TC Ord. No. 2001-15 Approving an agreement concerning the terms of annexation development and subdivision of the lands described in the Mcgrady acres petition for annexation.e I~ • TOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 01-15 SERIES OF 2001 :f AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE TERMS OF ANNEXATION, DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN THE MCGRADY ACRES PETITION FOR ANNEXATION; AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF AVON TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN; AND APPROVING A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN ESTABLISHING A VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 68 OF TITLE 24, C.R.S., AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY and TRAER CREEK LLC ("Owners") filed a petition for annexation ("Petition") with the Clerk of the Town of Avon ("Town") on August 2, 2001, requesting annexation to the Town of certain real property described in Exhibit A of the Petition (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Petition, the execution of an annexation and development agreement which establishes statutory vested property rights for the Property is an express condition of annexation; and WHEREAS, the TRAER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ("TCMD") will perform certain. public improvement obligations required in connection with annexation; development and subdivision of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Town, Owner and TCMD have negotiated the terms and conditions of an agreement titled "Annexation, Development and Subdivision Improvement Agreement", which agreement (the "Agreement") addresses the terms and conditions upon which annexation, development and subdivision of the Property will occur, and the development rights and responsibilities of the Town, TCMD and the Owner with respect thereto; and WHEREAS, the Town gave proper and timely posted notice of the dates and times of the meetings at which the Town Council considered the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the proposed full text of this Ordinance was duly published by posting in the office of the Town Clerk and in three (3) additional public places within the Town, and said publication also set forth the date and time of the public hearing at which the Town Council of the Town (the "Town Council"), considered the Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Avon Municipal Code Section 17.14.100 and as more specifically described in the Agreement, the Town Council has agreed in connection with approval of the Agreement to designate the Agreement (including the "Development Plan" as 791@67 Page: 1 of 28 04/04/2002 10:30; 5211773 CAMALC 10ni01334PM Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 w • defined in the Agreement) as a site specific development plan creating vested property rights to develop the Property as set forth therein; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Town Council that approval of the Agreement, together with approval of the elements of the "Development Plan" (as defined in the Agreement), will constitute approval of a site specific development plan establishing a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended; and WHEREAS, approval of the Agreement is in the.best interests of the public health; safety and general welfare of the people of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held public hearings at which it received evidence and testimony concerning the Agreement, at the conclusion of which the Town Council considered such evidence and testimony so introduced and by this Ordinance sets forth its findings of fact and conclusions. THE TOWN COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS: 1. The Agreement complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Colorado and the Town, including, without limitation, Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S. 2. All notices required for the public hearings, at which the Town, Council considered the Agreement were properly and timely published, posted or mailed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Colorado and the Town. 3. All public hearings at which the Town Council considered the Agreement were held and conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Colorado and the Town. 4. The Town has authority to enter into the Agreement pursuant to Sections 24-68-104(2) and 31-15-101, C.R.S., and pursuant to Section 17.14. 100 of the Avon Municipal Code. 5. The Town's approval of and entering into the Agreement is in the best interests of the public health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Approval of the Agreement, together with approval of the "Development Plan" (as defined in the Agreement), is hereby designated as the site specific development plan for the Property. Section 2. The Agreement is hereby approved and the Town shall enter into the Agreement and perform its obligations under the Agreement. 791067 Page: 2 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 5211773 CAMALC 10/1/01326 PM 2' Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 of of Section 3. The Mayor of the Town of Avon, is hereby authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Town. Section 4. Approval of the Agreement together with approval of "Development Plan" (as defined in the Agreement), hereby constitutes approval of a site specific development plan establishing a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. Section 5. Within fourteen (14) days after passage on Second Reading of this Ordinance, the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to: A. Publish the full text of this Ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation within the Town of Avon (either the Vail Valley Times or the Eagle Valley Enterprise, or both); and B. Concurrently with the publication required in Section 5.A. above, publish a notice that complies with the requirement of Section 24-68-103(1), C.R.S. to advise the general public that approval of the, Agreement pursuant to this Ordinance, together with approval of the "Development Plan" (as defined in the Agreement), constitutes approval of a site specific development plan establishing a vested property right in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. Section 6. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be seven (7) days after publication of the notice described in Section 5.A. above. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 9 day of October , 2001 and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the 2 -3_ day of AptebeF, 2001 at p.m. in the Avon Municipal Complex; 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. TOWN OF AVON By: i J Yoder XVTvi ayor of the Town of Avon, Colorado IIIIIIIII~IflIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIAIhIIIIIIhIIIIN ~d06n;:28 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140. 