TC Ord. No. 2013-07 Minor PUD June Creek CornerTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE 13 -07 SERIES OF 2013 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A MINOR PUD AMENDMENT FOR "JUNE CREEK CORNER" ON LOT 25, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ( "Town ") is a home rule authority municipal corporation and body politic organized under the laws of the State of Colorado and possessing the maximum powers, authority and privileges to which it is entitled under Colorado law; and WHEREAS, George Plavec (the "Applicant" and the "Owner ") has submitted a Minor PUD amendment ( the "Application ") to modify the platted development rights to allow for the construction of two (2) duplex structures on the subject property in the place of one (1) fourplex structure; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on May 7, 2013 after posting notice of such hearings in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.16.020(d), Step 4: Notice, Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking action; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to the Town Council approval of the Application through the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendations, signed May 9, 2013; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 7.16.060(e)(4), Review Criteria, and Section 7.16.070(0, Final Plat Review Criteria, Avon Municipal Code, the Town Council has considered the applicable review criteria for the Application; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held public hearings on May 28, 2013 and June 11, 2013 after posting notice of such hearing in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.16.020(d), Step 4: Notice, Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking action; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community will be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended only to confirm that the Town Council desires to comply with the requirements of the Avon Home Rule Charter by setting a public hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence regarding the application and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute a representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, supports, approves, rejects, or denies this ordinance. Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 1 of 4 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, the following: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council. Section 2. June Creek Corner Minor PUD Amendment. The June Creek Corner Minor PUD Amendment application for Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (1) The building footprints are limited to 3,600 gross sq. ft. (including garage). (2) Building separation will be at least fifteen feet (15') between structures. Section 3. Correction of Errors. Town Staff is authorized to insert proper dates, references to recording information and make similar changes, and to correct any typographical, grammatical, cross - reference, or other errors which may be discovered in any documents associated with this Ordinance and documents approved by this Ordinance provided that such corrections do not change the substantive terms and provisions of such documents. Section 4. Severa!2j i . If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division, subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after final adoption in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter. Section 6. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be obtained. Section 7. Publication by Posting. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance by posting notice of adoption of this Ordinance on final reading by title at the Avon Town Hall, Avon Recreation Center and Avon Public Library, which notice shall contain a statement that a copy of the ordinance in full is available for public inspection in the office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours. The Town Clerk is further ordered to publish a notice stating a Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 vested property right has been created in accordance with Section 7.16.140(d)(2) of the Avon Municipal Code. Section 8. Final Action. Approval and final adoption of this Ordinance on second reading constitutes the Town's final action for the purposes of any appeal, legal challenge or referendum seeking reconsideration of the decision of the Town Council with respect to this Ordinance and matters approved hereby in accordance with Section 7.16.020(f)(5) of the Avon Municipal Code and in accordance with Chapters VI and VII of the Avon Home Rule Charter. [EXECUTIONPAGE FOLLOWS] Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, ORDERED POSTED on May 28, 2013 and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on June 11, 2013, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado. Rich Carroll, Mayor Published by posting by title in at least three public places in Town and posting by title at the office of the Town Clerk. O�o ATTEST: Mc nny, To k Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 To: From: Date: Agenda Topic: Introduction < t i a;, ati TOWN COUNCIL REPORT Honorable Mayor Rich Carroll and Avon Town Council Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Senior Planner June 6, 2013 Second Reading of Ordinance 13 -07, Approving a Minor PUD Amendment for Lot 25, Block z, Wildridge Subdivision The Applicant, George Plavec, is requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment ( "the Application ") to