TC Res. No. 1981-06jok 323 ;e 72 0 - ne cord.ect 0®9() Recorder at j:00 P.M. May 28, Johanette Phillilo RESOLUTION NO. # 81- 6 TOM OF AVON SERIES OF 1981 19$1 Fee $4.00pd Eagle County WHEREAS, the various permitted living unit densities shown on Official Plat and Map of the Town of Avon, Colorado, are subject to transfer and reassignment from one lot to another with the approval consent of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and the and WHEREAS, Van Ewing, Attorney in Fact for Avon 66 Partnership, did request at the May 12, 1981 Town Council meeting for the Town of . Avon, Colorado, a density reduction on Lot 66, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; Type of.Use - Residential/Cczmercial; Zoned Shopping Center (SC), from one residential unit to zero residential units. Said residential unit to be transferred to Lot 7, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; Type of Use - Residential Zoned; Residential Medium Density (RMD) from eight (8) residential units to nine (9) resi- dential units; and M RFAS, the owner of Lot 66, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision is Avon 66 Partnership; and whereas Hayes Casilino Corpor- ation is the owner of Lot 7, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek and by their signatures below, agree to said transfer. WHEREAS, the Design Review Board on January 7, 1981 did recommend approval to the Zbwn Council that one unit can be transferred from Lot 66, Block 2 to Lot 7, Block 1, for a total of nine units. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon on the above- mentioned date did approve the proposed density transfer; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Council of the Zbwn of Avon hereby approves said density transfer from Lot 66, Block 2, Bench- mark at Beaver Creek Subdivision to Lot 7, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. GRANTOR: Avon 66 -'PartnetahiP,---* Colorado By: JAM - C. POTTII2 Gen ral ,Partner STATE OF COLORADO, County of Eagle The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this twelfth day of May, 1981, by James C. Potter as General Partner for Avon 66 Partner- ship, a Colorado General Partnership, in the said County of Eagle, Colorado. My Comnussim WON Septa r 19, 11984 My commission expires Witness my hand and Official seal~~ - Notary .Publio` Page 1 of 2 2 6 0 RESOLUTION NJ. #81-6 PACE 2 TOWN OF AVCN SERIES OF 1981 Hayes/Casalino Corporation, a Colorado Corporation By: NUNZIO NO Presid STATE OF COLORADO, County of Eagle The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this twelfth day of May, 1981, by Nunzio Casalino as President for Hayes/Casalino Corp- oration, a Colorado Corporation, in the said County of Eagle, Colorado. My corrnissicn expires My CommIsSon expires September a9, !984 ~vLOnvz? Witness my hand and Official seal. IN'IRJMM, READ AND ADOPTED THIS TWELF'7.H DAY CF MAY, 1981. atuirrâ–º:i~.pr~t~ li~R SE A TOWN OF AVON Qh-'4 OLT/, ANqVIC VV.~AIAPI Ma r Page 2 of 2 Vr 'i F