TC Res. No. 1979-02RESOLUTION NO. 79-2
WHEREAS, the Design Review Board was established by
Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978, and
WHEREAS, the Design Review Board was commissioned in
said Ordinance No. 9 to establish Procedures, Rules and Regulations
for the Design Review Board, which Procedures, Rules and
Regulations were to be referred to the Town Council of the Town
of Avon for approval, and
WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has established the
Procedures, Rules and Regulations and now desires approval of the
Town Council to implement these Procedures, Rules and Regulations,
WHEREAS, these Procedures, Rules and Regulations are
necessary for the operation of the Design Review Board,
of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that:
"The Council hereby approves the Procedures,
Rules and Regulations as presented to the
Town Council on March 27, 1979., and hereby
orders that the Procedures, Rules and
regulations be effective immediately with
April 15, 1979 being the exact deadline by
which all procedures, rules and regulations
must be abided by."
MARCH, 1979.
4 V
AngeV. Alpi, M or
a"-e• ~d • '
Carol S. Ric aids
Acting Town Clerk
Section 1.00 Purpose
1.10 Authority: Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978, Town of Avon.
1.20 Application: The Board shall review and act upon the
general design and appearance of any building, construction,
paving, grading or landscaping proposed on any lot or parcel
of land within the Town. It shall be unlawful to begin
any such work prior to approval by the Board.
1.30 Compatibility: These Rules are intended to compliment
other ordinances of the Town and shall not duplicate nor
supercede them.
Section 2.00 Procedures
2.10 Meetings: The Board shall regularly meet on the first and
third Thursday of each month at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the
official meeting room of the Town. The Chairman may call
special meetings of the Board when deemed necessary. A
Notice and Agenda of each meeting shall be posted in the
Town Meeting'Room,by the Town Clerk at least forty-eight (48)
hours prior to any meeting of the Board. All meetings of
the Board shall be open to the public. All records, including
proceedings of meetings, applications for review, plans,
reports, etc., shall be maintained in the office of the
Town Clerk.
2.20 Application for Design Review: Prior to applying for a
building, construction, landscaping, grading, sign or use
permit, any individual or entity shall make application to
the Board for project design approval. Application shall
be made on forms provided by the Town, available in the
office of the Town Clerk.
2.30 Schedule for Application: All required materials, infor-
mation and fees must be submitted to the Town Clerk during
regular office hours, at least nine (9) days prior to the
meeting at which the application is to be considered.
Incomplete or insufficient applications shall not be placed
on the Meeting Agenda except for conceptual review as
outlined in Section 2.48.
2.40 Material to be Submitted:
2.41 Application form signed by the project land owner or
authorized agent.
2.42 Fee - in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.
2.43 Any required statements or reports further describing
or in support of the project.
2.44 Property map including:
(a) North arrow and scale of one-inch equals forty (40)
feet or larger.
(b) Property lines with dimensions.
(c) Departing lines of all adjacent properties.
(d) Existing setback areas, easements and rights-of-
(e) Existing utility facilities.
(f) Existing drainage ditches, including culverts. I
(g) Existing stream courses, both annual and perrenial.
(h) Existing vegetation, by type, including trees,
shrubs and grasses.
(i) Rock outcroppings.
(j) Contour lines indicating existing topography at
one of the following contoux intervals:
Average slope of site Interval
Ten percent
or less . . . . .
. one foot
Over ten to
twenty percent. . .
. two foot
Over twenty
to thirty percent .
. five foot
over thirty
percent . . . . . .
. ten foot
2.45 Site Development Plan (may be a separate map or imposed
upon the area map) including:
(a) Building plan showing layout of existing and
proposed buildings including zoning and densities
allowed, number and type of dwelling units
proposed, decks, patios, canopies, fences, signs,
service areas, storage facilities, walk and
driveways, off-street parking and loading
facilities, trash storage and removal facilities.
exterior lighting, proposed utility facilities
and percent of lot coverage.