modify the allowed building type for Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision ( "the Property "). Currently, four (4) dwelling units, in the form of a Fourplex building, is permitted by right. The proposal is for the ability to develop the Property with two (2) duplexes. The application is being processed as a Minor PUD Amendment. Attached to this report is a Vicinity Map (Attachment A), the Application (Attachment B), PZC "Finding of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendation" (Attachment C), written Public Comments (Attachment D), and draft Ordinance (Attachment E) No. 13 -07, which reflects PZC's recommendation. On May 28, 2013 Council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 13 -07 with direction to make minor changes to the allowable building footprint sizes. Council directed Staff to return for a Public Hearing and second reading on June 11, 2013. Application Process ( §7.i6.02o, AMC) Minor PUD Amendment Process This Application is processed under §7.16.o6o(h), Amendments to a Final PUD, Avon Municipal Code ( "AMC "). This code section refers to §7.16.020(g), Minor Amendments, AMC; which allows the Director to refer the Application to both the PZC and Town Council for public hearings. Agency Referrals Pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(c)(2), Referral to Other Agencies, AMC, Staff referred the Application to the Eagle County Planning Department, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, and the Eagle River Fire Protection District for Comments. No outside agency comments were received. Public Notification In order to comply with the Public Hearing and pertinent noticing requirements, a mailed notice was provided to all property owners within 300' of the property. The list of adjacent property owners is included within the Application. Additionally, a notice was published in the Vail Daily newspaper. Two written comments were received in response to the mailed notice. These comments are attached to this report as Attachment C. Public Hearings The PZC held a public hearing at their May 7th, 2013 meeting. The PZC review and recommendation is outlined elsewhere in this report. The Council will make the final decision on this Application after two public hearings. Background Benchmark Properties created the Wildridge Subdivision in 1979, shortly after the incorporation of the Town of Avon on February 28, 1978. The Plat was amended a few times with the most recent version being "Wildridge Replat No. z ". According to the Wildridge Final Plat for Wildridge and Wildwood Subdivisions (currently Mountain Star PUD and Subdivision), the overall development concept was for "abundant open space recreation areas around lots" with a density of "barely one dwelling unit per acre ". Proposed PUD Amendment The Property is zoned PUD and is included in the Wildridge Subdivision. Included in the Wildridge Subdivision and PUD Plat is a Land Use Summary table, which breaks down the number of units for each individual lot, and also summaries the type of construction permitted on each property. On the following page (Exhibit 1) is an excerpt from the Wildridge PUD, with the pertinent Property information highlighted in yellow. The Property is entitled four (4) units in the form of one (1) Fourplex structure. The Application (Attachment B) would modify the Land Use Summary table (Exhibit 1) to include "z Duplexes" instead of "Fourplex," similarto Lot 39, Block 4, which is permitted "z duplexes or 1 Fourplex." All other zoning standards (i.e. setbacks, building height, and site coverage) would remain the same; this property contains 25' front setbacks, lo' side /rear setbacks and a 35' maximum allowable height. There are two fronts to the Property as it abuts two roads, Old Trail and June Creek Roads. The Application materials (Attachment B) includes a narrative, response to the mandatory review criteria, and preliminary level design plans for a two (z) duplex development scenario. Also included are two (2) Fourplex options with varied layouts intended to provide a massing comparison of the proposal to the underlying zoning for the Property. Ordinance 13 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge -June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 2 Exhibit 1 - Wildridge Rep [at No. z - Land Use Summary LAND -SP. SITHNARY 17Nr,.tr FAMII.Y (1 1INTT) 9 1 OTS, %AND PSE U^t1TS ft.r,,7 xlnt°1t I 1111FI.P.1: 12 UNT'r,0 ?6) LO"'S. BLGH:K 3 VVTTS 1 1 11I UNITS TRI III YX tI. t ":)T`+1 LOT 1-46 2 UNITS EACH IOT 2 R £'-NITS A('RES LOT 47 1 UNIT LOT 3, 4 4 i_NSTS FACH 36.52 LOT 48 -59 2 I ^t!T5 EACH 1117 5 -8 6 t14ITS EAfp UN77S LOT 5O I t3NIT IOT 4 -1 V-4 ITS PAVI4 LOT X1-71 r•,t?rS ` >.ACri ACk F;S 6 RSFeIT . < I :'TS. 65 UNITS I01 1'1 tI ??t.F.., y,U 7 !PLAIT [ I e,-r , 7 i !)T 14 T)t'I.P'^4.If L T i�- t 1 Z UNI'T4 i;Aru I f)T 1 4 1111 TS UIT 12 Io I'4 "' I.OT I 5 " ITS IN'TS LOT 13, 14 _ ": 1.'IS IOT I7 -18 4 PLAITS FACE 12 LOT 15 1 "N17 IOT 19 -75 .. '.":ITS EACH C I TRACT) MIT 16-='X, 2 I,INITS FAI'4 I "T 76 6 "NITS LOT 29 -3,y 3VI FTF::I I IIT 7 -.'NITS Lt)T 33 -3P 2 UNITS FACH I -T 7N -19 6 :'SI'TS FACE �r LOT 39 4 UNITS" I;a^n. .., 1 . LnT 90 -99 4 ,:h I TS F ACT L,)T 40, 4! 2 UNITS F1ACH I IT 9e) -i 1111 ?. MKI TS t:A(:H LOT 42,0 4 IiNITS FArll L•'!T 101 -1IQ , Ch FS £ACH f iH TPA--t1) Il)T 44 -54 2 = 1NITS SACH I'iT I113 -111= i UNITS EACH ;.01 S5 3 11RITC IHT III J IINITs s11 55-63 2 UNITS EACH t1T 112 -1 I6 I MOT EACH 1.nT *14 4 t'NI'TS I.OT f,S - -49 2 !'NITS EA. ^'r T- 4 I'NITS EACH ; [IT 9; UFL-V 1 OT 4 -1 2 ;'vaTS F,ACH i IIT 1 1 4 1417 -5 Nl, `7C'1' S I:!T 14 h 1 "k1T4 "ol ! 