TC Res. No. 1985-21RESOLUTION NO. 85=21 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Town of Avon (the Employer) has Police officers rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will benefit Police Officers by providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will assist the Town of Avon to attract and retain qualified Police Officers; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon desires that its Money Purchase Plan be administrered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation; and WHEREAS, the State of Colorado has mandated that municipalities provide public safety officers with a Money Purchase Plan,for the cAccumulation of retirement benefits. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon,- that;the Town of Avon establishes a Money" Purchase Plan in the-form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and Trust, pursuant to the specific provisions of the executed Adoption Agreement. The Plan and the Trust forming a part hereof are established and shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of eligible Police Officers and their beneficiaries. ADOPTED this 11th day of June , 1985. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON,COLORADO Allan R. ottingh 7~' Mayor • • - ICMA RETIRE CORPORATION PROTOTYPE MONEY PURCHASE PLAN & TRUST ADOPTION AGREEMENT The Employer hereby establishes a Money Purchase Plan & Trust to be known as Avon Police Department Pension'Plan ffk,m "Plan"? in the form of the IC MA Retirement (rrame of f1m) Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and Trust. 1. The. Employer shall contribute on behalf of each Participant 8 gib of Earnings for the Plan Year (subject to the limitations of Section 4.09 of the Plan). This Plan is an amendment and restatement of an existing defined contribution pension plan. ❑ Yes XX No If yes, please specify the name of the defined contribution pension plan which this Plan hereby amends and restates: A. EMPLOYER: Town of Avon 4. Normal Retirement Age shall be 60 B. THE EFFECTIVE DATE of the Plan shall be the first day of the Plan Year during which the Employer adopts the Plan, unless an alternate Effective Date is hereby specified: 1/1/86 If a different Normal Retirement Age is established for one or more groups of employees, please specify: Age Group 60 Police Officers C. THE PLAN YEAR shall be the calendar year, unless an alternate Plan Year is hereby specified: D. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS E. CONTRIBUTION PROVISIONS 1. The following group or groups of Employees are eligible for participation in the Plan: All Employees All Full-time Employees Salaried Employees Non-union Employees Management Employees XX Public Safety Employees General Employees Other (specify below) 2. The Employer hereby waives the requirement of a six-month period of service for participants. E Yes ❑ No If this waiver is elected, it shall apply to all employees within the Covered Employment Classification. 3. A minimum age requirement is hereby specified for eligibility to participate. The minimum age require- ment is 21 (not to exceed age 241h). Write WA if no minimum age is declared. 2.,a) Each Participant is required to contribute 8 9k of Earnings for the Plan Year as a condition of participation. (Write "O" if no contribu- tion is required.) b) The Employer hereby elects to "pick up" the Mandatory/Required Participant Contribution. ❑ Yes XX No 3. Each Participant may make a Voluntary Participant Contribution as defined in Section 2.34 of the Plan, subject to the limitations of Section 4.04 and 4.09 of the Plan. XX Yes ❑ No 4. Each Participant may make a Deductible Employee Contribution as defined in Section 2.08 of the Plan, subject to the limitations of Section 4.05 of the Plan. XX Yes ❑ No i • 5. Employer contributions and Employee contribu- tions, if any, shall be contributed to the Trust in ao- cordance.with the following payment schedule: One check per month for all. Eaaployer and Employee contributions to Trust F. EARNINGS Earnings, which form the basis for computing Employ- er contributions and Employee contributions, if re- quired, are defined as the Participant's base salary or wages, before applying any salary reduction agreed to by the Participant pursuant to a plan described in Sections 457 or 403(b) of the Code, plus the following (check whichever is applicable, if any): ❑ Overtime ❑ Bonuses None ❑ Employer contributions (other than salary reduc- tion amounts) under Section 457 of the Code ❑ Other extraordinary remuneration G. VESTING PROVISIONS The Employer hereby specifies the following vesting schedule, subject to 1) the minimum vesting require- ments as noted and 2) the concurrence of the Plan Administrator. Years of Specified Minimum