TC Res. No. 1984-030 RESOLUTION NO. #84-3 Series of 1984 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON , SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 94 PROVIDING FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES BETWEEN SPECIAL DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon , Colorado, believe the consolidation and regional- ization of local government services is usually to the benefit of taxpaying constituents; and WHEREAS, special districts now are able only to consolidate whole districts and not specific services, and Senate Bill 94 would correct that situation; and' WHEREAS, we recognize that in certain circumstances an additional governmental entity could result; we believe that result would be infrequent and would be temporary due to the enhanced ability to effect consolidations. OF THE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Town Council Town of Avon , Colorado, that: The Avon Town Council supports the passage of Senate Bill 94 providing for the consolidation of special district services. ADOPTED at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon , Colorado, on the 24th day of January , 1984. Allan R Nottingh Mayor FACT SHEET R THE "CONSOLIDATED SERV46° BILL H.B. S.B. Purpose: Allows existing special districts to yield or surrender one or more of their authorized service functions to a new form of district, which would overlap or substitute for the existing districts and provide the "yielded" service function on a regional basis. This new district, known as a "Consolidated Services District" would have all powers of any special district related to the service functions assumed from the existing districts. Why Needed: 1. Cannot establish a new district with the same service function which overlaps an existing district. 2. Certain district service functions lend themselves to regional operations (fire protection, water and sanitation) while certain others may not (parks and recreation, mosquito control). Current statute provides only for consolidation of all functions. Thus, consolidation of regional functions is impede often by the recognition that limited local functions are still needed. 3. The resulting entity should increase governmental efficiency and reduce governmental costs (and thereby reduce taxesl); and increase effectiveness of performing regional functions. Advantages: in: Use of the procedure established by this bill should result 1. Avoidance of duplication of expensive capital facilities construction and equipment purchases. 2. Reduction in administrative costs through reduced need for personnel, centralized purchases and billings, and economies of scale. 3. Reduction in interest costs on general obligation debts. Since tax base is increased, the risk should be reduced with, hopefully, a concurrent reduction in interest costs on long term debt. 4. Fostering of regional cooperation in other areas. End result could be consolidation or establishment of general full service government (i.e., a municipality). Disadvantages: 1. Possible creation of an additional special district entity. Proponents believe this effect would be infrequent and temporary.