ou the back sad fifteesi~ abc►xe h.\I&QeVW-=gVev -M-1r3i/97 Water Specifications - 32 E. Operation 4FSre Hpdraat Tb!e.reW-ir.e,d ,operativna~t gasitiiou e,hy anc is, iillY Y. or clo~il. Air,'rest> icxiiin -flow shahl.bE cx roliod by the guard~valve The mstr tioa. of flov „ agfi a.-firs fiydran&b-y me fee is'str p prelu'CsitWT:.... 7.15 DEAD ENDS A fire hydrant shall be installed at the,e.~id of°it dead,end . 7.16 THRUST BLOCKS AND ANCHORS A. Installation Thrust blocks and/or , U-11 -be~oas ed-at-Vtbendc-lees, plugs, fire hydrants and fittings which require reaction support due to unbalanced line thrust. Care shall be taken not to block outlets or to cover bolts, nuts, clamps or other fittings or to make them inaccessible. Bearing surface areas are minimum areas to bear against the undisturbed trench wall. In every instance, the thrust block or anchor shall bear against undisturbed earth. When it is impossible, through-over-excavation or other cause, to pour a thrust block or anchor against undisturbed earth, harness rods and/or megalug restraints shall be required to anchor the fittings to the main. Care shall be taken not to cover nuts, bolts, etc. with concrete. All debris, water or ice shall be removed from the place to be occupied by the concrete. Concrete shall not be placed on frozen subgrade. If backfilling is to occur before concrete sets, a concrete form must be used. B. Form Work for Thrust Blocks and Anchors All concrete thrust blocks -and anchors shall be formed "in acco-- ance with, this Dish et's Specifications. See Detail W - 3 'and W. ; 17' . , A plastic bond-breaker must be provided around all portions of the main to keep concrete from adhering to pipe and fittings. No thrust block shall be smaller than that size required for an eight inch (8") main fitting. See Detail W r3. C. Concrete and Curing Time Thrust blocks shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than one (1) part cement to two and one half (2.5) parts sand and five (5) parts stone, and having a compressive strength of not less than 3,000 psi after twenty-eight (28) days. Minimum uncovered curing time for concrete thrust blocks regardless of additives shall be thirty-six (36) hours for anchors containing two (2) cubic yards or less, forty-eight (48) hours for anchors containing more than two (2) cubic yards but less than six (6) cubic yards, and seventy-two (72) hours for anchors containing more than six (6) cubic yards but less than twelve (12) cubic yards. n:\10-,vw-ensvmpuLospecs.9di-1r31/97 Water Specifications - 33 No water main will be charged or pressurized without the approval of the District. All thrust blocks and anchors must meet the minimum curing time. D. Compaction of 1M Over Thrust Blocks and Anchors Backfill may be placed over thrust blocks and anchors once the surface has set sufficiently to resist the weight of the backfill and compaction. 7.17 VAULTS Vaults may be precast or poured in place concrete and shall be constructed in accordance with the approved drawings herein. - Precast vaults shall be so designed that all joints and corners are waterproof. Precast and poured-in-place vaults shall be made waterproof after construction by use of sealants, epoxies or other approved methods. All dimensions, locations and elevations shall be coordinated by the.0eveloper-and Contractor. the:-District. - 7.18 HARNESS ROD Harness rods, lugs and/or Megalugs shall be used at all bends and fittings where thrust blocks cannot be used due to existing field conditions -or where harness rods and lugs or Megalugs are specifically required by the Specifications or installation plans. 7.19 CONNECTION TO THE DISTRICT SYSTEM A. Connections Connections to the District system shall be in a neat and workmanlike manner. The connection shall be inspected and approved by the District. Under no circumstances shall a non-disinfected main, which cannot be isolated, be connected to an existing distribution main in service. B. Tapping Existing Mains Main Line Connections: All main line connections shall be made by means of a "wet tap". In this manner the disruption of service to existing customers is minimized and fire protection is maintained Service Taps / Stub outs: During new main line construction, all service line stub outs shall be installed only after the pressure test has been inspected and approved by the District. Stub outs shall be installed by the Contractor. Stub outs shall terminate at the curb stop valve which shall bed ~n at the props - . - Installed nm b T~te _ me OIL-tile Inai~'1 shall any C. Operation of Valves In connecting to the District system, it may be necessary to operate existing District valves. b.\10u"w-mg\repWOsp s.9tn-ir3i/gr7 Water Specifications 34 Valves on the District system that must be operated to make a connection shall be operated by District personnel only. The Contractor shall give the lnspector forty-eight (48) hours notice to arrange for operating valves. Both the Contractor and the District Representative shall be present when the valves are operated. D. Interruption of Service Installation of a connection that will require closing existing valves may cause an interruption of water service to existing District customers. Affected customers must be notified forty-eight (48) hours in advance by the Owner, Developer or Contractor. The local fire department for the affected area shall also be notified forty-eight (48) hours in advance. A description of the boundaries of the affected area and the location of all fire hydrants in that area shall be provided to the fire department. The Contractor will arrange for all notification to both residential customers and the fire department. The Contractor will be responsible to fiirnish the District all necessary information as to the date -and time that the interruption will begin and the total time required to complete the installation. If, in the process of installing a connection, there exists an industry or building in the area that cannot be out of water, such as a hospital, or other special customers, appropriate means shall be taken to provide and convey water. The water and means of conveyance shall be approved in writing by the District. 