00 D 0.00 521177 3 CAMALC 10/1/01 3 26 PM 3 w ~ INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING,' APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 2-1- day of.s~w~o , 2001. TOWN OF AVON By: Ju Yoder Mayor of the Town of Avon, Colorado APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 Burt Levin, Esq. Town Attorney - 791057 Page: 4 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309, Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 521177 3 CAMALC 10/1/01 3 26 PM 4 w CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION I, Kris Nash, Town Clerk of the Town of Avon, hereby certify that a.true and full copy of Ordinance Number 01-15 and the site specific development plan notice were published in Eagle Valley Ent =ise , a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Avon, on RX.Awbgr_1 , 2001. A copy of the published text is attached hereto. Date: A6( Clerk 791057 Page: 5 of 28 04/04/2002 10:30F Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 521177 3 CAMALC 10/1/01 3 26 PM 5 Irk _b p ,aid toAwn~u ip~ A.IKfl Sw 1ha arm a1 fts no,- N2 25117 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF COLORADO SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE 1111111111111111111 III 111111111111 IIIII III 1111111111111 791067 Page: 6 of 28 04/04/2002 10 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 I, Don Rogers, do solemnly swear that I am the Managing Editor of The Eagle Valley Enterprise, that the same weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as a periodical under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the first ( publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated /.~B~Glll~.!!~1 A.D and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated. . ft4e,04hd...... A.D....... c.,2"...l In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ~ . day of r 4 L Managing Editor ~`i a notary public in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this L) 13 V ~C °O C~. Notary Public My Commission expires dl's-..tl No. 0;-05. -SOS ~f, ZD=6-00 ~ tteen ~_i mgt of i~e~ove~'~9a1 co,an~ ~ ao- his sen>aid'iho~ii~ obdCoriv Baal _ tD raw" -and. also to ~,.G.o . ooarnterow needs s~pe<dric ~ ~ , under a e dedesionawre Of W ft Awn merdd are dsanbed r.mre Av icipa7 Cod e.Section 1 %M.040. • . ta9Al destatption of qw +ad pertP ScERedla the ue~edppe Y' ~ $ tAt:aid;4-and tbt s .1NCGrady 9aesr~ eroding W d1b &131' tt~reof•remrded i° Hook at F"0: a. pra tr9me crte Comex . Colorad<+ CJ~eik Reawd~r. "tDYV1V OF AVON : ' OFMWMCE ~-15 -SERIES AN ORDROMMAPPROVING AN AC +rf - --OOA1C19 iNING THE TERMS OF ANN0 tEVEL•OPmENT.ANDSUBDmsIONOFTHE UMDS DESCRIBED tN THE MCGRADY ACRES pErMON-Fcp - A m 1 GTHE MAYOR LNG _ WHEREAS:-EM UMMED UABILTY.F.OMPANY ` and TRAER-CREEK LLC'('Owners'). fled a-PaliP- lion for a mwmfiw Teft' ' Bye Clerk of the. 1' Tdwrr-d Awn 116wn") on Acgust 4 2OOt, re- -•"annexationtoythe-Tam of certain •rear Property described fn E#dat A ot,2wPef[twjfi e and - Ptirsua~.ta lhe'ieims of ft.. Petition, the, boc0m of an armm~qtlori and .development agrel"frieru' w!>ich .'estaFdsttes statirtory . rtgtds far gre;.Properly, is an'e~ress mn r6h" 'on.o1 amen: ami - ' - - • ' - WHBaEAS, the TRAER CREW METFiOPOWA%N DtsTRICT'('r(hm') vn71 perform wrtain public inr profs.mern pdigatiors iegtdred in eonheadori, with ;am wadin•-- nerd and sub&*@n of fie-. Propeft-and Agieemenn'addresses the terns old conditions u~m whigr•arrtr~oe;cdeM'ard subdivt; s3~ tfre ropertit rdrp. occM and the- a&W* - merit • rights -.and . tespotsibfrdies oT yhe' ;T TCIM and the Owner VAIIVrespect thereto;a6ar" WjfiEA x Itae Town gave Prapei. ark •thaely-'- rtotioe oft .8Tatem=and times of ti1e meet-- at,rrhkh $ra_detes CameiFied-lbe-, and. -the- orcoobea U .,Jwd_of •ths .Ordr _ rrarm.•was duly lry m the ot6oe_ of thrtToWn Clerk and mtitree (3) a anal public dads within -the T.wvri. arid said artdire ion al: cauidly, oorsidared itre AgieamerrC and . , ; - WHBMAS,':piasiieid IQ d4var 6hmiapal.Oode' Section 17.14.100 and as mmue.simili ally desai- bed "fn- the Apwmerd, -ft ,Tom Cmirbil bas agreed in. conrxe tim.•ft_apkaval- of:lhe Agree- .,roar- rsrm --ft imduQmg the - Plan" as in tt~, avdsitte spedre pnrent plan cftj -vested Pzbperty as set tmlh- prapariy riufis.to develop-the Town Courr6l that - 8Is the traeha of ~mva1 of the tog`ather'w~+ approval. ' of.~e' tflft '°e`rt pr..t Plar? (as de- lined K41ve'Agreeinent), will tlhnbe of =a `.site •speoifx- devetopmBrd.pian• , a- vetted propertyright p-awt,to Ar1'' 68.of. . 24:'C:R.S.: as,&ninded: and - Wt1EREAS' of ifie Agraemerd-is in.the. best Interests of the pirblic'health. safety aril gan OWwarfare ot.lhapeoplecfthaTmmand WHEEREAS,,the Taun Cortnc l tmld p ititic•treaiirgs M Aftch 41 moeried evidence ad ftsitncny g1rr- - -.I:errdng the Agriemam, at d =wkz = c.whidr -8re Town Comm oonsideredstub *idence and- -Ordinance ft findingslintrodxsded of fad and carCIIJ90FIEL THE TOWN cOUNciC EAKEs THE. FOLLOINirm . _ cnaivntr_c rn: r-nrr Anln rllntd 1i~ONS~ Tam 7~uding. without Win: Amide 68 of Tr tae F4, C:RS. t- - . . p I ~ Ih , NIIII Fisher CO 289 R 140. -:08~ ;a i•mraideTed1hb A~eerirent aere,Field eiid:co oct- f, in accordarn a wilh all applicable jaws Arid (egu ' `tafions of the;Siate of Colorado and the T ~r4 The Town has •eu<horriY ~ 6Trter ~ .the • ~Mffl'pursuant t4'Seofioris,246810A(2) 31=' QS101;GAS;ta6epiiorit7 4.a00' of fire Avore (uLm ' Code: l.8• xtTe ~arn's~ep~proval ofzs'Ind ehTeim9-irj6o~ra `tA>i'+Be!TreM:is in,Ure best_irdeiesfs •of tlre;P~~. t•heatih :satety,~d general weGare of the,peeple d•i ~1heTown. - . • - • ROW, THERE50iW- BE' IT 013 A ED J9Y V14E• d 9wW c J ,per }srn► 'argtrt.pursur- Ar6Ge-68 of,TGla 24:.+ VUdtdfi.iaurteBTr_.(14)'daYs,~ar. xid oP Uus ~rdinarroe:•ine' gown' , endistiere augarizadnNddrrerfadim ih Jhe'Sill text of ~ttus Q_ idrance.ut'B.tTmers- ; . d: geneoll:'oiiwlation ~ ririCim ;the-:Tarn >pf ; itlTer:ihe Vail• Valley-TJnres,_~or Uie J~ . nterprisa,-dr. 9r) and: = ' a ardh the ptfificatoh•regt~red ian an ree,•~ish,a notke ttiat,+ ememt ;of Section 2 1), s Y advise the ganeral,p'r~~ Ciat~ tff lenlellt'p1II51tara to•tJus. , h- R~Pr_arat of #hbe- ra~~urent PJm_ ~s the AgreeRient),; ,appiodrdJ of a : • c3'~c tAerrel6piner~ pplI8an estaSJishin~' 'rast- ~rty rigdt ur aooordartcaeaftti the god V of ihe_Aq~r~t wxJ~ursriarit Ad- ` Its, 24; C3a S a§ aid. ; S The'eftactive tlaUe`oJ;tlris saveri~days Haar"' of bhe' n6 x~ed in-Section t1CED, :•PASSJ~ DN' piRSi.NG 12 •AND_ ORDERED .PLIt3LlSFi~).lbis of Otl6b6r.'2001 and:a•pumic'.h dit on. r 'On the 23,-defy of'Oda5er:,'2001,at 530•pm rti" i ` Tarn afiAvon, t;atoraCO J Town Clerk.v r~:BW~fPG[R,DDUCED 'PASSEV ON '_~ND ~ READ "Cue .APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBL75FJ1~ 23rd day of October. 2001. _ ID"-DFAVON, 6 he a' Attest z `Kris is 1 z.'E~J'I~flRP1~I.JCisRON-=. , l;'e~w.wM. a : n .1 O~r'r tiri d~ ofTthe own;of•'Awn '.on Novambef. 7;3Jm1 8 ' {q'~ • puDRshed tare is BJtadied hareta ' • • ' 1 Kft Nash ? Ibm Clark . Published 4n The Eagie Vaiiey>Er*W*ise4Aovem- i • STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT 5:30 P.M. ON THE 23rd DAY OF OCTOBER 2001, AT THE TOWN OF AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO'. 01-15, SERIES OF 2001: An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Concerning the Terms of Annexation, Development and Subdivision of the Lands Described in the McGrady Acres Petition for Annexation; Authorizing and Instructing the Mayor of the Town of Avon to Sign the Agreement on Behalf of the Town; and Approving a Site Specific Development Plan Establishing a Vested Property Right Pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as Amended A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Dated this 10th day of October, 2001. TOVf3-T OF AVON; COLORADO BY: II V / bwn Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON OCTOBER 10, 2001: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY ALPINE BANK AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY 11111 Jill 1111 791057 Page: 8 of 28 04/04/2002 10:30F Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 ANNEXATION, DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR McGRADY ACRES ANNEXATION BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TRAER CREEK LLC AND TRAER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT 791057 Page: 9 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 ,Oct. 23 , 2001 Approval of this plan constitutes a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. 