TC Minutes 01-26-19990 L -A MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 26, 1999 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:36 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds and Mayor Protein Bob McIlveen present. Councilmember Jim Benson was absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Finance Director Scott Wright, Public Works Superintendent Bob Reed,- Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Community Development Director Mike Matzko, Town Engineer Norm-Wood, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halburnt, Fire Chief Charles Moore as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Ranch at Berry Creek Ms_. Gail Grider, owner of the Ranch at Berry Creek, came before the Council to thank them, as members of the Eagle County Recreation Authority, for allowing the Ranch to be, located on the Berry Creek Fifth Filing. She also informed them of all that they do there. Their three main functions are 1) boarding horses; 2) Cowboy Dreams therapeutic riding program for children; 3) rodeo. Ordinances: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 99-01, SERIES OF 1999, An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Town of Avon, Colorado, Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999; Providing the Form, Terms and Conditions of the Bonds, the Manner and Terms of Issuance, the Manner of Execution, the Method of Payment and the Security Therefor; Pledging Sales Tax Revenues of the Town for the Payment of the Bonds; Providing Certain Covenants and Other Details and Making Other Provisions Concerning the Bonds and the Sales Tax Revenues; Ratifying Action Previously Taken and Appertaining Thereto; and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Finance Director Scott Wright stated the bonds were marketed last Thursday. Total present value savings on the bonds are approximately $218,000. Mn David Bell of Hanifen Imhoff addressed the Council on the sale of the bonds and some of the highlights. He stated we are borrowing money for about 15 years below 5% interest rate. This is a significant improvement from the 1994 issues. The cash fund reserve does go back to the Town to be used for capital improvements. The Town savings is just over $290,000 over the next fifteen years, in present value that means just over $218,000. There being no public input, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Councilor Reynolds motioned to approve Ordinance No. 99-01, Series of 1999. Mayor Protein McIlveen seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. 0 • The motion carried unanimously. Ordinances: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 99-02, SERIES OF 1999, An Ordinance Amending Chapter, 3.08 of the Town Code Concerning the Town Sales Taxes; Ratifying Action Previously Taken and Appertaining Thereto; and Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict Herewith Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Finance Director Scott Wright stated this Ordinance amends the existing sales tax ordinance. The amendment will provide that the Town issue a tax credit against sales tax obligation to the Town for persons who reside within,the Village at Avon who in turn pay a retail sales fee to the public improvement company to pay for their infrastructure. It is basically an administrative amendment. There being no public input, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned to approve Ordinance No. 99-02, Series of 1999. Councilor Cuny seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated he will be gone the afternoon of Thursday, January 28 to a NWCCOG meeting in Frisco. Town Attorney Report: Town Attorney Levin stated he will be out of town Friday, January 29. Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder stated Fireside Chats with the Mayor, and any Councilmember wishing to attend, will take place at 12:00 PM on the V Tuesday of each month at the Avon Recreation Center. Mayor Yoder stated results of the Town survey are available to anyone wishing to obtain a copy. Consent Agenda: a.) . Approval of January 12, 1999 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Avon Entry Sign Design Services with Terrasan c.) RESOLUTION NO. 99-06, SERIES OF 1999, A Resolution Approving Subdivision Improvements Agreement and the Amended Plat of Chapel Square Subdivision,, A Resubdivision of Lot 22 and Tract B-2, Chapel Square Subdivision, Town-of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) Crosswalk Test Section e.) Casteel Creek Fire,Contract f.) Financial Matters s i There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Protem McIlveen _ motioned to adjourn. Councilor Cuny seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM. Y SUBMITTED Kfis Nash Town Clerk APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder