TC Res. No. 1983-11RESOLUTION NO. #83-11 SERIES OF 1983 A Resolution accepting Millies Lane as a Part of the Town of Avon Street System for Maintenance Purposes. WHEREAS, Millies Lane is a street constructed within public right-of-way dedicated to the Town of Avon for street purposes; and WHEREAS, construction of Millies Lane was completed essentially in accordance with Town of Avon requirements, during October, 1980; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that Millies Lane is accepted for maintenance by the Town of Avon. Adopted this 8th day of March 1983. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON By ~C Sheila R. Davis, Mayor Pro-Tem ATTEST: Patricia J. Town Clerk Safun of ~~~4• P. (P. Pax P ~kvvn, ([alarxba SM (303) 9494280 February 22, 1983 TO: Dick Blodgett i FROM: Norm Wood RE: Millie's Lane Our records indicate that construction of Millie's Lane was essentially complete in accordance with Town requirements on October 21, 1980, but was never officially accepted by the Town. In order to officially include Millie's Lane in the Town's snow removal and street maintenance programs, I recommend the Town Council take appropriate action to officially accept Millie's Lane, from Beaver Creek Boulevard easterly to Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, as a part of the Town's street system and for maintenance. ZVf= of (vn F_ QD_ 13ax B man, (tlalamba 816zo (3173) 949-42817 January 28, 1983 TO: DICK BLODGETT .FROM: NORM WOOD RE: MILLIES LANE The following is a brief outline of the chain of events concerning construction and acceptance of Millies Lane as reconstructed from files: 5/24/79 - Replat relocating Millies Lane approved by Town of Avon. 10/20/79 - Condominum Plat recorded with Eagle County-Not approved by Town. 12/13/79 - First temporary.C.O. issued for project. 7/9/80 - Claycomb Engineering Inspection Report Areas of pavement breaking up, valve boxes not adjusted to grade, settling.in roadway, drainage ditches not provided, pavement not graded to drain and pavement design assumes private street. 7/15/80 - Letter from CEA to Pacific Heritage Paving design unclear and requests - traffic loading assumptions, design method and calculations, and copies of compaction control testing. 7/16/80 - Meeting Wayne Gannett (CEA) Dick Evans and Kevin Mullins (Pacific Heritage,) Agreed that Pacific Heritage will overlay -full width with variable thickness asphalt to cross slope for drainage. 8/14/80 - Letter for CEA to Pacific Heritage states there is little or no cross slope, numerous settlement areas and overall paving quality is poor. Town Council direction.that street will not be accepted until: 1) Pavement design documentation and compaction-test results are provided. 2) Excavate and recompact utility trenches 3) Apply variable thickness asphalt overlay and drainage swale. 9/24/80 - Memo from CEA to Dick Evans, B & B Construction is reworking Milles Lane. 10/21/80 - CEA Field Report-Pavement work complete, ditch work needed. 11/18/80 - Memo from CEA to Dick Evans and Pacific Heritage-Roadway reconstructed essentially as requested but drainage ditch not constructed. Notes that drainage problem can probably best be cured by installation of curb and, gutter. 0 • 11/20/80 - Final C.O. issued with,letter stating Millies Lane will be accepted by Town of Avon upon OK of Town Engineer. 12/1/80 - Letter from'C.E.A. to Town of Avon-states reconstruction was essentially in accordance with previous conditions with exception of minor ditch grading. Letter suggests Town should consider installation of curb and gutter to provide drainage and protect pavement. 3/11/81 - Memo from John Dunn to Town of Avon-Recommends condominium plat be filed with Town without executed Town Certificate. 3/16/81 - Letter from CEA to Town of Avon notes potential problem of possible encroachment in railroad R/W and recommends encroachment and minor grading and drainage problems be corrected before road is accepted. 5/22/81 - Final C.O. issued with no conditions. 9/3/81 - Town of Avon Inspection Report indicated C.O. will be issued pending approval of Millies Lane by Town Engineer. A field check of building location ties indicate that Millies Lane is probably within the street right-of-way. The condominium plat filed with the County has some errors in the boundary but they do not seem significant enough to place the street in railroad R/W if the building ties are correct. The only way this discrepancy can be truly resolved is by having a field survey done to establish the Millies Lane R/W limits. The grading which was not completed is very minor, probably 30 minutes work with a motorgrader if the irrigation system is not in the way. Because of this, the questionable nature of the railroads claim of encroachment and the time that has elasped, the Town may wish to officially accept this road so maintenance can be started. NW/je -2- d