518060.7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 .14 AM 1067 e: 10 of 28 04/04/2002 10:308 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 ANNEXATION, DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS ANNEXATION, DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of OnfnhPr 21 , 2001 by and between EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company ("EMD"), TRAER CREEK LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Traer"), TRAER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ("TCMD"), and the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado (the "Town"). RECITALS A. EMD and Traer are each limited liability companies, duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the State of Colorado. B. Owner (defined in Section 1.1(1) hereof) owns the Property (defined in Section 1.1(n) hereof) and desires to obtain annexation and zoning of the Property in order to develop the Property in a manner' consistent with the uses and .development criteria established by the approved Zoning Application (defined in Section 1.1(x)) and to facilitate construction by TCMD of the Highway 6 Connector Road (defined in Section 1.1(h) hereof) and related public improvements as required by and defined in the Village Annexation Agreement (defined in Section 1.1(u) hereof). C. Traer is the successor to certain of the entities which constituted the "Owner" under the Village Annexation Agreement, and TCMD has assumed certain obligations under the Village Annexation Agreement to finance and construct certain public improvements. D. ' Owner has submitted to the Town the "Annexation Petition," the "Zoning Application" and the "Subdivision Application" (as such terms are defined in Sections 1.1(a), 1.1(x) and 1.1(p) hereof). The Annexation Petition requests annexation of the Property and of certain real property owned by the Town, and of certain existing public transportation rights-of-way necessary for construction of the Highway 6 Connector Road and related public improvements. E. If the Annexation Property is annexed to the Town, the Town will have the authority to zone the Property and approve the subdivision of the Property in accordance with this Agreement and applicable Town requirements and policies. Furthermore, the Town will have the authority to provide for the orderly development of the Project (defined in Section 1.1(m) hereof) and the vesting of certain property development rights concerning the Property. F. Development of the Project.is integral to the performance of certain public improvement obligations as required by the Village Annexation Agreement, and will require large investments in infrastructure improvements and public facilities (which may include offsite improvements), including,without limitation, roads, drainage facilities, water lines,'sewer lines, and similar public improvements which will serve the needs of the Project, TCMD, and the 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 791067 Page: 11 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 Town. Completion of these improvements and facilities will require substantial investments by Owner and/or TCMD. ' Such investments can be supported only if there are assurances that the development of the Project, once approved by the Town, will be allowed to proceed to ultimate completion as contemplated by the Village Annexation Agreement and as provided in this Agreement. G. The Project may contribute substantially to the economic growth of the Town and, consequently, may increase tax revenues to the Town. The Town desires to annex the Annexation Property in order to provide for orderly growth in and around the Town. In particular, the Town and Owner acknowledge that it is necessary and desirable that the Town acquire jurisdiction over the Project in order to assure that the Highway 6 Connector Road and related public improvements are constructed under the Town's regulatory authority in the manner contemplated by the Village Annexation Agreement and by this Agreement. H. The Vested Property Rights Statute (defined in Section 1.1(t) hereof) authorizes the Town to enter into development agreements. with landowners providing for vesting of property development rights. Consistent with the Vested Property Rights Statute, Chapter 17.14 of the Municipal Code authorizes the Town to enter into development agreements with landowners providing for the vesting of property development rights. I. Development of the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement will further the Town's objectives in entering into the Village Annexation Agreement, and will achieve the goals and purposes for which the Vested Property Rights Statute and Chapter 17.14 of the Municipal Code (defined in Section 1.10)) were enacted. In exchange for these benefits and the other benefits to the Town contemplated by this Agreement, together with the public benefits served by the orderly development of the Project, Owner desires to receive the assurance that it may proceed with development of the Project pursuant to the terns and conditions contained in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions and covenants set forth in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Owner and the Town agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 Definitions and General Provisions I.1 Definitions. The following terms and references shall have the meanings indicated: (a) Annexation Petition: The petition for annexation which Owner filed with the Town on August 2, 2001. (b) Annexation Property: The real property which is legally described in Exhibit A of the Annexation Petition. 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 3 s 791057 Page: 12 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle. CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 (c) Development Parcels: Lots 2 and 3, as depicted in and to be established by'the Subdivision Application. (d) Development Plan: Collectively, the Subdivision Application, the Zoning Application, and this Agreement, together with the applicable portions of the Village SIA and the Village Final Plat. (e) Effective Date: The effective date of the Town Council ordinance approving this Agreement. (f) Exhibits: The following Exhibits to this Agreement, all of which are incorporated by reference into and made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A - Legal Description of the Property (g) Final Approval: The 40`h day following the effective date of the latest of the ordinances or resolutions by" which Town Council approves (a) this Agreement, (b) the annexation of the Property to the Town, (c) the Zoning Application, or (d) the Subdivision Application. Final Approval shall be deemed not to have occurred if on or before such 40 day either (i) any legal proceeding challenging any of such approvals is commenced, or (ii) any petition for a referendum seeking to reverse or nullify any of such approvals is duly filed; unless in the case of either (i) or (ii) above, Owner elects not to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.3, and such legal proceedings or referenda are concluded or resolved affirming such approvals within a period of time acceptable to Owner in its sole discretion. (h) Highway 6 Connector Road: As generally described in the Village Annexation Agreement, the road required by the Village Annexation Agreement to be constructed to provide a connection between the Interstate 70 Interchange and Highway 6. (i) Interstate 70 Interchange: As generally described in the Village Annexation Agreement, a full diamond interchange required by the Village Annexation Agreement to be constructed on Interstate 70. (j) Municipal Code: The Town's Municipal Code, as in effect from time to time. (k) Municipal Services: All municipal services to be provided to the Project, including, without limitation, police protection, snow removal and road maintenance, building code enforcement, bus transportation services and other administrative services equivalent to those provided to any other area of the Town. (1) Owner: Collectively, EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company, and TRAER CREEK LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, and their respective successors and assigns. 