(b) Building elevations showing front, side and
rear views.
(c) Site grading and drainage plan including dispos-
ition of surface drainage on and off the site
and snow removal and storage areas.
(d) Locations of ingress and egress with the directions
of traffic flow into, out of and within parking
and loading areas, turning and maneuvering areas,
emergency vehicle access lanes.
(e) Landscape plan showing existing plant materials
to be removed and retained, the location and
design of proposed landscaped areas, the varieties
and approximate sizes of plant materials to be
planted therein, and the location and design
of irrigation and underground sprinkling systems,
swimming pool areas, patios, play areas, recre-
ation facilities, and other usable open space.
Landscaping and screening of off-street parking
and loading areas shall be shown.
(f) The landscape plan shall include sufficient
detail to provide a reliable basis for estimating
the amount of a performance bond guaranteeing
installation and maintenance of the improvements.
2.46 At least four (4) copies of all material shall be
submitted at the time of application, one of which
copy shall be appropriately rendered in colors to
afford good clarity and understanding of the project.
2.47 Actual samples of exterior building materials and
color finishes proposed are to be submitted with the
2.48 on many proposed developments, it may be desirable to
ask for a preliminary or conceptual review of a
project. Therefore, part of the information and data
requested by the Board may not be available and may
be omitted. The owner, developer, or agent for the
project should state this fact on his application.
The fees for said project will be required upon the
original submission to the Board.
For a conceptual review of a project, all of Sections
2.41, 2.42 and 2.44 shall be complied with. All
submittal data in Section 2.45 which is available
shall be included. When final approval is desired,
the balance of the data required by Sections 2.43,
2.45, 2.46, 2.47 and any other special requests by
the Board will be required.
Section 3.00 Design Review Fees:
3.10 Design Review Fees are hereby established in order to
recover costs to the Town:
- 3
$ 9/unit
over 3 units
S 8/unit
over 12 units
$ 7/unit
over 20 units
$ 6/unit
over 40 units
$ 5/unit
over 60 units
over 10
0 units
$ 4/unit
over 100 units
Up to 1,000 0 $100
+ 810/100 Qf
1,001 - 5,000 Q! 200
+ $ 8/100 jd
over 1000
5,001 -10,000 520
+ $ 6/100 0
over 5,000 J0
10,001 -20,000 820
+ $ 4/100 0
over 10,000
20,001 -50,000 p1 1220
+ $ 2/100 0
over 20,000 0
Over 50,000 0 1820
+ S 1/100 0
over 50,000 0
Industrial, Warehousing and Light Manufacturing:
1/2 of the above fees
for Commercial.
Landscaping Plan Only:
$50 plus $10 per 1,000
sq ft of open area.
Renovation or Remodel
$100 plus $10 per $1,0
00 of estimated
$40 plus $2 per sq ft
outside area of
Special Consultant Service
Cost plus 10%
Appeal to Town Council
3.20 Resubmittal of Applications:
3.21 Resubmittal of applications or plans that have been
denied or otherwise disapproved by the Board or,
after appeal to the Council, must be submitted as
a new application including all fees.
3.22 Resubmittal of revised plans or materials at the
request of the Board may be done so with no additional
fee required.
3.23 Fees are not reimbursable after the review process
has begun.
Section 4.00 Exemptions:
4.10 The following listed items of development or improvements
are exempted from application and review provisions of
these Rules and Regulations:
(a) Maintenance and repair of grounds or buildings currently
in conformance with all other applicable regulations,
the value of which does not exceed $1,500.
(b), Replacement of exterior materials and repainting of
structures with the like materials so long as they
are currently conforming.
(c) Replacement of currently conforming plant materials
including trees, shrubs, plants, grasses and sod.
(d) Gardens of vegetables, flowers or rock of an area not
exceeding one hundred (100) square feet on any one
4.20 All property owners and residents of the Town are responsible
for determining the applicability of this Regulation to
their proposed development, improvement or repair.
