TC Res. No. 1983-24RESOLUTION NO. 83-24 SERIES OF 1983 a A RESOLUTION GRANTING A DENSITY TRANSFER OF 14 UNITS FROM LOT 67-68, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK SUBDIVISION TO LOTS 29-32, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Sunroad Group, Ltd., has requested that they be allowed to transfer the development rights for 14 condominium units from Lots 67-68, to Lots 29-32, all in Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has determined that the transfer: (1) complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code, (2) is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this Zoning Code and the applicable zoning district, (3) will be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area, and therefore, recommends approval; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby approves the transfer subject to the following: (1) That a.statement be submitted by Dillon Real Estate Company, Inc., indicating that they are willing to transfer their units to Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision. The statement shall be submitted prior to consideration by the Town Council. (2) It is understood that the 14 units are presently under option and may or may not actually be purchased. The petitioner shall notify the Town as to the final status of the option within 7 days after is is exercised or determined not to exercise it. Page Two Resolution No. 83-24 (3) If no notice is received by May 10, 1985, indicating the option is exercised, or if the units are built elsewhere, then the approval of this transfer shall be considered null and void. (4) That the density on any one lot shall not exceed 25 condominium or 75 hotel-lodge units/per acre. ADOPTED this 26th day of July , 1983. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON By Sheila R. Davis, Pro-Tem ATTEST: Jenny--L. Bell, Deputy Town Clerk May 2, 1983 Design Review Board Report to the Town Council Special Review Use - Density Transfer - 14 Units Lot 67-68, Block 2, to Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision This is to certify that the Design Review Board has reviewed the request of Dennis Cole representing Sunroad Group, Ltd., that they be allowed to transfer 14 dwelling units from Lots 67-68, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision to Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision. The proposed transfer would occur totally within the original Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision and therefore would not change the previously approved density for the area. Lots 29-32, Block 2, are presently zoned RHDC. As such, the 14 condominium units may be converted to a maximum of 42 hotel-lodge units by the developer. The RHDC district allows a 3:1 ratio - 1 dwelling unit = 3 hotel- lodge units for density purposes. The Design Review Board recommended that this request be approved subject to the following: (1) That a statement be submitted by Dillon Real Estate Company, Inc., indicating that they are willing to transfer their units to,Lots 29-32, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision.- The statement shall be submitted prior to consideration by the Town Council. (2) It is understood that the 14 units are presently under option and may or may not actually be purchased. The petitioner shall notify the Town as to the final status of the option within 7 days after it is exercised or determined not to exercise it. (3) If no notice is received by May 10, 1985, indicating the option is exercised, or if the units are built elsewhere, then the approv- al of this transfer shall be considered null and void. (4) That the density on any one lot shall not exceed 25 condominium or 75 hotel-lodge units/per acre. Respectfully Submitted,' Richard Kvach Planning Director RK/rf • 41 called for a vdte on t main motion. Larry Kumpost, Greg Gab Al Connell motion was unanimously carried. Those Councl and Don Buick. Th were no nay votes. The Al Connell moved to receive the audit report for 1982 and also to receive the Management letter from the auditor and that the town administration follow through to complete the recommendations. The motion was seconded by Don Buick and was unanimously carried by the Council. Resolution No.#83-24, Series of 1983, was next presented to the Council. This was a Resolution granting a density transfer of 14 units from Lots No.#67-68, Block #2, Benchmark Subdivision. Dennis Cole approached the Council. Mr. Cole is the attorney for Sunroad Group, Ltd. He stated that there was a public hearing on this matter which was held at the last meeting of the DRB. He stated Sunroad Group, Ltd., has entered into an agreement with Dillon Real Estate-Company or City Market, the owner of Lots No.#67-68, Block #2, Benchmark Subdivision. Those lots are currently assigned a development right, density of 14 dwelling units. The proposed transfer would occur totally within the original Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision and therefore would not.bhange the previously approved density for the area. Lots No.#29-32, Block #2, are presently zoned RHDC. The 14 condominium units may be converted to a maximum of 42 hotel-lodge units by the developer. The RHDC district allows a 3',1 ratio - 1 dwelling unit = 3 hotel-lodge units for density purposes. The Design Review Board recommended that this request be approved subject to the following: 1) That a statement be submitted by Dillon Real Estate Company, Inc., indicating that they are willing to transfer their units to lots No.#29-32, Block #2, Benchmark Subdivision. The statement shall be submitted prior to consideration by the Town Council. 2) It is understood that the 14 units are presently under option and may or may not actually be purchased. The petitioner shall notify the Town as to the final status of the option within 7 days after it is exercised or determined not to exercise it. 3) If no notice is received by May 10, 1985, indicating the option is exercised, or if the units are built elsewhere, then the approval of this transfer shall be considered null and void. 4) That the density on any one lot shall not exceed 25 condominiums or 75 hotel- lodge units/per acre. Mr. Cole then reviewed the Resolution with the Council. Mr. Cole stated that the 14 units that are being transferred are not being specifically assigned to the four lots. He stated that at the time they begin construction or in the event there would be a sale of one of those lots, they would then specifically assign those 14 units to specfic lots. The transferring of units by resolution or ordinance was discussed. The Town Attorney stated that the density units are.'a matter of private convenant and the town does require that when they are transferred that the same be done by Special Review, therefore, a resolution should be adopted. Councilman Buick asked if the transfer tax was exempted from the transfer of development rights. The Town Attorney stated that the ordinance provides for consideration which includes any part of cash paid or value of property delivered attributal to density units transferred as part of the sale or other transfer of the property whether such transfer of density units is accomplished by the same or a separate document. A lengthy discussion followdd: Councilman Kumpost asked if there was any documentation from the site that is selling the units verifying that they have no longer the rights to those 14 units. Mr. Kvach stated that there was such a document, but as yet the letter from City Market has not been received. After discussion Don Buick moved approval of Resolution No.#83-24, Series of 1983, subject to the receipt of the letter from City Market. The motion was seconded by Greg Gage and was unanimously carried. - 3 - r. s-