TC Res. No. 1981-14C .4 RESOLUTION NO. 'S/-I_4 TOWN OF AVON SERIES OF 1981 WHEREAS, the various permitted living unit densities shown on the Official Plat and map of the Town of Avon, Colorado are subject to transfer and reassignment from one lot to another with the approval and consent of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, in connection with Avon Town Council approval of the Wildwood replat in May, 1980, an accounting for units was prepared showing that fifty=four (54) units were reserved for future transfer to the Metcalf area of the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (see attached accounting for units labeled as Exhibit "A") ; and WHEREAS, said fifty-four (54) units still exist and are still reserved for said Metcalf area; and WHEREAS, in connection with a current replat of the Wildridge Subdivision nineteen (19) of said fifty-four (54) units have been approved by the Town Council on August 11, 1981 for transfer to Block 5 of the Wildridge Subdivision leaving thirty-five (35) units still reserved for said Metcalf area; and WHEREAS, said Avon Town Council has requested this resolution to clarify the source and disposition of said nineteen (19) units; NOW THEREFORE, be it'resolved that the Town,CounciI'-of,the Town of Avon, Colorado hereby approves said density transfer of nineteen (19) units from the fifty-four (54) units reserved for' the Metcalf area of Block I, Benchmark at, Beaver Creek Subdivision, to Block 5 of Wildridge Subdivision per the replat thereof as approved by said Town Council on August II, 1981. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED THIS 4_"'_DAY OF 1981. ATTEST: T_-_ -L A..-- 0 0 W I LDWOOD ACCOUNT114G FOR UNITS ON MULTIPLE FAMILY LOTS Old Lot 5, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Transferred to Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Old Lots 52 - 57 and 69, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Units unassigned from: Lot 60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 30 Lot 12, Block 2, Berchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 4 Balance of original floating units 44 78 Reserved for Landauer project, Lot 42, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision ( 5) New Lot 5, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Reserved for possible transfer to Metcalf area Old Wildwood Multiple Family Lot Previous Wildwood Duplex Lots 355 New Wildwood Duplex Lots 291 Reduction 64 x 2 Units for Lots 10A and 10B, Wildwood E X H I B I T 11 A'1 230 ( 8) 222 7 73 302 (110) 192 ( 54) 138 24 162 128 290