Section 5.00 Design Guidelines:
The Board shall consider the following items in reviewing
the design:
(a) The suitability of the improvement, including
materials of which it is to be constructed and
the site upon which it is to be located.
(b) The nature of adjacent and neighboring improve-
(c) The quality of the materials to be utilized in
any proposed improvement.
(d) The visual appearance of any proposed improvement
as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring
(e) The objective that no improvement will be so
similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity
that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be
5.10 `Design Standards:
Zoning 'shall be in accordance with the Master Plan,
Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Avon.
(b) Land Use shall be in accordance with the approved
Master Plan, Zoning Map and Regulations.
(c) Density allowed will be governed by the number of
units allowed by the Zone District and designated on
the Official Town Plats.
(d) Unit: A unit consists of an enclosed space which may
be occupied under the zoning regulations, by one
family or group of not over four persons not related,
living independently of any other family or group for
residential (human) occupancy. The term unit shall
include hotel or lodge rooms or separately rentable
rooms or suites. Density will be based upon the
total number of units within a given site or area.
(e) Set-Back Requirements shall be in accordance with the
Zoning Regulations as adopted by the Town of Avon.
The setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet from the
front lot line. Overall contours on a given parcel,
location of the site, possible visual obstruction,
size and location of building and other physical and
aesthetic items will be considered. Side lot line
set-back will be seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet and
rear lot lines ten (10) feet, respectively.
(f) Building heights shall be limited to that designated
on the subdivision plats and Official Town Maps which
is sixty (60)' feet maximum for multiple family and
eighty (80) feet maximum for commercial buildings.
All building height maximums shall be as determined
by the distance, measured vertically, from the finished
grade at the midpoint between the front and rear walls
of a building to the midpoint between the eave line
and the peak of a gable, gambrel, hip, shed or
similar.pitched roof.
(g) Building standards: The following building standards
are adopted as guidelines for property owners, pros-
pective builders, architects and others and are subject
to revision from time to time as the need arises:
(1) Roofs:
(a) Pitch: All structures shall have roofs which
are reasonably uniform in pitch. All roofs,
except the flat portion thereof, shall have
a rise of not less than four (4) inches in
twelve (12) inches of distance.
(b) Overhangs, where they occur, shall be at
least one and one-half (1 1/2) feet.
(c) Materials shall be wooden shingles or shakes
of weather resistant qualities, built-up
roofs with gravel or sod. Metal roofs or
other roofing materials may be submitted
for consideration and possible approval by
the Board.
(2) Exterior Walls and Windows: The following materials
will be permitted on'the exterior of structures:
TA7e%^ a
Board and
Textured Plywood
Wood Siding
All types of
natural native
Metal (when
The following-materials and wall finishes will not
ordinarily be permitted on the exterior of any
Asphalt shingles
Asphalt siding
Imitation brick
Metal siding (except with specific Board
Concrete or concrete block (except with
specific Board approval)
Asbestos cement shingles
Asbestos cement siding
Glass blocks (except for decorative windows)
Imitation stone
Imitation log siding
New building materials, as they become available
and other materials not listed above, will be
given special consideration by the Board, provided
their use harmonizes with existing structures.
3. Exterior Colors and Finishes: Unpeeled logs shall
be left natural. New peeled and milled logs and
timbers, board, board and batten, and wooden
siding shall be oiled, varnished, lacquered,
shellacked, stained or painted. Natural or earth
tone colors are encouraged. Weathered re-used
boards may be left natural if sufficiently aged,
and natural dark woods, including cedar, redwood
and mahogany may be left natural.
4. Communications Antennae, Gas Tanks, Laundry Lines,
Fuel Tanks and other unsightly outdoor fixtures
are prohibited.
No outdoor, exterior exposed, communications
antennae will be permitted except as provided by
a central system; provided, however, that outdoor
television antennae will be temporarily permitted
until such time as a central television antenna
system is available.
