TC Res. No. 1997-12RESOLUTION NO. 97-12 SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY WHEREAS, The Town of Avon wishes to continue its financial support of regional transportation within Eagle County; and WHEREAS, The Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority has a continuing need for local government financial support. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, authorizes a financial contribution to the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority for the 1997 fiscal year in an amount of $62,500, to assist in the operation of regional transportation. FURTHER, that the 1997 budget be amended to reflect this contribution as a line item within the Public Relations program. ADOPTED AND PASSED, this 28`h day of January, 1997 TOWN OF AVON By: J k Fawcett Mayor ATTES - Patty Lamb( Town Clerk