7.20 CORROSION PROTECTION SYS°17MS A. Dissimilar Materials Cathodic protection and insulation shall be installed as required by the District. Particular care shall be taken to insulate between dissimilar materials. B. Insulating Joints Whenever it is necessary to join pipe of dissimilar metal, or when designated by the District, a method of insulating against the passage of electrical current, approved by the District, shall be provided. Special care shall be exercised during the installation of these joints to prevent electrical conductivity across the joints. C. Polyethylene Encasement Material Whenever required, the metallic pipe and all appurtenances shall be wrapped in polyethylene. The polyethylene encasement shall prevent contact between the pipe and bedding material, but is not intended to be a completely air-tight and water-tight enclosure. Prolonged exposure to sunlight will eventually deteriorate polyethylene film. Exposure to sunlight shall be kept at a minimum. The polyethylene shall have a minimum wall thickness of eight (8) mils. h:\10-wvw4ns\ress.9th-it3i/97 Water Specifications - 35 A two inch (2") wide, ten (10) mil thickness polyethylene pressure-sensitive tape shall be used to close seams, secure to pipe or hold overlaps. Polyethylene pipe wrap material shall be applied to line pipe in the manner shown on the polyethylene pipe wrap detail herein. - Damage to polyethylene wrapped pipe in the trench prior to and during backfill shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the District. 7.21- DISINFECTION The following procedure shall apply to allmain extensions within the District service area. Pipe extensions shall b chlosi^ared win sir..orda= with=,A 1V t,~ 1, Standard.Jor- Disinfecting Water Mains. THE CHLORINATION OF THE FINISHED PIPELINE SAALL BE DONE PRIOR TO TAE INSTALLATION OF ANY SERVICE TAPS. Before filling the pipe with water, the pipe shall be clean and free of debris to the satisfaction of the District. Disinfection by chlorination of the pipe shall be performed prior to acceptance by the District. The chlorinating agent, and method of application, shall be in accordance with AWWA 0651.:; The Contractor shall provide material for disinfection of water mains. If. the "lablet'° method of chlorination isused, Ythen :duiing constriction; ''calcium hypochlorite granules. shall be placed .at tha,tipstream end-of the first section, of pipe; at tfie upstream Ltd d each branch main, and at 500, foot interv - o be as shoam als: The;tity granites shall in the .table below. - This:metfiod.` 0 -.be:nsedonly if the pies affil ag nanees have been ke„pt cleaned and i?-vim dry during 'construction. 'This method is'not-to be used-on solvent welded plastic or onsc eiAQ° joint steel.pipe iae of the dander. of fire or ezplosiwirt the reaction of the joint compound with the calcim- uhypadtlerite: CALCIUM HYPOCALORITE GRANULES To be placed at the beginning of main and at each 500 foot interval. 4" 6" 8" 12" 16" and larger 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 .8.0 b:\10-uev\a-«g\mw -9dn-ir3i/m . Water Specifications 36 After the pipe is filled with water and chlorine, and unless approved otherwise by the District, the chlorinated water shall be held in contact with the pipe for twenty-four (24) hours. At the end of the twenty-four (24) hour period, the water in the pipeline shall be tested by the District to insure a residual chlorine content of not less than twenty-five (25) mg/L. The pipeline shall then be thoroughly flushed to remove the heavily chlorinated water and/or debris. Care shall be taken in flushing the pipeline to prevent property damage and danger to the public. Discharge of highly chlorinated water shall not be released to any stream or water course. Samples of water will be collected for bacteriological examination and residual chlorine content testing before the pipe line is put into service. Testing of residual chlorine and bacteriological sampling and testing will be done by the District _ if the "ai~ntinuous~feedinethod"-or the "slug meod" of chlorinatia is tip, the contractor to 4s provide the' writtun,p bcedure to the District bspector for accweptatu e_of the method at least forty eight 4fiqurs.prior to s rtigg 8ie. ~vark . No main which has been disinfected and flushed shall stand stagnant for more than fifteen (15) days without be'~ ed antl. new ' ' ' _ 0ii ~ _ µt`i~.: _ • -and approYed by.. DLRtrICt :-~T0.1ID8~tt_S~1S1~~~)BfB~ipC~ ~1~ 1n8~R 17~C11 fl~•8~. _C~Qr~18f~ water. 7.22 HYDROSTATIC TESTING A. General: Make pressure and leakage tests on all newly laid pipe. Test two (2) or more valved sections not to exceed 1000 feet (if requested by the District). Test the first section of pipe laid to verify if it is watertight. Lay no additional pipe until first test section has passed the aforesaid tests. For lime test sections that contain valves, the contractor must demonstrate that each valve can hold test pressure. Furnish the following equipment and materials for tests, unless otherwise directed by Engineer: 2 Graduated containers 2 Pressure gauges, with maximum 5 psi increments 1 Suitable pump, hose and suction pipe as required B. Testing Procedure: Test each 1000 feet of line installed while trench is partially backfilled and joints are left exposed for examination for leaks. Do not conduct pressure tests until forty eight (48) hours after placement of concrete thrust blocks. After pipe has been partially backfilled, slowly let water into line. Vent to allow air in line to be. released. Flush line as necessary for cleaning. Leave water in line for twenty four (24) hours prior to pressure test. Test at 1-1/2 times working pressure, calculated for low point of test section, or 150 psi, whichever is greater. The test pressure must be maintained within plus or minus 5 psi during the entire testing period. Valve off pump and hold pressure in line for test. Test for two (2) hours or as agreed to by the District. At end of test, operate pump until test pressure is again attained. Calibrate container of water for pump suction to determine amount of water used to replace leakage. C. Leakage Allowance: Leakage is the quantity of water necessary to refill line at end of test period. No installation will be accepted until leakage is less than: h:\10-wvWM\regsWZV=.9th-1/31/97 water Specifications 37 ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE PER 1000' OF P11PE IN GPH Avg. Test Nominal Pipe Diameter - Inches Pressure psi 6 8 10 12 18 - 200 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.91 .175 - 0.59 0.80 0.99 1.19 1.79 150 0.55 0.74 0.92 -1.10 1.66 125 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 1.51 * For pipe with 18' nominal lengths. To. obtain i-ecommended.allowable leakage for pipe with 20' nominal lengths, multiply the leakage calculated from the table by 0.9. If pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, allowable leakage will be sum of computed leakage4r-each-mae.