No oil, gasoline, or liquid petroleum gas tanks
will be permitted on or above the ground. All
such tanks shall be buried below ground level.
No outdoor clothes lines or trash barrels will be
permitted unless screened from view; such screening
shall be submitted for approval by the Board prior
to construction.
5.11 Easements and Vacations of Easements: Easements and
rights-of-way as shown or described on the recorded
plat of the Subdivision are reserved for utilities,
drainage, access, or other indicated purposes.
(a) Easements for construction, repair, and
maintenance of sewer, water, gas, electric,
telephone lines and all other utilities
are reserved in the rights-of-way of each
road and street.
(b) Vacations of easements which are not being
used and which will not be needed by any
of the various utility companies or service
districts and which will not be needed for
drainage purposes is possible by request to
the Town Council. Letters from each of
the utility companies, service district,
and Town Engineer relinquishing the easement
rights will be required before said vacations
will be considered and granted. Final
approval of development plans will ordinarily
be withheld until such easements have been
5.12 Drainage: All proposed plans and specifications for
structures and the construction of such structures
shall maintain the drainage easements and rights-of-
way within the site free and clear and unobstructed.
No structure, road or other facility which encroaches
upon or crosses any such drainage easement or right-
of-way shall be constructed without prior approval in
writing by the Board and the Town. No vehicle
entrance to any lot from any dedicated road or street
shall be constructed or used unless serviced by a
constructed drainage culvert located and sized as
needed and as specified by the Town Engineer.
` -12-
5.13 Water and Sewer: Each structure designed for
occupancy or use by human beings shall be connected
with water and sanitation facilities made available
by the existing water and sewer districts. No
private wells or sanitation systems shall be used
within the Town. Letters of commitment from the
respective water and sewer districts may be
5.14 Parking Requirements: The provision and maintenance
of off-street parking and loading space is a
continuing obligation of the property owner. No
construction plans will be approved until adequate
parking and loading space has been provided. Should
the owner or occupant of any lot or building change
the use to which the lot or building is utilized,
thereby increasing off-street parking and loading
requirements, it shall be required that additional
space be provided.
A normal space shall be 9 ft by 18 ft in size.
Number of parking spaces and loading areas will be
in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, but minimum
requirements are:
2 - parking spaces per unit, residential.
1 - parking space per 400 sq ft, offices and
light commercial
1 - parking space per 800 sq ft, warehouses,
and light manufacturing.
1 - parking space per 4 seating capacity,
restaurants, theaters.
Size and number of loading spaces shall be as required
by the Board, based on the proposed use of the building.
5.15 Trash Storage: Each property owner shall provide
suitable receptacles for the temporary storage and
collection of refuse, and all such receptacles shall
be screened from the public view and protected from
disturbance. No burning or other disposal of,refuse
out of doors is permitted.
5.16 Livestock: No animals, livestock, horses or poultry
shall be kept, raised or bred in the Town of Avon,,
except dogs, cats and other household pets for personal
enjoyment and not raised'commercially. Exception to
this may be an equestrian-livery operation approved
by the Town, or provisions in the Zoning ordinance.
5.17 Temporary Structures: Temporary structures, including
excavated basements, trailers and tents shall not be
permitted in the Town, except as may be determined to
be necessary during construction and specifically
authorized by the Board in writing.
5.18 Fences and Signs: Fences, walls, or similar type
barriers shall have separate approval of the Board,
except'that functional or decorative fences or walls
may be approved as an integral or decorative part of
a building to be erected on a lot. Wood fences are
generally more acceptable and desirable than metal.
No signs, billboards or other advertising of any
kind shall be erected, constructed or maintained on
any lot or structure for any purpose whatsoever unless
approved by the Board. The Board shall review the
appearance, lighting, form, color, character, dimensions,
and materials of all signs and shall make such aesthetic
judgements necessary to insure that all signs are in
compliance with the sign code.
