TC Ord. No. 1992-03 Amending Chapter 8.24 of the Muni Code of the Town of Avon relating to limitation of construction activityTOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 92 - 3 SERIES OF 1992 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, RELATING TO LIMITATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has a responsibility to the health, safety and welfare of it's citizens; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has determined that certain construction activities conducted at certain times of the day or week may be considered as a public nuisance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon: Section 1 Amendment. Chapter 8.24 be amended by the addition of Section 8.24.085 Limitation On Construction Activity, to read as follows: Construction and excavation activity which produces audible noise at the property lines of the lot or parcel on which such activity is taking place shall be limited to 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. on Saturdays and 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. on Sundays and national holidays. Any construction activity which produces audible noise at the property lines of the parcel containing such activity at times other than the allowable hours shall be deemed a public nuisance. There shall be no limitations on construction activities occuring Monday through Friday, with the exception of national holidays as noted above. Section 2 Violation - Penalty. Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, provided that each separate act in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or each and every day or portion thereof during which any separate act in violation of this chapter is committed, continued, or permitted, shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 3 Exceptions. Utility repair work that may be classified as emergency conditions is exempt from the limitations of this ordinance. Section 4 Severability. If any part, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council for the Town of Avon hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance and each part, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this 24th day of March 1992, and a public hearing shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the 14th day of April , 1992 at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON n~A L~~~ Jerr Davi Mayor ATTEST: P tty Ne art, own clerk 1kh ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 14thDpy OF April 1992. Jerry,Davis Mayor A Patty Neyha 4,T Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, AT 7:30 P.M. ON THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1992, AT THE TOWN HALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 92-3, SERIES OF 1992: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, RELATING TO LIMITATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. A copy of said ordinance is attached hereto, and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Dated this 26th day of March, 1992. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Patty Ney art Town Cler POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MARCH 26, 1992: AVON POST OFFICE IN THE MAIN LOBBY CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY COASTAL MART, INC.; AND AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY M E M 0 TO: William D. James, Town Manager FROM: Rick Pylman, Director of Community Development DATE: February 7, 1992 RE: Construction Hours At a recent meeting of the Avon Town Council, the Council directed Staff to investigate the issue of limiting hours of construction and requested us to bring forward ideas for discussion. This issue was originally brought up by several residents that have been impacted by recent construction projects. Further conversation with these people has identified the main issues with construction projects in residential areas as noise, dust and litter control, with noise the first and foremost concern. While construction can undoubtedly have short term negative impacts to adjacent properties, the issue of limiting the allowable hours of construction activity is very sensitive in this area. Our local environment dictates a very short construction season and limitations on construction hours may create scheduling problems and result in higher construction costs. The majority of contractors that I have spoken with in the last several weeks have expressed these concerns, but also believe that some reasonable restrictions can protect neighbors without adversly affecting the contractor. I believe that if we structured an ordinance along the following lines, we could provide relief to properties adjacent to construction projects without adversely affecting local contractors. On Monday through Saturday construction be limited to daylight hours, in other words, from sunrise to sunset. On Sunday allowable construction hours would be 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. During these hours the contractor would be allowed to carry out any activity normally associated with construction without limitation. Outside of these hours activity would be allowed on the site as long as there is no audible noise at the property lines of the project. The audible noise restriction would still allow certain types of work to take place, but would eliminate the main objection of adjacent owners. I believe regulations along this line will effectively mitigate the negative impacts of construction projects, while allowing contractors and builders the time needed to complete projects within our short building season. I would also suggest that any ordinance addressing this issue include strict dust and litter cotnrol measures, as well as penalties for non-compliance. : c cc ~`C 1y\MR"1 f - two A4k 6'2PfGS. ~lK_lalt~!At LS 1U- U. I ~ P L - A -t-U-4- i i o Je- mali4w LX k4 4fp Avon, Colorado November 1,1991 Mr. Rick Pylman Director of Community Development Town of Avon Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Rick: During the past summer we have become acutely aware of the effect of construction activities on people already established in homes or businesses adjacent to the construction. As you know our home at 2000 Hurd Lane is just 50 feet, wall to wall, from the Eaglebend affordable housing project. From early April until now we have been subjected to the noise and other effects of the construction activities from early morning until late evening seven days a week. We have lived in this location since 1970 and all of our family members are active in the business community. We are well aware of the need for housing for employes if the area is to continue to grow and prosper. No matter how great the need, the con- struction itself should not be allowed to overflow on to the already existing housing in Eaglebend or any other established area. To this end we recommend that the Town of Avon deal with this problem through one or more ordinances that address the problem. 1. Daily construction hours be limited to the period 7 AM to 6 PM 2. No construction work be allowed from noon on Saturday until 7 AM on Monday, and that official holidays be observed in a like manner. dust 3. Dust control measures be required to a degree where no/blows or settles onto adjacent properties. 4. Litter control be practiced to a degree where no construction debris makes it's way on to any adjacent properties. 5. No construction activities be allowed to invade or trespass on to adjacent property without written consent of the owners in question. We believe such restrictions should be in place prior to the 1992 construction season. I am available at any time to provide details or explanations for any of the above. Sing , /f ~fCIG FRANK DOLL