TC Res. No. 1985-23i RESOLUTION NO. 85-23 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TEMPORARY OUTDOOR PATIO AT THE PENALTY BOX'RESTAURANT LOCATED IN THE AVON TOWN CENTER MALL ADJACENT TO THE AVON CENTER- WHEREAS,-the Penalty Box Restaurant.desires an outdoor patio to augment their existing service;-and WHEREAS, an outdoor patio adheres-to the developmental intent of the Avon -Town Center Mall as delineated in the Mall Agreement;-and WHEREAS, an outdoor patio has been reviewed and acceptediby the Planning and Zoning Commissiori,-.and WHEREAS, this-patio has been reviewed and approved.. by the Avon Town Center-Mall Advisory Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town Council of the.Town of Avon hereby approved an outdoor patio , in the Avon Center Mall, for the Penalty Box Restaurant, subject to: covenants and obligations set forth in a written Agreement signed.and executed by the owners of Avon Center, Penalty Box Restaurant and the Town of Avon. ADOPTED this day of , 1985. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Allan R. ttingh , Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Doyle, Town Clerk