5.20 Landscaping and Plant Materials, Basic Guide:
Trees, shrubs, and bushes naturally existing upon any lot
shall not be cut, trimmed or removed without prior approval
of the Board. All surface areas disturbed by construction
shall be promptly landscaped and maintained according to
approved landscape plans. The.plans shall specify the
location, type and quantities of ground cover, plants,,
shrubbery, trees, and similarly related natural and/or
artificial materials used and submitted in connection with
said landscaping plan.
A recommended Plant List is included in the Appendix to
this regulation. The list is a partial compilation of
plant materials that may survive in the Avon area. It is
intended to assist in the preparation of landscaping plans
and in the review of landscaping and site plans.
The Plant list is comprised of materials that, for the
most part have been observed growing at or above the 7,500
foot elevation. However, this alone does not assure the
survival of any plant. Other factors such as soil, moisture
availability and micro-climate have a strong influence over
the plant's survival. Listed are other plants which, if
planted under the proper growing conditions, could survive
in Avon.
Native plant material such as rabbitbrush, mountain mahogany,
chokecherry, bush willow, etc., have not been included in
the list because they are not particularly useful or desir-
able landscape plants except where attempting to re-establish
the native vegetative character. Their use should be
generally limited to such situations. Care must be taken
in reviewing attempts to establish native landscape. True
native landscape character is a difficult thing to create
and can be totally inappropriate in a highly developed area.
Also, there are other plants, as yet untried at higher
elevations, which will undoubtedly grow in Avon. A
considerable amount of very careful experimentation must
take place in order to develop a diverse landscape palate.
Therefore, plant experimentation is cautiously encouraged.
The survival/loss rate of plant materials is estimated as:
a. Trees: 25% loss
b. Shrubs: 150 loss
The percentage rate of estimated loss should be included
in any landscaping plan and particularly considered in
the review of any such plan.
All plant materials are to be installed within one year
issuance by the Town of a building Certificate of Occupancy.
5.21 Landscaping Plan, Lot Coverage:
Lot coverage by impervious materials should be
limited to:
a. Residential lots: 55%
b. Commercial and industrial lots: 75%
All lots to be covered by grass lawns are to utilize
healthy sod material for complete coverage. All
grass sod must be extended to the property line or,
where adjacent to a roadway, to across the bottom
of adjacent drainage ditches.
5.22 Costs estimates for landscaping are to be furnished
and shall be no less than as set forth in Town Ordin-
ance No. 79-2 (Building Code) as amended, when used
for requiring a Performance Bond, unless otherwise
established by the developer and specifically approved
by the Board. (See Appendix attached).
5.23 Landscaping budgets shall be guaranteed by the
developer using one of the methods as set forth in
Town Ordinance 79-2. (See Appendix attached).
Section 6.00 Board Procedure
6.10 The Town Clerk shall check all material which shall be
submitted for design review for compliance with Section
2.40. If found to be adequate, the material shall be
submitted to the Design Review Board at its next meeting.
If found to be inadequate, the Town Clerk shall not accept
the material for Board action and shall notify the applicant
in writing.
6.20 The Design Review Board shall review the material and shall
approve, disapprove, or request changes in 'the design of
the project within twenty days of the date of the meeting
at which the material is reviewed by the Board. However,
if the Board determines that advice or assistance or
professional consultants is needed, an additional forty-
five days shall be allowed for action by the Board to allow
time for retaining professional consultants and submitting
plans to them. Failure of the Board to act within the
prescribed deadline shall be deemed conditional approval
of the design of the project unless the applicant consents
to a time extension.
6.30 If changes in the design of the project are requested, the
Board shall approve, disapprove or request further changes
within twenty days of the meeting at which the Board
receives the changes.