4 19:7 TS I 1 I5 -16 I`1Ft'rS BA ^,H 1.11T 2,6,E 6 UNITS MACH I;,r I7 -IA 4 UN!TC EA2H 1.JT 3,5 5 UNITS EACH I III` 19 - ^4 r I "-2T< FA ;H 4837 4 3 UNITS IIrt r, .i VNITI, Lt)T ',IQ IO UNITS RAC$ I ++T - !'I.'! T' FACH [,'IT 9 N UNITS I.1IT 43 -46 1, I +NIT'`': F;ACH 1_(tT :1 12 UNITS 1 IIT 47 -46 2 IINtTS P.ACH TRACT A 6 f TiIRV II, P. t„ $ r)VTNSPACF??`RAiNA = ^. r TRAIT C,1) PAA: `Af,l.. ,. Oi;a ?UArF. A ?' ='ESS AND '!T'I.ITY LAND -SP. SITHNARY 17Nr,.tr FAMII.Y (1 1INTT) 9 1 OTS, 9 U^t1TS ft.r,,7 Ar4FS 1111FI.P.1: 12 UNT'r,0 ?6) LO"'S. 434 VVTTS 2LI.12 At;EFS TRI III YX tI. t ":)T`+1 4 1?TS. I2 I.IS 5TS 6.49 A('RES 0. Ir. INIT;) 35 I6TS, 144 UNITS 36.52 ACRES t•`•'�'P`F'v r •Iy )' * "',Y t IorS, ti UN77S ;.V, ACRES 4 >TNi T 41 ' 1 1 1 nil. UNITS 2 .46 ACk F;S 6 RSFeIT . < I :'TS. 65 UNITS tfl.flf'� A!TRf -C 7 !PLAIT [ I e,-r , 7 UNITS 1.11 A ,,.SIT 7 I"' TS, In VN! PS Io I'4 "' I 31' IN'TS 1,. 14 A? RE, ( I �4 ..'. 11?''. 12 U *u TS If A-4 E* L f:H7 c'fttMPR"IAh C I TRACT) 14 APAP'41'VT4; C. I ACRES h ,, sP.ACF.l Att 4 'PRAt5A.Y. 1, TP. r��) �r A•PFS fSU ATNAGt,i T';L :TY C S TRAM ^T) ?i.�.6 ACI"F;fi f iH TPA--t1) PZC Review The PZC held a public hearing on May 7th, 2013 regarding the Application. They discussed the proposed Application with respect to the existing zoning, impacts on the property and neighboring property, public input, and compliance with the applicable codes. There were two public comments (Attachment C) received: one from Chad Anderson and one from Larry Wolfe, both neighboring property owners. Chad voiced support for separating the Fourplex into two (2) structures, and requested that the units be spread further apart to afford views of the ski resort and New York Mountains. He also preferred a different driveway configuration. Larry Wolfe voiced support for the Application as submitted. Ordinance 33 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block z, Wildridge — June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 3 Public comments were also received from Guy Cutia, representing Scott Black, an adjacent property owner. His concerns were over building height and the possibility of restricting views. The PZC discussed the public comments and recognized that there were no protected view corridors in the subdivision. The Commission acknowledged that the building setbacks and the building height were not changing with the proposal. Ultimately the PZC approved a "Findings of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendation" (Attachment D) with six (6) Findings and two (2) conditions. The conditions are as follows: (1) The building footprints are limited to 3,400 gross sq. ft. (including garages). (z) Building separation will be at least fifteen feet (15) between structures. The recommended conditions of approval were added to guarantee that the "light and air" and resulting advantages of separating the building into two structures are realized when the property is developed. The footprint limitation for each structure is slightly larger than the conceptual footprint design in the Application materials; the recommended building separation (15') is a Development Code requirement and approximately four feet (4') more separation than shown in the architectural plans. The conceptual duplex design in the Application shows a ten foot, nine inch (lo'g ") building separation. Staff Analysis After the initial review of the Application, Staff worked with the Applicant to define acceptable limitations on building footprint sizes, which would create operative building envelopes. This type of approach not only affords the property owner some flexibility in the location of the structures once detailed access design and building design are pursued, but these limitations also ensure that increased space between structures will be realized. Staff supports the Application as it would result in a reduced impact on the neighboring properties, and allows for a flexible development pattern in the form of two (z) structures in place of one (1). The massing is improved with more opportunity for building articulation and the introduction of light and air between units. After reviewing the PUD review criteria below, Staff (and PZC) finds the Application in conformance with the purpose of the development code; there appears to be no added impact to neighboring properties. The development pattern in the area is diverse, with emphasis on clustered single - family construction, duplexes, and one triplex immediately to the south. PUD Review Criteria Pursuant to §7.16.o6o(e)(4), Review Criteria, AMC, the Council shall consider a number of review criteria. The following criteria must be considered when acting on a PUD Amendment: (i) The PUD addresses a unique situation, confers a substantial benefit to the Town, and /or incorporates creative site design such that it achieves the purposes of this Development Code and represents an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through strict application of the otherwise applicable district or development standards. Such Ordinance 13 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block z, Wildridge —June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 4 improvements in quality may include, but are not limited to: improvements in open space provision and access; environmental protection; tree /vegetation preservation; efficient provision of streets, roads, and other utilities