TC Ord. No. 1983-4101MINANCE NO. R-1-41 Series of 1983 AN ORDINANCE ANE LADING THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF AVON; AMID ZONING CAIN PROPERTY RECENTLY ANNEXED THEREPO. ItEMS, pursuant to Ordinance No. , Series of 198, the Town of Avon has annexed to the Town a parcel of real property described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Parcel"); and WfE,REAS, the Town of Avon has, pursuant to Ordinance No. 79-12, Series of 1979, established a set of Zoning Districts and adopted a Zoning Map reflect- ing such Zoning Districts; and WEIEREAS, the Town of Avon desires to designate a Zoning District applic- able to the Parcel and to amend the Zoning Map to reflect such designation; and WHEMS, as provided by Ordinance No. 79-12, the Design Review Board of the Town of Avon has held a hearing concerning the proposed zoning of such Parcel, and has recommended that the Parcel be zoned RHDC (Residential High Density & Cmrmrcial). NOW, TMUORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL, OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: 1. Classification of Parcel. The real property located in the Town of Avon, more particularly described in Exhibit A hereto, is hereby classified RE= (Residential High Density & Commercial), as provided in Ordinance No. 79-12 of the Town of Avon. The Zoning Map of the Town of Avon is hereby amended by designating the Parcel as REIDC, as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit B. 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Avon, and the Town Clerk is directed to amend the Zoning Map of the Town as provided herein. Ili, PASSED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this day of , 1983, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the TOam Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the day of , 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Offices of the Town. Mayor Town Clerk RURC DUCED, PASSED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AMID ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY THIS DAY OF , 1983. Mayor Town Clerk - 2 - Honorable Mayor and Town Council Town of Avon, 00 Gentlemen: I, Grace Jenkins 'White, owner of the property located east of Avon Road and U.S. Highway 6 intersection and north of U.S. Highway 6 and legally described in the attached Legal Description respectfully request the rezoning of my property in the County to RHDC; said property to be used for office and residential dwellings. I believe this zoning change should be made for reasons described in the attached Description of Application. Respectfully submitted, Grace Jenkins 'White, Owner P.O. Box 169, Avon, CO 81620 (Petitioner's address (303) 949-5563 (Phone comber) Agent for Applicant: Knight Planning Service Terrill Knight P.O. Box 947 Eagle, CO 81631 (303) 328-6371 Edward F./ Rodgers, by Grace White, Attorney-in-Fact F 1 ~ J / 4el 100, tloo JT T~ vi T ~ 3 OL _ ' Q~iozi r,~ o ~•~r DESCRIF.VION OF `APPLICATION This application involves property which is in the process of annexation into the Town of Avon; therefore this is to become the initial town zoning on the property. The vicinity of this property is characterized by considerable new development. Both high density development projects, either currently under construction or completed, and high density zoning are prevalent along the U.S. Highway 6 corridor. Original density allocations in the Eagle/Vail P.U.D. are concentrated in-the vicinity of the subject property as well as recently approved zoning in the County and Town of Avon on the east, south and north. Commercial uses occur-to the west. The Avon Road/Highway 6 intersec tion is the focus of intensive use development. The property is well suited for Highway business and office uses with same areas desirable for residential use due to the Eagle River frontage. As described on the attached maps the land lies in a strip along the Eagle River on the north and Highway 6 on the south. The relatively narrow configuration of the parcel confines development to a degree such that no major large scale uses are anticipated. A mix of office use mixed with some residential dwell- ings is suggested. The primary aesthetic asset is, of course, the Eagle River with the traffic associated problems of the highway being both a negative aspect and the key access point. As the property is well below the highway and well vegetated very little visual impact will be experienced by surrounding properties. of the total acreage of 3.5735 acres the useable portion is only 1.6603 acres which becomes the de facto density and use control mechanism. Coupled with this relatively small amount of land the proposed mixed use is quite compatible with the adjacent neighborhood and the larger vicinity. Water, sewer and electric power are prevalent in the area. Extensions will be necessary to directly serve the property but adequate capacity exists in the immediate area. DIV r i d.. r~ 1 ~ I f