6.40 If the design of the project is found to comply with the
purposes prescribed in Section 1 and the design guidelines
prescribed in Section 5, the Design Review Board shall
approve the design of the project. If it is found to
conflict with the purposes or the design guidelines, the
Board shall disapprove or request changes in the design
of the project. Any disapproval or request for changes
shall be in writing and shall specifically describe the
purpose,statement,or design guidelines with which the
design of the project does not comply and the manner of
Section 7.00 Approval by the Board
7.10 Within seven days following action of the Design Review
Board, its decision to approve, disapprove, or request
changes in the project design shall be deposited in the
U. S. Post Office at first class mail to the applicant and
posted in a conspicuous manner at the Town Office. The
decision shall become final if no written appeal is made
to the Town Council by any aggrieved person within twenty
days following the decision of the Design Review Board.
7.20 All actions by the Board shall be transmitted to the Town
Building Inspector and to'the Town Council for information
at its next regular meeting.
7.30 All approvals are site specific- Variations or changes,
without Board approval, are not allowed.
Section 8.00 Variations From This Regulation
8.10 The Board may grant variations from the provisions of this
Regulation, upon specific request by the applicant, where
there are demonstrated practical difficulties of particular
hardships preventing the strict provisions of this Regulation
to be met.
Section 9.00 Appeal To Town Council
9.10 A decision of the Design Review Board may be appealed to
the Town Council by the applicant or any aggrieved person
or at the request of the Mayor at any time before the
decision becomes final.
9.20 Not more than twenty days following the filing of an appeal,
the Town Council shall review the action of the Design
Review Board. The Town Council shall, in writing, confirm,
modify or reverse the decision of the Design Review within
twenty days following the commencement of review. If it
deems insufficient, information is available to provide the
basis for a sound decision, the Town Council may postpone
final action for not more than thirty additional days.
Failure of the Council to act within thirty days shall be
deemed conditional approval by the Council of the design
of the project unless the applicant consents to a time
9.30 Any decision by the Town Council which results in disap-
proval of the project design shall specifically describe
the purpose or design guidelines with which the project
does not comply and the manner of noncompliance.
Section 10.00 Lapse of Design Review Approval
10.10 Approval of the design of a project as prescribed by this
Regulation shall lapse and shall become void two years
following the date of final approval of the project unless
prior to the expiration of two years a building permit is
issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued
toward completion.
Section 11.00 Severability
11.10 Any provision of,this Regulation or the application thereof
to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of
law, such invalidity should not affect other provisions or
applications of this Regulation which can be given effect
without the invalid provisions or application and to this
end, the provisions of this Regulation are declared to be
Section 12.00 Safety Clause
12.10 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that
this Regulation is necessary for the preservation of the
public health, welfare and safety.
Section 13.00 Penalties
13.10 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to
erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain
any building or structure in the Town of Avon or'cause
or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation
of any of the provisions of this Regulation.
13.20 Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions
of this Regulation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any
,such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of
a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof
during which any violation of any of the Provisions of this
Regulation is committed, continued or permitted, and upon
conviction of any such violation, such person, firm or
corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than
$300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 14.00 Enforcement
14.10 The Building Department and the Police Department of the
Town of Avon shall be responsible and are both hereby jointly
charged with the Enforcement of the Provisions of this
Section 15.00 Amendment
15.10 These Procedures, Rules and Regulations and any proposed
amendments thereto shall be submitted by the Board to the
Town Council which by motion--shall approve the Rules or
Amendment and direct their adoption by the Board or
disapprove the proposal with directions for revision and
Section 16.00 Adoption
15.10 The Board shall adopt and promulgate these Procedures,
Rules and Regulations as well as any Amendments thereto
immediately following the approval of these Rules and
Regulations by the Town Council.
Common IJame,
(Botanical Name)
Recommended Minimum
Size at Planting
Engleman Spruce
(Picea englemanni)
Colorado Blue Spruce
(Picea pungens)
Bristlecone Pine
(Pinus aristata)
Lodgepole Pine
(Pinus contorta latifolia)
Ponderosa Pine
(Pinus ponderosa scopulorum)
Rocky Mountain Juniper varieties
(Juniperous scopulorum & var.)
Amur Maple
(Acer ginnala)
(acer negundo)
Norway Maple & varieties
(Acer platanoides & var.)
