TC Res. No. 1983-120 f RESOLUTION NO. 83-12 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR A 115 KV TRANSMISSION LINE ON BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, an application has been submitted by Colorado Ute Electrical Association, Inc.', requesting that a 115 KV Transmission tine be allowed on Block 1, Benchmark-Subdivision, and adjoining property legally described as follows: A strip of land located in the Northeast Quarter of the Souteast Quarter (NEk SE34) of Section Three (3) and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWk SW'k), the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW14 Ste), the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE'4.SW;4), the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1-4 SE'k), the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NWk SEk) of Section Two (2), all in Township Five South (T5S), Range Eighty-Two West (R82W) of the Sixth Principal'Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado and being more particularly described as follows: A STRIP OF LAND SIXTY (60) FEET IN WIDTH, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of said strip of land from which the Northeast (NE) corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE'k SEk) of Section Three (3) bears Northerly along the West line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 465 feet more or less; Run thence S67 47' 43" E 1,480 feet more or less to the West line of Section Two'(2); Thence continuing,S67 47' 43" E 2,388 feet;- Thence N81 25' 17" E 460 feet more or less to a point on the line of the Southeast Quarter of Section Two (2) FROM WHICHIPOINT•THE WIDTH OF SAID STRIP OF LAND WIDENS TO ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET: Thence continuing N81 25' 17" E 343 feet; Thence N60 28' 17" E 627 feet; Thence N15'00' 00""E 240 feet more or less to the Westerly property line of the.Beaver'Creek Substation, the external lines of said strip'of la-rid-being lengthened and/or shortened to begin or terminate at the property lines, and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has held a Public Hearing on said request and determined that the proposed use complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code,,is consistant with the objectives and purposes of this Zoning Code and the applicable zoning district;and is designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area, and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has recommended approval of the request subject to the following conditions: 1) That a legal description be provided prior to any Council action. 2) That no land be disturbed until a revegetation plan has been approved by the Design Review Board and the Town Council. 3) That the existing access road to the existing transmission line which is visible from Metcalf Road be removed and revegetated after the proposed line is installed within the Town of Avon. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Special Review Use for the transmission line is hereby approved by the'Avon Town_Council, subject to the conditions listed above. DATED: 3 Allan R. Nottingham, Mayo Patricia J. DoyfA, Town Tee ~Uvn F. Pax P gym, fa mba 816ZO March 17, 1983 (303) 349-4280 Design Review Board Report to Town Council Colorado Ute Electrical Association, Inc. Special Review Use - Power Line This is to certify that the Design Review Board has reviewed the request of Colorado Ute Electrical Association, Inc., to be allowed to install an upgraded power line through the Sz of Sections 2 & 3 T5S R82W. This use is-allowed as a Special Review Use. The proposed alignment is the same as the existing 69 KV line used,by Holy Cross Electrical Association as a distribution line. If this alignment is approved then the line would be upgraded to a 115KV Transmission line from Wolcott to the Beaver Creek Substation. The alignment would follow an existing easement. It is recommended that only the alignment through the S111 of Sections 2 & 3 T5S R82W be given approval at this time subject to the following conditions: (1) That a legal description be provided prior to Any Council action. (2) That no land be disturbed until a revegetation plan has been approved by the Design Review Board and the Town Council. (3) That the existing access road to the existing transmission line which is visible from Metcalf Road be removed and revegetated after the proposed line is installed within the Town of Avon. Respectfully submitted, Melody ings Recordi S cretary