TC Res. No. 1983-10RESOLUTION NO.#83-10 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING S.B. 210, MANUFACTURED HOUSING ZONING WHEREAS, local land use decisions should be made'by local governments, not by state government; WHEREAS, S.B. 210 provides state interference with local land use decisions on the siting of manufactured housing, mobile homes, and modular homes; WHEREAS,-S-1. 210 is unclear in its meaning and-application, creating"-potential administrative and-enforcement problems for municipal and county officials, including the potential for expensive litigation against local----governments; WHEREAS, S.B. 210 could lead to-additional costs for municipalities in adjusting local land use regulations; WHEREAS, S.B 210 is unnecessary because the Town of Avon currently permits manufactured housing, including mobile homes, within the Town of Avon limits, subject to appropriate local "regulations; WHEREAS, the Town-of Avon has worked to facilitate affordable housing, such as Benchmark Mobile Home Village and one other mobile home park awaits annexation approval; NOW, THEREFORE,'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF AVON, Avon, Colorado, that the Colorado General Assembly should defeat S.B. 210 and prevent this unneeded interference'in local control of land.use and zoning, and that the Town of Avon supports efforts of the Colorado Municipal League in this regard. ADOPTED this' 22nd.. day of February, 1983. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN 'OF AVON B i~ Allan R. N ttingham, ayor ATTEST: C~ Patricia J. U yle, Town Cjerk