Silver Maple
(acer saccharinum)
European Birch varieties
(Betula pendula, var.)
Common Hackberry
(Celtis occidentatlis)
Russian Olive
(Elaeagnus angustifolia)
Not for extremely dry
Pines need well drained
Available in native form
or a wide selection of
varieties offering
differenct size, shapes,
and foliage colors.
There are other more
6' desirable landscape trees
but may be useful in
difficult growing
In protected locations
with adequate deep soil
4' Mass plantings not
Appendix 1, continued
Green Ash
(Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata)
Thornless Honeylocust
Survival of young trees may
(Gleditsia triacanthos inermis)
be questionable
in exposed
Varieties: Shademaster, Skyline,
Crabapple varieties
(Malus var.)
Varieties: Hopa, Dolga, Sar_gents
White Poplar
(Populus alba)
Quaking Aspen
Group plantings
(Populus tremuloides)
Cottonwood Species
Most dependable
large trees
(Populus sp. )
Species: anqustifolia and
Shubert Chokecherry
(Prunus virginiana "Shubert')
European Mountain Ash
Survival of young trees may
(Sorbus aucuparia)
questionable in
Pfitzer Juniper
(Juniperous chinensis 'Pfitzeriana') 18"
Chinese Juniper varieties 18"
(Juniperous chinensis var.)
Prostrata Juniper varieties 15" or Snow cover ma_v be
(Juniperous horizontalis var.) 1-gallon in desirable for winter
large plantings hardiness.
Tammy Juniper 15"
(Juniperous sabina 'Tammariscifolia')
Bird's Nest Sruce 12"
(Picea abies nidiformis)
Swiss Mountain Pine 15"
(Pinus mugo)
Mugho Pine 12"
(Pinus mugo mughus)
Appendix 1, Continued
Japanese Barberry varieties
(Berberis thunbergi var.)
Siberian Peashrub
(Caragana arborescens)
Red Osier Dogwood
(Cornus'stolonifera coloradensis)
Peking Cotoneaster
(Cotoneaster acutifolia)
Winged Euonymus
(Euonymus alatus)
Wintercreeper Euonymus
(Euonymus vegetus 'Coloratus')
(Forsythia intermedia)
Common Privet
(ligustrum vulgare)
Zabel Honevsuckle
(Lonicera korolkoui 'Zabel')
Tatarian Honeysuckle
(Lonicera tatarica)
Oregon Grape
(Mahonia aquifolium)
Potentilla Varieties
(Potentilla var.)
Purple-leaved Sand Cherry
(Prunus cistena)
Nanking Cherry
(Prunus tomentosa)
Russion Almond
(Prunus tenella)
18" Hardiness may be
questionable in exposed
1 gal. Need good mulch or
snow cover to insure
winter hardiness
1 gal. Hardiness may be
questionable in exposed
1 gal.
Appendix 1, Continued
Skunkbush Sumac
(Rhus trilobata)
Alpine Currant
(Ribes alpinum)
Harison's Yellow Rose
(Rosa harisonii)
Redleaf Shrubrose
(Rosa rubrifolia)
American Elder
(Sambucus canadensis)
Ural False Spirea
(Sorbaria sorbifolia)
Froebel Spirea
(Spiraea bumalda)
Thunberg Spirea
(Spiraea thunbergi)
Vanhoutte Spirea
(Spiraea vanhouttei)
(Symphoricarpos albus laeviqatus)
Indian Currant Coralberry
(Symphorearpos orbiculatus)
Persian Lilac
(Syringa laciniata persica)
Common Lilac
(Syringa villosa)
Wayfaringtree viburnum
(Viburnum lantana)
European Cranberrybush
(Viburnum opulus)
Carpet Bugle
(Ajuga reptans)
(Aegopodium variegatum)
1 gal.
2 gal.;
2 gal.
1 gal.