> Reduceallo~rabi- eakag Proportionately#or--sections - less than 1000 feet. 7.23 ACCEPTANCE AND RELEASE FOR TAPS A new main shall be accepted by the District and released for taps when the following conditions have been met: - A. The main and all appurtenances thereto have been installed to the satisfaction of the District and all pertinent notes and measurements have been made. B. Disinfection has been completed and the main has been flushed and charged. C. Hydrostatic testing has been completed, witnessed and approved by the District. All new service stub outs taps shall be installed by the Contractor. Dry taps shall be allowed provided that the service connection shall be exposed and inspected by the District after the line is pressurized. hA10-,evv-mgvep.M-151M water specifications 38 F(}RB(?OSTER PE)MP ~~~'IONS 'The SIZi .IIt:typ6'Q yYYV`^"°*a{GL p StadQII` :be,-Bllbjct APit~ W the I)r'u;t: "yc>z fbe' eke; o~o~ifi~nmit3,T et. shall be mimic xo P~IV,& f$cilit~es: Wh~cb~~e ,co~nsisbat. wtth w„ 'i~eIIts mom°be ~ for"booster . staticm. tanc~ee Ti se eonsist`oA 8.01 EQ' - : Po A. aie'~o`1ye:- vided.8'Y'lie: ~s#ation'` 5mi p - .:per " " ".PFM9 ainsc tie po►;,..: . idea.th:te<iagespiun~ ~oart tse.:It.is c#estrable toe tie \ 'h:y\-.>.. ~ ,1}. S. v.. :a Wit:; ; , ~ Pli 3{IIApS.. QXIdY<QTI1 N,T;~iE 46>''b IOVli',Wifh ch il.:seals is=LP are : pro ded ' an. autTet IatioII.vatve and B. t)s1tive'Cift4C0 118ci'©17tSlde:°,th~:°V > .Y.• w..,l'_.. aultivalii?eapcv~►e<fo.#t tIIabe':seciiired and toced out: C Iridividual:lt~ers insole aiilr:foreaeli .ie reariIaveled Hou= meters for each Cal :Or-an analog ,signat,.output:signd-o' pta it n `to be transmitted ti) the computer; at`the, Nate ,Auth,n _ater 'T'reatment Plant (WAP~ E Flown. meter <ti -g, read gatlpeF, mniute ~aad, ieccrd total: gallaiis capable` of 4.Z6m i . ig~nat. ` _ 4. p anon, to W1 P eeftdlf 3ie meterp`sh l` die manufactui~ by y < h Sensus.Tnologies Inc: F. Suction and c' mh a .Pressure , t~ges with -a, di dial milicator. miIliasignal to SAP computer. G. Posi& ~eIItilatioII =The - - fans shall be'mou so as. to' exhaust air as near tl e' capsule raaf as practica2:'The ;€an's:capacity sballpovde`adegiiae.EVI's,oproduce;oiie-i:a three e,!Y. 1:.,.Zte'velatian.system ~ait`have'it'sHovi►i'^~S auifirEalae earl shall,startwvvrth asignal generated-when flie`hatch`gpens' H. hapcl%vth intrusion alarm. The " x' ° ` Locking intrtisic► alairi:mpst;be`` 2e o trans a 'di tal.ot !eaPab... _.......0011 gi tput open/ lose, cflntae s nit µsig alto". R . . tier u~Pu. del FlOoresceu Ii itiu with hou` A: rSg.: ge,:al~.cel sutg _ gTg ; : fieavY ~:Sau- ,Positira~ ioclong; stainless ;steel framed and, gasketed_ eaciosiue J Ti gtiq-gau d :extntiied atimiiiim frame:f Mt .nof€ thermostat aad provide a heat: isngew;of.55.to w . T)eTiuimidfie~- Tnf ta'haves`ial`c~tralled~ad,~nstabte,humfdtxg;autc?~aitcali,~tiu~ on 'or off at ire=seleete sniiirsfure Nets • - .-cap ..;aig~taT`~!output;~op~/close;oiilact,:swi€cit~?,sue hA10--w-wg\re& WAV=.sm - 1r31/y7 Water Specifications 39 won to-c- c- r{at:ti a WAS: M S vpe- ef'Yalve:= E' of rolleii hY o as~marn actured :b X Y..CLA VAi:T - - - N:t al~ahunu f'tl ~p~ QJIlA 04 A~ . B. kkIO- VX4-egg\MW .9m - 151/97 water specifications 40 timiugSe:sballrmotorss And #o theP . motors: ~lY.. ~F =•o T/+c~'~ ~y~jN~~~~{jv~'.,Ha.ym'r }E"s.^"..... yg,,,~ ~~((~y~y ~.~.,.~y..~T,.~......,..x-T.YO,y"C'pr 9;8i TFd.EMETItY„~t~N~tQI:: SYSTEM ~ - ~c-_.r^r-T-i,ti'~['Y~.aii:.v,~~-.^.-.~-~w -,rve-,~ ev~•r,__ - ~ egg:oontir!~;~the:'tw~ste'ac~ . . RNC ' mplishecl by t4ometry transri~iission ~e foilovvinga:m es ''Flow iie~er_~~ads ;.F~towaaitatiz~ reat~gs - , r • ~ on?alartn po4lik =YWet fib siarm Puu~'faultAalans 9:62 DATA I1vTvkw 1Vmbb There shatl.be'mchidedva theachAel -r a ?of,sol One modem slialI be :set np to transmit only ° td..the; o@ier' i shall'be complete vvitli st~lamps;~liat_cciatin~a~ly.Pmouitor i~ and are used`iii:ianlt isolation: `The;aodeais,wll, be.complete-to tt~e"follovvrig,.spec~fcations qustabletriniiWt 2. 3 4>' -5 S Curm Frog vu.ShAmiooii"f 8 ~ite~"mn~efac ive.aaly ice; aid~conf n:\10-,vw-engtregs.9d, -1/31/97 Water Specifications 41 t ~LlaWl{n ._a=-•~~v-:fry- 5 -,;±;;A+r,+.*.~..~o,~.~_~.4 y.a_:__,.,_._.. st~ion:Iiy µcontints~~l%,~tlie<.,lsa~ilproduce.:a;c6mipleDely~ac~ptable - - _ it.as.•ftSd:~~~r"tra~lJle - .-a ....r-.~. . _ / hAIO-ULVW-M9\m951h2Ospecs.9dl -1/31/97 Water Specifications 42 ' ~j WiLfi iiKt.io 0:l RF.Q B: fpraval pri& - D Final hy,the Distrii, Final The'Ui~t'rict µsiiali require "easement +ciac orientation to~demonstrate that the coastsidW water main_has been W ` to be,~ within the' - ~seirient Ad~h `the :..Ua f1oCII21]entatt~-Shall p.~..