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 4 0 79'10,17 - Page: 13 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 (m) Project: Development of the Property and construction of the portion of the Highway 6 Connector Road and related public and private improvements located within the area of the Annexation Property, pursuant to the Development Plan. (n) Property: The real property located in unincorporated Eagle. County, Colorado, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached to this Agreement. (o) Public Improvement Obligations: Collectively, the public improvement obligations, including the provision of security to assure completion of such public improvements, required pursuant to Section 16.24.100 of the Municipal Code in' connection with approval of the Subdivision Application to be constructed within the area of the Annexation Property, which public improvements and security therefore, together with the approved design, engineering and technical criteria and standards, shall be as set forth in the Village SIA, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (p) Subdivision Application: Collectively, (i) the preliminary plan which Town Council approved on September 25, 2001, pursuant to Resolution 01-26, Series of 2001; and (ii) the final plat application submitted to the Town. on oct: _ 12 2001, for review and final action contemporaneously with Town Council's final action on the Annexation Petition, as such preliminary plan and final plat may subsequently be amended. (q) Town: The Town of Avon, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. (r) Town Council: The Town Council of the Town. (s) Vested Property Rights: As defined in Section 3.4 and established pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement in accordance with the Vested Property Rights Statute and Chapter 17.14 of the Municipal Code. (t) Vested Property Rights Statute: Sections 24-68-101, et seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended. (u) Village Annexation Agreement: Thaf certain Annexation and Development Agreement, dated as of October 13, 1998, and recorded in the Eagle County, Colorado, real property records on November 25, 1998, at Reception No. 677743, as amended of record. (v) Village Final Plat: The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 final plat (the application for is anticipated to be considered by Town Council after the effective date of this Agreement) as approved by Town Council and placed of record. (w) Village SIA: The subdivision improvements agreement to. be executed by Traer, TCMD, and the Town in connection with the Village Final Plat, as approved by Town Council and placed of record (anticipated to occur after the effective 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23101 11 14 AM 5 - - - - - 791067 Page: 14 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 date of this Agreement), together with all construction and engineering drawings and technical standards approved in connection therewith. (x) Zoning Application: The Neighborhood Commercial Zone District zoning application for the Development Parcels, submitted to the Town on August 2, 2001, and to be considered and acted upon by Town Council as Ordinance No. 01-08, Series of 2001, or such other application for zoning of the Development Parcels as Traer and EMD may submit and Town Council may approve in lieu of the August 2, 2001, submittal. 1.2 Covenants. The provisions of this Agreement shall constitute covenants or servitudes which shall touch, attach to and run with the land comprising the Property, and the burdens and benefits of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of all estates and interests in the Property and all successors in interest to the parties to this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in Section 1.4. 1.3 Term. In recognition of the importance of the development contemplated under this Agreement in implementing and realizing the public benefits contemplated in the Village Annexation Agreement which are dependent on development of the Project, the substantial investment and time required to complete the development of the Project, and the possible impact of economic cycles and varying market conditions during the course of development, the term of the Vested Property Rights established under this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the twentieth (20th) anniversary of the Effective Date. After the expiration of the foregoing term, the Vested Property Rights established by this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further force or effect; provided, however, that such termination shall not effect (a) the annexation of the Property to the Town; '(b) any additional common law or other form of vested rights obtained prior to such termination, or (c) any right arising from Town permits, approvals or other entitlements for the Property or the Project which were granted or approved prior to, concurrently with, or subsequent to the approval of this Agreement, the Subdivision Application, or the Zoning Application. . 1.4 Amendment of Agreement. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended or terminated only by mutual consent in writing of the Town and Owner following the public notice and public hearing procedures required for approval of this Agreement. For the purposes of any amendment to this Agreement, "Owner" shall mean only the signatories to this Agreement constituting Owner and those parties, if any, to whom such signatories have specifically granted, in writing, the power to enter into such amendment. 1.5 Cooperation in Defending Legal Challenges. If any legal or equitable action or other proceeding is commenced by a third party challenging the validity of any provision of this Agreement, the zoning of the Property, and/or the subdivision of the Property, Owner and the Town shall cooperate in defending such action or proceeding and to bear their own expenses in connection therewith. Unless the Town and' Owner otherwise agree, each party shall select and pay its own legal counsel to represent it in connection with such action or proceeding. 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 1114 AM 6 067 15 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 ARTICLE 2 Annexation of the Property 2.1 Annexation. Annexation of the Property shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Colorado Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, as amended (C.R.S. 31-12-101, et seq.). 2.2 Conditions Precedent. Annexation of the Property to the Town shall not be made effective pursuant to C.R.S. § 31-12-113(2)(b) until the following conditions have been satisfied: (a) Owner, TCMD and the Town have mutually executed and delivered this Agreement; and (b) Final Approval has occurred. 