Service Percent Vesting Completed Vesting Requirements"" Zero % No minimum One % No minimum Two % No minimum Three 33 1/3 % No minimum Four 66 2/3% Not less than 40% Five 100 % Not less than 45% Six 100 % Not less than 50% Seven 100 % Not less than 60% Eight 100 % Not less than 70% Nine 100 % Not less than 80% Ten I no % Not less than 90% Eleven or more 100 % Must equal 100% ("These minimum vesting requirements conform to the IRS's Four-Forty Schedule, which is the most re- strictive schedule for which an advance determination ruling for qualification will be issued by the IRS without a pre-test for nondiscrimination.) H. INVESTMENT OPTION (check one) The following applies to Employer Contributions and Mandatory Employee Contributions. All Voluntary Employee Contributions and Deductible Employee Contributions (DECs) are not subject to investment restrictions. 91 A ParticipantAildiredQ/4 investment only in an investment option which provides a guarantee of principals and Interest, KKA Participant may direct his/her investment of not more than Sn % in an investment option which does not provide any guarantee of principal. ❑ A Participant may direct his/her investment, with- out restriction, among various investment options available under the Trust. ❑ Specify any other investment restrictions: 1. WITHDRAWAL UPON SEPARATION 1. Upon separation from service for reason other than death, Disability or attainment of Normal Retirement Age, the Participant may elect to commence receiv- ing benefits from the following accounts, without regard to age: a) Employer Contribution Account (Nonforfeitable In- terest) M Yes ❑ No b) Participant Contribution Account (if applicable) N Yes ❑ No c) Portable Benefits Account 12 Yes ❑ No 2. If "no" to any of the above, the earliest age is N/A , at which the Employer will allow a dis- tribution from the Employer Contribution Account, the Portable Benefits Account, and/or the Partici- pant Contribution Account, if applicable. 3. Notwithstanding Section 1(2) above, a distribution shall be made pursuant to Section 8.05 of the Plan, De Minimis Accounts. Further, the Participant shall be entitled to make a rollover contribution pursuant to Section 8.03 of the Plan. J. Loans are permitted under the Plan as provided in Article XI. ❑ Yes E No 2 ,~..,~.?;krcy ^-~r•~:v,~- : n5'~C„i.,• eti• - a ,~'.'i; "Pc;::.:,z ~ , ~ . r" ;,.si+~ .cry °✓4 ~~:'Z. ~w _~',%„fi .y,.. '.S. _ •I, ~~5:..4 ti.Yr_•~ „ .''3''W; ~f`tR=.__A r~~':YiRi' ~'L~~'.' 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K, ; ,`..!;i•y.T "l; ; : : ;et-~ .5;,' c t .K The Employer f~reby attest tt~t' it is a unit of state's = _ L; TAe Employer_ by appo ' 'here ints.ttie ICMARetirement;~ or local govemment or an agency or irutruirienfality Corporation as the Plan Administrator pursuant to the' ►}>.,F ' of one or. more units of state or local government and , terms and conditions .of the ICMA PROTOTYPE . , . ~:~=-•~k~~,that•if las~the authority understate and bca! laws to'~''r=' _ 'MONEY PURCHASE PLAN & TRUST. _ r-~. , J~ . adopt a Money Purchase Plan. ft_ The Employer hereby agrees to the provisions of the Plan and Trust. In Witness Whereof, the Employer hereby causes this Agreement to be executed on this 11TH day of JUNE 19 85- EMPLOYER Accepted: ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION By: Title: Manager Attest- Town Clerk :r 4/84 By: Title: Attest: CORPORATION SUGGESTED RESOLUTION FOR A LEGISLATIVE BODY TO ESTABLISH A MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF AVON ("Employer"). WHEREAS, the Employer has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will benefit employees by providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will assist the Employer to attract and retain qualified personnel; and WHEREAS, the Employer desires that its Money Purchase Plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employer establishes a Money Purchase Plan in the form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and Trust, pursuant to the specific provisions of the executed Adoption Agreement. The Plan and the Trust forming a part hereof are established and shall be main- tained for the exclusive benefit -of eligible employees and their beneficiaries. I, Patricia J. Doyle Town , Clerk of the (City, County, etc.) of ro= of Avnn , do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, proposed by (Council Member, Trustee, etc.) of Steve Miller, Resalutioa 485-21 was duly passed and adopted in the (Council, Board, etc.) of the (City, County, etc.) of 'rnwn of Avnn r'nl nraAn at a regular meeting thereof assembled this 11 tr day of J„nP , 19-K5, by the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ABSENT:A.J. Wells, Councilmember a (SEAL) _ Clerk of the , Cowq, etc.) 4/84