TC Res. No. 1997-18TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 97-18 SERIES OF 1997 A Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of the Swift'Gulch Addition, Town of Avon, County -of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has submitted a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat of the Swift Gulch Addition, Town of Avon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat have been reviewed by the Town Staff; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat were found to be substantially in accord with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed.subdivision complies with the'requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, that the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of the Swift Gulch Addition, Town of Avon; County of Eagle, State of Colorado, are hereby approved by the Town of Avon, subject to: 1.The completion,of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS Mh DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1997 Ls-E ~ TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO <1 ~ az:s_~_ Jac awcett, Mayor ATTEST: Patty Lambe", CMC Town Clerk \ j Acou ncil\resoluti\finalsub\1997\97-18.doc 414m NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Fe 6,, 40 To: -Town of Avon Tract C, Benchmark at Beaver CN&O 99~ PO Box 975 Tract Y, Benchmark at Beaver Creek FgVO/1 Avon, CO 81620 Tract AA, Mountain Star, Filing No. 2 You are hereby notified pursuant to provisions of Section 16.20.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Plan for the following proposed subdivision will be held and considered at the meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, on February 11, 1997, at 5:30 PM in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: REASON FOR SUBDIVISION: DEADLINE: .OTHER: Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Same Swift Gulch Addtion, Town of Avon, Eagle County, CO 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO Realignment of Swift Gulch Road Right-of-way If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear ,personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on February 11, 1997 OR you may file a written statement with the Town Clerk, Town of Avon, PO Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Town Council, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than 4:00 PM, Tuesday, February 11, 1997. The applicant is represented by Larry Brooks, PO_ Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. (970) 949-5101 .1 Patty Lambert, Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON, FEBRUARY 5,1997. * COASTAL MART, AVON * ENTRANCE TO CI'T'Y MARKET * EAGLEBEND LAUNDRY ROOM * MAIN LOBBY, AVON MUNICIP C MPLEX Mailed posted on ? - -6 J10by