TC Res. No. 1992-10RESOLUTION NO. 92-10 SERIES OF 1992 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE ENACTMENT OF SENATE BILL 101 IN THE COLORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY WHEREAS, the Town of Avon recognizes that second home condominiums-rental units are-vital to the economy and-the viability of Colorado's resort communities; and WHEREAS; continued condominium development- is important to Colorado's economy; and WHEREAS, Colorado's year-round tourism industry is dependent on"an available bed base; and WHEREAS, any change in the tax classification of'second home condominium units will affect not only their sale and hence the resort real estate market; but also their.availability as -rental units and WHEREAS, a reduction in-the-condominium.real estate market and rental opportunities would negatively impact sales tax revenues-; and WHEREAS, for both local and state government,, current Colorado law with regard to condominium classification is.in keeping with condominium law'in other states and has served to stimulate condominium and resort development. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the Town of Avon: 1. The Town of Avon is opposed to any attempt to reclassify.- second home condominiums as commercial property. 2. 'This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 11th day of February, 1992. 6 w.,, (i D_ C__~~ Jer y Da is, Mayor.. ATTEST: Patty Neyh rt, T wn Clerk