TC Minutes 02-15-2005MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY 15, 2005 A Special Meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 2:35 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Debbie Buckley, Kristi Ferraro, Mac McDevitt, Brian Sipes and Tamra Nottingham Underwood. Amy Phillips was absent at roll call and arrived closer to 3 PM. Also present were Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Halburnt, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Finance Director Scott Wright, Town Engineer Norm Wood, and Community Development Director Tambi Katieb and other members of the public. Town Manager Lang Brooks began the meeting by addressing the fact that it was a public meeting open to everyone and that the Council was seated around the worktable in order to view some maps and provide a more appropriate forum for round table discussion. He noted that it is the hopes of staff to obtain from this discussion a better understanding of what Council is looking for from the Town Center Plan/District, and in light of their recent discussions with the Lot 61 representatives, a better understanding of how the "mall concept" functions. The area that was discussed was that bound by Beaver Creek Boulevard to the north, Avon Road to the east and Benchmark Road to the west. Community Development Director Tambi Katieb made a brief presentation and the group intermittently discussed the various topics related to the Town Center Plan. A summary of the topics and business points discussed were provide by the Community Development Department and are as follows: The scope of the public improvements project for Main Street and the Town Center public improvements program shall consider the following overall public design goals: - Create an enticing atmosphere that is visible and unique and supportive of the bed base that surrounds it. - Create a public improvements project where the vehicle is subservient to the pedestrian and a streetscape that is oriented towards public functions and events. - Create a Main Street that is physically connected to Nottingham Park, serving as a logical extension and venue for public special events. - Create a Main Street that is anticipated to full closure for pedestrian-only events, however providing for vehicular connectivity to the public parking improvements and the Confluence project site. - Create a design theme and landscape that is cohesive and enhances the pedestrian and retail experience as build-out and redevelopment, is anticipated in this area. - Provide a comprehensive sign and landscape program that is oriented at a pedestrian scale, easy to understand, and provides directional clues to visitors necessary to encourage a 'park once, stop many' experience that is inclusive of the civic functions (recreation) and public artwork opportunities, transit center and Confluence experience. In addition to the broad public design goals, the following specific design parameters are requested with respect to individual portions of the project: 1. Main Street (Benchmark Road at the existing bus center to Benchmark Road west side of Recreation Center) shall be designed to: The full extent of this roadway shall be open to both pedestrians and vehicles. The design of the roadway shall be pedestrian oriented, anticipating that the entire length will be closed periodically for public events and the Town may determine at a - The design of the roadway shall accommodate on-street parking. The design should limit speeds to 10 to 15 mph to create an atmosphere where the pedestrian takes priority in the streetscape. The design should also be such as to accommodate some form of future limited public transportation system. 2. Benchmark intersection at the library and Main Street shall be designed to: - Allow for vehicular circulation either at grade or below grade, however providing for continued access and parking for the library. Both scenarios shall be submitted with cost estimates and design considerations for Main Street and associated public improvements as necessary to adjacent ROW. 3. Benchmark Court shall be designed to: The full extent of this roadway shall be open to both pedestrians and vehicles, however be closed periodically for public events and the Town may determine at a future date to close this street to vehicles permanently No primary garage access to Lot 61 or the Seasons shall be permitted from Benchmark Court. Create an invigorating and inviting pedestrian streetscape that is fronted by retail and has secondary access to the Lot 61 residential project. Model the streetscape to work in concert with and anticipate the 'build over' entitlements currently assigned to the Lot 61 PUD. 4. Municipal Parking Structure shall be designed to: Be implemented and constructed in a phased approach, anticipating a total parking capacity of 350 to 450 cars over 3 levels. - Have the ability to be architecturally consistent with the streetscape project and have the appearance of a public facility with ground level retail lease opportunities. Have pedestrian and vehicular connectivity that is consistent with the design solution of Main Street and the Benchmark Road intersection, providing access to the public library and recreation center. Anticipate the 'Phase II' improvements of the recreation center, providing for a landmark public recreation opportunity that is visible and enticing (i.e. a climbing wall or transparent view into the final phase of the recreation center) at full build-out. 5. Benchmark Road & Surface Parking Realignment shall be designed to: Realign from Beaver Creek Boulevard to intersect with western terminus of Main Street at Nottingham Park and extend on across Railroad to provide access to Confluence Site. Include on-street angled and/or parallel parking and sidewalks for access to Recreation Center and Nottingham Park. Provide access to Sheraton parking and delivery location, proposed public parking structure and development on west side i.e., Beaver Creek West. 6. Transportation Center shall be designed to: - Accommodate a minimum of five (5) 45-foot buses simultaneously with each being capable of entering or exiting the center independently. - At least two (2) spaces must be able to accommodate buses coming from the East on Benchmark.Road and returning to the East on Benchmark Road. Be accessed from both Easterly and Westerly directions of Benchmark Road. Interface with Benchmark Court pedestrian and vehicular traffic and enhanced pedestrian crossing of Benchmark Road and Railroad to Confluence Site. - Interface with Benchmark Road and existing entrances to the Seasons property. - Interface with potential underground parking entrance to Lot 61 from Benchmark Road. Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 February 15, 2005 Interface with two-way traffic on Benchmark Road. Some further discussion ensued about asking the Town's consultant, Stan Bernstein, to conduct fiscal impact & economic analysis on the plans. Resolution At this time, Councilors Ferraro and Sipes left the room. Community Development Director Tambi Katieb presented Resolution No. 05-03, a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Application Submittal to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for at Grade Crossings as required by the Town Center Public Improvements Project in the Town of Avon, Colorado. He noted that this resolution provides for the official authorization to direct staff to submit application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado (PUC) for the two at grade crossing into the Confluence property. He noted that the application would be reviewed by the Town's consultant prior to submittal to the PUC. It was also noted that the Town had entered into a memorandum of Understanding with East West for all costs associated with the preparation, submittal and hearings necessary in acquiring the PUC approval for these crossings. And it was planned that the property owner will also pay for the crossings once their approvals have been secured, since they represent a cost effective means of access to the site in lieu of existing PUD requirements. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood moved to approve Resolution No. 05-03, a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Application Submittal to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for at Grade Crossings as required by the Town Center Public Improvements Project in the Town of Avon, Colorado. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote of the remaining four Councilors. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 PM. Y SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debbie Buckley Kristi Ferraro Mac McDevitt Amy Phillips Brian Sipes Tamra Underwood Ron Wolfe Clerk Regular Council Meeting February 15, 2005 Page 3 of 3