and services; or increased choice of living and housing environments. Staff Response: The stated purposes of §7.04, Development Code, AMC, and §7.16.060, PUD, AMC, includes statements regarding the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan; regulating intensity of use; avoiding increased demands on public services and facilities; and providing for compatibility with the surrounding area, among other statements. The proposed amendment does not increase demands on public services, and provides compatible building layouts with the surrounding area. The Application also represents an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through the strict application of the "Fourplex" designation in the existing PUD. (ii) The PUD rezoning will promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; Staff Response: The Application does not negatively affect the public health, safety and welfare. The inclusion of duplex structures on the Property is compatible with the adjacent single - family, duplex, and multi - family residential uses. (iii) The PUD rezoning is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan, the purposes of this Development Code, and the eligibility criteria outlined in §7.t6.o6o(b); Staff Response: The proposed PUD amendment is part of an established PUD, and is therefore not subject to the eligibility criteria, or Public Benefit requirements, outlined in §7.16.o6o(b). Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is required and analysis is provided below. The Comprehensive Plan includes this property within District z4: Wildridge Residential District. The planning principals specific to this property include the following: • Redesig�7 the interseetiorr o /'Metccr! /'arnl Notti�a� ham RocrcJ.�•, crud im��lc�nten! thc� other recommendations for District 4 to enhance the enfi -i7 to 11,71 like and provide: more: direct access from the Town Centcr to PVilch-idge. • Construct hicycle lanes alongA4etcalf'and Roads. Promote a !rail s.vVem through open splice areas in Ifilth-idge to provide alter-natives to the roadivgvs for pedestrian circulation and greater connection to the sw- rounding open space. • Preserve and enhance the existing open space !rails and explore the possibility of developing additional parcel; into pocket pcn•L-.c. • Acquire and maintain as public open space the U.S. Forest Service - owned Marcel addjacent to I,Vilchlt ge that includes Beaver Creek Point. Ordinance 13 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge — June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 5 e Add an alternative or second access rozrte to Wildridge (perhaps forest service road during the spring cord stanmer). 9 Idewyi, and delineate all open space parcels crud public trails. • Site buildings o/* varyutg sizes almrg the street to maximize sun exposure, proteel views, be compatible 14th existing surro wlhig development, and break up building bulls. Except for the last planning principle, the majority of the planning principles for the Wildridge District deal more with enhancing open space and non - motorized access options. This PUD Amendment maximizes sun exposure and breaks up the building bulk that could be experienced with the underlying "4 Unit - Fourplex" zoning. Approval could enhance compatibility with existing surrounding development. (iv) Facilities and services (including roads and transportation, water, gas, electric, police and fire protection, and sewage and waste disposal, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development; Staff Response: The PUD amendment has no incremental impact on public facilities or services. (v) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated; Staff Response: When compared to the existing zoning, the proposed PUD amendment will not result in any adverse impacts upon the natural environment, wildlife, vegetation, air, or stormwater management. (vi) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity of the subject tract; and Staff Response: As discussed herein, the approval of the PUD amendment would not result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity. The setbacks and building height would remain in place. Breaking the building into two separate buildings could result in fewer impacts to other properties in the area. (vii) Future uses on the subject tract will be compatible in scale with uses or potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity of the subject tract. Staff Response: As proposed, the Application will either increase the compatibility with uses or potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity, or will result in no change to uses as currently exist. Ordinance 13 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block z, Wildridge —June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 6 Council Action: If the Council is satisfied with the PZC recommendation and minor changes to the Ordinance, they should approve the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 13-07 (Attachment E) after conducting a Public Hearing. Attachments: A: Vicinity Map B: Application Materials dated April 11, 2013 C: Public Comment D: PZC Findings of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendation E: Ordinance 13 -07 Ordinance 13 -07, Second Reading Lot 25, Block z, Wildridge - June Creek Corner PUD Amendment Page 7 Attachment A Attachment B Lot 25, Block 2,Wildridge Subdivision, Avon CO . t . •, 0 • 4/11/2013 Attachment B A: Introduction Applicant George "Tripp" Plavec would like to request a