~f*{ease ntmtk ~ bi ~MMMMM C: COIIVej~.lce:eIIt The.DlSt[ICt°3,Standartl {`WateI 31ff Conveyance A me,W":filbrui 511a1,-be 4dbnJo*teo fi11Cf1 out,:notar=d, and:sabmitted`to- t6.recuireIIICIIt ^pi" easereft 0' 11C (lOG1ID~IIt forin"coniai within` these'specifications: D, Project Costs The ()avaer/Engiriiee shall. sulxi. to ttie Distiict ,a stateaeit ofsts,for.tae Prulect: , Tlie intent -of -this, statement to show °.an "accurate :.account of .the' :value. of the` asses ttiat the IS [1Ct IS a31Ced t0" SOIIIe Of t10CUIYIBnt Or ( entation-is- on-is-ream 40 .w_.t - SIIbSti:,f~,~ilbllflt~;~CO~#S; . ~'vvo:~ dear ~Cgnst~'lt~toll War~atty - 1 A letter "froiiitle-Developer % (~vner:pioviding tl%e Dscick%twc:~9NCiiitei Warranty from`ttie.ilate;©f • "FFu»:Accepe"t F. 4peratioa. Mainteuauoe_ Manuals 1010-uevwtng\rep%20q=.9m-1/31/97 Water Specifications 43 be,slmtfe~~to thevDistccf~i~iorio~finatsccep- hA10-uev14-mglregs1h20sp=.9th-1/3U97 Water Specifications :44 WATER SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Project: Engineer*_ Owner/Developer Contractor: Local Contact District Location Rate Ap =yed By CONSTRUCTION REVIEW TEAM APPROVAL: Approved for construction (4 Sets) INSPF TION4 RF QJURFD Yes No . : - FIELD MAINTENANCE-INSPECTIONS:' 1) High Chlorine Test Yes -No - - 2) Low Chlorine Test ( ) Yes No 3) Bacteriological Test ( ) Yes No 4) Pressure Test ( ) Yes No 5) Valves Box/Curb Stops: To Grade & Operated Yes No 6) Fire Hydrant: To Grade & Operated Yes No 7) PRV Inspection Yes No 8) Final Grade- & Paving Inspection Yes No WATER OPERATIONS INSPECTIONS: 1) Tank Inspections Yes No 2) Pumps, Controls & Telemetry Inspections Yes No REGULATIONS ADMINISTRATOR APPROVALS CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCE / LETTER Yes No As-Built: Mylar & C__) Disk Yes No Easement Documents Yes No Conveyance Agreement Yes No Project Costs ) Yes No Two (2) Year Construction Warranty Yes No FINAL ACCEPTANCE / LETTER Yes No Routing: (1) Engineering (2) Accounting (3) Central Filing - n:kio-uevl4-eng\regs\h2ospecs.9th -1/31/97 Water Specifications 45, . Facility . Name: Date: Inspector Location- g Lightin Vent Fan Static Pressjmc(cnction) (discharge) Valve Operation MOLA Switch Qperation Ci ui Breaker Operation Radio Operation Hour Meters M=1 p=p 2 Proliuction Met Tank Level indication Deb mmi ifier Heater P=p Rotation pump1 n:%10-wvW-eq9\rep .M -1/3i/97 Water Spedficadons 46 - Booster Pump Station Checklist for Page 2 ITEM STATUS OMMF.NT4 Seal Wa er pumpl Pump Operation Hand pumpl - p~P 2 Automatic pum~1 Remote pump3 Operating Pres irec 1 npu= - (suction) (discharge) 2 V=Va (suction) (discharge) Control Valve pump1 r_ pump 2 Sump Pump Operation Wet Floor Alarm PR- V/4.urge Valve Operation SSumegu*1f1TPssion Valve Ov ll le nlinecs SCADA Override CTeneral Comments; - hA10- vw-wg\rW .M = UMM Water Specifications - 47 CHECKi.i M FOR WATER STORAGE TANKS INSP .CHON AND Ai. ST RTLIP - Facility Name: - : , . K = = I2: _ locatiow. Tnspector i~OXIMENTS Tank InletlOu let Pines Tank foundation/slab _ _ T na k walls Tank lid Tank Overflow _ Tank Isolation Valves Hatch Locks Intrision Alarm Vents/screens Tank Level Indication at W-AP Tank Radio Tank Leak Test (attach results) : rte. Chlorine Test High _ 7'-1 I h:\10-wvW-mgVW\h2Qspees.9th - 1/31/97 watff SODS Storage Tank Checklist for Page 2 ITEM STS Bacteriological Test - (attach results) - - : General Comments; n\10-wvW-wg\regsvh2Ospees.9m.1/31/9 Water Specifications 49'' This conveyance is made by and between C' Conveyer'), and DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (District'), in consideration of the mutual promises made, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District.- Conveyer doses hereby grad -idd-convey #6eUistrict,3f successor`s and assigns, the following property: 1. 2. 3. 4. The water main lines, equipment, facilities, and appurtenances including all real personal property which have been constructed or otherwise acquired by Conveyer as hereinafter ` described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein Facilities'). Conveyer further covenants and agrees to the following; The Conveyer has the authority to grant this conveyance and warrants OT defend its validity. That the Facilities described herein constitute all property required the District OT provide the expanded service. That the Facilities were installed in substantial compliance with the District's Rules and Regulations, applicable District construction standards, exist in adequate easements or other real property rights conveyed to the District, and that they are in first class working order free form any defect whatsoever. That the Facilities are free and clear of any claims. n:%ia-VW- 8'-V .9tn-113i/97 Water Specifications so 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Conveyer has caused its name to be subscribed this day of CONVEYER By: (Title)- STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19_, by as of Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: h:\10-tww-eos\regs%2 .sm - 1r31/97 Water specifications 51 STANDARD DETAILS - - - WATER LINES hAI&' VW-en81regs .9th ' 1/31/97 water specifications _ _ : 52 USE SCH 40 GALVANIZED STEEL / MH FRAME AND COVER 3" VENT W/ NON-SHRINK WIRE MESH T RING do COVER-SET TO SCREEN AND CLAMP-EXTEND PARALLEL FINISHED SURFACE 3' ABOVE FINISH GRADE ADJUST TO REQUIRED GRADE WITH A MAXIMUM OF SIX-2' THICK REINFORCED x ' yv CONC. GRADE RINGS SET IN NON- v SHRINK GROUT 2 a f 1 MAX PRECAST ECCENTRIC CONE INSTALL 1' DIAMETER DOUBLE RAM NECK 90' ELBOW ~ • (OR EQUAL) JOINT GASKET AND GROUT 4 JOINTS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. GROUT LIFT HOLES ON INTERIOR. PROVIDE 1 1/2' . DIAMETER'RAM NECK ON MANHOLES N 6' PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE F 4: MANHOLE BARREL PER ASTM-C478 WITH STEPS °D 5" MIN 16' O.C. N ` TYP . 6 INSIDE LIP TO BE HIGHER ALL MANHOLE STEPS THAN OUTSIDE UP PLASTIC COATED 4'-0' DIA MA INDUSTRIES OR EQUAL I - -I Q I Ise 2 i0 I N ® CONTINUE 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER WIRE THROUGH MANHOLE • i 16'MAX 'r SECTION GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL 2. AIR VALVE ASSEMBLY LARGER COMPLY WITH LATEST ACI-318 THAN 2" SIZE SHALL BE SPECIFICATIONS SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND MEET WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS LEGEND ® 2' CORPORATION TAPERED THREADS INLET ® 2' X 4" THREADED BRASS NIPPLE Q 2' THREADED GATE VALVE WITH WHEEL (CRANE OR NIBCO) ® 2' THREADED INLET APCO 145 C AIR AND VACUUM RELEASE VALVE ® 2" X 90' PLASTIC ELBOW COMPACTED 3/4' SCREENED ROCK UNDISTURBED SOIL CONCRETE FOOTING. 9"x12"x8'-0' I- FOOTING PLAN r.