TC Res. No. 1985-11RESOLUTION NO. 85-11 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT -FOR THE LODGE AT AVON CONDOMINIUMS,,BUILDING A, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION, FORMERLY 57-60, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO WHEREAS, The Lodge at Avon Associates, A Colorado General Partnership has submitted a Pteliminary-'Plat:"far_the Lodge at Avon Condominiums, Building A, aeResubdivision-of Lot 1,-Block 1, The Lodge at Avon Subdivision, formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat has'been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning'C-mmission staff and the Town Attorney, and found to be substantially in accord with the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Avon, and is recommended for approval; and WHEREAS, the Plat shall contain 143 parking spaces. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the.Town-Council, of the Town of Avon,-that this Preliminary Plat is hereby approved by the Town of Avon. ADOPTED AND DATED THIS 12th day of-March , 1985. TOWN OF AVON,', COLORADO TOWN OF AVON Al an Notting am, Mayor MEMO TO: BILL JAMES FROM: NORM WOOD RE: THE LODGE AT Formerly Lots 0 AVON CONDOMINIUMS - PRELIMINARY PLAT 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek The Lodge at Avon Associates submitted a Preliminary Plat for The Lodge at Avon Condominiums for review and approval. At the February 12, 1985 Council Meeting this Plat was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commision for review and approval. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Plat at its meeting on February 14, 1985 and recommended Council approve the Plat upon submission of a'revised parking plan with adequate parking spaces with on site access and the correction of minor technical errors. A revised parking plan and a Special Review Use for a Mixed Use Lot parking reduction was submitted and was reviewed at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on February 28, 1985. The revised parking plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission along with the Special Review Use request for Mixed Use Lot parting reduction of 17 parking spaces. A revised plat has also been submitted and has been reviewed by staff. The revised plat was found to be generally in accordance with Town standards with only minor corrections to be made prior to Final Plat approval. This is the first plat to be reviewed under the recently approved Fractionalization Section of the Zoning Code. Development Rights required under this Section of the Code are summarized as follows: Accomodation Units Efficiency Units 1 Bedroom Units Total Development Total Development Total Area of Res Maximum Allowable Area 58 * 16 * 15 * Rights Rights idential = 27.33 1/4 RTDR = 14.50 RTDR's 1/3 RTDR = 5.33 RTDR's 1/2 RTDR = 7.50 RTDR's Required = 27.33 RTDR s Available = 70.00 RTDR's Units = 36,500 Sq. Ft. * 1600 = 49,194 Sq. Ft. In addition to the Fractionalized Residential Units, the Plat also shows approximately 13,000 Sq. Ft. of condominiumized commercial space plus limited and general common elements. The following actions by Council are recommended. 1) Reopen Public Hearing continued from February 26, 1985 Council Meeting for the Preliminary Plat, The Lodge at Avon Condominiums. (Formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek) 2) Close Public Hearing. • 3) Approve Resolution No. 85-11 approving the Preliminary Plat for The Lodge at Avon Condominiums (Formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek) Note: Approval of Resolution No. 85-11 is recommended only if the Special Review Use for Mixed Use Lot parking reduction has been approved. If Special Review Use for parking reduction has not been approved, it is recommended that applicant be requested to submit revised parking and site plans to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The revised plans should comply with full parting requirements without use of area leased from State Highway Department: