TC Res. No. 1982-21RESOLUTION N0.#82-21 SERIES OF 1982 RESOLUTION CONCERNED WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE PERSONNEL MERIT COMMISSION WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Avon has'-hereto-fore established a Personnel Merit Commission as revised by the Avon Town Charter; and WHEREAS, The Town Council is required by Section 2.24.010 of the Avon Municipal.Code to appoint three persons to the. Personnel Merit Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the, following persons be and hereby are appointed to serve on the Personnel Merit Commission until the first organizational meeting of the Town Council in the year set beside the name of each respective person, unless earlier revised by the Town Council, Albert Reynolds for a term to expire in 1984. Celeste Nottingham for a term to expire in 1984. Nickolas Dalba for a term to expire in 1983,. ADOPTED (D;XLL~ J . , 1982. '00 Allan R. Nottingh , Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Doyle, Towpf. Clerk