\-9\w&sW-\page3c Water Saecifications 53 sr COMPACTED 3/8' SCREENED ROCK COPPER SERVICE LINE UNDISTURBED SOIL PIPE SUBGRADE ' BEDDING ZONE 6' MIN SERVICE STUB-OUT BEDDING - 6' STEEL FENCE POST- PAINT TOP 1' OF POST BLUE PROPERTY SLINE. TAKED - - OR As STAKED i I, II Y VI 7 MINIMUM COVER FOR \ WATER MAINS BUFFALO TYPE CURB TYPE K COPPER PIPE STOP SHAFT. LOCATED IN NON-TRAFFIC AREA 10 GAUGE INSULATED C CURB • ` • COPPER TRACE WIRE \ STCOPORATION INSULATED COMPACTED 3/B• SCREENED ROCK .,dv--PLACE 3M LOCATING DISC • • CONCRETE BLOCK • ! BEARING ON UNDISTURBED SOIL WRAP MINIMUM OF 3' OF COPPER SERVICE LINE W/POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES 1. CURB STOP TO BE LOCATED AT THE PROPERTY LINE OR AT THE EDGE OF EASEMENT-WHIC14EVER IS CLOSER TO THE MAIN 8' MINIMUM COVER FOR SERVICE LINES c: \en9\w&wpem\ cge3a Water Specifications 54 FOUR (4) NO. 4 EPOXY COATED REBAR EMBEDDED 18* INTO CONCRETE T 90 DEGREES AS MOWN BOND BREAKER 4 POLYETHYLE NE PLASTIC (TYP) SEE W-17 FOR SIZING VERTICAL THRUST BLOCK - SECTION BOND BREAKER 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC (TYP) UNDISTURBED EARTH MINIMUM BEARING > :.-SJRFACE.A~A SO FT (FOR 200 PSI ~'r: • INTERNAL PIPE PRIES •I • UNDISTURBED EARTH BENDS - PLAN TEE - PLAN MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE AREA - SO FT (FOR 200 PSI INTERNAL PIPE PRESSURE) DEAD END - PLAN O.D. PIPE NOTES: 1. FOR 200 PSI INTERNAL PRESSURE. INCLUDING WATER HAMMER 2. MEGALUG RESTRAINTS MAY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THRUST BLOCKS WITH PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE DISTRICT 3. MINIMUM AREA REQUIRED WILL BE THAT OF AN 8-INCH MAIN 4. ALL THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE FORMED. THE MINIMUM THICKNESS FORM MATERIAL MALL BE 3/8" PLYWOOD 5. BEARING AREA BASED ON SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 Ib/sf MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE (SF) SIZE BENDS TEE OR OF PIPE 11-1140 22-1/2 450 90° DEAD END 6" 1.3 2.5 5.0 9.0 6.4 8" 1.3 2.5 5.0 9.0 6.4 10" 1.9 3.8 7.4 13.7 9.7 12" 2.7 5.4 10.5 19.3 13.7 16" 4.7 9.3 9.1 33.6 23.8 20" 7.2 14.3 28.0 51.8 36.6 MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE AREA - SQ FT FOR 200 PSI INTERN PIPE PRESSURE) UENAR HERBED MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE AREA - SO FT (FOR 200 PSI INTERNAL PIPE PRESSURE) UNDISTURBED e\e"g\wammpe=\P°ge3° Water Specifications 55 BEDDING MATERIAL TYPICAL CROSS SECTION PROVIDE 20' OF UNOBSTRUCTED AREA ABOVE FIRE HYDRANT- 7' UNOBSTRUCTED AREA ON SIDES AND 10' UNOBSTRUCTED AREA IN FRONT FIRE HYDRANT, 4' BEHIND. GRADE SLOPES AS NECCESSARY TO PROVIDE UNOBSTRUCTED AREA. INSULATED 10 GAUGE COPPER TRACE WIRE rn~c nv"LX- SHALL BE LAID IN THE WATER LINE DITCH. TO TRAVELLED WAY SURFACING OUTSIDE THE MAIN LINE VALVE BOXES AND NEXT TO ALL FIRE HYDRANTS. CAD-WELDS SHALL BE WELDED AT ALL WATERLINE JOINTS AND FITTINGS AND PRO- BREAKABLE FLANGE TECTED WITH COAL TAR. THE CON7ACTOR,; ~6• ABOVE GROUND- SHALL TEST CONDUCTIVITY OF THE PIPE AND TRACER WIRE. VAR BACKFlLL, AROUND FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX WITH COMPACTED 3/4' ROAD BASE TO GROUND SURFACE N, WATER MAIN VALVE BOX MINIMUM COVER. AND GATE SEE SPECIFICATIONS VALVE I HYDRANT 36' LINE i e i e° o o e s e ee e e 10 if • - P METAL TO METAL CONNECTION MUST OCCUR e e o e e r • CONCRETE e o o e e e e = i' THRUST Y Dave o e e e e°e BLOCK e2'_p' e o e e l-oo'Tp:sN,0T BLOCK Fl CONCRETE THRUST BBE DING. EE BLOCK 3/4' AD ROD. BLOCK LL BE RODDED BACK TO THE WATER MAIN. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE RODDED BACK TO THE BLOCK VALVE. MEGA-LUG RESTRAINTS MAY BE USED WITH THRUST BLOCKS. ETE HANT DRAIN BASE OR BLOCK BASE YDR 27 CC.UPIC F A SPIT, 1-1/2 WASHED ROCK EAGLE RIVER WAM An ' SWTAT= DmIl T FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY NTS oAm 12103/93 c\-q\weem-\p°ge3a Water Specifications 56 IF THE DISTANCE TO THE TOP OF THE OPERATING NUT TO THE TOP OF THE VALVE COVER IS GREATER THAN 9'. AN EXTENSION STEM s. WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE OPERATING NUT. DEEP TYPE - - B= WD WRAP 10 GAUD: INSULATED i COPPER MARE OVER VALVE BOXES PROVIDE SLACK ON WIRE COMPACT BACKFILL TO 98% STANDARD PROCTOR TO SURFACE TO SUPPORT VALVE BOX VALVE BOX BOTTOM VALVE TEN GAUL INSULATED COPPER MARE TO - FOLLOW WATER MAIN r.\eng\w&mpecs\poge3e Water SDecifiCOtions 57 SURFACE OVER PIPE r - - OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT : r • _ 'r._., 6 MM p CH L ITI WIDTH VARIES 9' A FOUR - UNDISTURBED $4 BARS OPTIONAL / CONSTRUCTION JOINT SURFACE OVER PIPE ~ X Jr ANCHOR BLOCKS ELEVATION SECTION t-A-N VZ7 a. ! • ' SOIL 212' INTO 4, TYP UNDISTURBED SOIL c\eng\w&Me-\page3a Water Saecifications 58 INSTALL DISCHARGE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE CLAY BARRIER. THE TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION METHOD WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE TOPOGRAPHY. EXISTING GROUND IJKf&V UNDISTURBED SOIL jf "o . / 12' MIN 12' MIN I / . ' I . / / CLAY MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR- ' PLASTICITY INDEX OF 10 AND MIN. 70% PASSING 200 SEIVE. ! - 12* .41 . MINIMUM INTO A UNDISTURBED SECTION SOIL SURFACE OVER PIPE CLAY c\-9\w&-P6cs\pcgeic Water Specifications 59 DISPERSE LARGE ROCKS IN THIS ZONE PROVIDED ROCKS DO NOT INTERFERE WITH BACKFILL COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS BOULDERS GREATER THAN 18' TO BE REMOVED FROM BACKFlLL AND DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. ROCK ALLOWED GREATER THAN B' NO 12' L VARIES - 12" [NO ROCK ALLOWED GREATER THAN 6' PIPE SUBGRADE, STABILIZATION MATERIAL IF REQUIRED SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR - COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS TRENCH BACKFILL ti BEDDING ZONE SEE BELOW TRENCH BACKFlLL COMPACTED 3/4':: '}~3 ~-i:' ._t • a SCREENED ROCK :p : • s Y BEDDING ~4'p• f j ZONE UNDISTURBED •j, ' } ; :.i;."r SOIL All, _ QOM'. ._'ws'•._...:.~y.:.:~:.0.. 