2.3 Failure of Conditions. Until all of the conditions set forth in Section 2.2 have been satisfied, Owner may withdraw the Annexation. Petition. If Owner withdraws the Annexation Petition, or if Final Approval does not occur, then the Property shall be deemed not annexed to the Town, the Vested Property Rights described in this Agreement shall be deemed not established, and all obligations of the Town, TCMD and Owner under this Agreement which are to be performed after the annexation becomes effective shall be deemed void and of no force or effect. ARTICLE 3 Zoning and Vested Rights 3.1 Zonin . The Development Parcels shall be zoned as provided in this Agreement and in the Zoning Application. Tracts A and B as depicted in the Subdivision Application shall be zoned to accommodate their use as a public right-of-way. 3.2 Subdivision and Subdivision Improvements Agreement. The Annexation Property "shall be platted as set forth in the Subdivision Application, subject to the following provisions: (a) Ownership of Lots. Upon completion of the subdivision process, the Town will be the sole owner of Lot 1, Traer will be the sole owner of the Development Parcels, and ownership of Tract A, Tract B, and other public rights-of-way situate within the Property shall be as otherwise provided in Section 4.1 of this Agreement. In connection with recordation of the final plat approved as part of the Subdivision Application, the Town, Traer, EMD and TCMD shall, in addition to any specific obligations otherwise established in this Agreement, execute, deliver and record such documents and instruments as may be required to assure that fee simple absolute title to Lot 1 is vested in the Town, and that fee simple absolute title to the Development Parcels is vested in Traer. The parties contemplate that TCMD will own Tracts A and B unless and until TCMD conveys either tract as contemplated in other provisions of this Agreement. (b) Security for performance of Public Improvement Obligations. Execution, delivery and recordation of this Agreement shall satisfy the requirement of Section 16.24. 100 of the Municipal Code with respect to the provision of a subdivision improvements agreement for the Annexation Property. The Public Improvement 519060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 7 0 0 Obligations shall be as set forth in the Village SIA; provided, however, that the obligation to perform the Public Improvement Obligations shall not arise unless and until final, non-appealable approval, mutual execution and delivery, and' recordation in the Eagle County, Colorado, real property records of the Village Final Plat and the Village SIA has occurred. Unless and until final, non-appealable approval, mutual execution and delivery, and recordation in the Eagle County, Colorado, real property records of the Village SIA has occurred, the following restrictions shall apply: (i) The Town shall have no obligation to issue any building permit for development of the Development Parcels. (ii) After completing the conveyances described in subparagraph (a) of this Section 3.2, and except as otherwise provided in this sub-subparagraph (ii), Traer shall be ' restricted from conveying the Development - Parcels to any third party, which restriction on conveyance shall be specifically co enforceable by the Town and is hereby made a covenant running with title to the m Development Parcels. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon providing prior I` ° m co~mm; written notice thereof to the Town Traer may convey one or both lots constitutin ~ Y Y g N o the Development Parcels to an affiliate of Traer for tax planning or similar T ~ m purposes. For purposes hereof, "affiliate of Traer" shall mean any member of a m Traer and any entity in which Traer or any member of Traer holds at least a 50% ®a interest. The notice of such conveyance shall be delivered to the Town at least fifteen (15) days prior to the conveyance, and shall describe the relationship of the affiliate to Traer in sufficient detail for the Town to confirm that the affiliate meets the definition set forth herein. The Town may object to such conveyance ®N only on the basis that the proposed transferee is not an affiliate as defined herein. If the Town provides written notice within the fifteen (15) day period that it ® ®o objects to the conveyance on that basis, Traer shall not effect the conveyance unless and until the Town withdraws its objection or it is otherwise established that the transferee meets the definition of affiliate set forth herein. ®y Upon recordation of the Village SIA, the Town shall execute and deliver to Traer for ®LL recordation a memorandum sufficient to provide record notice that the restriction on conveyance described in the foregoing sub-subparagraph (ii) is released and of no further force or effect. 3.3 Vesting of PropertyRights. This Agreement, the Zoning Application, and the Subdivision Application, collectively, constitute an approved "site-specific development plan" as defined in the Vested Property Rights Statute and Section 17.14.100 of the Municipal Code. The owners of the Property shall have Vested Property Rights to undertake and complete development and use of the Property and the Project as provided in the Development Plan. Pursuant to Section 17.14.050 of the Municipal Code: Approval of this plan constitutes a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. 5180607 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 8 0 0 3.4 Property Rights Vested. The rights identified below shall constitute the Vested Property Rights under this Agreement: (a) The right to develop, plan and engage in land uses within the Property and the Project in the manner and to the extent set forth in and pursuant to the Development Plan. (b) The right to develop, plan and engage in land uses within the Property and the Project in accordance with the densities, physical development standards_ and other physical parameters set forth in the Development Plan. (c) The right to develop the Project in the order, at the rate and at the time as market conditions dictate, subject to the terms and conditions of the Development Plan. (d) The right to develop and complete the development of .the Project (including, without limitation, the right to receive all Town approvals necessary, for the development of the Project) with conditions, standards and dedications which are no more onerous than those imposed by the Town upon other developers in the Town on a uniform, non-discriminatory and consistent basis, and subject only to the exactions and requirements set forth in the Development Plan; provided that such conditions, standards and dedications shall not directly or indirectly have the effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on development, delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of the Owner's rights set forth in the Development Plan. (e) The Town shall not initiate any zoning, land use or other legal or administrative action that would directly or indirectly have the effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on development, delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of the Owner's rights set forth in the Development Plan. 3.5 No Obligation to Develop. Except as the Village Annexation Agreement provides otherwise, Owner shall have no obligation to develop all or any portion of the Project and shall have no liability to the Town or any other party for its failure. to develop all or any part of the Project. 3.6 Compliance with General Regulations. