TC Res. No. 1991-11RESOLUTION NO. 91-11
WHEREAS, Wildridge Specially Planned Area was
heretofore approved by Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, applications have been received to re-
subdivide lots within said subdivision so as to allow
construction of two single-family homes on duplex lots; and
WHEREAS, such applications should not be considered
by this Council until it has received and approved recommendations
of staff with respect to appropriate criteria for the
consideration of such applications for resubdivision;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Town Council of
the Town of Avon, Colorado:
1. Until such time as this Council has adopted
appropriate criteria for the consideration thereof, no
applications for the resubdivision of duplex lots and multi-
family lots within the Wildridge Specally Planned Area shall be
considered by the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
2. Such moratorium shall become effective upon the
passage of this resolution and shall continue in effect until
July 1, 1991.
3. The Town's staff is directed to submit to the
Council recommendations with respect to such criteria in
sufficient time for the review and adoption of the same by
July 1, 1991.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town
Council on this 23rd day of April, 1991.