1/4 O.D.. S' MIN PIPE SUBGRADE t\-g\w&smem\poge3a Water Specifications 60 MIN. BEARING SURFACE AREA - SO FT (FOR 200 PSI INTERNAL PIPE PRESSURE) BOND BREAKER 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC I~ _ y 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER WIRE SHALL 8E -LAID WITH ALL PIPES TAPPING SLEEVE TAPPING GATE VALVE i • f -CAD WELD FROM PIPE TO PIPE ALL 1 SIZES (TAPS 4 6 *--Cr OVER) SERVICE TAPS) PLAN 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER WIRE SHALL BE LAID WITH ALL PIPES GRADE MIN. BEARING SURFACE AREA-SO FT FOR 200 PSI INTERNAL PI PRESSURE) UNDISTURBED i ; EARTH VALVE BOX - AND GATE VALVE 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER WIRE SHALL BE LAID WITH ALL PIPES _ TAPPING GATE VALVE e e UNIFORM CONCRETE BLOCKS (NO WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE USE IN WET AND/OR UNSTABLE GROUND, THE TRENC T H BO TOM WILL BE BROUGHT TO GRADE WITH 1-t/2• ROCK TO SUPPORT THRUST BLOCK BOND BREAKER 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC EVERYWHERE CONCRETE CONTACTS PIPES. FITTINGS, BOLTS, & NUTS C\-9\~&8sp-\pO9e4a Water Specifications 61 EXERCISE CARE TO PREVENT PENETRATION OF PE WRAP WITH GRAVEL, ROCKS, ETC. REM INSTALLATION - POLYETHYLENE WRAP WHERE SPECInCALLY REQUIRED FOR SOIL APPLICATIONS STEP 7 - PLACE TUBE OF POLYETHYENE MATERIAL ON PIPE PRIOR TO LOWERING IT INTO PLACE STEP 2 - PULL THE TUBE OVER THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE TAPE TUBE TO PIPE AT JOINT. FOLD MATERIAL AROUND THE ADJACENT SPIGOT END AND WRAP WITH TAPE TO HOLD THE PLASTIC TUBE IN PLACE STEP 3 - OVERLAP FIRST TUBE WITH ADJACENT TUBE AND SECURE WITH PLASTIC ADHESIVE TAPE THE POLYETHYLENE TUBE MATERIAL COVERING THE PIPE MALL BE LOOSE EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE NEATLY DRAWN UP AROUND THE PIPE BARREL. FOLDED ON TOP OF PIPE AND TAPED IN PLACE. C\eng\wacvspecs\Page4v Water Specifications 62 I 1\2' GLOBE VALVE STEPS DOWN (TYP. EACH SIDE) 1 1\2' Low 1 1\2' WYE FLOW PRY STRAINER - 24' DIA. RING AND COVER / 6' BAILEY 18" DISC STRAINER SPOOL IUE 10 GAUGE INSULATED MIN. m = PER MARE THROUGH / THE VAULT 8' DIP o FLOW IN = \Z- COUPLING 18' 6- X 1 1/2' DOUBLE MIN. STRAP SADDLE I X 6' REDUCER • , i DOWNSTREAM PRESSURE °D R GAUGE UPSTREAM PRESSURE SUMP (SLOPE BOTTOM OF GAUGE • > • • , e ' • : • VAULT TO GRAIN) 6- X 1 1/2- DOUBLE STRAP SADDLE ' 6" FLANGED N COUPLING ADAPTER 6- GATE VALVE W/ 6- GATE VALVE W/ AS REQUIRED HAND WHEEL OPERATOR HAND WHEEL OPERATOR (FLT) (FLxFL) PLAN NOTES 1. VAULT SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE AND CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING HS 20-44 TRAFFIC LOADING CONDITIONS 2. WHERE PIPES PENETRATE WALLS, USE LINK SEAL, PSI SEAL, OR FILL ANNULAR SPACE W/ NON-SHRINK GROUT 3. COAT ALL EXTERIOR VAULT SURFACES WITH BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING 4. ALL 1 1/2" PIPE SHALL BE BRASS W/ALL OTHER PIPE AND FITTINGS BEING FLANGED DUCTILE IRON 5. ALL TIE-RODS SHALL BE 3/4- ALL-THREAD OR MEGA-LUGS ON EXTERIOR CONNECTIONS 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT VAULT PIPING SCHEMATIC W/ VAULT DIMENSIONS TO DISTRICT PRIOR TO rR ORDERING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 7. I T SHALL BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY ALL PRV .SIZING AND PRESSURE SETTINGS, SIZES OF PRVS SHOWN IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY 8. THE DISTRICT SHALL APPROVE FINAL SIZING OF ALL PRVS AND VALVES r.\eng\wa=pece\pcge4c Water Saecifications 63 GALV. STEEL SCH 40 3' VENT PIPE I WITH WIRE MESH AND CLAMP AT END OF VENT. \ 24' DIA. INSULATED RING AND COVER NEENAH R175BG OR ACCEPTED EQUAL PROVIDE INSULATION TO 4-FEET BELOW FINISH GRADE (TYP) MINIMUM 2' THICK I INSULATION • STEPS DOWN (T; 7' BURY ao i i 8' 7' MINIMUM CLEARANCE 4 Ir VALVES 6' X 1 1 /2' Ir FLANGED OOI1PLNrIG DOUBLE STRAP rry SPOOL (TYP) 6 PRESSURE GAUGE (TYP) PROVIDE i UPSTREAM AND 8' PRV (1) DOWN EAM GAUGE • e 9' DIP FLOW IN - I FLOW OUT CONTINUE 10 GAUGE INSULATED • COPPER WARE THROUGH 18 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORTS THE VAULT MI 16'MAX 6" • UNDER PRVS AND GATE VALVES a STRAINER SLOPE TO SUMP •.o e:b •i° e':•e.at.. °.af.° a.e o:b •ie a;:: °.ot., a •q a e:e.iO e~:,e,°•.. ~LG'~ ' ~ .~°t:•O:••. bt0, O't. b 9 .•Ot:.e b:0 e'.~ b .°t..o b:0 e•.•O DIP 12' COMPACTED 3/4' DRAIN SCREENED ROCK DAYLIGHT TO DRAIN W/ STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN AND CLAMP AT END N07ES 1. VAULT SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE AND CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING HS 20-44 TRAFFIC LOADING CONID17IONS 2. WHERE PIPES PENETRATE WALLS, USE LINK SEAL OR FILL ANNULAR SPACE W/ NON-SHRINK GROUT 3. COAT ALL EXTERIOR VAULT SURFACES WITH BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING 4. ALL 1 1/2' PIPE SHALL BE BRASS W/ALL OTHER PIPE AND FITTINGS BONG FLANGED DUCTILE IRON 5. ALL TIE-RODS SHALL BE 3/4' ALL-THREAD OR MEGA-LUGS ON EXTERIOR CONNECTIONS rR 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT VAULT PIPING SCHEMATIC W/ VAULT DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING 7 . IT SHALL BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY ALL PRV SIZING AND PRESSURE SETTINGS SIZES OF PRVS SHOWN IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY 8. THE DISTRICT SHALL APPROVE FINAL SIZING OF ALL PRVS AND VALVES e:\-9\w&8spew\page4p Water Specifications 64 PROVIDE 3' GALV. STEEL VENT W/ WIRE MESH AND STEEL CLAMP- VENT TO EXTEND 3' ABOVE FINISH GRADE • IUE 10 GAUGE INSULATED • PPER WARE THROUGH THE VAULT F78- DIP FLOW IN 2' GATE VALVE (TYP. EACH SIDE) Y STRAINER Y METER UNION 6' X 2' DOUBLE , II STRAP ADLE 6' BAILEY . / GATE VALVE DISC STRAINER 6 METER FL GE COUP NG ) TYP. EACH SIDE METER REMOVAL OPERATOR 24' DIA. INSULATED RING - AND COVER NEENAH R175BG OR • ACCEPTED EQUAL STEPS DOWN ° (TYP) i, . a - •i ° 8' X 6' REDUCER (T7'R) DIP FLOW OUT VAULT SIZE AND SHAPE TO BE DETERMINED FOR EACH SPECIFIC APPLICATION PLAN DES 1. VAULT SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE AND CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING HS 20-44 TRAFFIC LOADING CONDITIONS 2. WHERE PIPES PENETRATE WALLS, USE LINK SEAL OR FILL ANNULAR SPACE W/ NON-SHRINK GROUT 3. COAT ALL EXTERIOR VAULT SURFACES WITH BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING 4. ALL 2' PIPE SHALL BE BRASS W/ALL OTHER PIPE AND FITTINGS BEING FLANGED DUCTILE IRON 5. ALL TIE-RODS SHALL BE 3/4' ALL-THREAD OR MEGA-LUGS ON EXTERIOR CONNECTIONS rM 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT VAULT. PIPING SCHEMATIC W/ VAULT DIMENSIONS TO DISTRICT PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT r.