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the establishment of Vested Property Rights under this Agreement shall not preclude the application on a uniform and non-discriminatory basis of Town regulations of general applicability (including, but not limited to, building, fire, plumbing, electrical and mechanical codes, the Municipal Code, and other Town rules and regulations) or the application of state or federal regulations, as all of such regulations exist on the date of this Agreement or may be enacted or amended after the date of this Agreement; provided, however, that such newly enacted or amended Town regulations shall not directly or indirectly have the, effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140 791067 Page: 17 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 .00 D 0.00 0 0 development, delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of Owner's Vested Property Rights. Owner does not waive its right to oppose the enactment or amendment of any such regulations. ARTICLE 4 Hishway 6 Connector Road and Related Public Improvements 4.1 Access; Roads. Access, ingress and egress to, from and within the Project by public street shall be as generally depicted in the Subdivision Application and more particularly described in the Village Final Plat and the Village SIA. Nothing set forth herein shall prohibit or limit Owner's right to construct or maintain private roads and drives on any portion of Owner's property. TCMD shall construct the public roads within the Project in accordance with applicable Town standards as set forth in the Village Final Plat and the Village SIA. The establishment of rights-of-way for and construction of public streets within the Project shall be as set forth below. (a) Highway 6 Connector Road. The alignment of the Highway 6 Connector Road and the configuration of the intersections of the Highway 6 Connector Road with the other public rights-of-way within 'the Project shall be as set forth in the Village Final Plat and the Village SIA. As more particularly set forth in the Village Annexation Agreement, and pursuant to the terms and. conditions thereof, TCMD shall own the Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way and shall construct and own the improvements within the Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way. In order to facilitate construction of the Highway 6 Connector Road, TCMD shall endeavor to assemble the requisite right-of-way by a combination of one or more of the following means: (i) acquisition from the County of Eagle of those portions of the Property consisting of existing dedicated public rights-of-way situate within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road alignment, (ii) conveyance from Owner of Tract A as depicted in the Subdivision Application, and (iii) acquisition from the owner thereof, whether by condemnation or conveyance in lieu thereof, of any additional property situate within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way. During the period of TCMD's ownership of the Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way and improvements, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Village Annexation Agreement, the Town shall maintain the Highway 6 Connector Road and the Town shall calculate and TCMD shall reimburse the Town for such services in the same manner as provided ' in the Village Annexation Agreement for roads located within the Village (at Avon). (b) Nottingham Ranch Road. In order to facilitate construction of the Highway 6 Connector Road, TCMD shall endeavor to acquire, from the County of Eagle the existing right-of-way for Nottingham Ranch Road as dedicated by previously approved subdivision plats. Upon acquiring the requisite rights-of-way as provide herein, TCMD shall realign Nottingham Ranch Road as generally depicted in the Subdivision Application and, with respect to the intersection with the Highway 6 Connector Road, as more particularly set forth the Village Final Plat and the Village SIA. Those portions of the existing Nottingham Ranch Road right-of-way which are within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way shall be subject to the provisions of subparagraph (a) above. Upon completion of the Highway 6 Connector Road and related re-alignment of Nottingham Ranch Road as provided for herein, TCMD shall convey to 791067 5180607 NCAYER 10/23/01 11 14 Ana - 10 1111111111111 111111 11~ 11111111 04Page: 18 of 10830E Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 0 0 the Town by quit claim deed, or otherwise dedicate to the Town, those portions of the existing Nottingham Ranch Road right-of-way which are not within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way, and which continue. to be utilized as public right-of-way for the realigned Nottingham Ranch Road.. From and after such conveyance or dedication, the Town shall own and maintain all improvements within the Nottingham Ranch Road right-of-way as realigned. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, TCMD shall retain Tract B, and reserves the right to convey Tract B to an adjacent property owner if, in the sole and absolute determination of TCMD's board, of directors, such conveyance will facilitate acquisition of the requisite public rights-of-way or is otherwise in the public interest. In connection with any such conveyance and upon receipt of a request from TCMD, the Town Council shall consider and promptly take final action on an ordinance disconnecting Tract B in accordance with Section 31-12-501 C.R.S., as amended. (c) Eagle Bend Drive. In order to facilitate construction of the Highway 6 Connector Road and related public improvements, TCMD shall endeavor to acquire from the County of Eagle the existing right-of-way for the portion of Eagle Bend Drive situate within the Property as dedicated by previously approved subdivision plats. Upon acquiring the requisite rights-of-way as provide herein and completing construction of the bridge to be constructed over the Eagle River as provided in the Village SIA, TCMD shall realign and otherwise re-configure Eagle Bend Drive as depicted in the Subdivision Application and, as applicable, in the Village Final Plat, and the Village SIA. Those portions of the existing Eagle Bend Drive right-of-7way which are within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way shall be subject to the provisions of subparagraph (a) above. Upon completion of the Highway 6 Connector Road and related realignment and reconfiguration of Eagle Bend Drive, as generally provided herein, TCMD shall convey to the Town by quit claim deed or otherwise dedicate to the Town those portions of the existing Eagle Bend Drive right-of-way which are not within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road and which continue to be . utilized as public right-of-way for the realigned Eagle Bend Drive. From and after such conveyance or dedication, the Town shall thereafter own and maintain all improvements within the Eagle Bend Drive right-of-way as realigned and reconfigured. With respect to the portion of current Eagle Bend Drive right-of-way which is neither conveyed or dedicated to the Town, as required above, nor situate within the proposed Highway 6 Connector Road right-of-way, following completion of the realignment and reconfiguration of Eagle Bend Drive, (i) TCMD shall convey to Traer any such portion which is situate within the Development Parcels, and (ii) TCMD shall convey to the Town any such portion which is situate within Lot 1, as depicted in the Subdivision Application. 