TC Res. No. 1991-21RESOLUTION NO. 91-21 SERIES OF 1991 WHEREAS, the office of the Governor of Colorado has initiated "Colorado 2000 Communities," a statewide effort to improve the state's schools; and WHEREAS, one of the objectives of "Colorado 2000 Communities" is to gain statewide adoption of the six National Education Goals by school districts, community groups, service and civic organizations, government agencies and others; and WHEREAS, "Colorado 2000 Communities" is designed to motivate citizens to take greater responsibility for the quality of their community's schools and to actively participate in the development and implementation of strategies which will lead to the attainment of the National Education Goals; and WHEREAS, a sound educational system is fundamental to the economic stability of a community and a major factor in maintaining a high quality of life; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED the Town of Avon hereby joins other Colorado local governments in adopting the six National Education Goals; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Town of Avon pledges to urge its citizens, employees and other to become actively involved in the "Colorado 2000 Communities" process by participating in the development of local strategies and by becoming actively involved'in.carrying out these strategies. ADOPTED this 23rd day of July, 1991. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO C] 0 Je TY Da is, Mayor