TC Res. No. 1983-40RESOLUTION NO. #83-40 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AND IDENTIFIED AS "TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, TOWN CENTER MALL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT"; DESIGNATED BY THE SHORT TITLE "TOWN CENTER MALL ASSESSMENT CONFIRMATION RESOLUTION"; CONFIRMING ACTION TAKEN PRELIMINARY TO THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DIS- TRICT; *M DEFY CONFIRMING THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN FOR THE DISTRICT; AND PROVID- ING OTHER DETAILS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, after making final settlement on September 27, 1983, with the contractor for the Town Center Mall Improvement District Improvements (both Phase I and Phase II), the Town Council has met at the place and time prescribed by the Town Center Mall _ Assessment Hearing Resolution and the notice duly mailed and pub- lished pursuant thereto, and has heard and considered all the com- plaints, protests and objections made or filed; and WHEREAS, the Council hereby overrules all camplaints, pro- tests and objections as, in its opinion, the assessments as to which complaints, protests and objections were made are fair and just, and it hereby determines that each end all of the complaints, protests and objections, if any, are without merit, **except as follows:** *Strike "MODIFYING AND" if inapplicable. ' **Strike phrase, if inapplicable, and in such case add a period. Otherwise appropriately complete page. (6) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON COLORADO: Section 1. This resolution shall be known as and may be cited by the short title "Town Center Mall Assessment Confirmation Resolution. " Section 2. The Council hereby validates and confirms the assessment roll and the assessments therein for Town of Avon, Colorado, the Town Center Mall Improvement District, as made out by the Town Engineer, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk on September 27r 1983, *&-a-d-as he-mai nabo a reW -A _ seeted Section 3. All action heretofore taken (not inconsistent with this resolution) by the Town and its officers directed toward performing all prerequisites to levying special assessments and con- firming the assessment roll and the assessments therein hereby is ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 4. The officers of the Town hereby are authorized and directed to take all action necessary or appropriate to effectu- ate the provisions of this resolution. Section S. All resolutions or parts thereof in *conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed. This repealer shall not be construed to revive any order, bylaw, or resolution, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. Section 6. If any section, paragraph, clause, or other provision of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause, or other provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this resolution. Section 7. This resolution, immediately on its final pas- sage and adoption, shall be recorded in the book of resolutions kept for that purpose and authenticated by the signatures of the 'Mayor and Clerk. INTRODUCED, READ BY TITLE, PASSED, AND ADOPTED ON THIS October 11, 1983. (SEAL) Mayor e t Toki Clerk - 8-