4.2 Municipal Services. Except as this Agreement expressly provides otherwise, the Town shall provide all Municipal Services to the Property on a uniform and non-discriminatory basis, upon the same terms and conditions as such services are provided to other areas within the Town. 791067 Page: 19 of 28 04/04/2002 10:300 Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM I I • ARTICLE 5 Default, Remedies, Termination -u- co m I r 0NG CQ m m m O N N ~ r m 0) C~ I`- a m m G ®W ®W_ CD M N ® WMWMM~ ® v ro I ®W i ®rl N ~I I ® ro ro 5.1 Default by Town. A "breach" or "default" by the Town under this Agreement shall be defined as:' (a) any zoning, land use or other action or inaction, direct, indirect or pursuant to an initiated measure, taken without Owner's consent, that alters, impairs, prevents, diminishes, imposes a moratorium on development, delays or otherwise materially and adversely affects any development, use or other rights of Owner under the Development Agreement; or (b) the Town's failure to fulfill or perform any material obligation of the Town contained in this Agreement. 5.2 Default by Owner or by TCMD. A "breach" or "default" by Owner or by TCMD shall be defined as a failure to fulfill or perform any material obligation of that party contained in this Agreement. 5.3 Notices of Default. If any party defaults under this Agreement, the non-defaulting party or parties shall deliver written notice to the defaulting party or parties of such default, at the address specified in Section 6.8, and the defaulting party or parties shall have 30 days from and after receipt of such notice to cure such default. If such default is not of a type which can be cured within such 30-day period and the defaulting party or parties gives written notice to the non-defaulting party or parties within such 30-day period that it is actively and diligently pursuing such cure, the defaulting party or parties shall have a reasonable period of time given the nature of the default following the end of such 30-day period to cure such default, provided that such defaulting party is at all times within such additional time period actively and diligently pursuing such cure. 5.4 Remedies. (a) If any default under this Agreement is not cured as described above, the non-defaulting party or parties shall have the right to enforce the defaulting party's obligations hereunder by an action for any equitable remedy, including injunction and/or specific performance, and/or an action to recover damages. Each remedy provided for in this Agreement is cumulative and is in addition to every other remedy provided for in this Agreement or otherwise existing at law, in equity or by statute. (b) The Town acknowledges that since this Agreement constitutes a development agreement which confers Vested Property Rights for a period exceeding three years, if 'the Town breaches or defaults hereunder, in addition to any of the foregoing remedies, Owner shall be entitled to: (i) : recover from the Town any damages that would have been specifically available to Owner as contemplated in Colorado Revised Statutes Section 24-68-105(1)(c) as in effect on the Effective Date, plus any other and additional damages provable at law; and (ii) cause the Property, or any portion thereof designated by Owner, to be disconnected from the Town. 5180607 MLAYER 10/23/01 1114 AM 12 :.fi-,:~,. I~NIVInININInI~NNI~IIIIMVIIIIIIIIIII ° Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 289 R 140. 00 D 0.00 ARTICLE 6 Miscellaneous 6.1 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 6.2 No Joint Venture or Partnership. No form of joint venture or partnership exists between the Town, TCMD and/or Owner, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as making the Town, TCMD and/or Owner joint venturers or partners. 6.3 Expenses. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Owner and the Town shall each bear their respective costs and expenses associated with entering into, implementing and enforcing the terms of this Agreement. 6.4 Waiver. No waiver of one or more of the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of other terms. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement in any instance shall constitute a waiver of such provision in other instances. 6.5 Town Findings. Town hereby finds and determines that execution of this Agreement is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare and the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with the Town's comprehensive plan, development regulations and policies. 6.6 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect so long as enforcement of the remaining provisions would not be inequitable to the party against whom they are being enforced under the facts and circumstances then pertaining. 6.7 Further Assurances. Each party shall execute and deliver to the other all such other further instruments and documents as may be reasonably necessary to carry out this Agreement in order to provide and secure to the other party the full and complete enjoyment of its rights and privileges under this Agreement. 6.8 , Notices. Any notice or communication required under this Agreement between the Town and Owner must be in writing, and may be given either personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. If given by registered or certified mail, the same shall be deemed to have been given and received on the first to occur of (i) actual receipt by any of the addressees designated below as the party to whom notices are to be sent, or (ii) five days after a registered or certified letter containing such notice, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, is deposited in the United States mail. If personally delivered, a notice shall be deemed to have been given' when delivered to the party to whom it is addressed. Any party hereto may at any time, by giving written notice to the other party hereto as provided in this Section, designate additional persons to whom notices or communications shall be given, and designate any other address in substitution of the address to which such notice or communication shall be given. Such notices or communications shall be given to the parties at their addresses set forth below: 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 1114 AM 13 If to Town: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: Town Manager With a required copy to: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: Town Attorney If to Owner, by mail delivery: m , N Traer Creek LLC r 0NNG P.O. Box 640 to N N a Vail, Colorado 81658 ° Attention: William J. Post, Esq. C mm 0.00 'EMD Limited Liability Company ® P.O. Box 640 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: William J. Post, Esq. m o Or, for delivery other than by mail, ® Traer Creek LLC ~vo 0322 East Beaver Creek Blvd. ®W Avon, Colorado 81620 ®W Attention: William J. Post, Esq. _®m ® EMD Limited Liability Company 0322 East Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, Colorado 81620 - Attention: William J. Post, Esq. With a required copy to: 0 Often, Johnson, Robinson, Neff & Ragonetti, P.C. 950 17th Street, Suite 1600 Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention: Munsey L. Ayers, Esq. 