minor PUD amendment to the Plat of Wildridge for Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision located at 2900 June Creek Trail, corner of Old Trail Road and June Creek Trail. Lot 25 is currently zoned for 4 units which traditionally would be a large tall single building consisting of 4 dwellings. We believe that the community and town would be better served if 2 separate buildings of two units each were constructed. Our intension, is to construct a project very similar, with only minor modifi- cations for esthetic and code reasons to the architectural details provided in this application. Our desire is not to gain approval for a generic separation of a 4 unit lot to be constructed in two two unit buildings but to seek preliminary approval for the project proposed. Our project of 2376 square feet per unit aims to provide a smaller intimate home for the middle income level of Wildridge. The design incorporates a roof height of approximately 32 -33 ft. This will be a definite benefit to the homes to the north and east. The Town of Avon, Future Residents of the property and the neighborhood would benefit by such a pro- posal because of the fallowing: Smaller, human scale structures Structures of the same scale as the neighboring duplex homes Two buildings would provide a view corridor between units giving more air and light. It would and provide better drainage between the buildings Storm water and snow storage will be more easily managed with two buildings Creating an angle between the units adds architectural interest Landscaping between the buildings would break the massing and provide a nice feature on the Old Trail road side of the property No increase in density Each unit would be equal to the others without having the inner unit syndrome B: Background Through the history of Wildridge there has been a desire by the community to create more individual homes to mix with the larger duplexes. Duplexes in Wildridge are only restricted in size by the set back and height limitations. During the last economic boom many duplexes became excessively massive with no limits to size. We feel the current trend of allowing flexibility in separating units gives the neighborhood more character and provides for a stable construction industry with more options available. Attachment B In developing a plan for Lot 25 we looked at several options. Three single family buildings, two duplex buildings, and one fourplex building. With a reduction of units the economic feasibility would force the sizes of the three single buildings to be larger, more expensive to build and purchase. Our desire was not build what would have to be three large homes. We instead wanted to produce more affordable homes that complements the smaller structures of Shepard's Ridge to the south west but still has common ele- ments that relate to each of the other fourplexes of Stonebriar and 2929 June Creek across June Creek Trail. C: Goal and purpose of application Our intension with this application was to show how four units could be separated in an esthetically pleas- ing way that complies with The Town of Avon Development code. The design of the concept of two buildings for a four unit lot had to be developed enough so that an intelligent analysis could be made by the planning and zoning commission and ultimately the town council. We are at a point now with a design we consider feasible economically and architecturally. If we are given the approval for this type of design uti- lizing two separate buildings we will complete details of siding, colors and minor modifications for a com- plete design review. On pages 6 -13 you will find our current design. Pages 14 -17 are fourplex options of the same layouts Thank you for taking the time to consider my project George "Tripp" Plavec To note: Before submitting for design review some minor modifications are necessary to the entry of unit 3 and decks to all units but the square footage, general structural design and heights will remain relatively the same. 3 Attachment B D: From Avon Development Code several aspects pertaining to our objectives 7.28.090 Design Standards (a) Purpose. The general intent of the design standards is to implement the Avon Comprehensive Plan vision of an attractive, efficient, and livable community that features stable neighborhoods and promotes a mix of uses in well - designed community focal points. (1) To achieve the proper and efficient use of the land by promoting an appropriate balance between the built environment and the preservation and protection of open space and natural resources; (4) To provide appropriate standards to ensure a high quality appearance for residents and visitors of Avon and promote good design while also allowing flexibility, individuality, creativity, and artistic expression; (5) To protect and enhance the unique mountain character and economic development of Avon by encouraging physical development that is of high quality and is compatible with the character, scale, and function of its surrounding area; The separation in the buildings is a more attractive and livable design which provides buildings that are more in scale with the surrounding neighborhood. Having space between the buildings provides more balance with the built environment and open natural space. 7.28.090 Design Standards (e) Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision 3) Building Design (i) Buildings shall have street- facing architectural details and elements which provide a human scale to the fagade. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided. (A) The design of a structure shall create variety and interest along the street elevation. A significant alteration of the massing and composition (not just the exterior colors and materials) of each house or each townhouse or duplex unit must be accomplished. Our street facing details are all architectural with out the view of garages and entries, thus allowing for landscaping and separation of the buildings breaks the massing more than any alteration of physical elements can. Attachment B 704.030 Purposes (e) Promote adequate light, air, landscaping and open space and avoid undue concentration or sprawl of population; n) Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town of Avon, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages, and promotes a balanced, diverse, and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy; The separation in our buildings promote light, air and landscaping. The lower price point of these units will provide for a range of life styles for a diverse, stable residen- tial community. 7.28.090 Design Standards 2) Site Design (i) The location of structures and access shall complement the existing topography and views of the site. (ii) New buildings should respond to the climate of Avon and the Eagle River Valley through their orientation, massing, construction, and their choice of passive environmental control strategies and active environmental control systems. (v) Buildings shall be oriented to optimize solar access. Access to the site from behind hides many of the day to day requirements of the property owner leav- ing street side view of landscape and architecture. Our project optimizes views from the units as well as being more interesting architecturally. The sep- aration has a sense of environmental control with drainage through the units. Solar gain is optimized by the use of windows facing south and west and with the use of Low emissiv- ity glass. The orientation captures solar gain in the winter with low angle solar radiation penetrating the glass and meets these same high angle solar rays of summer. Attachmeht B 4, 10.2013 122 , :.t2 AM Preliminary proposed design for lot 25 next 8 pages Sheet Schematic Design 11 A R-r I N MANLEY Date WILDRIDGE LOT 25 0.0 111.-1" -1-11— 3-21-13 Lot 25, Wildridge, Avon, CO a- . V10.2013 1221'.47 AM Attachment B Sheet Schematic Design IARTIN MACALEY Date WILDRIDGE LOT 25 0 3-21-13 .1 Lot 25, Wildridg. Avon, CO e 4110,201312-11:59 MA . . ....... ... .......... T ISO, 5 til� - rn M M 0 0 rn x rn M I Sheet k Schematic Design MARTIN MANLEY c'—'— Date 1.0 WILDRIDGE LOT 25 3-21-13 Lot 25, Wildridge, Avon, CO Pro.ecl number 1013 «v.n•.nmuro- .morx wry Attachment B A 'ttach ment B 43l'•2013 122210 ATA - - - - - - - --- - - 7: G) > m 01 M M 0 0 C:: c 0 0 m m > > zi S Sheet Schematic Design <__. m_ MARTIN MANLEY Date WILDRIDGE LOT 5 2 1.2 3-21-13 Lot 25, Wildridge, Avon, CO 10!3 3,'27,12013 109 24 AP.1 2C -T 39 -C?l 23 -61 u," 16-31121 V Attachment B -C" 4 -C" 12'- e. 24'- 6 IQ" a3 co m JL 0 0 X > > m 0 m ri rn SZ > U z m z is Sheet Schematic Design MARTIN MANLEY Date 2 Wildridge Lot 25 3-26-13 Lot 25 %AAldridge, Avon, Co , -'''z C—,t Pfo^1 PumbeT 103 2't m Aid. TF V ffl n < -Z o G) 12' - C' 7F7 4 < m m > q F— C) mm Ln II m G) m k 0 0 CD -C" 4 -C" 12'- e. 24'- 6 IQ" a3 co m JL 0 0 X > > m 0 m ri rn SZ > U z m z is Sheet Schematic Design MARTIN MANLEY Date 2 Wildridge Lot 25 3-26-13 Lot 25 %AAldridge, Avon, Co , -'''z C—,t Pfo^1 PumbeT 103 2't Attachment llni'201 I, 1:jg:37 A14 Sheet Schematic Deaign MARTIN MANLFY Date Wildridge Lot 25 3 3-26-13 Lot 25 Wldridge, Avon, CO _ II W27.12013 1 OBAO Af.i I c C C: r I,- 0 I I I M M M M M < to Attachment B ,r- . r- W' ' = M —M � w 'I.x < w < -1 -M M Sheet Schematic Design MARTIN MANLEY Date Wildridge Lot 25 4 3-26-13 Lot 25 Widridge, Avon, CO 1.1j. (X. -eI- Profit number 1013 11278013 1 OB43 Atl I I oa M Attachment B Schematic Design - MARTIN MANLEY (p Wildridqe Lot 25 :'i- 5 ICU: M M X t 'U" 0 r - r M M or- 0 ;-M oa M Attachment B Sheet Schematic Design - MARTIN MANLEY Date Wildridqe Lot 25 5 ICU: 3-26-13 t 'U" M 81M 0 ;lD Sheet Schematic Design - MARTIN MANLEY Date Wildridqe Lot 25 5 3-26-13 Lot 25 Widridge, Avon, CO 'U" .— tll.'.'441'11�1�—' VI(XI2013 1201 -n 00 01 a M X Sheet Schematic Design 11ART-11N. MANLEY Date 0.0 WILDRIDGE LOT 25 I Lot 25, Wildddge, Avon, CO I I Project number Attachment B j, Attachment B PM 4,'10.20138'39 31 AM -n 00 0 C - Tu 01 Z r a - r"J M X Sheet Schematic Design I A, R TIN M AN L E Y Date 0.0 WILDRIDGE LOT 25 4 Lot 25, Wildridge, Avon, CO Pfoecl nt inter a t3 Attachm6nt B Attachment B 4110.120138 19:37 Ahl W Sheet Schematic Design MARTIN MANLEY Date WILDRIDGE LOT 25 0.1 4-9-13 Lot 25, Wildridge, Avon. CO ,Oe'el Pfo,�.trllmiler 10,11 10-1, Attachment C Matt Pielsticker From: Larry Wolfe <wolfe @vail.net> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:04 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Hi Matt, I'm unable to make it to tonight's meeting so I just wanted to drop you a quick note to express my support for Tripp Plavec's development concept on the parcel. As an area property owner, I am very much in favor of two duplex structures on the parcel (as he is proposing) rather than one large, 4 -plex structure. My feeling is that a single, 4 -unit structure would simply feel too massive and architecturally imposing on such a visible site. I also believe that accessing the site from June Creek Trl (as he is proposing) is preferable to coming off of