\eng\w&moecs\page4a Woter Specifications 65 3' GALV. STEEL SCH 40 VENT W/ WIRE MESH AND STEEL CLAMP PROVIDE INSULATION \i To 4-FEET BELOW FINISH GRADE (M) MINIMUM 2' THICK i 24' DIA. INSULATED RING AND COVER NEENAH R175BG OR r (STEP)S DOWN - •"r~' - M i 4' 7' BURY I 6' GATE VALVE g • 6' BAILEY CONTINUE 10 GAUGE • DISC STRAINER INSULATED COPPER MARE THROUGH / 7 MINIMUM THE VAULT CLEARANCE 8- DIP 11 9 o 0 11 8' DI FLOW IN 6' X 2' DOUBLE . FLOW OUT • ADJUSTABLE STRAP SADDLE X 6' REDUCER 1 PIPE SUPPORT~ FLANGE COUPLING 6' METER (TyP) MI ADAPTOR FOR SLOPE TO Ime METER REMOVAL SLOPE TO SUMP A . • 0 TE WHERE PIPES PENETRA 4 . 4& LAR U O p. q.° q.° a:b. p ".6 e: : • • ' 0 0 ' b.ip ot.,O •qt,. p •Y ie'at:.o.g t.. p •e : 0 • ' Sp W/ N GROUT (TTYTPP) .p 0:..0•.. ds e . pt. e e . d: O •pl. ,O O":'e.•. dt e ps..0 dtO~O . ptOt~•a.~ . ps, ' ; ° •t.0• p.•O •0O t •t.0• p.•O .:•00't.o ;•t.e e~ •'pr.° •e' ° 'OI p' ' ' ' . O..O Y::'O O:t,e e ~ pI " ' AI . . p. b . O . 8 p. b ~ . b p. b 8 p. b . q~ 8' DIP ~ COMPACTED 3/4- 12- DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT - PROVIDE SC ENED ROCK SCREENED ROCIK WIRE-MESH SCREEN W/ CLAMP NOTES 1. VAULT SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE AND CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING HS 20-44 TRAFFIC LOADING CONDITIONS 2. WHERE PIPES PENETRATE WALLS, USE LINK SEAL OR FILL ANNULAR SPACE W/ NON-SHRINK GROUT EAGLE RIVER WA1ER AND 3. COAT ALL EXTERIOR VAULT SURFACES WITH BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING SA ITATIM DISTRICT 4. ALL 2' PIPE SHALL BE BRASS W/ALL OTHER PIPE AND FITTINGS BONG FLANGED DUCTILE IRON 5. ALL TIE-RODS MALL BE 3/4' ALL-TREAD OR MEGA-LUGS ON EXTERIOR CONNECTIONS MAIN LINE METER VAU 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT VAULT PIPING SCHEMATIC W/ VAULT DIMENSIONS TO DISTRICT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION IWALM M'IR DATE: 19 MCIt A c.\ena\w&-mecs\Dcce4D Water Specifications 66 WATER LINE 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER MARE ENCASE JOINTS SIN CONCRETE OR IMPERMEABLE SLEEVE °A 40 Ilk- SANITARY SEWER LINE IF WATERLINE IS 18' OR LESS ABOVE SEWER OR IF WATER`LINE' CONCRETE ENCASEMENT. ENCASEMENT MUST EXTEND UNTIL THE WATER AND SEWER PIPE ARE SEPARATED BY MORE THAN 10 FEET. IN LIEU OF CONCRETE EN- CASEMENT 0800 PVC PRESSURE PIPE OR YELOMINE PRESSURE PIPE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. - w SANITARY SEWER LINI STEEL CASING THICKNESS AND COATING PER REGULATORY AGENCY 10 GAUGE INSULATED - / COPPER WIRE WATER LINE STEEL ENCASED WATER LINE 10 GAUGE INSULATED COPPER WIRE STEEL CASING REDWOOD SKIDS SECTION e .NCASEMENT HIGH DENSITY RUBBER CASING WITH 3/4' WADE STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS PIPELINE SEAL AND INSULATOR CO. MODEL W .OR ACCEPTED EQUAL 0 . «\-9\w&s9P-\J)aye4c Water Saecifications 67 SECTION M EASEMENT WIDTH ORIGINAL. GROUND 1.5:1 SLOPE CALCULATE EASEMENT WIDTH AS FOLLOWS 1.5-1 SLOPE DEPTH TO TOP OF PIPE X 1.5 X 2 +3' (ROUNDED UP IN 5' INCREMENTS) EXAMPLE: 10' DEEP PIPE - 35' MADE EASEMENT TRENCH MINIMUM EASEMENT WIDTH SWTATIGN p9M rEASEMENT A c RIVER VAM NO. WIDTH DETAIL DAIL- 12/03/93 oft 29/96.1W_1VN c:\eng\w&mece\pcge4o Water Specifications 68 MINIMUM CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE S12E BENDS OF PIPE 11_11 22-1/Y l 450 900 r 0.2 0.5 1.8 N/A B' 0.2 0.5 1.8 N/A 10' 0.2 O.8 2.7 N/A 12' 0.3 1.0 3.8 N/A NA - NOT ALLOWED NOTE LARGER THAN 12' TO BE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED BY ENGINEER USE M GQWG JOINT RESTRAINT DEVICES OR E - 2 - 3 /4 DIAMETER CADMIUM PLATED TIE RODS - POLY WRAPPED - TO NEXT PIPE JOINT (MIN. TIED LENGTH 18 FEET TYPICAL BOTH SIDES BOND BREAKER 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC(TYP~ 10 GAUGE IN! TRACER WIRE MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE TO BE AS REQUIRED PER DETAIL W-3 ...v~. FOUR NO. 4 EPOXY COATED REBAR EMBEDDED 19" INTO CONCRETE WITH ENDS BENT 90' AS SHOWN CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCK SEE TABLE FOR VOLUME EA0.E RIVER WATER AND SANITAflON 0151RICT VERTICAL THRUST BLOCK ALE NTS , DAVE 12/03/93 oom5/29/96,12/20/96 W-1 PROvm- MVN A Q Q A A. .d Q d ~e c\eng\wacsW-\p0ge50 Water Specifications 69 RIGID STYROFOAM TRENCH BACKFILL INSULATION BOARD COMPACTED 3/4' SCREENED ROCK UNDISTURBED SOIL p' X0.4.• . , :OQ.~ ~ aQ~ -A V t Z _ N ~ BEDDING ZONE 1/4 O.D.. 3'MIN. 6' MIN PIPE SUBGRADE GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE SEWER AND WATER PIPE BEDDING DETAIL FOR BACKFILL MATERIAL AND COMPACTION SPECS. 2. INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL PIPE THAT DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM COVER REQUIREMENTS.- 3. INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL PIPE THAT IS WITHIN TWO FEET OF ANY DRAINAGE CULVERT. THIS APPLIES TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PIPE IF IT CROSSES OVER TOP OF THE CULVERT. a\-9\wamM-\Po9e.5o Water Sr)ecifications 70 AS-BUILT SPECIFICATIONS EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AS-BUILT MAPPING STANDARD LAYERS: TEXT SIZE LAYER DESCRIPTION - COLOR LINETYPE TYPE 2M. 0 Basic Autocad Layer WHITE CONTINUOUS ADDRESS Street Addresses YELLOW CONTINUOUS - Addresses L100 ALT Altitude Valve GREEN CONTINUOUS Block Attribute L80 ARV Air Release Valve GREEN CONTINUOUS Block Numbers L140 AR_TXT Air Relecie Valvd Text GREEN CONTINUOUS Lot Numbers L120 AV-TXT Altitude Valve Text GREEN CONTINUOUS Section Comers L160 BPS Booster Pump Station GREEN CONTINUOUS Sewer Line Text L80 BP-TXT Booster Pump Station Text GREEN CONTINUOUS Street Names L160 BVALVE Butterfly-.Valve.".