TC Minutes 04-10-2012MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD APRIL 10, 2012 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tern Ferraro called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Todd Goulding, Amy Phillips and Buz Reynolds. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Interim Town Manager Patty McKenny, Finance Director Scott Wright, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Director PW &T Jenny Strehler, Deputy Town Clerk /HR Asst. Catherine Mythen, Community Relations Officer Jaime Walker, as well as other staff members and the public. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Town Attorney noted that there were no conflicts of interest to report. COMMUNITY AND CITIZEN INPUT a. Eagle River Fire Protection District (Karl Bauer, Fire Chief) Review intermittent closures and implications on communities Karl Bauer, Fire Chief gave a presentation reviewing in detail the fire station closures and financial projections and additional cuts that would have to make in 2012. The discussion continued and members of the council had concerns regarding wildfires this year because of the low snow pack that we had and what the fire district was doing about educating the community. Mayor Carroll returned to the meeting at 5:50 pm b. Town of Avon Employee Recognitions (Bob Ticer, Police Chief,) Avon Police Volunteer of the Year Tom Snyder Avon Police Officer of the Year Matthew Jamison Chief Ticer presented a "Saved by the Belt" award to Mr. Rolando Trillo Solano and to his son Luis Trillo. The award was in recognition for wearing their seat belts during a terrifying traffic crash caused by negligent drivers that occurred on August 11, 2011 Avon Police Officer of the Year Matthew Jamison Chief Ticer presented the Avon Police Employee of the Year award to Officer Matt Jamison. The Department in 2011 for the first time introduced this award, in an effort to recognize outstanding leadership and commitment by an Avon Officer who has demonstrated qualities that exceeded the expectations of the job during the calendar year. Avon Police Volunteer of the Year Tom Snyder Chief Ticer presented the Avon Police Volunteer of the Year award to Volunteer Tom Synder. The Avon Police Department had been honored by the contribution of many Police Volunteers over the last two years. The majority of the volunteers had graduated from our Police Citizens Academy and had volunteered their personal time and skill sets to "Making a Difference" at the Avon Police Department and throughout the Avon community. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Carroll asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Councilor Evans moved to approve the Minutes from March 27, 2012, Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ➢ Minutes from March 27, 2012 Regular Council Meeting UNFINISHED BUSINESS Interview Firms submitting "Request for Proposals for Town Manager Executive Search & Facilitation Services" (Two other firms interviewed during work session) 1) Greg Morrison, John Patterson, The Morrison Group LLC (estimated 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm) 2) Discussion on Proposals and Select Firm Greg Morrison presented the proposal for the Morrison Group, LLC and noted that he was very familiar with the Colorado market, has worked extensively in the Vail Valley and has experience in facilitating Town Manager searches. After some discussion the Council agreed upon hiring The Morrison Group, LLC. Councilor Goulding moved to approve hiring The Morrison group for the Town Manager Executive Search & Facilitation Services not to exceed $11K, and gave staff approval to finalize the agreement, and for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed with a six to one vote. (Phillips - nay) TOWN MANAGER REPORT Patty McKenny, Interim Town Manager noted that the Sherwood Meadows apartment would need a budget amendment to paint and complete the approved repairs. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT Eric Heil, Town Attorney noted that the Stone Creek Charter School modular's had been moved from Lot 5. MAYOR REPORT Mayor Carroll spoke about future agenda items and the following were identified: ➢ Mtrips update ➢ Budget process ➢ Topics and next steps from the commissioner meeting EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilor Phillips moved to convene to an Executive Session at 8:00 PM to discuss the following topics Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 4O2(4)(b) related to pending litigation regarding Town of Avon v Traer Creek Metropolitan District, 2008 CV 0385 and Traer Creek, LLC, et al. v Town of Avon 2010 CV 316. Councilor Goulding seconded the motion. The Executive Session adjourned, there being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 Minutes 12.04.10 APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Chris Evans Kristi Ferraro Todd Goulding Amy Phillips Albert "Buz" Reynolds RESPECT ULLY SUBMITTED: Catherine Mythen, Deputy wn Clerk Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 3 Minutes 12.04.10