TC Res. No. 1985-04i • RESOLUTION NO.- 85-4, SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Town of Avon (the Employer) has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will benefit employees by providing funds for retirement and funds for their.beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Money Purchase Plan will assist the Town of Avon to attract and retain qualified personnel; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon desires that its Money Purchase Plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, that the,Town of Avon establishes a Money Purchase-Plan in the form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and trust, pursuant to the specific provisions of the executed Adoption Agreement. The Plan and the Trust forming a part hereof are established and shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of eligible employees and their beneficiaries. ADOPTED AND DATED THIS 22nd day of January 1985 TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON All n R. Nottingh , Mayor