TC Res. No. 1983-31RESOLUTION NO. 83-31 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR A 115 KV TRANSMISSION LINE ON SECTIONS 34-82-2 AND SECTIONS 2 AND 3-82-5 WHEREAS, an application has been submitted by Colorado Ute Electrical Association, Inc., requesting that they be allowed to construct a 115 kv Transmission Line in Sections 34-82-4 and Sections 2 and 3-82-5, legally described as follows: A parcel.of land containing 15.5.acres, more or less, in Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 82 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, and Sections 2 and 3, Township 5 South,,Range 82 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: All.that portion of a strip of land having a uniform width of 100 feet lying 50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point in said Section 34 from whence the Southeast corner of said Section 34 bears S110021E a distance of 2,720 feet; traverse S140291W a distance of 2,280 feet to a point in said Section 3;, THENCE S330331E a distance of 2,215 feet to a point in said Section 2; THENCE S50211E a distance of 1,685 feet; THENCE S30605-E a distance of.584 feet to a point 100' northerly of an existing 69 kv -line, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a Public Hearing on said request and determined that the proposed use complies-with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code, is consistent with the objectives and purposes-of-this Zoning'Code .and the applicable zoning district; and is designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area, and WHEREAS, the-Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the request subject to the following conditions; 1) That any disturbed areas be revegetated during the first available growing season after completion of the construction of the line. 2) That by February 1, 1985, Colorado Ute Electrical Association, Inc., shall submit to the Town of Avon a completed study which outlines-the costs, problems and feasibility of removing the 115 kv line through Wildridge and the Metcalf Canyon and paralleling it with the proposed 115 kv line described above, down to the existing substation on Metcalf Road. This study shall consider the extension of the 115 kv line east of the Metcalf Substation to a point where-it ties back in with the existing 115 kv line. If a request is to be submitted to the Town for construction of another 115 kv line east of the Metcalf Substation, the above study shall be satisfactorily completed and submitted to the Town prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission's consideration of.such a request. U Resolution No. 83-31 Page Two NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Special Review Use for the transmission line is hereby approved by the Avon Town Council subject to the conditions listed above. ADOPTED THIS 26th day of July , 1983. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ATTEST: Allan R. Nottingh Mayor ,Jenny L. Bell, Dgputy Town Clerk