2" pot- Most ground covers
will require snow
cover or mulch to
2" pot insure winter
Appendix 1 Continued
Snow-in-summer 2" pot
(Cerastium tomentosum)
Leadwort 211 'Dot
(Ceratostigma plumbaginoides)
Wintercreeper Euonymus 18"
(Euonymus vegetus 'Coloratus')
Mint 2" pot
(Mentha spicata)'
Goldmoss Stonecrop 2" pot
(Sedum acre)
Orange Sedum 2" pot
(Sedum kamtschaticum)
Two-row Stonecro
2" pot
(Sedum spurium)
White Clover
(Trifolium repens
Common Kentucky Bluegrass
(Poa pratensis)
Merion Kentucky Bluegrass
(Poa pratensis 'Merion')
Park Kentucky Bluegrass,
(Poa pratensis 'Park')
Manhattan Perennial Rye=grass
(Lolium perenne 'Manhattan')
Pennfine Perennial Rye-grass
(Lolium perenne 'Pennfine')
Fescue varieties
(Festuca rubra commutata)
Varieties: Creeping Red Fescue,
Use only as a mix with Kentucky
FROM: Town of Avon Building Ordinance, No 79-2,
Amending Ordinance No. 80-23.
Section 2. Repeal and reenactment of Paragraph (i),
Section 2, Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1979.
Paragraph (i), Section 2, Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1979,
is hereby repealed in its entirety and reenacted as follows:
"(i) Section 306(c) of the UBC is amended hereby by the
A Certificate of Occupance shall be issued after
final inspection when it is found that the building or structure
complies with the provisions of the UBC and the following:
(1) All amendments to the Code as provided in this
(2) "As Constructed" drawings and plans certified
by the Architect, engineer, soils engineer and owner as
it pertains to structural, soils condition, plumbing,
mechanical, electrical, landscaping, grading, and any
other requirements by the Design Review Board and the
Town of Avon.
(3) Cleanup and landscaping, including grading,
drainage, paving, lighting and installation of sprink-
ling systems, (herein "cleanup and landscaping") has
been completed during the months of May through September,
cleanup and landscaping may be completed within 60 days of
issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy upon
payment of a cleanup and landscaping deposit. Provided,
further, in the case of buildings, or structures completed
during months of November through April, a temporary
certificate of occupancy shall be issued and cleanup and
landscaping may be completed by the end of the ensuing June
upon payment of a cleanup and landscaping deposit.
(4) The deposit shall be paid in cash and shall be
paid to the Town of Avon. In lieu of cash, and upon a
showing to the Town that adequate security will be provided
thereby, the deposit may be by letter of credit, written
commitment of a lending institution that funds have been
set aside or a corporate completion bond including written
undertaking of the surety to complete all work upon demand
of the Town. The amount of the deposit required shall be
based upon a current bid by a reputable contractor, good
for a suffucient time to allow completion of work, or upon
some other basis deemed comparable by the Town. In
computing the amount of the deposit, partial completion
shall be taken into consideration. Further, as landscaping
is satisfactorily completed, the building administrator
in his discretion may release corresponding amounts of
the deposit.. Application for such release shall not be
made more often than monthly. Satisfactory completion
of landscaping shall mean construction and/or installation
of landscaping items agreed to with the Design Review
Board and Town before approval of a given site plan for
a project, including lawn sprinkler systems, grading,
drainage, paving and lighting. Any interest earned on the
deposit shall be paid to the permit holder.
(5) In the event landscaping, as defined herein, is
not completed by the permit holder to the satisfaciton of
the Town, the Town may, but shall not be obligated to the
permit holder or to anyone else to, complete such landscaping,
the cost of doing so, together with fee in the amount of 20%
of such cost, shall be charged to the permit holder and
deducted from the cash deposited. If such cost, plus the
fee, exceeds the amount of the deposit, the excess, together
with interest at 8% per annum, shall be in lieu against the
property and may be collected by civil suit or may be
certified to the Treasurer of Eagle County to be collected
in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied
against such property.