TC Res. No. 1979-030 4 RESOLUTION NO. 79-3 TOWN OF AVON WHEREAS, the Design Review Board was established by Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978 and, WHERE, the Design Review Board was commissioned by the Town Council to establish a Master Plan for the Town of Avon and, WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has established the Master Plan definitions and Master Plan Map #1 and now desires approval of the Town Council to implement said Master Plan definitions and Master Plan #1 and, WHEREAS, these Master Plan definitions and the accom- panying Master Plan Map #1 is necessary for the operation of the Design Review Board and the Building Department of the Town of Avon, WHEREFORE, IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that: "The Council hereby approves the Master Plan defini- tions as amended, and Master Plan Map #1 as amended, as presented to the Town Council on April 10, 1979, and hereby orders that the said Master Plan definitions as amended and Master Plan Map #1 as amended, be effective immediately." INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED THIS 16 A.DAY OF APRIL, 1979 TOWN OF AVON r gel V. Alpi, Mayor ATTEST: & / Weajj ee, Tonie Koonce Town Clerk