TC Minutes 07-10-2012MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD JULY 10, 2012 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Kristi Ferraro, Todd Goulding, Amy Phillips and Buz Reynolds. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Acting Town Manager Patty McKenny, Town Advisor Larry Brooks, Finance Director Scott Wright, Director PW &T Jenny Strehler, Deputy Town Clerk /HR Asst. Catherine Mythen, Community Relations Officer Jaime Walker, as well as other staff members and the public. COMMUNITY & CITIZEN INPUT a. Saved by the Belt" Presentation (Bob Ticer, Police Chief) Recognition to Brad Zellefrow and Lara Wahl as Survivors of the two vehicle collision that occurred on Mother's Day at the Avon 1 -70 Exit Bob Ticer, Police Chief, recognized Brad Zellefrow and Lara Wahl as Survivors of the two vehicle collision that occurred on Mother's Day at the Avon 1 -70 Exit. b. Eagle County School District Update (Tom Braun, Braun Associates Inc.) Requesting time at a future meeting to present an update on the District's School Needs Analysis Tom Braun, Braun Associates Inc and representative for the Eagle County School District, noted that town representatives and the school district met and it was determined that the school district would present information related to theschool projections and school needs at a future meeting. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from June 19, 2012 (Special Meeting) Mayor Carroll asked for a motion on the June 191h Special Meeting Minutes. Councilor Ferraro moved to approve the consent agenda and Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Evans and Goulding abstained) b. Minutes from June 26, 2012 Mayor Carroll asked for a motion on the June 26th Meeting Minutes. Councilor Evans moved to approve the consent agenda and Councilor Dantas seconded the motion and it passed unanimously (Reynolds Abstained) c. Minutes from June 29, 2012 (Special Meeting) Mayor Carroll asked for a motion on the June 291h Special Meeting Minutes. Councilor Goulding moved to approve the consent agenda and Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing for Amplified Sound Permit (Patty McKenny, Asst. Town Manager) Applicant Name: TEAM Unlimited LLC Event Name: XTERRA Mountain Championship Race Event Manager: David Nicholas Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park Event Dates & Times: Saturday, July 14, 2012: 6:30 AM until 10 AM Tray Garman representing David Nicholas gave a brief presentation about the Xterra Mountain Championship Race. HeHe noted the times and dates the event was in Avon. Mayor Carroll opened the public hearing and no comments were made and he closed the public hearing. Councilor Dantas moved to approve Amplified Sound Permit for the XTERRA Mountain Championship Race; Councilor Evans Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Revocable Encroachment License Agreement between Town of Avon and Millsmore, LLC (Northside Coffee) for Lease of Town owned Property (Lot 4, Buck Creek) to be used for Parking Area for Northside Coffee (Jared Barnes, Planner 1) Review agreement for the grant of a revocable encroachment license that allows for town owned property to be used for parking Jared Barnes, Planner I, gave a brief review of the proposed revocable encroachment license agreement between the Town of Avon and Millsmore, LLC for parking use on town property for Northside Cafe. Staff recommended that the applicant provide a connection as a public benefit in return for the use of the property. Dominic Mauriello representing the applicant was available for questions. Mayor Carroll moved to approve the Revocable Encroachment License Agreement between Town of Avon and Millsmore, LLC (Northside Coffee) for Lease of Town owned Property (Lot 4, Buck Creek) to be used for Parking Area for Northside Coffee with the addition of a date to section 3.2 to reflect the construction of the sidewalk path. Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUDGET 2013 a. Personnel and Benefits Programs (Patty McKenny, Acting Town Manager, Scott Wright, Finance Director) Review Personnel Programs and Benefits Patty McKenny, Acting Town Manager, Scott Wright, Finance Director gave a presentation regarding the Budget and Personnel and Benefits programs. The following items were reviewed: • Retention and turnover • Financial Impacts • Compensation • SWOTAnalysis • Health Reform Operational Impact The Town Council asked for some further follow up on a number of topics. VILLAGE (AT AVON) PUBLIC HEARING ON VILLAGE (AT AVON) PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDED (V10) APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY TRAER CREEK LLC (Continued from June 19th & June 26th, 2012 Special Meetings) Matt Pielsticker, Planner II, presented the continued Preliminary PUD amended Application. Munsey Ayers, Otten Johnson Robinson Neff & Ragonetti, representing Traer Creek LLC gave a presentation to try to ask council for approval of the preliminary PUD Application to move forward to its final process. Kim Martin, Otten Johnson and representative for Traer creek LLC, addressed her written response dated July 5th, 2012 which discussed the Avon Town Council Findings of Fact and Record of Decision included in the Council packet dated June 26th. These findings and conditions further engaged the group in a dialogue regarding the preliminary PUD. She addressed the following topics: ➢ Commercial Uses ➢ Procedural Provision and Public Notice ➢ Town Municipal Code Applicability ➢ Master Developer & "Sun Setting" Concepts ➢ Maximum Commercial Density ➢ PUD Master Plan Map Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 Minutes 12.07.10 Brandi Caswell, Faegre Baker Daniels, representing BNP Parribas Bank gave a brief update on the letter of credit and the date that it expires. She noted the bank had to make a decision by the end of July if the bank will extend the letter of credit. Mayor Carroll opened the continued public hearing, comments from the following in the public were heard: • Michael Lindholm noted that all parties were trying to come to a mutual agreement • Bette Todd spoke to the town regarding her letter, and the development and the uses, Unlimited density, Land Uses, • Tom Braun, Braun and Associates representing the Eagle County School District, was concerned about the proposed school dedication, update on the schedule 2,400 units proposed to be built • Tyler Kennedy an Avon resident had questions on master plan, water, parking • Carol Kruger regarding approval of the PUD with the CARADA, she felt the application did not meet the criteria, • Tamera Underwood, Avon Resident, concerned with the Preliminary PUD • Roger Wilkinson an Avon resident had questions on the commercial density and the school district • John Tacasti mentioned concerns with the master plan, parking ,commercial density he also commented that he was not opposed to the project ✓ Letter from Bobbi Bank re: landscaping Chris Green, Planning and Zoning Chairman, noted that the Town Council would like the commission to review the application and look at it as closely to the terms of the settlement term sheet are requiring. After some Council discussion, Councilor Evans moved to approve the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Amended (v10) Application submitted by Traer Creek LLC. Based on the findings in the report, the four changes are as follows: ➢ Item 2 - insert noon on Tuesday prior to 9 days ➢ Item 4 - insert meaningful Public Input to read appropriate opportunity for public notice and input for the administrative subdivision Item 8 - Strike the work "minimum" and add after the citation to the municipal code "as needed" ➢ Item 11 - revision to the added language in the record of decision to include that the Avon Town Council reserves the right to review the PUD application and striking the word "preliminary" and adding amendment application after PUD Councilor Dantas seconded and the motion and it passed unanimously. Eric Heil noted that the CARADA would be scheduled for a future work session. Discussion about Council's 2013 Budget Objectives & Goals (Rich Carroll, Mayor); This topic was moved to the July 24`h meeting. Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 Minutes 12.07.10 There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Chris Evans Kristi Ferraro Todd Goulding Amy Phillips Albert "Buz" Reynolds RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: o Catherine Mythen, Deputy Town Clerk Regular Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 Minutes 12.07.10