TC Res. No. 1992-21TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 21 SERIES OF 1992 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING A STATEWIDE INITIATIVE TO RAISE THE COLORADO SALES TAX FROM 3% TO 4%. WHEREAS, a statewide initiative petition is being circulated which would increase the Colorado sales tax rate from 3% to 4% to raise $320 million in new revenue for elementary and secondary education; and to make massive reforms in the Colorado education system; and WHEREAS, the combined state-local sales tax rate in Colorado is among the highest in the nation; and WHEREAS, increasing the state sales tax rate will be economically harmful to municipalities, counties, and other local governments which rely'primarily on'local sales.tax-'revenue; and WHEREAS, an additional one cent,state sales tax will make it more difficult to increase local sales.tax for important local government needs and harm the-Colorado,economy and quality,.of services to Colorado residents and visitors; and, WHEREAS, an additional one cent sales tax will particularly cause financial hardship on low and moderate income residents because of its inherent regressive tendencies; and WHEREAS,.the proposed tax increase would generate $3,.8 million from Eagle County to the State of Colorado, but the Eagle County School District budget would not be increased above its current level; and WHEREAS,.state and local sales taxes are not deductible for purposes of computing federal income tax; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon supports quality and equal education for all students of Colorado, but believes communities and school districts that want to go beyond that level should not be limited; and WHEREAS, additional funding for education should be accomplished in a progressive manner, rather than in the form of a regressive sales tax; and WHEREAS, the 1988 school finance act should be,repealed or, modified to solve funding problems as well as to accommodate the above concerns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Avon Town Council opposes the statewide initiative to increase the state sales tax rate from 3% to 4% because of the myriad problems and unanswered questions it raises; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if, indeed, new state revenues are necessary for education, other avenues of enhanced revenue be explored and considered such as removing most or all the present state sales tax exemptions or increasing the state income tax, or compensating school districts with extraordinary transportation (bus) costs and other approaches which avoid the problems raised herein. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July, 1992. ATTEST: Patty Neyh rt, wn Clerk Jer Dav' , Mayor