TC Res. No. 1983-39RESOLUTION #83-39 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR .PRE-SCHOOL/DAY CARECENTER ON LOT 2,3,. BLOCK. 1 BENCHMARK SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, an application has been submitted requesting that a Pre-School/ Day Care Center be allowed in the Southerly 2 of the building on Lot 23, BI.ock 1, Benchmark Subdivision, and, WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission has held a Public Hearing.on said request and determined that the proposed use complies with all requirements imposed by the'Zoning Code, is consistant with the objectives and purposes of this Zoning Code and the applicable zoning district; and is designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area, and, WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the request subject to the following conditions: (1) That only 3,500 square feet of the southerly 5,000 square feet of the building be used as the Pre-school/Day Care Center instructional area. The remaining 1,500 square feet is to be used as an indoor playground area in connection with the outside play area. (2) That the final fence design and landscaping for the outside playground area be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for approval. (3) That four spaces in the existing parking lot be-marked and reserved for drop-offs and pick-ups. (4) That the applicant extend the existing culvert which runs under Metcalf Road at Nottingham Road westerly to the driveway culvert at the Southwest corner of the building. Said culvert shall be covered and an asphalt parking area for a minimum of three.- spaces be developed according to standards acceptable to the Town ingineer. This shall be completed prior to the opening of the Pre-school/Day Care Center. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Special' Review Use for a Pre-School/ Day Care Center is hereby approved subject to the conditions listed above. DATED: APPROVED ATTEST: Allan R.. otti'ngham, ayor Patricia J. Doyle, Town Clerk