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 14 0 0 If to TCMD by mail delivery Traer Creek Metropolitan District P.O. Box 640 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attention: President Or, for delivery other than by mail Traer Creek Metropolitan District 0322 East Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: President With a required copy to: Traer Creek Metropolitan District c/o McGeady & Sisneros, P.C. 1675 Broadway Suite 2100 Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention: Darlene Sisneros, Esq. 6.9 Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, shall inure to the benefit of the successors in interest or the legal representatives of the parties hereto. Owner shall have the right to assign or transfer all or any portion of its interests, rights or obligations under this Agreement to third parties acquiring an 'interest or estate, in. the Property, including; but not -limited to, purchasers or long term ground lessees of individual lots, parcels, or of any improvements now or hereafter located within the Property, provided that to the extent Owner assigns any of its obligations under this Agreement, the assignee of such obligations shall expressly assume such obligations. The express assumption of any of Owner's obligations under this Agreement by its assignee or transferee shall thereby relieve Owner of any further obligations under this Agreement with respect to the matter so assumed. 6.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 6.11 Recitals. The recitals hereof are hereby incorporated herein by this reference and made substantive provisions of this Agreement. IIIkIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINII~IIIUII Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140 791067 Page: 23 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 00 0 0.00 518060 7 MLAM 10123/01 11 14 AM 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and the Town have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. OWNER: TRAER CREEK LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By: Name: Magnus indholm Title: Manager EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company By: LAVA CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation, Manager By: - - Nam : Magnu indholm Title: President TCMD: TRAER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado By: Name: Willia'm-J.Pwf'v Title: President ATTEST: lu 791067 I Page: 24 of 21 III 04/04/2002 10 Sara J Ftsher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 N~ Gr ATE Title: Secretary 300 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 16 TIDE TOWN: TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado N Title Mayor Approved as to legal form by: Q Name: „-t r_cc,a - 6A Title: Town Attorney STATE OF COLORADO ) ss: COUNTY OF j:.ALA`E ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 23rd day of 2001, by Magnus Lindholm, as Manager of Traer Creek LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 12-•8 •Z;Sz4 111111 jjjj~~Jj 1111 ~11 791157 Page: 25 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11.14 AM 1 • 0 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss: COUNTY OF EN.,, l,E ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 SA day of Q mrs'S' . , 2001, by Magnus Lindholm, as President of LAVA Corporation, a Colorado corporation, as Manager of EMD Limited Liability Company, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 2 • • ZOOS ~ Put ERIC Ann '0A11 no REGAT Notary is pF C®l, 791067 Page: 26 of 28 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0.00 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss: COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged- before me this 23rd day of ~.•~pbpy , 2001, by William J. Post, as President of Traer Creek Metropolitan District, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: i 1.~OZ I~o~i° Notary *j 0 ®Cti a O BYJA" 5180607 ML.AYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 18 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss: COUNTY OF Eagle ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me -this 2-j _ day of gatohnr_ , 2001, by 3a3, yocitar , as Mayor of the Town of Avon, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. Witness my hand and off ion expires: , • pTA9.cfy Poo •V80 cF co My commission Expires 9/19/M 791067 Page: 27 of 28 Sara J Fisher Eagle. co 288 R 140.00 /04D2000010.30C 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 14 AM 19 • • Ti VUTUTT A Legal Description of the Property Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 McCrady Acres, according to the final plat thereof recorded in Book 558 at Page 533, in the off ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. Page: 28 of 28 111111 Hill - 791067 04/04/2002 10:309 Sara J Fisher Eagle CO 289 R 140.00 D 0_00 518060 7 MLAYER 10/23/01 11 .14 AM A-1 • C Q D~rc~raP.P.O, C-Do,-,C q-75 70,14Q, CF -A, ANln.l y CO ~ICo?O k Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer-NO Da#e: October 4, 2001 Re: McCrady Acres - Annexation, Development and Subdivision Improvement Agreement - First Reading Ordinance No. 01-15, Series of 2001, an Ordinance Approving an Agreement Concerning the Terms of Annexation, Development and Subdivision of the Lands Described in the McCrady Acres Petition for Annexation; Authorizing and Instructing the Mayor of the Town of Avon to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the Town; and Approving a Site Specific Development Plan Establishing a Vested Property Right Pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as Amended. Summary: Ordinance 01-15, Series of 2001 would approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the attached "Annexation, Development and Subdivision Improvement Agreement for McCrady Acres Annexation by and between the Town of Avon and EMD Limited Liability Company, Traer Creek LLC and Traer Creek Metropolitan District. In general this Agreement provides that proposed Lots 2 and 3 will be zoned Neighborhood Commercial in conformance with the their Zoning Application, the Subdivision will be platted in conformance with the Subdivision Application and that these applications and this agreement will constitute an approved site-specific development plan. This site-specific development plan will establish a vested property right with a term of 20 years. The Agreement further provides for execution of appropriate documents to establish titles to Town and Developer owned properties to correspond with the revised Lot lines in the Resubdivision. The Agreement also establishes Security for Performance of Public Improvement Obligations as required by the Avon Municipal Code. This security will be provided through the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for The Village (at Avon), Filing 1 and the Town is authorized to withhold all building permits in the annexed area until this agreement is in place and fully funded. BEngineering\Avon Vi11age\Anaezation\Annex Dev & SIA Ord 01-15 Memo.Doc We recommend first reading approval of Ordinance No. 01-15, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Concerning the Terms of Annexation, Development and Subdivision of the Lands Described in the McGrady Acres Petition for Annexation; Authorizing and Instructing the Mayor of the Town of Avon to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the Town; and. Approving a Site Specific Development Plan Establishing a Vested Property Right Pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as Amended. Pr6posed Motion:. I move to approve on first reading, Ordinance No. 01-15, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Concerning the Terms of Annexation,'Development and Subdivision of the Lands Described in the McGrady Acres Petition for Annexation; Authorizing and Instructing the Mayor of the Town of 'Avon to Sign the Agreement on behalf of the Town; and Approving a Site Specific Development Plan Establishing a Vested Property Right Pursuant to Article 68 of-Title 24, C.R.S., as Amended. Town Manager Comments: IAEngineering\Avon Village\Annexation\Annex Dev & SIA Ord 01-15 Memo.Doc 2