Old Trail given the safety issues associated with an Old Trail curb cut's proximity to the rise in the road at Bear Trap and the pocket park's parking. Thanks for listening. Larry Wolfe 29ol -B June Creek Trail 970 - 390-2525 wolfe(c-) vail.net From: Chad Anderson [ mailto :CMAnderson@vailresorts.com] Attachment C Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 2:13 PM To: Jared Barnes Cc: The Wife (ShawnacAnderson@comcast.net); Chad Anderson Subject: 2900 June Creek Trail PUD Amendment Jared, Thanks for calling me back yesterday regarding the PUD Amendment for the Upcoming Construction on the Lot Adjacent to ours at 2920 June Creek Trail. I found the PDF on -line and have some feedback for Today's meeting: 1.) Do to the Location of our Deck and View of Beaver Creek, BG and New York Mountain, we would prefer the 2 Separate Duplexes over the 4 Plex. 2.) We would like to see the units spaced further apart on the Lot to let us retain at least a partial view of the Ski Resort. 3.) We would like to see the Driveway on the South Side of the Lot, with the exit on Old Trail. This would keep us from having to look directly at a Driveway and Garage Doors. Having it on the North Side will also cause problems for the New Owners with Ice and Snow Build up, due to lack of sunshine. 4.) We would like to see as low of a profile possible to not hinder our current great views of the Mountain. Feel free to pass along my comments to George Plavec. Thanks, 'tad Anderson Beaver Creek 3ountain Dining Senior illanager F &.B Spruce Saddle Lodge & Red fail Camp 01rice - 970 -754 -5521 Cell - 970- 331-1758 Fax - 970 -754 -5519 «;. Page Page Sent fi-om Office Outlook Weli Access The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the use of the individual or Attachment D AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT, RECORD OF DECISION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS VON CONCERNING THE MINOR PUD AMENDMENT FOR LOT 25, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION The following findings of fact and recommendations are made in accordance with Avon Municipal Code ( "AMC ") §7.16.060(h), §7.16.020(8 )7 & §7.16.060(e)(4): 1. Application Submitted. A PUD Amendment Application ( "the Application "), was submitted to the Community Development Department of the Town of Avon (the "Town ") on April 12, 2013 by George Plavec (the "Applicant "). 2. Agency Referrals. On April 16, 2013, pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(c)(2), Staff referred the Application to outside review agencies, including the following: Eagle County Planning, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, and Eagle River Fire Protection District. No agency comments were received. 3. Notice of Public Hearin. Pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(d), a notice of public hearing was published in The Vail Daily and a mailed notice was sent to all property owners within 300' of the Property. 4. Staff Report to PZC. Matt Pielsticker submitted a Staff report to the PZC dated May 1, 2013. 5. Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. On May 7, 2013 the PZC held a public hearing on the Application, and considered Staff s analysis and public comments. 6. Compliance with Review Criteria. PZC makes the following findings in regard to compliance with the applicable review criteria for a Minor PUD Amendment ( §7.16.060(e)(4)) as the basis for this recommendation to Town Council: PZC FINDINGS: (1) The Application was processed in accordance with §7.16.060(h), Amendment to a Final PUD, which allowed the application to be processed as a minor amendment pursuant to §7.16.020(8), Minor Amendment, and utilized the review criteria set forth in §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD Review Criteria, and FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION LOTS 25, BLOCK 2, WILRIDGE SUBDIVISION — JUNE CREEK CORNER PUD AMENDMENT Pa -e I of 2 Attachment D (2) The Application is in substantial compliance with §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD Review Criteria, AMC; and (3) The Application is not likely to result in adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated with building footprint maximums; and (4) Approval of the Application would reduce building massing compared to the existing underlying zoning, allowing for an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through the strict application of the "Fourplex" designation. (5) Building impacts on -site is reduced by adding building footprint restrictions, which are not in place with the current zoning. (6) The Application is in conformance with policy recommendations in the Avon Comprehensive Plan, including "siting buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with surrounding development, and break up building bulk." PZC RECOMMENDATION AND RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE the Minor PUD Amendment Application with the Conditions set forth below: (1) The building footprints are limited to 3,400 gross sq. ft. (including garage). (2) Building separation will be at least fifteen feet (15') between structures. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: 1(04 � j,/`�`- t DATE: Scott Prince, Acting PZC Chairperson FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION LOTS 25, BLOCK 2, WILRIDGE SUBDIVISION — JUNE CREEK CORNER PUD AMENDMENT Page 2 of 2 Attachment E TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE 13 -07 SERIES OF 2013 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A MINOR PUD AMENDMENT FOR "JUNE CREEK CORNER" ON LOT 25, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ( "Town ") is a home rule authority municipal corporation and body politic organized under the laws of the State of Colorado and possessing the maximum powers, authority and privileges to which it is entitled under Colorado law; and WHEREAS, George Plavee (the "Applicant" and the "Owner ") has submitted a Minor PUD amendment ( the "Application ") to modify the platted development rights to allow for the construction of two (2) duplex structures on the subject property in the place of one (1) fourplex structure; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on May 7, 2013 after posting notice of such hearings in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.16.020(d), Step 4: Notice, Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking action; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended to the Town Council approval of the Application through the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendations, signed May 9, 2013; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 7.16.060(e)(4), Review Criteria, and Section 7.16.070(f), Final Plat Review Criteria, Avon Municipal Code, the Town Council has considered the applicable review criteria for the Application; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held public hearings on May 28, 2013 and June 11, 2013 after posting notice of such hearing in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.16.020(d), Step 4: Notice, Avon Municipal Code, and considered all commments provided before taking action; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community will be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended only to confirm that the Town Council desires to comply with the requirements of the Avon Home Rule Charter by setting a public hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence regarding the application and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute a representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, supports, approves, rejects, or denies this ordinance. Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 1 of 4 Attachment E NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, the following: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council. Section 2. June Creek Corner Minor PUD Amendment. The June Creek Corner Minor PUD Amendment application for Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (1) The building footprints are limited to 3,600 gross sq. ft. (including garage). (2) Building separation will be at least fifteen feet (15') between structures. Section 3. Correction of Errors. Town Staff is authorized to insert proper dates, references to recording information and make similar changes, and to correct any typographical, grammatical, cross - reference, or other errors which may be discovered in any documents associated with this Ordinance and documents approved by this Ordinance provided that such corrections do not change the substantive terms and provisions of such documents. Section 4. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division, subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after final adoption in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter. Section 6. Safetv Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be obtained. Section 7. Publication by Postin?. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance by posting notice of adoption of this Ordinance on final reading by title at the Avon Town Hall, Avon Recreation Center and Avon Public Library, which notice shall contain a statement that a copy of the ordinance in full is available for public inspection in the office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours. The Town Clerk is further ordered to publish a notice stating a Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 Attachment E vested property right has been created in accordance with Section 7.16.140(d)(2) of the Avon Municipal Code. Section 8. Final Action. Approval and final adoption of this Ordinance on second reading constitutes the Town's final action for the purposes of any appeal, legal challenge or referendum seeking reconsideration of the decision of the Town Council with respect to this Ordinance and matters approved hereby in accordance with Section 7.16.020(f)(5) of the Avon Municipal Code and in accordance with Chapters VI and VII of the Avon Home Rule Charter. [EXECUTION PAGE FOLLOWS] Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 Attachment E INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, ORDERED POSTED on May 28, 2013 and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on June 11, 2013, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado. Rich Carroll, Mayor Published by posting in at least three public places in Town and posting at the office of the Town Clerk at least seven days prior to final action by the Town Council. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Eric Heil, Town Attorney INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, AND PASSED ON SECOND READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY POSTING on 11`h day of Tune, 2013. Rich Carroll, Mayor Published by posting by title in at least three public places in Town and posting by title at the office of the Town Clerk. ATTEST: Patty McKemiy, Town Clerk Ord. 13 -07 June Creek Corner PUD Amendment — Lot 25, Block 2, Wildridge June 11, 2013 Town Council Meeting Page 4 of 4