--;-- - _GREEttL~... ngUNA 1:IS'- - SuIzAbdpien-Asme - - L200----. BV-TXT Butterfly Valve Text GREEN CONTINUOUS Ties L80 CL Road Centerlines RED CENTER Water Line Text L80 CO Cleanouts CYAN CONTINUOUS EASE Easement Lines CYAN HIDDEN FH_TXT Fire Hydrant Valve Text GREEN CONTINUOUS GVALVE Gate Valve GREEN CONTINUOUS GV-TXT Gate Valve Text GREEN CONTINUOUS HYD Fire Hydrants GREEN CONTINUOUS LEGEND Legend Text WHITE CONTINUOUS NOTES: LOCMAP Location Map WHITE DASHDOT LOTNUM Lot & Block Numbers YELLOW CONTINUOUS 1) Drawing scale to be 1"=100' LS Lift Station CYAN CONTINUOUS LS-TXT Lift Station Tag CYAN CONTINUOUS 2; Text style t be Leroy MANHOLE Manholes CYAN CONTINUOUS North is to be at the top MMH Meter Vault GREEN CONTINUOUS 4) of the page All appurtenances are to be All ap MV-TXT Meter Vault Text GREEN CONTINUOUS with the appropriate block labled NOTICE Notice Text CYAN CONTINUOUS 5) P roject is to be broken down PG-TXT Water Line Plug Text GREEN CONTINUOUS into quarter sections PL Subdivision Lot Lines RED CONTINUOUS 6) All lines. text, and blocks PLUG Water Line Plug GREEN CONTINUOUS are to be color and linetype PRV Pressure Reducing Valve GREEN CONTINUOUS BYLAYER PV-TXT Pressure Reducing Valve Text GREEN CONTINUOUS 7) Road names are. to be placed REDUCE Reducer GREEN CONTINUOUS along the right of way on the REVISTXT Revision Text WHITE CONTINUOUS property side RE_TXT Reducer Text GREEN CONTINUOUS 8) Specify datum for manhole ROW Road Right-of-Way CYAN CONTINUOUS elevations (existing sewer invert) RP-TXT Raw Water Pump Station Text GREEN CONTINUOUS 9) Trim sewer line to outside RWPS Raw Water Pump Station GREEN CONTINUOUS of manhole SECLN Section Subdivision Lines WHITE PHANTOM SEC-TXT Section Comer Description YELLOW CONTINUOUS SERV-SEW Sewer Service Line 201 CONTINUOUS SERV-WAT Water Service Line 81 WL SERVICE Service Valve GREEN CONTINUOUS SEWERLN Sewer Lines MAGENTA CONTINUOUS SL-PVT Sewer Line - Private 31 CONTINUOUS SL-TXT Sewer Line Text CYAN CONTINUOUS SM-TXT Sewer Main Text CYAN CONTINUOUS STRUCTURE Permanent Structures MAGENTA CONTINUOUS ST-NAME Street Names WHITE CONTINUOUS SUNDRY Subdivision Boundaries WHITE DIVIDE SUB-NAME Subdivision Names WHITE CONTINUOUS TANK Water Tank GREEN CONTINUOUS TE-TXT Tee Text GREEN CONTINUOUS TIE Detail Ties RED CONTINUOUS TK-TXT Water Tank Text GREEN CONTINUOUS TOWNUMIT Town Limit 51 CONTINUOUS VALVE Water Valves GREEN CONTINUOUS ievER ~ A~ EAME WATER Edge of River, Lake, or Stream CYAN DIVIDED sMnrATM astwcr WATERLN Water Lines BLUE WL _ WE-TXT WL-PVT Well Text Water Line - Private GREEN 31 CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS AS-BUILT SPECIFlCATION: WL-TXT Water Line Text GREEN CONTINUOUS WM_TXT Water Main Text GREEN CONTINUOUS k NTS - a►V 12/03/93 WP-TXT Water Treatment Plant Text GREEN CONTINUOUS n Wp Water Treatment Plant GREEN CONTINUOUS & MMOM-5/29/96.12120/96 c:\-g\w&sapecs\page6a Water Specifications 71 .1 11. AS-BUILT SPECIFICATIONS BLOCK TAGS AIR RELEASE VALVE AL7nUDE VALVE BOOSM PUMP STATION 8UTER11Y VALVE FM HYDRANT STREET AOORESS AMYL' raw- eT~ fff--- - I l ! fff- > ow- STAM , TVPC Twe DRECeOI T smDe rover GATE VALVE LIT STATION MANHOLE MANHOLE - BARSCREEN MANHOLE - DISAPATiING WATER 7REA7MENT PLANT 0W= ! gr_ 1SI !L!!L !!tlL OVA= !!!tt 0W= T4E aaa wa sna ova o+~a ono wm+s - - Diva MMTOD Mva IOITOID ervs M M D METER VAULT PLUG PARE REDUCING VALVE REDUCER _ RED TOP VALVE HELL vow un. Mw _ DWI= PSsti PC owm ffi Devi 8W= BEL' D 10 g1eZ DIfi10 J~ E RAW WATER PUMP STATION SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SEWER MAIN TEE TANK 000NO ii>1~5L DW= SP SPA StdL <V Mm MOM 7E IEL sa Trot DWiq X__ IliL LENM Z PlA1P3 SUE T YPE SLOPE BLOCKS NAME LAYER DESCRIPTION ALT ALT Altitude Valve ARV ARV Air Release Valve ARVT AR_TXT Air Release Valve Tag AVT AV_TXT Altitude Valve Tag BLK LOTNUM Subdivision Block Number BM SEC_TXT Found Section Comer BPS BPS Booster Pump Station BPSL BPS Booster Pump Station(left) BPST BP_TXT Booster Pump Station Tag BVT BV_TXT Butterfly Valve Tag DATUM SL_TXT Datum Symbol FHT FH_TXT Fire Hydrant Tag GVT GV_TXT Gate Valve Tog HYD HYD Fire Hydrant LS LS Sewer Lift Station LSL LS Sewer Lift Station(left) MHT MH-TXT Manhole Tog MMH MMH Meter Vault MVT MV_TXT Meter Vault Tag PGT PG_TXT Water Line Plug Text PLUG PLUG Water Line Plug PRV PRV Pressure Reduction Valve PRVL PRV Pressure Reduction Valve (left) PRVT PV_TXT Pressure Reduction Valve Tag RET RE_TXT Reducer Tag RVT RV_TXT Red Top Valve Tag (right turn) RWPST RP_TXT Raw Water Pump Station SERVICE SERVICE Service Line Valve SMH MANHOLE Sewer Manhole SMH-5 MANHOLE Sewer Manhole - 5' diameter SMH-6 MANHOLE Sewer Manhole - 6' diameter SMH-B MANHOLE Sewer Manhole - barscreen SMH-D MANHOLE Sewer Manhole - disapating SMT SM_TXT Sewer Main Tog SPT SP_TXT Sewage Treatment Plant Tag STADD ADDRESS Street Address TANK TANK Storage Tank TANKT TK_TXT Storage Tank Tog TET TE_TXT Tee Tag VALVE BVALVE/GVALVE Water Main Valve (Butterfly/Gate) WET WE_TXT Well Tag WMT WM_TXT Water Main Tag WPT WP_TXT Water Treatment Plant Tag WW WELL Water Well LINETYPE DERNMONS *DASHED A,.5,-.25 *HIDDEN-- A,.25,-.125 *CENTER, _ _ _ _ A,1.25,-.25,.25,-.25 *PHANTOM, A,1.25, -.25,.25,-.25,.25,-.25 *DOT A,O,-.25 *DIVIDE,- . A,.5,-.25,0.-.25.0,-.25 *DIVIDED... A,.5,-.25,0,-.25,0,-.25.0,-.25 *WL.- 6~ 75.-TyI `.s`Aa•Ryea.-maiiide NOTE: of Wnhottre definitions of linetypes as used in Autocad with the LTSCALE factor set at 37.5. NOTES: 1) Drawing scale to be 1"=100' 2 Text style to be Leroy 3 North is to be at the top of the page 4 All appurtenances are to be labeled with the appropriate block 5 Project is to be broken down into quarter sections 6 All lines, text, and blocks are to be color and linetyps BYLAYE 7 Road names are to be placed along the right of way on the property side 8) Specify datum for manhole elevations (existing sewer invert) 9 Trim sewer line to outside of manhole C' \-9\W&sWe-\p09e6o Water Specifications 72 EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO w.. am peas. a mw ..s GRAPHIC SCALE _ - - mseeE > mtoraoatlaa LEGEND - SECOM UK TOwam PRQPmff Lm ROAD ww UK s mxvB m " mDA EASOM UK INSERT Room MAP HERE mxum PAN= Seel= m sm or ft" mm we me m ® SEW= UK-WOWAR -Obi- YMBIQE (r. S. 6' NW ' -Oi4~ YAtWaE om BMW wSAO UR STAIM 'r mm we " m ® MATER UK-PWAX m® MATER t SO= M-MAN T "m Kiutw Um my M SUER UM Mm w a%= am UALK M w17ER YOLK. EERIECt 0 ~A/EA METER rAN1aE MATER ® NR AmEAQ VAUR ® PRE554E!! WSUCmI V&%z E~ BOOSTER P" STASM ® &I%= vom DATUM o ameaam w o M =W REVISIONS c\eng\w&mpem\pcge6c ~ Water Specifications 73